What did Bethesda mean by this?
What did Bethesda mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
That happens shortly before Skyrim begins. They convene it, appoint that kid king, Ulfric says nah and challenges him to a duel, shouts him in half.
What's a Moot?
>What's a Moot?
"Moot derives from gemōt, an Old English name for a judicial court. Originally, moot named either the court itself or an argument that might be debated by one."
the pedophile who runs resetera
moot is the name of the person that made this site retard
god rest his soul
iirc there is cut unique dialogue in the game files that implies elisif the fair was a marriage candidate and that (you) could become the high king.
so, that's where he went.
poor fella, couldn't even get isekai'd to a nice comfy place to build his harem. He ended up in a shitty bethesda game. After all he's done for us.
I hope it's at least modded and stable.
a homosexual Sigourney Weaver impersonator
It's was always a weird decision not to include an option for the Dovahkiin to usurp the throne. Let them be guildmaster of literally every single organization, champion of every daedric prince, a vampire, a werewolf, savior of the world, and then just go "nah, you can only be a foot soldier in the imperial or stormcloak army."
Like fuck, everyone I know and myself all put off the civil war questline till practically the end of the game, and by then it was just pointless.
The infamous hacker also known as forchan
But he wasn't a kid.
One of the disappointing things in Skyrim is that there's rarely an option to do things for yourself, just for factions.
>can't slaughter both sides of the Civil War and be ruler yourself or leave Skyrim stateless
>can't marry into royalty
>can't destroy thieve's guild
It is nice that you can at least completely tell the main quest and dragons to fuck off and just not initiate them to just be a random Joe in Skyrim instead.
Mr. Internet himself
>you can destroy the Dark Brotherhood in a short singular quest
>or do a giant long string of quests with a huge gold reward at the end and get Shadowmere and other stuff
>the only way to even initiate destroying the dark brotherhood is by killing an innocent person yourself, thereby meaning you can't roleplay as a moral character and eliminate the brotherhood because in order to even initiate the quest you have to commit murder
reminder that moot has outgrown everyone here and likely has had sex
moot had sex before founding this site, probably with you're are mom too
>can't destroy thieve's guild
This pisses me off more than anything because it's sitting there permanently in my quest log and I can't get rid of it
Does it matter? If he was a full grown man, but didn't have the power of the voice, and Ulfric split him in half with it, does that make it more honorable?
I need to find a proper delicious brown shade with the RaceMenu mod. The general is a useless circlejerk as always.
It's honorable either way, because he was a future Thalmor puppet.
You do realize Ulfric's rebellion was orchestrated by the Thalmor by feeding him false information, and they still consider him an asset?
Grelod did nothing wrong. There is no death penalty for being mean.
She abused/beat kids, that's pretty criminal in my book.
>Animated Armoury because halberds are fucking glorious
>It uses vanilla animations for it
Why is IFPV worse than in LE? It doesn't do shit now and isn't actual third person anymore. I need my STABS.
there's an enhanced camera port I think it's in alpha though
> You do realize Ulfric's rebellion was orchestrated by the Thalmor
Yes, because plans can never backfire on those who planned them
> and they still consider him an asset?
Because he's destabilizing Skyrim, until he wins, he's an asset. When he wins, he's a problem.
This bullshit again...
No, Ulfric's rebellion was not planned by the Thalmor. The Thalmor does not benefit from EITHER side winning the civil war, they benefit from the civil war itself.
Really would have been more impactful if he used the kid model and Elisif was a arranged marriage to a 12 year old. Nords whining about the validity of a duel between two adults is pretty dull.
Is it like old IFP? That's what I used before and it was perfect other than animations always being janky because of how Skyrim blends between idles and swings. All custom animations it was fine with, but now what it does is take first person arms onto your third person model which fucks it all up since Armoury only has third person animations.
The letter you find mentioning how Ulfric WAS an asset explicitly says that the Thalmor would be fucked if either side wins the war, so they wish to extend it for as long as possible.
its perfectly fine in america therefore perfectly fine for nords
I'm amazed you've never used Enhanced Camera on Oldrim. It was way better than IFP in my opinion, and way more compatible with that shitty one he put out for SE
We aren't that third world, and besides, Grelod isn't a nigger.
Well if it properly sets you on a complete third person model so I can get my stab animations I'll definitely try it out.
Name one thing he did wrong.
Be a filthy Hlaalu
>moot is the name of the person that made this site retard
That would be Hiroshima
>Ulfric says nah and challenges him to a duel, shouts him in half.
Was it cheating?
So have her arrested.
The Dragonborn is Shor, they have the divine right to judge on whoever the fuck they'd like.
>gets arrested
>pays fine
>goes to jail for a week
>goes back to work collecting tax payer money and abusing kids
Yes. He wouldn't have ran like a little bitch out of Solitude if it wasn't.
That's right, Grelod is a waste of money because she doesn't get rid of any of the kids. She's actively causing harm to the government of Riften.
>He wouldn't have ran like a little bitch out of Solitude if it wasn't.
>implying he would have escaped if it was an honourable dual
>guy that let him out gets fucking executed for it
they wanted blood but were too chicken to fight him.
>abuses kids more
>goes to jail more
I mean this is literally in the game user. If you punch a kid in the game you get fined or arrested and it doens't mean you get to do it again and not get fined or arrested the next time.
founder of facebook
That’s a very argumentative way of confirming that Ulfric was indeed a puppet for the Thalmor.
Nords are honorniggers. If it was a legitimate and honorable duel, they'd uphold the winner. But as soon as ulfr*c niggercloak used the voice, it was no longer honorable. Hell, the game BEGINS with his bitch ass being caught at the border, abandoning his 'beloved' skyrim because he's a pussybitch.
