Weird things that scared you as a kid

Weird things that scared you as a kid

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looking at my pp was funny

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nibbaheilm - the town in ff7
I dunno why but I was 10 when I played in 97 and that place always scared me

Quake was spooky.

any large body of water

The big fishes from SMB3.
Vore still creeps me out.


user GET OUT

Not videogames.

the elephant graveyard in the lion king genesis game

Furby's. Redeads in OOT. Any underwater segment in a game with sea life still fucks me up to this day thanks to that one level in Tomb Raider with the shark.

The knight boss in Ape Escape.

Luigi's Mansion 1 spooked the shit out of me as a 4 year-old. I started hallucinating sometimes and seeing the ghosts come out of the TV to chase me.

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When Jabba the Hutt feeds Oola to the Rancor he laughs and grabs some squirming frog thing from a tank that screams as he eats it. In my fear addled child mind I thought he'd shrank the dancing girl down and was now eating her for disobeying her. For years whenever I watched Return of the Jedi I'd skip the entire Jabba's Palace sequence because of this

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What the fuck? Did your parents feed you shrooms and acid?

I was scared of all kinds of shit as a kid, but strangely the only thing in Luigi's Mansion that spooked me was the floating candlesticks. I don't even know why because I knew about the character and the flame power up.

This motherfucker make me afraid of go anywhere near water,hell even far away i feel akward.

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Bullet Bills in SMB.


Bowser's laugh in SM64 scared the shit out of me as a kid

There was the program called kidpix it was just a advanced paint with gifs and special brushes one of the gifs was a ginger kid making a face with creepy music. Dont know why it spooked me so much but i remember hiding under my desk when ever i saw it

The hand that came out of the toilet in majora's mask at midnight. Fucking scary my dude. That and the aliens.

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The barnacles in Half Life 1. When they got me I would quickly exit the game and restart.

I remember the first M gmame I got to play was Halo: CE. I was always wondering to myself "Why is this M, its not that bad."

And then I found the flood. I handle zombies and other shit perfectly fine, but for some reason the flood scared me shitless for years.

Still played tf out of Halo though.

RIP my nerves during The Library

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Monster Ock for Spider Man on PS1. I still can't play through that level

lara crofts mansion. and i wasnt scared of the butler he actually made me feel comfy about the place, if he wasnt there it would have been even creepier for me. there's just something off about it.

I remember the flood spooking me too. I was a retarded 10 year old and skipped through every cutscene so I was surprised when I was suddenly shooting zombies and bugs in dark hallways.

That whole under water section in Banjo-Tooie scared me shitless but I got through it.

Most of the bosses in that game were also uncanny as fuck to me. The fish and vacuum boss especially so.


Lil bitch boi

when I cap my hands behind my back, it's me how is touching my own hand?

that shit freaked my out as a kid

Giant arachnids. I got Fallout 3 and far cry 2 for my 11th birthday (I turned 11 in October 2008) and the morning after I got it I was exploring and ran into a giant radscorpion and screamed my head off. My mom and I think my aunt were gone so I was home alone and no one heard me.

Wow, you're a literal child.

He's nearly 22 now, user...

the opposite happened to me. I gained a vore fetish


Lurker Shark.

Radscorpions were bad, but I was 19 when that game came out and the giant ants fucking horrify me to this day. Going into one of the ant tunnels puckers my whole body up


Saw this at someone else's house as a kid more than 20 years ago, still can't handle jumpscares. It wasn't the image, really, but the jumpscare itself. Empty room, open a drawer and suddenly BAM snake all up in the camera, creepy dirge plays with old 90s PC soundfonts, game over. Ugh.

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Yes at 11 years old I was a literal child. I turn 22 next month.

Literal child. Her brain hasn't finished even developing.

the swamp area from sly cooper always scared the fuck outta me. the enemies are scary, the ambience is scary, the brutal voodoo shit is scary...

Thats my fucking boy lance boyle!

RE1 dogs jumping through the windows


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Manta rays

ff7 was generally spooky.
>shinra hq
>reds dad thingy
bunch of other shit i don't remember right now like the sub


Holy shit you made me remember now!

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The sharks from Ty the Tasmanian Tiger because of how one part of a level pitted you against like 12 at the same time
And especially the big fish that lazily swim around, and swallow you whole if you get too close

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I made this discord server

every male literal boomer I've ever met is scared of swimming in the beach because of Jaws

>be scared of large, empty bodies of water
>be scared of huge sea creatures
>discover Subnautica
>discover Dead Zone
One of the scariest fucking things I've ever experienced in vidya

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My daddy's pp when we showered together.

not vidya related, but godzilla vs hedorah scared me shitless back when i was a kid. poor 4 year old me was traumatized for years.

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I'm Lance Boyle and it doesn't hurt a bit *wink*

>tfw Sekiro brings all those fears back with the Great Carp

The scorpions didn't bother me, but the giant queen ants in the Ant-agonists hideout scared the shit out of me.

Squid boss from Croc 2.
The sounds it made creeped me out.

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rayman 2 is really spooky

Ladders have captured my imagination since I was eight. In Singapore, the libraries have these tall bookshelves where you have to use a ladder to grab a book. Although I was tall enough to grab a book off the shelf, I could not help but imagine the anxiety of climbing one:

Would it be scary to look down?
What happens if you fall?
Is it okay to take a break on one of those steps?
Would the ladder wobble?
If you’re stuck, who’s going to save you?

I thought anyone who could climb a ladder was a god. They were fearless of heights and more. I had never climbed a ladder until I was sixteen because of my fear of heights.

It made me think of Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling. It asked a simple question: How did Abraham overcome his anxiety and sacrifice his son, Isaac, in the name of God?

I thought I was the only one holy shit

Centaur from Fallout. :(

*runs you over*

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The fucking Andores and the Abobos in double dragon

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Dianoga in Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire