Pick a class and expand their functionality.
>Dispensers now give overheal

Attached: 1452637538836.png (925x665, 860K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>All class
>Players now drop a small healthkit on kill

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>has the innate ability to bunnyhop

I love and hate that idea. It'd be horrible in pubs, so many games would stalemate because people would stack engineers rather than playing medic and building ubers to push with.

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>Pyros can now set certain environments on fire temporarily.
Basically the idea of the gas passer, but only for like wooden or grassy environments. Would give you a reason to play Pyro on certain maps.

>fempyro is made canon

>left clicking while not revved up preforms a quick melee attack

Wouldn't be possible, but if Tf3 became a thing, I like the idea of Engi being able to destroy certain parts of the environment to open up flank routes and such.

>Sappers can now be stuck to medics and drain their ubercharge at a slightly slower rate than sentry damage

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4th weapons slots for Pyro's jetpack and Heavy's lunchbox items

Give Spy more options for his Sapper slot, such as a personal wallhack device he can pull out to see enemy outlines, or a grappling hook for flashier generalist play

>can pick up health kits and ammo

>Sydney sleeper marks enemies through walls
>huntsman has rope arrows

>Nades explode on contact even if they bounce off stuff, but only at a specific speed

>melee disarms weapons if they're facing him, if someone melees him the same time he slashes/backstabs the two attacks are negated

>health leach when he's healing something based on a percentage of how much he heals, EG crit heals would be like 3 hp per second

>sentry rockets compensate for enemy movement

>gunboats lower primary load by 1, no longer take full damage if you hit an enemy at the same moment you hit yourself

>takes twice as long to switch to minigun, when minigun is equipped heavy moves at his normal move speed, when unequipped heavy moves at demo speed

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uber drain is a really horrible mechanic, and the medic would have been backstabbed if the spy was that close anyways

just saying.

>>can pick up health kits and ammo
Do you mean, like, pick them up and give them to teammates sorta like he picks up money in MvM, or is that a Scunt joke?

Yeah I guess you're right :/

>Sydney sleeper marks enemies through walls
This has to be a joke.

Yea Forums Breaks a game because they dont know what they are talking about PART 1

yes like they're straight up on his back. He can only pick up two items. He can't pick up from the same location twice and can only pick up one large item.
When he dies the items fall out of him like a pinata, he can't pick up the items when he drops them until 3 seconds later.

I guess.

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>caber is reverted to its original state

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Could be fully charged or headshots only. I mean really the entire intention is for the sniper to give his team a boost against the target. Otherwise hes better off using a normal sniper rifle.

Only other thing I could think of is players recieving ammo or health when they hit them.

>Dispensers now give overheal
I've considered this as a dispenser buff before now but honestly I think it's a bad idea. You're just going to make turtling far more effective.

But how about this?
>Dispensers generate uber when healing damaged teammates
>When a Medic stands next to a Dispenser the dispenser drops the uber its generated onto the medic
That way, not only do turtles actually encourage some aggressive play, but players are actually encouraged to switch to Medic when they see the team's dispenser has generated a lot of uber.

>Taunting when close to an enemy forces them to taunt back

It's a fun exercise you sperg

>huntsman has rope arrows
based and dark messiahpilled

Give Heavy the Soldier's banners

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>based and dark messiahpilled

Did dark messiah actually have rope arrows? I immediately think thief when I think rope arrows.

Seeing enemies through walls is inherently not a thing in tf2. It was designed that way.

This. Kinda find it funny how unanimous the opinion on this is.

How about having it so Sappers can be place from behind on Medic's who have activated their ubers (and therefore can't be backstabbed)? When the Medic is being sapped the uber drain doubles.

Only thing is you're intruding on the pyros main use in high-skill games as an uber counter.

How about this

>Teleporters now give a speed buff to anyone who steps on them

I'm on board with this at this point

Then make it some kind of one-shot-only projectile that requires good aim, has a really slow charge time and can't be recharged by going to a health cabinet.