The Man Who Sold The World.
Maybe he was going around. I mean he does immediately go back to winterhold after escaping.
Theres basically a line of imperial sympathisers.
I mean, he was incarcerated during the Thalmor-Imperial war, which happens several years before Skyrim.
Ulfric is considered an asset because he was fed false information to turn over some imperials, not to cause the civil war.
Once Ulfric was back into Skyrim and the war was over, he was not a Thalmor asset anymore.
The Thalmor is too weak to retaliate against either the Stormcloaks or the Empire, so they do not benefit from either side winning the civil war. If the Stormcloaks win, the Thalmor will be banished from Skyrim, and if the Empire wins, the Empire's forces might be replenished through absorbing the Stormcloaks, which may lead the Empire to wage war against the weakened Thalmor with the newly bolstered forces.
You mean Jarls who don't turn turncoat at the drop of a hat? He only goes back to winterhold because those VERY same imperial soldiers who wanted his head decided protecting the civilians(who are nords btw) was more important than killing that pussy at the time.
This duel is an outdated tradition. It’s in the in same vein of legitimacy as The Jagged Crown. It was only agreed upon by the king because he didn’t want to looks like less of Nord.
His mom's a whore
>He only goes back to winterhold because those VERY same imperial soldiers who wanted his head decided protecting the civilians
>imperials did nothing wrong
>they were just on their way back to cyrodil and in self defense decapitated people
>don't even have an excuse to kill the fucking player just, lol might as well
>not getting their asses roasted was "protecting civilians"
no fuck off with this history revisionism.
She disciplined unruly orphans.
I which stands for INVASION
The player was hanging around rebels and a thief at a border crossing.
>guilt by association
>decapitates imperials, elves, kajeet, argonians
>but clearly swinging the axe and hitting everyone is fine, if it might kill a few stormcloaks on the way
>don't get arrested
>don't get fined
>don't go to jail for a week
>continue working collecting tax payer money and abusing kids
damn it feels good to be white
It's wartime and you are with their #1 enemy.
>she discplined orphans when they tried to be adopted
>It's wartime and you are with their #1 enemy.
>better shoot the prisoners, don't wanna miss their rebel leader
So basically America
>Ulfric is considered an asset because he was fed false information to turn over some imperials, not to cause the civil war.
It’s been a while since I last played but I do remember reading something that makes it clear he was giving false information on The White Gold Concordat and even the year which the Great War ended. Not only that but the Thalmor was funding the Stormcloaks in first place.
>Once Ulfric was back into Skyrim and the war was over, he was not a Thalmor asset anymore.
Yes, he was. His dossier in the Thalmor embassy states he is an asset.
You're the one doing history revisions, stormcloaktard.
>believing the discredited dossier
That can't be real. Holy shit how did he make those chin gains.
Discredited by what?
And you know, probably every society in the history of humankind, but yeah, like America.
He's actually pretty handsome
Yeah but how did he lose that fat on his face. Usually that shit stays.
Are you sure? It's just fat like any part of your body/
Not really. That's why people like boogie still have saggy ass skin. It never dissapears. Just stretches
he didn't gained a chin, it was already there
he polished it until it appeared
you should too, goddamned fatty
A cuck and a traitor but stll was better than our actual leader.
everything in it is false. just a smear campaign by the thalmor and their lovers the imperials to try and make ulfric seem disloyal
Says who retard? As long as humans fight each other, and not elven shits, it is an asset for the thalmor.
Agreed. Fuck that orangutan
>Loses by 3 million votes
>Still elected president
D e m o c r a c y
I suspect a Thalmor was behind this post.
/aco/ has a general.
>Hired the Dark Brotherhood when the Morag Tong was available AND legal.
>tried to kill the one person who could further enhance his position thereby drawing him away from his mission to stop Dagoth Ur
>abolished slavery
This guy was a fucking moron
Even if it's not cheating, it was a misuse of the power. He was taught by the Greybeards, and the Greybeards preach strict nonviolence, learning, and understanding of the voice.
Democracy is a literal retard tier method of government.
Which is why America is a Republic.
Not enough of a Republic some could argue.
He abandons a great honor by leaving the grey beards and using shouts to attack. He didn't even finish his training.
Yes, we are a Republic. We don't have a King or Queen ruling us, as much as you might disagree. What does that have to do with Democracy?
Isn't the first thing they teach the Dragonborn Unrelenting Force? A shout that can be used to fuck people up?
The poster in question seemed to imply that Hillary should have won the election because America is a Democracy. It is not. The poster is therefor a retarded nigger.
>What does that have to do with Democracy?
the post he responded to?
Dragonborn doesn't count. They try to guide you, but they know they can't stop you from doing what you're born to do. They get really miffed when you want to learn the dragon killing shout, though.
>governlets don't understand basic governance terminology
The United States is a representative democracy. Not a republic, and certainly not an absolute democracy.
Part of this confusion is to blame for people using the terms republic and representative democracy interchangeably BUT THEY AREN'T THE SAME
>literal cucklords who spend their entire life doing nothing except breathe loudly on a mountain
>not even pitching in when high elves are trying to genocide mankind for their ascendancy or Alduin trying to eat them all
>"maybe we're just destined to get eaten lol"
>cult was started by some hippie fuck who actually thought that Shouts were supposed to be used for fucking worship even though Kyne, the one who gave them the power is a warrior goddess and she gave them that to btfo dragons in the first place
>these people's opinions matter
>They get really miffed when you want to learn the dragon killing shout, though.
