I just beat this

I just beat this
can someone please explain the story to me
who the fuck is cloud actually

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Nigger I played this at like 7 years old and undertood completely

Cloud is a nerd from Nibelheim who wanted to join SOLDIER, flunked out because he was a fucking nerd and joined the Shinra general infantry.
Later on Sephiroth goes nuts and massacres his hometown, he stabs Sephiroth and flings him into the lifestream but gets severely injured. The doctor responsible for the SOLDIER program abducts him and gives him advanced SOLDIER treatments which shatter his nerd psyche to pieces. The SOLDIER treatments are done with a psychic alien virus that transforms into people. Through a series of events five years later he gets to Midgar and meets his childhood friend, which causes the virus to activate and transforms himself into "himself", creating a wild fabricated history of being in SOLDIER to maintain this illusion. Throughout the game this illusion fractures (with prodding from Sephiroth, who was still pissed off about being stabbed and flung into the lifestream) before breaking apart and taking his psyche with it, his childhood friend helps rebuild him near the end so he can finally realize he is a fucking nerd now with awesome super strength.

He's the main character of FF7

he's ur uncle jim

silvery-haired pretty boy wants to bring a giant rock to earth, silvery-haired pretty boy wants to become a god, and you have to stop him. there, that's your story.

excellent summary user

>he gets to Midgar and meets his childhood friend, which causes the virus to activate and transforms himself into "himself"
this is the part I don't fully get
tifa finding him at the train station and the weird shit that happened there didn't make any sense
it looked like he rapidly aged or something

I'm at the crater about to go rape sephiroth in the ass
is there side stuff I should go and try to find first or can I come back after I actually beat it? what side stuff even is there?
navigating the overworld is fucking retarded so I mostly ignored everything that wasn't part of the main story

Jenova was doing its "transform into somebody important from your past" thing that it does. It's a predatory life form, it uses this tactic to get easy prey.
By sheerest freak coincidence, the person it matched was himself, turning Cloud into the-person-Tifa-expected-Cloud-to-be.

There's the Ruby/Emerald Weapon fights, and the Ancient Forest sidequest for the Apocalypse weapon for Cloud

There's a point of no return (where everyone's gathered around the glowing green light). Once you drop down into the glowing green light, there's no going back.

also what the hell is the deal with jenova/sephiroth exactly
who is actually pulling the strings
were all the sephiroths besides the one in the crater just jenova clones or something
>Jenova was doing its "transform into somebody important from your past" thing that it does.
I feel like I missed where this was explained or how it works

are those two fights and that one quest really it?
how exactly do those work? is there really nothing else worth doing or substantial?

did you get yuffie and vincent?

>also what the hell is the deal with jenova/sephiroth exactly
>who is actually pulling the strings
Sephiroth's will is controlling everything. Jenova is an alien life form in its entirety, it has nothing resembling human thought. Closer to a beast than a person, all it seeks to do is infect life forms with more Jenova, then once everything in an area has been infected, Reunite into one greater Jenova amalgam before stalking off to new hunting grounds.
>were all the sephiroths besides the one in the crater just jenova clones or something
It was a large chunk of Jenova that Sephiroth was using to lure Cloud around so he could get the Black Materia, essential to his plans.
>I feel like I missed where this was explained or how it works
It is missable content, the tapes explaining Jenova's behavior can be found in Dr. Gast's lab in Icicle Inn.

Evangelion influenced everything in th late 90s, didn't it?

There's also the Wutai Gauntlet where you go fight 4 bosses in a row as Yuffie.

does vincent not have any sort of sidequest like yuffie did in wutai
I remember that, I also know you can get shit from fucking around in the gold saucer but that seems gay
is one of the weapon fights the guy underwater? what about the other one and that sidequest?
I found a boss looking nigger in the mountains but didn't fight him and now I can't find him again

>does vincent not have any sort of sidequest like yuffie did in wutai
He does, but it's not one you'll stumble over by accident. Getting to the Crystal Cave requires roaming the depths with your submarine and finding an underground route to an inland lake.

I did find a lake I could surface into in the mountains but it didn't lead anywhere

>be a complete normie
>wind up defeating Sephiroth
>still angst about being a normie

Cloud sure was a goof.

There should be a place to land with a cave entrance, if it was the right place. Bringing Vincent there gets you a cutscene and his best weapon. It's a bit much to call it a "sidequest", but it's basically all the lore he gets.

Emerald Weapon is underwater. Beating him gets you a set of Master Materia (which you normally get by not fucking up the Huge Materia quests)

Ruby Weapon is in the desert surrounding Gold Saucer (you need to bump into him using the airship). Beating him gets you a free Gold Chocobo.

The Ancient Forest sidequest can only be reached by either beating Ultimate Weapon (you'll need to hunt down and fight him multiple times), or getting a Gold Chocobo by breeding one/beating Ruby Weapon. Finishing the Ancient Forest nets you the Apocalypse, one of only 2 weapons with triple Materia growth.

Vincent has a sidequest but it's fairly simple to do; all you have to do is get to the cave and inspect it once, then fight ten battles, then come back. Beating it nets you his final Limit Break, his ultimate weapon, and his backstory.

>the tapes explaining Jenova's behavior can be found in Dr. Gast's lab in Icicle Inn.
I watched all those, but I guess I didn't fully understand or remember what they said

The only thing Cloud really "angsted" about at all was the fact that being trapped in his little existentialist prison caused his friends some trouble

Can't wait to see how the remake bastardizes this

>or getting a Gold Chocobo by breeding one/beating Ruby Weapon
You only need a mountain chocobo.

I can't find ruby weapon anywhere around the desert
is ultimate weapon the blue fuck I saw in the mountains? I can't find him anymore either

>him advanced SOLDIER treatments which shatter his nerd psyche to pieces
>which causes the virus to activate and transforms himself into "himself"

I hate how stupid shonenfags are so stupid they need to believe some science bullshit happened, when the human mind is perfectly capable of fucking you up with just depression and guilt alone.

>I can't find ruby weapon anywhere around the desert
red tentacle thing in the ground
>is ultimate weapon the blue fuck I saw in the mountains?
He flies around aimlessly and then picks a few certain spots to initiate a fight with him. (Corel, Condor, Crater, Junon, Cosmo)

Ruby Weapon's that small red worm.

Yes, Ultimate Weapon's that blue fuck; you gotta hunt him down because he goes away after doing some damage until you catch him at Cosmo Canyon, where he'll stay permanently.

what a good post

are you sure you belong here?

Advent children and the rest of the FF7 expanded universe really played Cloud's angst up to dramatically higher heights. I'd expect it to be pretty remarkable in the remake.

Should I play FF7 on mobile? I’ve never played FF7.
>inb4 you ask this every thread.

I don't see any worm thing

>semi real time menu based game
>on mobile
Maybe if you somehow have a phone that has a physical keypad and enough memory to run the game smoothly

If there's no red thing sticking out of the desert around the Gold Saucer, then he hasn't spawned yet. Keep playing a bit.

Sure why the fuck not.

Cloud is a mass of liquid droplets in the atmosphere.

Mako poisoning is explicitly mentioned numerous times in the game. Cloud had it severely twice, once in Nibelheim and again after falling into the Lifestream and washing up in Mideel. The first mindfucked him, the second fixed him.

>can someone please explain the story to me
I think it's like MGS in the sense that the incomprehensible story is part of the charm.

Speaking of that desert, I never figured out how to get back in it after I left on my playthrough. IIRC not even Gold Chocobo could enter

FFVII's story is very straightforward. Two dudes have an identity crisis, one wants to crash a big rock into earth and the other wants to stop him. Simple as.

You can't go back to the Corel Desert after it's story section.


The story is pretty comprehensible.
There were a few details the devs clarified for english speakers because they didn't come through that well in the script, mainly that Sephiroth is the one in control of JENOVA and not the other way around, and that all the Sephiroth sightings you chase around are actually bits of JENOVA Sephiroth is remotely piloting.

Then how are you supposed to fight Ruby Weapon? Is it poking just outside the border of the desert?

Disappears after a certain point in the game

You crash into him with a vehicle that can do that.

Nah, it's just outside Nibelheim where you left it.

>Two dudes have an identity crisis, one wants to a crash a big rock into earth and the other wants to stop him.

You are VASTLY simplifying both Sephiroth and Cloud's motivations.

Sephiroth: Told from an early age that he was the 'son' of Jenova. Goes fuckin insane when he realizes that isn't true and he was just injected with a few Jenova cells as a fetus. Decides to become god by Wounding the planet via calling Meteor, which would cause the planet to summon the lifestream to heal the wound; he plans to be directly in the crater when that happens so he can absorb the entire lifestream and become God.

Cloud: See + doesn't want to die along with the rest of the planet when Meteor crashes.

You just crash into it on the world map.

Because the motivations don't really do anything to make the story itself more complex, they just inform why it is the way it is.

>Sephiroth: Told from an early age that he was the 'son' of Jenova. Goes fuckin insane when he realizes that isn't true and he was just injected with a few Jenova cells as a fetus. Decides to become god by Wounding the planet via calling Meteor, which would cause the planet to summon the lifestream to heal the wound; he plans to be directly in the crater when that happens so he can absorb the entire lifestream and become God.
What? He was told he was a human supersoldier, and freaked when he found out his powers came from john carpenter's the thing. Then he decided it was his real mom and he was gonna take up the family business of planet-eating.

Cloud is cloud, just traumatized and experimented on. He saw his friend who he admired, killed before him. His already feeble mind broke and in order to keep moving he assimilated his friend's memories.

This causes confusion for people who knew Zack. Also Jenova was believed to be an Ancient, but was actually just a colony of life forms that was able to assimilate and also generate and give genetic data to anything organic. There is a lot of argument and conjecture as to who is controlling who in the first half of FF7, but the overall consensus seems to be that jenova controlled Sephiroth trying to use his image as she knew the clones of Sephiroth would be compelled to find him in the Northern crater using her own genetic makeup to lure them to the north. Her cells are in all their bodies as well as Sephiroths. This is where the control begins to shift as once Jenova is recovered by the false Sephiroth, things start going awry. The real Sephiroth in northern crater begins to supersede Jenova's control and manipulates her ( in his form ) to lead his clones north.

Seph intends to damage the earth where Jenova originally crash landed ( like many times before, when she would invade a planet and convert it all ). By re-injuring a weak spot on the planet, even more emergency energy will gather, where he is waiting in the wings to swoop down and intercept all the planet's energy and use it to summon meteor. He learned of Meteor and the ancient's knowledge while travelling the life stream which took him north, after cloud threw him down into the stream in nibelheim. Sephiroths intention is to damage the planet so bad that his own form perishes, but he will become one with the planet and basically commandeer it and its energy through the devastation, becoming basically a god.

Cloud and co Mosey on down into the Earth and fuck up those plans tho, Shinra dies in the process.

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>ancient alien crashes
>ancient civilization kills alien but dies
>time pass
>shinra power company finds alien
>shinra siphons life energy from planet
>infused alien dna to create army of super soldiers
>create private army and take over the world
>the best soldier is Sephiroth
>cloud is some kid who idolizes him and runs off to join soldier to impress Tifa
>never makes it
>accompanies first class soldier Zack and Sephiroth back home as a grunt
>Sephiroth finds out he was infused with alien DNA as an embryo and goes crazy
>kills entire town before being taken out by a sneak attack by Cloud and then running away
>shinra finds a weakened Cliud and Zack and experiments on them
>two years later
>Zack poets through his sedatives and takes Cloud and escape
>Cloud is weakened and in a semi-comatose state, but still partially aware
>Zack tells Cloud they are going to Midgar to become mercs
>they get ambushed on the way to Midgar and Zack dies to save Cloud, giving him his sword with his dying breath
>a weakens Cloud makes it back to Midgar where he is found and recovered by Tifa
>due to the trauma, he takes on Zack’s mannerism and memories
>works to uncover the truth during the game

It's never explained why Sephiroth (or a JENOVA controlled clone of him) murdered the president of Shinra either.

Sephiroth is the one consciously in control, but he is being influenced by Jenova's primal instincts.

