YLYL: Yea Forums edition

YLYL: Yea Forums edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


good meme

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I want to fuck that goat no matter the gender

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But why?

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Fuck off. Cheering on the attempted murder of an indentured Ethiopian servant in Kuwait is for incels and flaming superfaggots. Also, Kuwait is one of the shithole rich Arab countries, so fuck you /pol/niggers can't even be retarded coherently. Have sex.

looks like she didn't upgrade her stamina

Attached: dl2.png (752x334, 408K)

>Hey I'm gonna go on Yea Forums and angrily tell them what they can or cannot laugh about
great idea pal, best of luck

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Goddamn I loved Pokémon Conquest

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just switch to attackers and kill them all, lmao

Attached: 1557651146522.jpg (720x664, 121K)

Rent free.

No one fucking knows, let alone cares about whatever the fuck it is you're going on about, it's just funny as fuck.

Kuwaitis important foreign women to be housemaids for them, but then hold their passports hostage and treat them like slaves. What I don't get is why they do shit like that. It's just evil. They think they're some master race, even though we keep them afloat because it's convenient for us, and before then they were Europe's bitch.

Same shit happens in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, too. People bitch about poor Arab nations, but the rich ones are the real shitholes. Why aren't they all bros, like Jordan and Oman?

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Based muslim amirite? The funny things is sjws are protecting them while they are the living embodiment of everything sjws said they hate:
>extreme homophobia
>actual slavery
>extremely racist
>misogynist as fuck
>explode when angry

Should've ground pounded before he hit the bottom

Attached: 61068306_407268140124119_1592637457518352732_n.jpg (1080x705, 44K)

pretty based, why you don't convert to Islam yet??

Attached: 1564978624028.jpg (1920x1080, 78K)

Nah, I like freedom.

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I make alcohol for a living.

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you can't do anything about it so stop fucking wasting your mental energy on it faggot

Shit I lost.

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Me on the left.

Attached: jack.png (900x675, 1.3M)

>Redditors actually think these are fake and placed at a shelf at Walmart for brownie Reddit points
Obviously never lived in the third world
I played vice city Night watch (Bekmambetov) in Russia around 2004, vendors were the only ones that knew how to rip and modify games, and had actual access to the pre Rozkomnadzor cheburnet, so you would unironicaly see modded gta's for sale with a custom cover and everything

Attached: 1563989183323.jpg (500x318, 22K)

Only two that nearly got me.

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she didn't fly so good

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Attached: choose your character.jpg (1200x1350, 1.78M)

>tfw getting on the train almost 10 years late

Nobody discusses these series anymore ;_;

Attached: 1534119256788.jpg (1181x1034, 215K)

Jesus Christ, it's actually been said before. Why are you posting some shithead saying that it has, in fact been said before?

I hope someone has a torrent somewhere.

that's the original you nu-Yea Forums fagget

Bottom left is a man of taste

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Prove that to me or I tell my dad.

Fucking lost it

Go to bed Ahmed or at least defend Kashmiri people

Attached: KEK.gif (256x234, 821K)

Alot of loyalty for a hired gun

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She's alive though independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/ethiopia-maid-fall-seventh-floor-video-kuwait-employer-kill-her-escape-a7666541.html

anyone else having Yea Forums "content" load slow for them?

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hiro cheaping out on image servers probably


Attached: lvl 1 beastmaster.webm (360x360, 555K)

I can't wait to see these fags get their ass beat next international.

wait is this treehouse being pro rom hacks? Or is this from a rom hack?

Pretty sure it's a romhack of a gen 3 pokemon game.

Attached: hot gal.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

I want jerax to make that face on top of me

based trips

top right and both bottom guys are based

Attached: 1493273618132.jpg (450x287, 26K)

Attached: anon get's tricked tw(...).jpg (16x125, 1K)


Let's be real here only one guy at that table has his shit together and it's the guy thinking about Teutonic knights

>no feminine dick bulge for the middle one

is that Ana Fox?

>tfw this only got me once

Attached: 1558214999888.jpg (477x500, 42K)

So is this what happens when a board of school shooters takes a shot at humour?

Attached: whenpigsfly.webm (372x526, 1.28M)

>not wanting a knight gf thats also a cute bookworm

t. reddit

Top right, bottom left. Also the man has a mohawk, only furthering his good taste.