>dragons attack the dragonborn nonestop like flies
>d-don't huwt dem
It's when a bunch of important people get together to make important decisions.
they're fucking libtards
>you're the dragonborn so you can use your powers however you like
>wtf? you want to learn a shout that specifically only targets dragons, and can't be used to harm the rest of the universe in anyway besides maybe pushing them a bit by the sheer wind force of your shout? that's kind of not cool man, have you ever thought that maybe we should just accept getting eaten by a dragon?
anyone who uses "not honourable because greybeards said violence is big no-no" can go jump off the Bard's summit
Also, just because something CAN be used to hurt people, doesn't mean it has to be. They want you to understand the word, and show its meaning, not use it as a weapon. There is one greybeard who can shake the earth and kill everyone around him just by speaking calmly, but he chooses not to.
To "learn" a word is to "understand" it, and understanding "all dragons must fucking die" means you've taken that idea into you.
>To "learn" a word is to "understand" it, and understanding "all dragons must fucking die" means you've taken that idea into you.
How do they know the word?
Learning words is different for the dragonborn because, well, they're the dragonborn. I'm pretty sure none of the actual dragons know that particular phrase either
It was probably taught to Paarth by Kyne herself.
They know the syllables of it, not the actual word or its meaning, don't they? You learn it by going back in time and seeing some people use it. Them speaking it is the equivalent of some random ordinary person reading one of those stone carvings and having it do nothing.
Unironically sounds like the n-word
except they don't have any idea what the word even means or sounds like
and they already said in the beginning, dragonborn immune to hippie cuck laws
dragonrend isn't even a "kill all dragons" shout, it literally just means "yeah this is how humans live, sucks right" and the dragon cringed from how suck human life is it can't fly
speaks volume when the fucking dragon member of the group is the one that has to bring back logic into the discussion "enough retards, we need to stop Alduin and violence IS the answer"
Its a R E P U B L I C you dumb euronigger.
>"yeah this is how humans live, sucks right" and the dragon cringed from how suck human life is it can't fly
that's hilarious
they don't even know the words, it was lost in time
which makes them giga retarded since they dont even know the words and what would they mean but already go full "no violence pls"
just say nigger
its an anonymous imageboard no one cares
"unironically sounds like the nigger-word" doesn't actually work in this context.
that's a cute butch lesbian.
Is it cheating to shoot someone during a fistfight? There's your answer.
it's not if the other guy could have brought a gun too but can't because he's too shitty to learn to shoot
A fist fight to the death?
Where your supposed to fight like gentlemen?
Who are well known for bringing flintlock pistols?
Honestly the voice is like being able to aim a pistol better, its not his fault the opponent accepted the duel.
>guy accepts duel
>doesn't put any rules down like "only swords" or something
>duel starts
>get btfo by ancient nord skills
>wtf that's cheating
literally retarded argument, not to mention ulfric probably can kill him with just spamming right punch anyway so it literally doesn't matter
can't fight don't fight
the entire reason torygg even accepted is because he knew ulfric was right and wanted to end his shitty puppet life the nord way and at least get to sovngard but his dumb woman can't even do that right
If anyone here actually paid attention to dialogue, it's stated that the moot was postponed because of the war. I can't imagine the jarls getting together to make any sort of level-headed decision when half of them hate the other half.
Be named in Daggerfall before Bethesda agreed upon the proper Dark Elf naming scheme.
except it is the point of a duel is to fight on equal ground to determine whos better if you have an edge theres no point
If Ulfric was in the right, why wasn't he immediately accepted as the new High King and paraded through the streets by a populace celebrating their new king, and instead was driven out by that very same populace horrified and angered at what he had done?
The reason Torygg accepted was because he knew if he didn't nobody would respect him as a leader, or even as a nord. If Torygg accepts Ulfric kills him and wins, if Torygg refuses Ulfric gains support and wins. Ulfric knew he would win no matter what. Regardless of whether you agree ideologically with the Stormcloaks or not, it's blatantly obvious Ulfric is a power hungry tyrant, who doesn't care who he has to step on to get to the top.
The duel wasn't about who's better at swinging a sword, the duel was about who's a better nord, who's more worthy to rule Skyrim. The voice is an ancient nord tradition, and Ulfric basically proved that Torygg wasn't worthy of upholding Skyrim's legacy because he didn't have the voice.
all of this would have been solved if the imperials weren't complete retards. Say what you will about ulfric being a scumbag, he saw opportunity and took it immediately.
>"friendly terms with skyrim"
>ban specific religious worship
>claim their thalmor overlords are forcing them into it
>look incredibly weak
>effectively inciting war by claiming rule over skyrim
>"you have to join us or else we can't fight back the thalmor!"
>"btw we're going to bend you to thalmor rule but trust us, we'll beat em together" *wink*
Nice try but don't think we actual humans are like you mutts, aka real life mordor orcs.
1) He was chased out by empire-pussified solitude residents
2) He cheated with the voice (but would have won anyways)
it means that no godless man may sit the seastone chair!
>why wasn't he immediately accepted as the new High King
Because the new ruler of solitude was female.
Torygg had no choice he was either going to Sovngarde or he was being replaced by Ulfric by the other jarls for being a coward. He stood zero chance against a 20 year legion veteran with the voice, Ulfric probably would've beat him without it.