Jenova is a kind of virus that travels from planet to planet and ingratiates itself by shapeshifting and mimicking sentient lifeforms. Its goal appears to be to absorb the lifeforce of the planet before spreading to more planets. Sephiroth inherited this goal, as did Cloud subconsciously - that's why he's obsessed with following Sephiroth and hands over the Black Materia to him.

>Then he decided it was his real mom and he was gonna take up the family business of planet-eating.

That's what he claims in AC. In FFVII, when he realized he wasn't an Ancient, his focus shifted from avenging what happened to "his people" to becoming a god. He didn't really even give a damn about Jenova at that point anymore, even going as far as using its most prominent physical presence on the planet as a guard dog for his lair.

Thats completely inaccurate and the Writer's own words from the ultimania compaltely documentally prove you false.

Cloud wasnt just some amorphous blob of Jenova that tried to shape cloud, and that real cloud is already dead or never even Existed.

Cloud was a real person who was injected by cells of jenova to make another super soldier like Sephiroth and they thought it failed, but he was really one of the most recipient.

Cloud is still himself, who is a real person. Not a blob like Jenova who " forms into someone important ". He was still him and Tifa knew him, he just assimilated memories of Zack because his mind was broken from his first bout of Mako poisoning and injection of Jenova's cells. His mind latched onto his memories of Zack because he admired him so much he basically became him, because Jenova's influence made him lose his sense of self.

Get your facts straight and stop spouting fucking ass-pull bullshit

You should have played the re-translation.

Probably for revenge. Why would he need a motive to murder Shinra?

No, wrong once again. The CLONES in black were other humans injected with Jenova cells in hopes of becoming another Sephiroth. The large chunks of Jenova you're referring to are the parts of Jenova sephiroth manipulated to look like him whenever he appeared in the world, while his real physical form was in the northern crater.

It just shows up out of nowhere is all. In FF7 you fight your way to the top of the Shinra tower just to see Masamune sticking out of the presidents back. Then his douchebag son Rufus shows up and has a 1 on 1 with cloud.

As somebody who's barely played FF7 where doe the side games/ Advent Children fit in?

They don't.

Revenge, and because ( according to Sephiroth ) Shinra was basically the anti-Ancients. Instead of using the anceints knowledge, some humans turned away from the Ancients migratory ways ( midgar people's ancestors ) and they were branded heretics. So to sephiroth, the president sucking the life energy he needs so bad, and trying to infiltrate the ancient's paradise was MORE than enough reason for jenova AND sephiroth to both have reason to kill him. But its ultimately sephiroth.

Jenova in Sephiroth's form seems to act on instinct and just kill everyone it meets until it meets Cloud&Co on the ship, where it has some kind of mental episode that possibly suggests the real Sephiroth is taking control over it, spurred by memories of Cloud. When the party meets Jenova's body after that, it's clearly Sephiroth speaking through it.

He's actually correct. Straight from Cloud's Ultimania profile;

>While being tended to by a station worker in the Sector 7 Slum train station, he was reunited with Tifa, and using the abilities of Jenova’s cells formed a new personality. With Tifa’s invitation, he decided to assist AVALANCHE.
Source: thelifestream.net/lifestream-projects/translations/348/cloud-strife-character-profile-p36-41/

Cloud's brain was outright broken beyond normal functionality by the Mako addiction/poisoning, and the Jenova Cells (being a literal shapeshifting element at the cellular level) repaired what was broken and filled in the blanks in his psyche by reading Cloud and Tifa's memories of each other and the past as well as her expectations of him, and used them as a basis to form his new personality.

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Don't know about the game but AC takes place after 7.

This fucking piece of shit game ruined the plot for all Square and many JRPGs after it. Fucking convoluted dogshit. Bad fucking storytelling. Same shit with Chrono Cross.

>As somebody who's barely played FF7 where doe the side games/ Advent Children fit in?

They don't at all. They're all just weird, alternate-universe spinoffs that have nothing to do with the events of FF7.

Advent Children - post game
Before Crisis - prequel mobile shit
Crisis Core - Flashback scene expanded in anime form
Dirge of Cerberus - After Advent

Can't think of anything else.

if you consider crisis core canon he was for 3 years in that lab.