Attached: say you got racks, prove it to me.jpg (2048x2048, 827K)

lel its a teutonic knight because deus vult ebig cwoosadurs xd

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Every time kek

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)



based Ditko

Attached: Mr A.png (435x652, 344K)

brixit means brexit

Attached: or trail.jpg (364x493, 47K)

Still gets me


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>i hafe twelve match sticks

Attached: systemshock.jpg (900x1822, 445K)

Won't leave the Boat
Won't leave the Forest

Griffin arc with super city is fucking stupid. It's going into Lord of the Rings territory.

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I can hear the sound

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Hey c'mon that wasn't even video games why you posting actually funny shit


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have sex

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My fucking sides

Look at Reggie, guys

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It seems that life imitates art, my friends

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Attached: Lewis Carrol Goes to a Titty Bar.gif (400x250, 1.3M)

Pokemon Gaia. Good Rom hack

Attached: Karak MOUNTAIN BLADE.webm (800x480, 2.92M)


Attached: Belka.jpg (533x800, 105K)

Attached: Conflict Diamonds take on a whole new meaning.jpg (611x644, 262K)

well, I mean belka DID do it.

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The man paid his 3 silver. He did nothing wrong.

turds arent long enough. robotniks huge bowels would unleash like 30 inch snakes.

Attached: 1427654426964.jpg (800x7200, 717K)

>mfw choosing "changed later"

Attached: 32475423446345.jpg (600x872, 77K)

Is that the fucking bathtub from The Good The Bad & The Ugly

ok fine I will play this game


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Why is a black guy wearing a Slayer t-shirt?

stole it

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That says SLAVER.

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>long ass koreaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>korean africa

holy shit my sides

Unironically lost here.

Attached: 20080320-091935.jpg (320x180, 24K)

Wow I haven't seen this in 6 years. Big laughs.

>mfw it's even funnier if you attribute the greentext to Ellen Paige

Attached: rainbow lenny.gif (500x351, 63K)

i would actually buy that

porn is really fuckin bad for you

Matthew 5 8 is "Blessed are the pure at heart, for they shall see God." So paragon Shepard.

"What did one Gmod prop-killer say to the other Gmod prop-killer? WE'RE BOTH FUCKING FAGS"

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Made it vidya.

Attached: size_comparison.jpg (799x7068, 1.21M)

Attached: two_wholesome_gamers_making_a_bet.jpg (980x735, 96K)

This is how my and my bf play

Is that Billy Idol?



gatsu aka the raped bitch

A modern classic if I ever saw one desu

I bought a WiiU

Attached: file.png (500x1230, 265K)

what would the instances be like in Persona: Bow-ba-bow-bow? Maybe the whole game is about making amends in the brains of everyone they hurt? I can imagine doing an instance in the bubble boy where he shit talks you the whole way through

and George goes in with a shitload of guilt that quickly transforms into rage, and he has to leave halfway through because he's just too mad

Attached: Sarah Connor touches a T-800 inappropriately.gif (656x359, 47K)

So he was an alien?

me on the left
nobody on the right

I hope you enjoy it
homebrew is easy

Nice one.

Never not funny

fuck off, randy

why is the universe shaped like a tin of cat food

I should replay Myst.

>grabs him with PhysGun and flies him around the map
>dunks him in the lake
>muffled "FUCK!"

Attached: 1565184031515.png (709x473, 632K)


Sold that shit like two years ago. Broke even so I got what I wanted out of it


same. trailer park boys is kino

What game

Attached: 1566688509973.png (1129x595, 562K)

I didn't know that's not what I was supposed to be doing until now.

Can't believe this is the one that got me.

God I miss that thread. It was great.
How many years has it been since that thread was made?

Left is more subtle and objectively better.

This one won in the end

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I will never cease to be amazed by games where the cutscenes aren't strictly scripted and allows itself to be interfered by lingering game mechanics.

The cool thing about Tetris 99 is that if you get super-targeted you get a big bonus on your line clears and can send out a stupid number of attack lines and KO them all or make them panic and change targets. The line clear bonuses start with 3 attackers so its better to have more attackers than less sometimes.

Black swordsman?
More like BLACKED swordsman.

Attached: 1356260096302.jpg (452x475, 45K)

Can confirm, live in the middle east and modded GTAs with ridiculous concepts are everywhere and not just for PC but for consoles too.

probably shaped according to our technology's ability to map it

>even the 40k-posters

Arabs drink alcohol retard

bottom right top left


Were they brothers or not?

i love this one, had it as my profile pic for a while until i thought how weird seeing hitler probably is for my normie acquaintances

top right is a girl, or a tranny at least

ghost 1.0 store.steampowered.com/app/463270/Ghost_10/ the game also closes after it says it's getting sick of you

bad joles

Please tell me there are more things like this out there. I don't know why, but this shit kills me.