Airblasting gives a bit of recoil, which when used efficiently, can doublejump
Can charge with fists, ala Demo's charge
Can build speed pads instead of teleporters
Medi-gun has to be aimed instead of auto-targetting
Can throw sappers for an electricity shield that can damage buildings (without disabling them) and slightly damage players
Can press a key to go his normal rate of speed while disguised
>All classes
Bunnyhopping, but it only gives you a minimal amount of speed for each jump

I love this idea. Wouldn't even have to be active.

>instantly dies when he uses a teleporter

that makes it sound like a grenade that spies will always throw out when they're about to die.

Imagine playing medic, having to worry about spies, and then when he approaches you you have to always consider hes going to fuck your uber no matter what you do.


>Airblasting gives a bit of recoil, which when used efficiently, can doublejump

pyro being able to wall jump with his airblast would be pretty cool. And could actually raise the skill gap and much needed mobility.
Only problem is that he could do this constantly, with little to no downside and high mobility pyros are horrifying.

give this to dragons breath only

>he could do this constantly
Airblasting costs 20 ammo y'know

>Left clicking with the revolver lets a spy highlight an enemy to the rest of his team

Those are all terrible

>>huntsman has rope arrows
this is the only one i'd want implemented.

give demo a glock

I like the Pyro change, but Medic being able to auto-target his healing beam is a good design choice.

thats 10 attempts and he gets 100 ammo back from each kill and ammo packs.

that would be like demo having 10 charges for his shield that he gets back.

Give Engi a revolver

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I'm spitballing mostly what I think when I'm playing the classes.

give scout a deagle

I think it'd raise the skill level. Maybe you could alternate between auto/manual healing modes and manual restored more health?
This doublejump would only go as high as flarejumping with the Scorch shot anyways

I've been think about what a tent class could even be and I'm drawing a blank. Do the 9 mercs cover all bases?

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A high power manual medigun would be a nice idea for a new weapon. You'd have to do something with the crossbow to make it viable.

Which class would be the best fit for a railgun?

Best so far.

Actually sounds like it could be fun

Sounds rewarding but it'd be horrible to play against, suddenly a medic would have a charge and there's potentially nothing you can do about it.

>Can remove enemy sapper with own sapper
It's a small thing but why not?



they shouldn't have mixed up who the team 'leader' is between heavy and soldier, it clearly should be the fatass

Here's my idea:
Replace all needle guns with crossbows. Crusader's is way more fun and interesting to aim than the other needle guns, IMO. All crossbows would be about as strong as the Crusader's is now, but the Crusader's would become weaker to balance it with its healing abilities. The Blutsauger would heal half the damage dealt instead of just the +3 HP. The Overdose, instead of having the damage penalty, would reload quite a bit slower.

this is wishy washy. Spy actually has insanely good synchronization with engineer, but this would be a weird gimmick. I really don't like pyro removing sappers as is. I cringe whenever I hear people playing "pybro"

but I would rather spy have an ability like this than pyro, pyro already shits all over spies and ubers, he really doesn't need an ultimate hard counter to spies.

Spy sappers removing sappers could give an interesting dynamic where spies would actually consider working with sentries as a distraction. Would help teach them the fundamentals of playing spy pretty quickly.

Maybe a red tape recorder thing and he only gets to remove one sapper and has to wait 5 seconds.

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>the whole game
>gets ported to source two so it can stop being a buggy unplayable mess

I think a mechanic where he gets bumped off by anyone who steps on the teleport with him wouldn't be a bad idea

if the teleporter is level 3 you shouldn't complain.

Teleporters should simply teleport the first person on them, no questions asked.

soldier obviously

horrible posts, lurk more

Fun fact, this is actually a scrapped scout item:

Of Level three is fine, but I think anyone would be irritated if they have to wait for a level one sentry as heavy just because a scout saw a glowing platform

cough cough medieval mode cough cough

Yeah but a few scrapped weapons actually made it into the game. Like the spycicle is basically the flame suit.

fuck off back to /tf2g/

this, I cringe anytime people whine about Scout's taking level 3 teles. Not a Scout main, btw.

If it irritates you, you should be upgrading the tele.

maybe teles should auto matically upgrade 25% for everyone that teleports through them.