The compilation has a naming scheme
Advent children- a movie that takes place two years after the game and deals with the aftermath and fallout
Before Crisis- a mobile game where you play as the Turks, elite events of Shinra working behind the scenes leading up to the events of CC
Crisis Core- a prequel game where you play as Zack and follows his rise to first class and his eventual meeting with the main cast and eventual death
Dirge of Cerberus- takes place one year after AC, three years after game, and deals with the restoration of the world and the conflict against the remnants of Shinra’s evil past. You play as Vincent in a third person shooter

Very yes. Im a bit drunk so I was having trouble recalling which exact time Seph seems like he's gotten control, but yeah this is a great indicator.I just wish the original translation wasn't so bad, we wouldn't need to talk about every minute detail in order to discern something.

This. Jenova cells did fuck him up but he was already crippled with guilt at almost killing Tifa as a kid, then Sephiroth, his idol, goes nuts and kills everyone he loved and he thought he actually lost Tifa in the Nibel disaster and almost got killed himself. He was utterly broken mentally and developed delusions of grandeur. Jenova had very little to do with his mental state.. the only thing she did was trick Cloud into participating in the reunion and chopping Sephiroth up in the lifestream.

>Flashback scene expanded in anime form
Whoops, that was Last Order I was thinking of. Forgot about the Zack game.

It really is a testament to how much of a pussy Cloud is when you contrast his experiences to that of Barret, who still soldiers on even after everything he has been through.

So Advent Children is the sequel to 7 set 2 years later. In AC the guilt and PTSD from 7 has begun to set in and Cloud can't enjoy his life with Tifa because he keeps thinking about how he couldn't save Aeris. Also there's space cancer that's making everyone sick and Cloud has it. So he basically runs off to go die.

Well that was the plan but a bunch of Sephiroth clones spring up and start kidnapping children to try and find Jenova's remains. So Cloud has to put his depression to the side to go save them. So the clones get Jenova's remains and remake Sephiroth, Cloud remembers that he cares about people and kicks his ass.

Then Sephiroth reveals that he will never go away. Jenova doesn't diffuse into the Lifestream. She and he will keep coming back forever. For as many sequels as Square wants.

Of you read the novel, it’s pretty fucked up. With the destruction of Midgar and Shinra, the world loses major infrastructure and it becomes unsafe to travel from town to town. Cloud becomes a delivery man because he is strong enough to make the journey. He starts a new life and becomes happy again. Then Aerith’s mom asks Cloud to deliver flowers to Aerith’s deathsite and he goes full blown emo again. Bitch move on her part.

is there a better way to track ultima after he runs besides aimlessly wandering

nope, running into him a few times forces him to the next location though


don't lose him in the first place
or check major settlements

pro tip: he's always on the highest elevation level the Highwind can reach

Cloud let Aeriths body sink into that lake though

you can steal shit from him and he also uses a VERY POWERFUL ENEMY SKILL, but you can get the skill later.

Yeah, now he has to go back there and put flowers on the shore. Imagine what that does to his psyche.

Oh boy, we're doing this again. Guilt made him shape his new personality into his ideal self, but guilt did not make him go from babbling cripple in the streets to "Cloud, SOLDIER 1st Class and all around badass motherfucker" in a matter of seconds. Jenova did.
Try watching this part of the game again.
If you could actually read the Ultimania guide, I have the literal page that tells you what happened right here. It describes Jenova's copy ability and how it applied to Cloud thoroughly.
>Cloud wasnt just some amorphous blob of Jenova that tried to shape cloud
Nobody said that. Jenova infected individuals retain a limited form of Jenova's transformation ability. Cloud was heavily infected with Jenova by Hojo. Don't put words in my mouth.

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>(Thought he) lost his best friend when his hometown was sacked
>Lost every single member of a close knit group he put together except two, one of them being a new guy he barely knew
>Has to watch the friend he thought was dead kill himself right in front of his eyes, after fighting him and hearing that he hated his guts
>Responsible for the destruction of the shanty town the people of his hometown put together (if you have him in the party and fail to stop the train)

Nigga can't catch a break, can he?

okay I killed him, I only got his enemy skill on one materia though
is that bad

>don't lose him in the first place
He doesn't just slowly fly away from you after each fight, you're dropped back on the map and he's nowhere to be seen so you HAVE to go looking.