Attached: somesaykosm.jpg (283x412, 107K)

this one is great

Boys can have boobs in 2019

Attached: 1367504872205.jpg (1350x255, 162K)

this needs to be updated for modern arthur lore

Attached: file.png (1350x255, 839K)

well you know, takes one to know one and so on

hes setting falconia up to be a horror show. Remember that ruined city underneath the tower of rebirth and the massive pile of corpses with the brand on their bodies? I wonder if the psychic girl will join in the massacre or be mind broken by the idea that Griffith is a monster despite his beauty. Oh I hope I don't die before then.

Attached: 20190907_080707.jpg (310x326, 85K)

gets me every time

this guy get it.

i played GTA sa with the gangs modded to be local football teams , the cops and the taxies also were modified

and who doest remember this gem

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mad fedorator

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kek I have this for some reason

>yen is canon

Another reason to hate Kingdom come

why is everything around here about paraphilias?


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Glorious. It's like fuckscapes, but with Dark Souls.

le gamer mind

Attached: 1310252718940.png (325x400, 88K)

If he had just done it with the helmet on, it could've almost been not bad...

Attached: hivemind3.png (1236x491, 594K)

Kys weeb faggot

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I love this guy.

Attached: 0i99LUN.png (450x245, 163K)

Attached: donovan.jpg (1130x1169, 943K)


I need more MGR memes in my life

I'm sad no one recognizes this anymore. That shit was top tier trolling. Is there an archive of it?

Attached: 1552290138051_0.gif (313x218, 2.43M)

>Royal guard

Attached: [HorribleSubs] RobiHachi - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.40.766.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

This one got me. Thanks, user.

Attached: b5c.png (380x400, 123K)

>bundle of sticks

Got a big enough weapon there Rick?

Attached: Danganronpa 3D.jpg (834x836, 76K)

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shells look like the new soi wars double sword meme on Yea Forums
>one in the pinky
>one in the stinky

Top left, middle right and bottom right need to collaberate.

that's pretty good


But Yen is canon anyway.

Okay, this one fucking got me

Now that line would be good for the 3rd panel instead.


The bottom image always make me smile
I'm so glad they made it, they really do deserve it
Ceb's excited face, Ana's shitposting in game with that face and Topson's iconic pose really makes the picture

I looked this up and masturbated to the second half. Thank you.

Which game was he talking about?

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Yes, they only had one bathtub back then. It's not like they weren't made by the dozen by every carpenters under the moon or anything.

Dead serious, portable halo multiplayer parties with gyro aim would be the mother fucking shit.

underrated as fuck

dont worry man it's all water under the fridge

Gone Homo you fucking newfag

Attached: business or c a s u a l.jpg (900x3834, 875K)

>Cyberpunk 2077

If you cheat and give yourself a pistol before the teleporter segment of HL2, when you teleport into Breen's office and he starts to freak out you can just shoot him. He dies. But the teleporter prompt to continue is him finishing his lines/movement. So you get stuck there. But you can walk around his office really slowly.

I dunno it's kinda funny when it happens in game.

Attached: videogames.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>doesn't even show in the archive.

Attached: apex legends bug.webm (460x258, 1.73M)

This is the oddest mix match of characters I've ever seen. It's like a punk rock band bumped into a synthwave band while a bodybuilding competition was going on and the woman on the left is awkwardly trying to get past. Granted, assuming they both have vaginas, I'd dick down the two turbodykes in the middle. Pale blonde and the tanned nazi.

why the fuck is this thread filled with unfunny reddit memes

Attached: charmed.webm (1280x720, 1.38M)

Yea Forums isn't my home board, but okay

Thanks, I've been looking for this one.

no problem user

Attached: hi welcome to my speedrun.webm (854x480, 2.93M)

Attached: 1563827151722.jpg (480x286, 16K)

Where's he running?

Attached: nature.webm (722x486, 2.17M)

Attached: 1472406193210.png (500x536, 422K)

delete this immediatelty

absolute classic

By the creator inserting all that stupid shit to make a point, he ironically does the opposite since if the game was really that bad with pointless shit on the screen he wouldn't have had to add all that stuff to make it look worse in the first place.

s/he's heading to the water, lives in sicily or something.