>except it is the point of a duel is to fight on equal ground
So you're saying every duel should end in an honorable draw?
except he can just tell the guards to arrest Ulfric for treason
>if Torygg refuses Ulfric gains support and wins
and he gets to survive and ask imperials for support
they probably would send assassins to kill this non-puppet
fact is he chose to die a true nord
>nobody would respect him
literally name a single jarl who was younger than him
I think even Siddgeir is older
no jarl thinks he should be high king, they were just too afraid of the imperials behind him
>If Ulfric was in the right, why wasn't he immediately accepted as the new High King
Because nords are retards and can't accept magic. They see their own fundamental cultural magic, and start screaming in fear.
the correct play was to give Skyrim independence just like they did Hammerfell
but this time, they couldnt because they were addicted to that silver mmmmmmmmm silver
uh no, High King is supposed to be elected by Moot, which they couldnt do one yet since civil war and all
>High King is supposed to be elected by Moot
Solitude is the least culturally Nord city in the country, just walking in the first time shows they don't give a shit about tradition.
That Talos guy in Whiterun
Wow thought he was some unimportant nobody.
All I'm reading is that the people disapproved of his actions. Perhaps it should be taken as a sign that what he did was underhanded at best, outright malicious at worst.
sore losers mostly.
>arrest Ulfric for treason
>"did you hear the high king arrested Ulfric after he came before him to plead for Skyrim's religious freedom? What a tyrant! Thalmor puppet!"
>nobody respects him
>no jarl thinks he should be high king
He was literally elected by the moot to be high king. In other words a majority of jarls thought he should be high king.
Ultimately Torygg was a martyr he chose to fight because if he didn't he wouldn't go to Sonvgarde, Ulfirc knew this fact and abused it for leverage, and then proceeded to brutally murder him when he knew he was defenseless.
I don't think that's a very good example. Moot just looked like some random overweight kid, not an 800 pound monster.
Theon means godly in Greek
>Invoking a tradition that is as old and forgotten as trial by combat is to modern courts and trying to pass it off as the "true ways"
>not respected
>elected as High-King by a majority vote in the moot
hello retard
She did take advantage of kids and made it so that you couldn't adopt anyone that got into her halls. You're not even too far off the mark of you assume she's running some sort of Degrees of Lewdity operation if you consider Honorhall is located at the center of crime and immoral activity.
Reminder Martin Septim was the greatest ruler or Tamriel and his sacrifice should not be forgotten.
Dont forget there's literal shackles in one of the back rooms in the orphanage, some vile shit was going down.
I'm still confused as to whether he ascended to godhood or not. It said he did. Do the Thalmor acknowledge that? Does anyone?
>what is usurping
It's not like I disapprove his actions, but he knew what he's in for.
Why would he? He's probably hanging out in Aetherius with other Septims.
People still discuss the entire Ulfric dilemma even to this day because there is no clear cut answer. The omission of the option for the player to take the throne despite their obvious status even seems to add to this.
The question is, was it intentional, or just shit writing along with cut content and rushed deadlines? Was it just a coincidence that Bethesda managed this before going on to make the writing abortion that is Fallout 4 and 76?
He didn't ascend to godhood that's Talos. Martin was simply a dragonborn with a role to play. Thalmor took credit for it on their side of the world.
Because sometimes not everything is black in white in video games. And more importantly, good writers don't answer all questions.
>Thalmor took credit for it on their side of the world.
Can we purge them already?
Right, but was it actually intentional?
What you gonna do about it Nord boy
Wouldn't want to break the treaty now would we
Probably? Who can say. They had to make both sides of civil war both attractive and fucked up somehow, so I guess this is a "fuck up" of Stormcloacks along with "muh skyrim for nords". Personally I don't mind Todd trying to make it more complex than he usually does, so I'd say it's a good thing to have such ethically unclear details in a game that add more depth to factions.
>*kills your entire Guantanamo Bay base*
>*kills your patrols*
>*kills your guards at your party*
>*kills your diplomats*
>*kills your mage's guild representative*
I am confused, what prompting do the Thalmor need to invade?
Calling Sheogorath, Nerevarine and Dovahkiin. Run while you still can.
Never forget.
Reminder that TALOS was originally three dudes pretending to be another dude and they just used Numidium to shitpost their OC donut steel into time itself, creating a being that resembles daedra more than the divines, of which he can't be a part of due to not having been present at the creation of Nirn
Also reminder that by virtue of literally having appeared to mortals physically through several avatars, and meddling hands on in Nirn, Talos is not only not an Aedra, he's more powerful than the Aedra could ever be, even more than Akatosh.
Tell me more.
go on...
Yes. Further. Into the bowels owo
they're only upset because they know you got it from the blades who they have a problem with because they know the blades just want to use you, the entire second half of the story is just Delphine saying go kill this dragon, go get this shout, go kill paarthurnax despite him being 10 times more helpful then we've been
>given a mission which explains in no uncertain terms to kill her
>"lol just have her arrested"
I don't think you understood what the kid wanted you to do user, she abused him and the other kids and he wanted her dead, the guards already knew she abused them but didn't care, absolutely no one mourns her death
So why did Sotha Sil make the Clockwork city?
And is Blades and the card game canon?
Talos, despite being a "nord" god was a Breton general serving under king Cuhlecain of Cyrodil, originally known as Hjalti Early-Beard, he became a warlord in Skyrim and learned the shout, then joined and then usurped the king. He allied himself with the Underking, an ancient, vengueful Nord lich originally known as Wulfharth, and Zurin Arctus, the first Battlemage, to conquer almost all of Tamriel. After having learned of the Numidiums' power, he betrated the underking and used him to power the Numidium, and then Zurin Arctus in order to activate and control him, making the Tribunal gods submit to him, and genociding the elves of Summerset, conquering the whole of Tamriel for the first time ever.
Using the Numidium changed and confused the souls of Tiber Septim, Wulfhart and Zurin Arctus, the former ascending to godhood as Talos upon passing, but using the magical power of the later two merged into the reality-changing abilities of the brass god. Despite this, the Underking somehow retained his self, and returned several times in the future.
[Citation needed]. Where can I read more about it?