Nothing good I'd imagine. Cloud is about as mentally fragile as you can get. Probably why he freaks out and fucks off after doing so.

Nah one's fine unless you're a 100% autist.

the trash

>Nobody said that
I mean technically Sephiroth did but he was obviously lying to get Cloud in an easily controlled state

True. You get bonus points, sir.

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its easy to gloss over some details that sound filler nonsense.
even the geostigma from the sequel movie is address there, which i thought the movie was pulling shit from its ass, but when i played the game again, i was like, holy shit, this was there all along.

how exactly do I start or find the forest sidequest

The forest is near Cosmo Canyon. If you've just beat Ultimate Weapon you're treated to a cutscene showing where it is.

Where Ultima Weapon crashed, there's a crater now. Use that crater as a bridge to get to a forested area.

Anytime you have a Mountain Chocobo, it's not a quest just a location.
Weird looking small forest on the top of a mountain near Cosmo Canyon. Take the Mountain Chocobo and just go there. ALternatively, when ultima Weapon blows up, he takes out half the mountain turning it into a soft slope you can walk up to get there instead.

what do I do to get ruby weapon to spawn
also is it impossible to get the buggy back/get back into the desert area
I don't see it on the map

Motherfucker Cloud might be insecure but he's infinitely stronger than Barrett. The difference between the two is that Cloud is incredibly strong. He just convinced himself that he isn't. Tifa sees it and Sephiroth sees it. Cloud is the only one that doesn't see it but he still drives towards helping the people he cares for.

Barrett is a character that got so blinded with rage from the loss of Corel that he doesn't even see a difference between the damage he causes and the damage Shinra causes. He's fucking insane and he himself admits that the only thing that makes him even mildly tolerable is Marlene giving him the opportunity to be a better man.

>ten battles

Arbitrary time lapse

that just be how it do

shit's nearly 25 years old

>Infinitely stronger than Barret
>Psyche shatters into a million pieces at the first mention of adversity

Barret might be a PTSD riddled maniac prone to bursts of random violence, but at least he has kept himself operational through all of it instead of going comatose whenever things are not going his way.

Barret wouldn't be able to recover from Mako poisoning at all. He'd stay retarded.

Think of it this way, Cloud was in the top 1% and he couldn't handle the Mako.

Barret wouldn't stand a chance in the same situation.

Cloud is Zax but with blonde hair dye. He got the dye from Amber weapon before the events of the game.

Talking mentally, not physically, bruh.


Cloud killed the source of his rage. After that he had nothing to point his anger at. Combine that with Hojo forcing him to take a bath in a tub filled with the literal souls of the dead after suffering a mortal wound and why wouldn't he be a mental bomb site?

By contrast Barrett suffered a similar event but he still had something to point that anger at; Shinra. Also Barrett's wounds were less serious. Strap a gun on it and suddenly he's black Punisher.

Cloud is stronger in the sense that he can endure the mako poisoning, true. (Though that can largely be attributed to the jenova cells, methinks).

What I am talking about is general mental hardiness. Cloud is way worse at handling adversity than Barret, which is demonstrated by how each character reacts to it.

Barret was obviously distraught by Dyne's suicide, yet only moments later he was ready to continue the journey. Cloud didn't get over Aerith's death for years on end and right afterwards implied that he shouldn't continue, and only did so because the rest of the party convinced him to.

Mako poisoning is entirely mental.

Different circumstances. Sephiroth had forced Cloud to give him the black materia, something he'd never EVER do. If Sephiroth can make him do that what else can he make him do?

I'm the second poster, I'll give it to ya.

he had brain damage and assumed the personality of his dead friend Zack and then realized he was being a little bitch boy and snapped out of it. the only real plot hole is why Tifa seemed so comfortable galavanting around with her childhood friend who was clearly brain-damaged and shouldn't be swinging a giant dangerous sword around

That's just proving my point, user. Cloud second guesses himself constantly and doesn't seem to think that he is up to the task before right at the end of the journey when he mans the fuck up.