Attached: BLOWOUT NOW STALKER.webm (640x360, 2.4M)

Attached: 1567034316980.png (637x704, 677K)

>shadowrun: seattle

Attached: this will be your surgeon for tonight.jpg (4048x3036, 1.78M)

Attached: 66.png (1200x603, 984K)

Attached: the elder scroll.jpg (697x1024, 79K)

based joakim culturing these brainlets with peak knightgirl taste

I lost

Attached: the freezer.webm (960x720, 1.5M)

kramer's persona is just another kramer

Attached: pizza toppings..webm (666x666, 2.86M)

Attached: objective - survive.jpg (900x615, 149K)

No it's mine lol

Attached: lewdkeeper.jpg (1400x1575, 425K)

You have to be a real shitter if you think that's bad news.

Attached: 1514409451352.jpg (300x382, 12K)

Attached: king.jpg (408x359, 24K)

Attached: Auto-disconnecting in 30 seconds.webm (280x500, 492K)

Fucking lol

>following Yea Forums approved guides

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Attached: demon attack.jpg (698x760, 129K)

I will kiss my sister

Does anyone have more of these? Always loved them

Attached: dragonbutts.jpg (640x1200, 191K)



Attached: 1462981095915.png (466x411, 291K)



Attached: 10 CHA.jpg (457x671, 70K)

Holy fuck, all that stuff is instantly recognisable for me. I almost didn't even get the joke.

At least it didn't create mustard gas.

Because he likes the band? Can black people only like rap or jazz?

Every time I see this I can't believe what a massive power move that is by Party Cannon. It immediately draws the eye of everyone looking at the poster. It's so good.

Attached: fdc.gif (600x338, 2.99M)

is this a spooky thread?

Attached: spooky.gif (775x407, 205K)

Attached: wrong tp.webm (480x848, 2.33M)

Attached: Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos.jpg (720x480, 157K)

>Remember that ruined city underneath the tower of rebirth and the massive pile of corpses with the brand on their bodies?
Yeah, that was Gaiseric's sacrifice for becoming an Apostle. Don't see what that would have to do with Griffith, who already made a sacrifice and became a Godhand.

Attached: Loran_Silverbeast.jpg (250x234, 37K)

it makes me wonder what the other bands all think, especially the ones that have logos that look almost exactly like some of the others. You'd think they try something more creative.
and wolf king is a weak ass fucking name, they could have came up with something better

Attached: playing with ragdolls.webm (480x360, 969K)

I just realized the power lines shake at the start so that's probably how he got up there

Attached: Fox.jpg (636x452, 167K)

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Attached: Brador.jpg (658x932, 174K)


Attached: MercilessWatcher.jpg (960x540, 256K)

>My friends preferred gta boca jr's over the original
It's literally just Grove street and other gangs dressed as Argentine football gangs

Attached: YouMustAcceptYourDeath.jpg (600x500, 157K)

This is dumb, but if this was done by an actual chick (and it seems it may have been), hats off to her. She seems cool.

"Justice" redefined from "Revenge".
"Mercy" redefined with "abstract unit of measurement".

annoying word play, that thinks its clever, god i hate non autistic people as much as actual autists.


My life was incomplete until now.

Attached: 3f9.png (671x367, 325K)

geez this is just as bad as SJW crap in media now.

This whole thread has been one zoomer posting shit normie Berserk and Dark Souls memes. Fucking embarrassing.


I'm old enough to be your grandpa you little faggot, and there's at least two of us

>10 years
Dumb zoomer, this show started in 2001

fuck I forgot about this one

Attached: 1535135774477.jpg (540x437, 49K)

Attached: Preorder_for_Early_access.jpg (785x442, 149K)

Based DSP

>no qt gf to go adventuring with

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>Not animated

How do these stay alive?

Modern medicine.

I honestly wouldn’t want to if I was born like that.

>I honestly wouldn’t want to
If you were born like that, you probably wouldn't even have fundamental thought processes that allow you to even gain a consciousness so you wouldn't even know you were born "like that".

To be the goodest boy

Shadowrun is always Seattle.

yeah, but imagine all the donations for posting your malformed child on kikebook.. This is why I support abortion 9 months prior and post birth

Attached: parker book myst.png (640x2404, 1.85M)

I'm sad now, delete this

goddamn it

Attached: 1541746588998.gif (938x535, 2.58M)

>in a space sration with gravity


Attached: the stronghold experience.png (958x1214, 2.07M)

>Is there an archive of it?
I dunno, I am kind of a newfag here, what year was the post made originally?