>Kill the emperor.
>No one cares.
"The Emperor". A mere weakling who's not even Septim.
He was still the emperor. Leader of the the empire. Even if he was a figurehead people would care.
The book "The Arcturian Heresy"
Really makes you think about current state of the Empire.
While the elves are butthurt at Talos because he Shoah'd them, worshipping him is basically feeding a confused chimera of three souls, one of a pissed off autistic zombie who hated elves, one of an amoral, backstabbing asshole warlord, and one of a sort of of okay guy who was a mage, not a warrior.
The problem, though, is that we're supposed to believe the good parts were all the warlord and not the other two.
No. Not at all.
It makes me think Bethesda didn't think it through.
Not the worst thing that happened to TES' plot desu.
I don't like the story of TES because of what makes it good to people.
It just seems like nonsense where anything can happen.
Just don't read C0DA. It'll break you.
>No it's okay, a literal child thought it was the best course of action so I did it
"The Warlord" is the one who ran the Empire and by all accounts his reign was the golden age of Tamriel for around 100 years, Tiber Septim is complicated not really good or evil he was following a divine prophecy.
>Dude why don't you just think hard enough and make it happen.
look at dis dude
Tiber Septim was complicated, but Talos isn't. Talos is only in part the same being, his oversoul is that of all of them churning and spitting out this caricature of an elf-hating badass Nord warrior.
Who is this
A moot is what you call someone that turns their back on their people
We drove him off. We all know it.
Did he leave for our sins?
I thought that was a diet.
Why does Dragon Break exist?
So every Daggerfall ending could be canon at once.
And The Red Moment outcomes. But that's just a retarded plot device that creates more plot holes than it closes, because "lol dragonbreak I ain't gonna explain shit". What was Kirkbride thinking?
Kill him.
is this achievable natty?
It means buy Skyrim
>the king was a literal child
>Ulfric's a Thalmor puppet
>Ulfric's TOTALLY a Thalmor puppet
For all the shit Bethesda gets about poor writing, and rightfully so, people are really fucking bad at reading comprehension. A single fucking document has been erroneously touted for eight fucking years and is brought up in every single Skyrim thread by people trying to discredit Ulfric. I don't even like the fucking moron because he's an UNGA BUNGA tier strategist that deserved to lose when he got captured at Darkwater, but these arguments are always so stupid because of people that completely fabricate evidence to frame him and think that means both Ulfric and his Stormcloaks are wrong.
Also, people claiming that using the Thu'um in a duel is dishonorable are full fucking retard. The Thu'um is the single most Nordic weapon that exists. Using it in the duel sent a message that Ulfric was strong, physically and spiritually, and had skill with THE symbol of Nordic power, freedom, and independence since ancient times.
Reminder that the Empire literally tried to hand over Hammerfell to the thalmor until the people that actually live there told the empire to fuck off and successfully beat the thalmor back themselves.
An empire that willingly surrenders its people to the enemy has lost its right to exist before the game even began.
dis dude
Reading the thread I am gladdened the Talos is three people nonsense is being discredited.
Breton fans should not try to become relevant by stealing Nord culture.
but what do they do if moot is kill?
Moot is just autistic.
Achieve CHIM.
Don't forget the Empire Legion that coincidentally "deserted" the empire in Hammerfell and help push back the elves out of it
The trouble with the Imperials is they think Cyrodil IS the Empire and are willing to sacrifice everyone else to protect it.
>Also, people claiming that using the Thu'um in a duel is dishonorable are full fucking retard.
Weaklings think that OP skills are cheesing and they're jealous of them.
>The Arcturian Heresy
>The Katariah, in the Emperor's cabin.
Sneaky bastards.
That's what pissed the Dunmer off they left Morrowind nearly defenseless during the oblivion crisis and the argonians took advantage
ftfy :^)
When the cowardly Emperor panicked and called everyone back to protect him the commanders on scene made the right call.
They released "invalids" to protect the Empire. They remembered their duty even if the Emperor forgot his.
The emperor has alot of books on his boat it doesn't necessarily mean anything
>lol fuck protecting our fucking homes and heartlands lets march off to protect a place on the other side of the contient
Cyrodil got the most damage during both the oblivion crisis and the great war.
Long united, the land will divide. Long divided, the land will unite. This empire must crumble, and we'll probably found a new one in VI.
The Empire did nothing when the Redguards and Bretons fucked over the orcs for the hundredth time. Well they did give the refugees a guard.
Anyone that supports the Empire hasn't been paying attention. There is not a single thing that indicates they are either interested in or capable of restarting the war with the AD.
>Anyone that supports the Empire hasn't been paying attention. There is not a single thing that indicates they are either interested in or capable of restarting the war with the AD.
Except the massive military build up.
Couldn't happen to a better group. Fuck those pencil pushing Cyrods.
First gather a mannish alliance to deal with the AD and once that is finished invite Morrowind and Black Marsh in to fuck up the Cyrods.
Not once has any race in Tamriel managed to contain or rule over the Colovian-Nibenian master race, they shouldn't even bother.
Founder of reddit.
What massive buildup?
Whatever they had built up they pissed away on an invasion of Skyrim.
They did that because they AD waved a piece of paper at them.
Not a single good reason to support the Empire. The only thing saving the Empire is the AD is worse at war than the Empire.
>Whatever they had built up they pissed away on an invasion of Skyrim.
Tullius talks of every available legion being reinforced and focused on the AD border. Rikke says more or less the same. Even then, there's a couple legions stuck behind an avalanche at pale pass. The Imperial legion in Skyrim is already at full power +2 legions after being decimated to a few hundred 30 years ago. The Empire has been doing nothing but muster soldiers nonstop since the war ended.