What is this autism

I just tought of something. Why not the cool down of the tele correlate with the size of the class. So scouts and engies hinder it little but heavies and soldiers slow it down a bit respectively. I'm not talking a huge amount, just a small mechanic.


railguns sound like a burst weapon, so that's equivolent to a shotgun/rifle with high damage and low spread.

Thats essentially The Classic or The Machina.

I'd give it to engineer though and have it penetrate buildings and players. would give him an answer to enemy turtling engineers, and would be fun to shoot when you're dicking around.

That would flip the script and heavies would be forced to take teles last.

Just give people killfeed notifications when they upgrade ally buildings.


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at some point they decided that the reply function shall not be used

Well no the cool down wouldn't be that problematic. It's that scouts and lighter classes would cause less problems going into a teleporter, but you can't same-day-ship a brigade of heavies.

only newfags do that. its a filter for newbies.

What are the heavies strengths and weaknesses as a class?

+Locks down an area
+lots of chip damage in semi open areas
+Back bone of the team and draws fire, lots of classes benefit from a distracting ally
+massive point blank damage
+If hes hiding behind an object he can duck in and out to eat a bannana and lock an area really well (great for koth or defense)

-NEEDS a medic unless he does the last thing in positives
-Easy to flank
-insanely easy to peak him with any class and chip him down
-immobile, so any weapons that deal large damage but are hard to aim will work really well against him
-takes ~4 shots to kill him, thats barely more than most classes (takes ~6 shots to kill an over healed heavy, pretty big differnce)
-He simply cannot escape from ubers unless he has GRU equipped
-Snipers no matter the skill level will fuck him if hes not careful

I say make it so you can’t attack, but can still move at normal speed. Also max stun is 3 seconds

The banners would be a straight upgrade for Heavy.

Think about it, the only downside of the banners for the soldier is they replace his shotgun, but Heavy has little use for his, he normally replaces it with his heal items, which in turn are mainly useful for when he's not got a medic (and really you're going to have one if want to do well as heavy).

With the banners you're basically giving heavy an extra, powerful ability on top of what he can already do and you're only drawback is not being able to awkwardly use your heal item's m2 to occasionally heal your pocket (who already has health regen anyway).

>The banners would be a straight upgrade for Heavy.

Debateable. He would have shit for staying power without a heal item, and shotguns are necessary if you're playing brass beast. He also can't heal his medic GF.

big issue is that this basically just makes heavy medic WAY stronger, when that's already the best and only optimal way to play him.

Only thing I could think is that banners don't stack with ubers.

also that being a distraction he's the target for many. If there's a spy, he'll get tunnel vision from how much he wants to kill you.

Soldier can now kick while in midair. Kicking a wall makes him walljump off of it.

Attached: when you are allowed to use a presses.webm (320x240, 2.67M)

oh yeah spies wreck heavies that I almost wish he had a razor back instead.

Think this was the one stage + hazy maze I never managed to get 100 coins on.

Heavy can now charge like Demo's shields if you press the reload key with the Minigun out, but only if you aren't revved. Looks visually similar to how he charged in Meet the Spy

Attached: wario charge.png (1280x953, 1.09M)

>Level one sentries can't keep you with your speed

Give Demo a glock

this would be nice but wouldn't really happen often.
actually sentries in general taking longer to lock onto scouts would be a nice mechanic.

Also why does the mini sentry have the same lock on speed as a lvl 3?

He already has the caber.

Yeah, it's just the scout vs sentry match up , even a level one is too irritating. I was think about in Meet the Scout the bullets all miss.

For those who are looking for actually interesting TF2 Youtube content, check out Whomobile's "weird maps" series. Gives you that "lonely, otherwordly" feeling Yea Forums loves so much.

>Yeah, it's just the scout vs sentry match up

just equip a pistol or use bonk desu.
Bonk scout and demo jumper probably indirectly hard counter engineer more than any other class.

if hes locked in an area, either go around or play a better map.