Are you retarded user?

>Spagonia (Day).webm

Newfag here, I know it's Ultima Online. But what's the story behind this?

I like bacon, alcohol, and women that aren't forced to look like klansmen.

here dumbasses

Attached: sims 2.png (638x574, 361K)

>featuring over 20 lbs of Knuckles
Fuck this got me good

Aieee ooooo augh!

>When Elaine, George, Kramer and Seinfeld confront the soup nazi, Kramer leaves the party and forces the underleveled members to apologize or fight both of them at the same time

>doesnt deny he's a school shooter


I hope you're just acting retarded.

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what a time

This has happened a lot lately, even with mild shit. Is the archive fucking up?

Holy shit

>>doesnt deny he's from reddit

Fuck no

why does he have a belly button in his back?

this can't be real, it looks like giygas

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>women that aren't forced to look like klansmen.

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>if this was done by an actual chick (and it seems it may have been), hats off to her. She seems cool.

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>defending pedophiles
not surprised

Mushroom and Olive sounds good actually

Trailer park boys and corner gas represent canada better than any bullshit cbc could ever imagine.

Sorry your favorite game has a shit UI user.

Get ready for the threepeet nigger

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>Corner gas
>Trailer Park Boys
>Chilly Beach
>Red Green Show

CBC's government sponsored Canada:
>Little Mosque on the Prairie
>This Hour Has 22 Minutes
>Kim's Convenience
>The Story of Us

Attached: 1567720516462.jpg (504x810, 39K)

I was attributing each greentext to the one closest to it


ha ha, you got me.

really accurate


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Tell that to the Daedric princes

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/sci/ please tell me more about the Scattered Disc

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me under the bed with a knife

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Anywhere you can watch this?

Attached: Every problem a grain of sand in my timbs.gif (400x300, 152K)

>Dante liking olives

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>tfw remember going to Tunisia for Holiday and seeing a shitload of these bootleg GTA discs

Weirdly enough, I never saw any of these in Czechia.

He built his house directly across from the other. dick move

He looks like soma main character.

Top and middle left.

You nigger this gets me every fucking time

i like how he straight up agrees with him, and acts as if thats a counter argument lol.


I made them Mii Fighters in Smash.
Gunner Ricky
Brawler Julian
Swordmaster Bubbles


>smile and optimism

CBC's government sponsored Canada:
>Workin' Moms

Attached: xenoblade bionis.png (420x535, 186K)

Apostles can sacrifice again if they get fucked up by someone

No but now it is

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Wtf, how have you not been banned yet?

i'd play it


Attached: file.png (6200x4120, 2.98M)

It's funnier if you have the kicking mod


>dick on the roof


the people hated him because he told them the truth

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kill yourself furfag trash

Never have truer words been typed.


Yeah nobody is falling for that.

Thank you, I've been wondering for ages what it was.

>wow i hope this is a real gamer girl

a gentleman and a scholar

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isn't that MGS2?



This should be teached at schools

Me and my cousin. No lie

what the hell happened

Saved. A man of taste and culture.

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None of these made me laugh you are all retarded

Congratulations, you won!

Attached: Congratulations_you_won.gif (300x250, 20K)


They don't live past 30 usually

liberals did this

I'll never not see these as white nigger lips. I'm glad someone else sees it too.

Who's the protagonist of this game?

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>should be teached at schools
I doubt you would have paid attention.

based, I agree

I heard the directors cut of that film really improved on the theatrical cut


Because that is how it is supposed to be read


Thanks, D'nigga.

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is this Zucc?

I liked this one the most

well played, user

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I want to play Tetris 99 again now.


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this game's name?

I ain't falling for that one

underrated post

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He has a briefcase or something. The wires are moving because of the displaced air from his speedy fall. He was on a plane and then wasn't.

>tfw my Kavat's head disappeared and nothing I've tried has fixed it
Thanks, DE.


game? graphics look super comfy

Tornados are serious business

Cancer: the thread

I love this fucking full-circle logic from
>Men liking women things is gay
>WOMEN liking women things is gay
to finally
>Liking Women liking men's things is NOT gay
It's really not a hard jump to go from that to
>Men liking men's things is not gay

Imagine being so insecure in your sexuality, so hard-pressed to avoid being gay you actually wrap all the way around to liking men