Didn't the Eyelids do a number on them? Well until the Nords came to their rescue.
Tullius and Rikke do secretly consider the Thalmor an enemy but they don't outright say they're going to war with them like Ulfric and Galmar do
Alessia, Moriahus and Pelinal did most of the work.
He was a young teenager that looked up to Ulfric like a father. Bethesda just didnt model anything besides 10 year old potatoes
The Empire as we see it in Skyrim is totally fucking fucked mate, big time. It threw Hammerfell under the bus, the worst thing they could possibly do when trying to have a fucking Empire. The Thalmor have reunified the elven states, and took Elsweyr. Black Marsh is indie and full of murder lizards. Morrowind is half its former self, got abandoned by the crumbling Empire, and might as well not exist politically.
The "Empire" consists of a war scarred Cyrodiil, a distant (geographically and politically) High Rock, and a contested Skyrim where most of the fighting population either died in the last war or are tied up in the civil war. *And* then the Emperor is murdered.
I generally see the Stormcloaks as the best option because at least a unified Skyrim has a better chance at rebuilding a 'new' Empire and kicking the shit out of the Dominion than the current broken one that barely even qualifies as an Empire, has betrayed it's allies and peoples, and actively allows Elven deathsquads to capture and spy within it's provinces freely, and spits at the feet of Talos.
He had an affair with and fucked a young Barenziah pregnant and forced her to abort using magic. He was a fucking scumbag.
Would the Stormcloaks even be able to hold back the Thalmor even with a decisive win? The game makes it seem like an easy victory for the thalmor
Was getting caught part of his plan?
Boogie is like 50 and has a gobbler
>forced her to abort using magic
You mean knocked her out when she tried to run away and forced a miscarriage while she was unconscious.
Yeah. He wasn't the nicest guy, even if Talos was a good thing for mankind.
He gets younger and younger every time Empire fags tell the story. Soon he will be a fetus.
>I generally see the Stormcloaks as the best option because at least a unified Skyrim has a better chance at rebuilding a 'new' Empire and kicking the shit out of the Dominion than the current broken one that barely even qualifies as an Empire, has betrayed it's allies and peoples, and actively allows Elven deathsquads to capture and spy within it's provinces freely, and spits at the feet of Talos.
Nords are politically inept, all jarls save for Balgruf are fucking retards. Even if the manpower was there, even if they had military geniuses and the economic output to sustain a continent wide conquest, they don't have enough liaisons and diplomatic presence to rule over different cultures. The Empire sits atop an ages-old established bureaucracy and institutions sharing with everyone.
The only time the Nords had an empire it collapsed strepitously due to internal fighting, and as far as conquering goes, even at their worst the Dunmer kicked them out. They're not that good fighting outside Skyrim. Only the legion used Nord warriors to their fullest potential.
Their grand contribution was gathering an army of Nords and letting them do their thing.
>letting someone else "do their thing"
a cunt
Don't worry bro, VI is going to advance the setting for sure. The Empire will be ancient history.
The Dungmer kicked the Nords out?
That was the Dwemer. The Nords weakened them enough for the dungmer to backstab them.
The good news is it led to the Dwemer poofing themselves out of existence and the dungmer becoming refugees living off of Nord largesse.
>Nobody really remembers what happened but now it's not important
Yeah, Can't wait
>advances the setting
>revolutionary Queen on the throne instead of a king
I'd take this honestly. Imagine despite what happened in Skyrim, you didn't manage to save everything else and it turned to dragon glass, and now 6 takes place centuries later when everything is rebuilt.
Pelinal couldn't even finish off Umaril never mind the Eyelids.
how the fuck was it cheating, why do people always say this? the game doesn't really explain how a "challenge in the old nord way" works but the entire point of it is to prove that the current high king is a cuck and you think can do better. so, if that's the point you're making, then why not use the thuum? what could be more suited to a proper nord king than defeating his opponent with the voice, an opponent so weak that he cannot use the voice himself or oppose you in any meaningful?
you may not like it, but this is what peak nord honor looks like
>TES 6 just skips to after the Thalmor are defeated for the next plot, and makes the civil war outcome intentionally vague
The civil war would be inconsequential anyway in the larger plot. It already felt like a footnote within the story of skyrim.
>a dragon break happened, both outcomes of the civil war are canon and the thalmor both won and lost
It'll be about bringing Hammerfell back into the empire the second great war won't happen until VII at least
>Bethesda garbage game engine limitations shapes the lore
that would unironically the best option, I dont want to see the 10 vs 10 >great war cringefest
best to just skip over it
ulfric did not technically "shout him apart" with any special shout, he tells you that's a meme and he actually just FUS ROH DAH'd him to the ground then stabbed him the heart.
also, the graybeards are obviously a political faction based on the teachings of jurgen windcaller, who was basically a nord general who got blown out so hard by the dunmer that he decided
>heh, violence is overrated anyway, w-we only lost because using the voice to hurt people made kynareth mad
when in reality what's the fucking point of being gifted by the gods with powers that can set people on fire, if you're just going to use them to yell at the sky all day? you could have just sang like anybody else. jurgen and the graybeards are just gay hippies and there are plenty of people in skyrim like delphine and even ulfric himself who basically point this out
I once spoke to the ghost of High King Torygg, and he asked me to fuck his wife in his stead.
Would a true king do that?
Because Ulfric jumped on him like an assassin, it's like a guy walking up to you from behind, aiming a gun at your head and shouting "I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL" and pulling the fucking trigger before you even full process what's happening.
Oh my the game doesn't agree with my headcanon time to drop muh engine.
