Terry's Gimmick

So Yea Forums I just realized something, every fighter pass character so far has introduced their own gimmick: Joker has his charging persona, hero has his down-b spells, and banjo has his side-b with a limit of 5 each stock.

So.. what will Terry's be?
>Pic unrelated

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.png (1026x567, 192K)

super meter

>pic unrelated
you know full well what you did, OP

Attached: 1549819800814.jpg (681x496, 39K)

Tag team with Geese and Iori

Being a literally who


Attached: tcnbd8olvaa21.jpg (640x480, 60K)

SNK super motions.
Have fun faggots.

Attached: snk.png (372x56, 7K)

>banjo side-b
One move doesn't equal a gimmick, user. That's like saying Corrin's dragon form being his gimmick despite it only having any real impact in his Side Special.

Attached: IMG_20190904_204252.jpg (2560x1440, 241K)

Having his entire moveset lifted from another fighting game.

only correct answer

Probably going to have you do the inputs for moves, just like Ryu/Ken

Terry's short gameplay demo made it obvious he'll be like Ryu and Ken where inputs makes his attacks stronger and likely has the auto turn thing

>guyz I just realized every fighter has a unique moveset


>kof 98 advance meter
>Kof 98 armor/max mode/advanced powerup meter.
>DM combo eats opponents life to half.
>SDM combo does 75%damage
>And for fun, SDM into Dreamcancel will touch of death.

And as has pointed out, complex input.

Attached: Burning.png (907x435, 662K)

>QCB and a HCF
this seems pretty easy, then again im not a stinky smash player

it's not easy on a controller

this is going to be unexecutable online

Been playing Special on a pro controller and I can't seem to pull of most of the moves I want to. Hope it is better on a GC controller maybe.

banjo's gimmick was that he was designed like a melee/brawl veteran instead of a walking gimmick.

this, desperation moves, or max mode. Might even have a charging gimmick like extra mode in kof

bullshit with side b smash attack that covers half the stage and cancels any other move