Barret is resolute in his purpose all throughout, even though he is tested again and again during the breadth of the story.

>(Though that can largely be attributed to the jenova cells, methinks).
Jenova cells worsen the problem and sap your mental fortitude, driving you to obey the impulses of Jenova (or anyone sufficiently strong-willed such as SEPHIROTH who straight up puppets Cloud at his worst).

It's a fucking edgy shit game with a fucking stupid hacked together story by a bunch of fucking amateurs trying to make edgy bullshit for teenagers.
Proof that storygames are garbage.

>the only real plot hole is why Tifa seemed so comfortable galavanting around with her childhood friend who was clearly brain-damaged
She explains this. Initially she was so put off by Cloud's story that she thought she remembered wrong. After all she was wounded and it was extremely traumatic. Towards the end she realized that something was extremely wrong with Cloud and tried to keep up the illusion to protect his psyche

>stupid hacked together story
Isn't Jenova literally the same bad guy from Crono Trigger?

Not at all, but it is a Japanese take on The Thing.

No. Jenova is bestial and animalistic, like a virus with sentience but no sapience. Lavos is intelligent in its own way, but brutal, more like a scientist without ethics who cultivates generations of steadily fattening GMO animals exclusively to eat them when they become perfectly delicious.


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Wish it came out sooner


if I have hades paired with added effect materia will using 2x cut give me two chances to inflict a status?

yeah maybe

I mean I'm viewing it from the human perspective, to Lavos what Lavos is doing is not unethical at all as it barely considers humanity alive. We're the GMO X-tra Tasty™ supercows in this scenario.

this is a depressingly high quality post

what's the point of the huge materia from the sub if I've already gotten the other 3

collecting them all gives you bahamut zero don't it

I already got him with just the 3
also I'm getting raped by ruby and emerald ultima, when exactly am I meant to fight these niggers

they're postgame but since you can't continue after beating Sephiroth you technically do them just before Sephiroth

do I get to reload a save from before sephiroth after I beat the game

The fact that not even the fans can agree on what the story's about is proof that 7 was fucking awful.

yeah but it's just your save from before beating him lol

oh yeah I just remembered you use the huge materia to combine all the materia (have to be mastered) of one type into a Master materia but I don't think you're gonna bother farming for hours for that shit

is there any chance the remake is going to be good

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did cloud and tifa fuck

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they clearly just cuddled and slept... together

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Keep you expectation low and you wont be dissapointed. That's what I'm doing. Just keep in mind that they'll expand on stuff in Midgar so much to fit the game’s target duration which I think will at least be 20 hours if you cruis through the story, and 40~50 hours if you do everything. Though, all I ever wanted was to just run around Midgar and look around the city, slums. To just soak it in. And enjoy it as much as I can. The combat seems ok, functional, I can see a few weakness and exploits. And i’m fine with that. Yes, I'm just coping myself. Bracing for dissapointment. I'm used to it. I'm an Arsenal fan. (footie fans will know what I mean)

With enough Tifa points, absolutely. That scene doesn't happen if you somehow fail to get 5 Tifa points, I think.

50, and it is the canon scene, like the Aerith date.

My eyes got misty seeing this shot. Oh my nostalgia. Remembering those simpler times. What I'd give to go back to my school days.

Ah, right. Ya can't blame me for not remembering the specific values of a hidden mechanic.

Makes no sense that Lum would be a prude. Just saying.

can someone give me a timeline for all the stuff that happened with cloud
I still don't fully understand