The whole "Infant king " narrative the Empirefags try to sell is nonsense.
she is in the pocket of Maven Blackbriar her abusive nature is a facade to make the children feel like they are hopeless and need to go into criminal work to survive thus into the factions that help Maven and the Blackbriars stay in power in Riften and the skyrim region at large
he walked into the court, they thought he was there to talk, but he yelled OI COME AT ME NOW CUNT
how is that "like an assassin"? not like he sneak attacked him. if you can't defend your throne when some dude walks up and calls you a bitch, you don't deserve it. get styled on kiddo
That’s why i will destroy Ulfric and his rebel force, keep Skyrim united with the empire, lead empire to the war with aldmeri after disposed that weak emperor.
...you do know the empire started with a minotaur fucking empress?
>Daily threads with 250+ replies discussing minute aspects of a game released 8 years ago
Why does Yea Forums pretend to hate Skyrim again?
cause we are all perpetually stuck in the past, unable to empty our diapers and move on with our lives
>Revolutionary Queen
>What is the war of the red diamond
>the reach belongs to the forsworn
It means you should've installed the mod that makes the loading screen text actually worth reading
I hated skyrim when it came out and dropped it pretty fast, absolutely disgusted with where elder scrolls was going. It got rid of a bunch of skills, removed classes, custom spells, all kinds of things just felt like a huge normie-fication in the name of "streamlining" that neutered the whole experience. But I gave it a chance years later with fresh eyes and it's become one of my favorite games, even though my old criticisms are there. I still hate that they simplified so much, but at the same time some of the changes they made to make the game current gen were for the better, and overall I feel it's a great addition to the franchise now.
I think Yea Forums is just stuck in the first phase and their distaste for the bad aspects won't let them enjoy the good game that exists underneath.
War of the red diamond tes adventure game when?
>it's a prequel
There are actually a lot of good things they can use for prequels
Nothing wrong with that, I do it all the time.
Even fucking draugrs don't fall from FUSRODAH, what a weakling.
Skyrim's plot and gameplay suck ass, but the lore is good.
t. ESOfag
If both duelists are equally shit, then yes, it should end in a draw.
>He doesn't want to see the war of the red diamond
Considering engine's limitations - no, I don't.
Wasn't Skyrim special edition able to load hundreds of NPCs at once without a problem?
It's either pre-render or not at all. Because massive battles aren't just about quantity of NPCs in it.
Killing Grelod likely sets them down the dark brotherhood path instead they idolize the organization after that
Several dozen at most, with stripped AI. And boy it chugged.
You need some Total War ahit to appropriately depict the lore. Sadly Bethesda will never let someone else touch the series, no adventure games ala Redguard made with Assassins Creed or Uncharted action, nor strategy, nor mystery/terror. Not even a khajiit dating sim.
Why do you need a khajiit dating sim, user?
Do you guys think moot still browses from time to time?
Sure he does, user. Sure he does.
>Grelod and Degrees of Lewdity
It makes so much sense right now.
Honestly the original devs thought all the "Complexity" was detracting from the true purpose of roleplaying all the way back with morrowind I think.
unironically skyrim is what it should be like, and I tend to agree with that. The most fun I have with the game is roleplaying something and acting like how they would act.
If bethesda doubled down on this shit, and REALLY propped up modding, they could actually take this in the right direction.
Did you know the legion you see in skyrim are just fresh recruits? And the legion decimated the knife ears after their hack was removed in the great war
If you fight on an equal ground you have to hold back until you're equally skilled as your opponent. I'm pretty sure anyone could shout, it was their lack of practice that held them back.
If the guy never held a sword before, should they fight with insults instead? Would that be "honorable"?
The real enemy of game design in Skyrim is the quest marker. The Journal system in Morrowind actually felt like I was going on an adventure and forced me to look around the surrounding. In Skyrim you just fast travel to whatever is closest and make a beeline for the marker, ignoring anything in the path.
Today we all know Morrowind wasn't actually that large but the way quests and transportation worked made it look so much bigger.
What the fuck is with that coping image
Quest marker won't solve the fact that there is zero logical enviromental design.
but, it would be really cool if there was a system that the player would essentially "build" the quest marker.
like by gathering clues,and asking the NPC the right questions, he can get a generic to accurate estimate of the location.
fuck imagine if that was like something tied to the speech skill
That's not a terrible proposal.
No, you learn the first part of that shout and they help you perfect it instead
The first shout they actually teach you from the start was the dash move
No, the graybeards teach you Fus. As soon as you come in, in the main hall inside the building. Up until that point the only extraordinary thing you've done before is eat up a Dragon's Soul.
its that or bethesda will actually have to write directions for players that will never read to follow.
Figure you might as well subliminally force players to take in the world, if through dialogue choices.
wrong, you learn fus when you go to look for the dragon tablet, they teach you whirlwind dash
you get Fus from the wall inside the first crypt, dawg
I'll give you that they'll teach it to you if you go to them straightaway, but you're not strictly speaking supposed to, you only 'can'
>peaceful non-violent monks
>teach you how to shout people onto the floor with the same shout ulfric used
>of course now they'll teach you a shout of peace and harmony right?
>no they teach you how to sanic spin dash
I looked up a video and you're correct. My bad.
It's a bicycle maymay.
Ulfric murdered a lot of people in Markarth.
Should I remind you about frag count of the protagonist?
Ulfric is a puppet of the Thalmor, that document you find in the embassy is proof of it. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's wrong.
The biggest concern of the Thalmor is to keep the Empire week so it will not attempt to break the White-Gold Concordat. They released Ulfric hoping that he would cause civil unrest and it's just as they hoped. Now the Empire can't rebuild its strength because the Nords can't keep their home unified.
The game also tells you that most of Skyrim simply ignored the Talos worship prohibition. It was only after the break of civil war that the Empire and the Thalmor begin to crack down on the worshippers. Ulfric is making it worse for his own cause.
When does self defense become mass murder?
...said a fellow member of Dark Brotherhood.
>The United States is a representative democracy. Not a republic
The supreme law of the land is ultimately a piece of paper. We are a republic.
Ulfric isn't a puppet he murders the Thalmor when he wins and starts building an army to fight them in the summerset isle
TES protagonists are murderous hobos that do literally anything for power. They aren't normal.
The only way Ulfric can win is if the Dragonborn aids him. There's no way the Thalmor could consider that possibility. By all means he should never have stood a chance.
Whether or not he wins or loses doesn't change that he was a puppet. Maybe a puppet that got out of hand and far outlived his usefulness but a puppet nonetheless.
Is there a canonical resolution to the Skyrim Civil War? Or will we have to wait until ES6 to find out which side won?
Delphine: just gives orders, barely seems to care how you feel or if you survive, sees you as nothing more than an asset and gets angry if you dont do what she says
Paarthurnax: just chills on the mountain, gives you a free word for fire breath, empowers your shouts and even helps you fight alduin first time, even tells you how to capture Odahviing
GEEEEEE i really wonder who i should side with
These are bold words for someone who's not Savior/Champion/Hero/Guildmaster/Archmage/Thieves' leader/Listener/and so on. Say that again.
a phonetically shifted "meet(ing)", or rather the other way around.
On one hand, the stormcloaks have the homefront advantage and can likely exploit the terrain that they know, on the other hand, the Thalmor seem to always have a backup plan and might know some of the land due to all the justiciars walking around
I'd be more worried about the thalmor convincing the empire to send more legions, or that rumour about the falmer getting smarter and raiding more caravans during the day
nah, that doesn't sound right
how does that make it any less disreputable?
especially since the players deathcount is highly variable, and not in the slightest impacts ANYTHING in the bloody game?
A puppet is someone who receives direct orders and follows them. I will quote Thalmor Dossier for you.
>The so-called Markarth Incident was particularly valuable from the point of view of our strategic goals in Skyrim, although it resulted in Ulfric becoming generally uncooperative to direct contact.
>Direct contact remains a possibility (under extreme circumstances), but in general the asset should be considered dormant.
>A Stormcloak victory is also to be avoided, however, so even indirect aid to the Stormcloaks must be carefully managed.
Basically he fucked off and started his own thing without any of Thalmor interventions. This can be considered a sleeping agent, but not a puppet. And a sleeping agent thing is already pretty much gone since he can and would gladly win this war, and has no intentions of following any orders but his own.
>Was it cheating?
No, but it was murder.
He was justified in using his power in the duel, but everyone more or less agrees the high king would have bent over backwards to do whatever Ulfric wanted if he just asked him to.
Ulfric just wanted to demonstrate his personal might in front of all the kings of Skyrim.
Did the document not imply, quite clearly, that the Thalmor considered Ulfric an asset to their cause?
Not to say that he ever took orders from them or anything, but that they definitely thought his rebellion was a positive thing for the Thalmor.
And dont forget Daedric Lord of Madness
>there are people ITT unironically defending a Thalmor puppet
Not only does Delphine order you around like a bitch, but she does it the whole time while saying the Blades exist only to serve the Dragonborn.
Even after she's convinced you're the dragonborn, she still treats you like a bitch and tells you what to do.
That is pretty much an exception, but still a logical conclusion of HoK's story. A pyrrhic victory and shit.
>there are people ITT unironically thinking by their own brain
How dare they.
people just dont understand the true meaning behind the dossier
>yeah we manipulated Ulfric into starting the civil war by making him feel guilty and forcing the Empire to cuck him during Markarth Incident
>but if he wins then we get a united Skyrim that thirsts for elf blood and the Empire can finally accept they suck and focus back to beating the Thalmor so this is a big no-no
holy fuck woke
>good writers don't answer all questions.
Are you one of those brainlets/scifilets that thinks Half-Life was well written by any chance?
Also people are kind of lost in a timeline.
>4E 174 - Thalmor takes IS
>4E 176 - Markarth incident
>4E 201 - TES5 events
FOR ~27 YEARS they haven't contacted him directly nor had any influence on him. For me it looks more like "lose a battle, win a war".
If he hit the gym once in a while he could have been a gigachad with that jawline
>mfw using mods to turn everyone non-essential and literally enslaving Delphine into your rape dungeon and beheading Esbern
>you can bring Delphine up to the Throat of the World and have her ass slam-dunked by Paarthurnax himself
yeah i'd rather TES 6 focus on building your own empire from the ruins of war rather than another generic army vs army bullshit. i'm really tired of working for other kings
>If "Bound Until Death" is active:
>What's next? "We're ready to march on Solitude, but the Emperor's cousin is getting married! If royal blood was spilt, all of Cyrodiil would be up in arms. We can't afford an all out war with the Empire. So we'll bide our time for now."
>If "To Kill an Empire" is active:
>"We're ready to march on Solitude, but the Emperor's visiting! The goddamned Emperor! And, as much as I'd like to kill the man myself, we can't risk an all out war with the Empire. We'll bide our time for now..."
Huh. Interesting stuff.
Google's bitchboy
i don't know about you but my servant did most of the kill, she was armed with a wooden sword made by gods
Even if Ulfric was a sellout that doesn't make the Nords' cause any less valid. Only retards and tranny leftists ignore that journal page anyway. They just hate nationalism in any form.
gook fuking retard
Duh, irrational hate and logic rarely go hand in hand.