7 years before the start of the story - Cloud leaves Nibelheim to join SOLDIER, fails and joins Shinra Infantry.
5 years before the start of the story - Nibelheim incident.
1 year before the start of the story - Zack breaks loose, frees Cloud from confinement. Begins journey back towards Midgar.
3 months before the start of the story - Zack dies, Cloud is left to crawl towards Midgar, winds up in slums.
2 months before the start of the story - Tifa comes across Cloud, dying in the slums. Jenova brain fuckery happens, Cloud believes he was a SOLDIER 1st class all along.
Game begins. Cloud helps AVALANCHE in their rebellion. Sephiroth moves Jenova's body out of Shinra HQ and Cloud chases after it.
Cloud fails to keep his facts straight after telling his story in Kalm, but Tifa is too confused and gaslit to question him.
Cloud makes his way to the Temple of the Ancients, learning Sephiroth's plot. Cloud passes off the Black Materia, not trusting himself with it.
Proceeding towards the Northern Crater, ostensibly to "deal with Sephiroth" but actually lured by Sephiroth's will, Cloud is eventually given the Black Materia again. Sephiroth slams him with the contradictions of his story, all the true facts that don't line up arrayed around one central lie - the idea that "Cloud" is not a person, just a wayward Jenova blob who thinks he's Cloud. This weakens Cloud's psyche enough for Sephiroth to basically put him on strings and get the Black Materia.
The WEAPONs awake in response to the crisis, causing the team to get scattered. Cloud is launched all the way to Mideel, completely mako addled.
Mideel is later destroyed by the Ultimate WEAPON, and sank bodily into the Lifestream. Cloud and Tifa fall in too.
In the Lifestream and confronted with the fiction built for himself, Tifa helps Cloud reassemble his past and present to rediscover who he truly was and is.
Cloud and co. take the fight to Shinra then to Sephiroth to settle it.
End of game.

I was more wondering about stuff like when exactly cloud and tifa had their little meeting, and why
the flashback made it seem like tifa wasn't actually that into him

>Jenova brain fuckery happens, Cloud believes he was a SOLDIER 1st class all along.

I don't thik it was Jenova. Cloud was experimented on, and that damaged his mind. He completely forgot who he was, and he combined his memories of Zack and his desire to be a Soldier 1st class.

what was it aeris was doing when she got killed exactly? she was praying/talking to the planet to empower the white materia to stop meteor/sepiroth right? is there anything else to it?

Some said she was talking to the souls within the lifestream. Hence why lifestream helped the white materia during the final cutscene. It was hinted during the Black Materia extraction inside the temple that Aerith can communicate with the lifestream or the dead.

That was seven years ago. Tifa was totally into Cloud but too shy to admit it.
It was Jenova. Here, I'll link it again.

I don't know if it's canon. But in last order it's shown that Cloud, which was just a shinra troop at that time. Awoke some sort of a hidden power that made him strong enough to withstand the stab and throws Sephiroth off the bridge. Was mako injection a common procedure for Shinra troops and depending on the recruit’s reaction to it, have them be able to move up to Soldier?? Because that's what my headcannon was all these years.

>the flashback made it seem like tifa wasn't actually that into him
It's the other way around. Young Cloud was into young Tifa.
And she started liking him after the water tower scene.

the flashback didn't make it completely clear what happened when
did cloud ask to meet with her the same day her mom died or before/after? was that the first time they had really interacted?

>Aerith can communicate with the lifestream or the dead.

Why did Square make the necromancer, a healing class?

I think part of it is that you're not supposed to know, so it feels like everything is fucked when she dies.

But where does Crisis Core and Gackt fit in?


Please explain, in detail, what you 7 year old brain through was happening.

Attached: Safer_Sephiroth_FFVII_Art.jpg (1012x1380, 415K)

Nope, mako is part of the SOLDIER process. If infantry got mako then Cloud would've been mako addled instantly.
Cloud just had good old fury and spirit.
Gackt has absolutely nothing to do with Cloud, he was Sephiroth's friend and Zack's nemesis.

This is new midgar

Attached: image.jpg (1280x720, 213K)

Is this game any good?

Attached: crisis core.jpg (262x445, 21K)


now that we understand FF7, can someone tell me what FF8 was about?


They called each others osanaijimi, which means childhood friends. Not in a young lovers sense but they knew each others, not total strangers.
Young Cloud was Tifa's orbiter, he liked her but she was also surrounded by other orbiters so he couldn't confess.

Cloud asked to meet Tifa in the water tower after her mom died to tell his plan to become first class solder. She said that Cloud'd become famous and get to appear on news paper every day. And she made him promise when he became famous, he'd still come to save her if she got into trouble.

Tifa kept checking news paper often to look for some mention of him since then.