>Scout: Can now take medkits/ammo from drops to his team
>Soldier:Pretty good as is
>Pyro: Airblasts now have recoil and can be used to give him a small boost, the jetpack now is faster to deploy and holster
>Demo:Bring back the old caber and zatoichi
>Heavy: Railgun primary that specializes in high-accuracy burst damage, can now equip soldier's banners, but they require more damage to charge and reduce his max HP slightly
>Engi: Mini-Dispenser, and a buildable Banner that can boost the movement speed and damage resistance of nearby allies for a short time. Sentry auto-lock is changed so that a charging demo-man or scout will outrun the bullets. The Wrangler now reduces the sentry's damage output slightly
>Medic:New medigun that doesnt have an uber, but instead a shield like in MvM. New syringe gun that applies a poison DOT
>Sniper: Scoped shots below 20% charge only minicrit
>Spy: New weapon enables him to fire fake shots that makes it look like whoever he is disguised as is shooting, bring back old ambassador, disguising as a class thats not on the enemy team now equips them with a few random cosmetics instead of a blank slate, disguising as a medic gives you a random amount of fake uber

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>Bat can deflect projectiles(really strict timing and hitbox)
Reflecting them might be a little OP but i'd prefer it.

that would actually be hilarious if broken.
would be cool for sandman.

yeah imagine seeing a rouge scout running at you with a bat and reflecting a crit rocket back at you saying a one liner
>"back at you pally"
>"foul ball!"

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how about all classes at once
re-add grenades

>Buildings have a slight passive repair, healing themselves in a way similar to the Concheror. 1 point after they're out of combat and not taking damage, building up to 5/sec.

>Crossbow inflicts minicrits on headshots and heals additional health on headshots. Syringe gun ROF increased, drop decreased, passive reload.

>Left click when not revved up does a quick melee attack like the Short Stop shove.

>Revert Sandman, revert Bonk, Short Stop can shove while reloading and doesn't delay shooting.

>Revert Ambassador.

>can reveal enemy locations

>I really don't like pyro removing sappers as is. I cringe whenever I hear people playing "pybro"
based, homewrecker is sleeper cancer and is ignored because of "pybro ecks dee"

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problem is that they might make it too hard to do unless you're austistic, so that guy that can do it will feel insane to fight.

Maybe just make it so scout can catch one projectile if he has a melee weapon equipped and it goes straight into a catchers mitt or something.

>scout can actually scout
Yeah, it'd be cool if the scout gets a secondary, called "spotters binoculars" and it reveals the hidden icon on the top of screen what class is being played, and i don't know makes them visible through wall for like 5 seconds. It can also be a sniper secondary although probably less useful. It'd be good for keping an eye on spies and flankers, also helping the teams spy know who to disguise as or who to kill.

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Yeah but I think it would require pinpoint accuracy and even then be hard to land since the range be short and the bat doesn't swing fast enough to get multiple things. It'd be more of a situational thing, like "oh a there's a soldier/demo at the end of this vent, I'll pull out my melee to try and reflect his first rocket so I close the distance some." It'd be like the pyro blast except considerable worse

>Share soda like heavy shares sandwiches for small hp pack
New melee weapon that has knockback
>New sapper that stuns buildings but doesnt destroy them, breaking the sapper to quickly stuns engi/homewrecker
>Short circuit can remove sappers for 75 metal
>Doing the taunt to drink alcohol melee weapons gives a small defense buff

This. They completely screwed up the roles of Heavy and Soldier.

In fact, a "gain speed on lower health" melee fits Heavy better than Soldier and "gain (mini)crits on kill" melee fits Soldier better than Heavy too.

>Short circuit can remove sappers for 75 metal

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Where's my engineer wrench that upgrades dispensers

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>"gain (mini)crits on kill" melee fits Soldier better than Heavy too.

Soldier with KGB would be absolutely insane.

>Can build speed pads instead of teleporters
I'm imagining speed pads like from Sonic Adventure that push both allies and enemies who step on it.

Can you post something like this but of bubble slime?

>+can upgrade dispensers
>+dispensers cost 25 metal

>-can't upgrade sentries

would use

Especially when with another Engi who's using the regular ones.

tf2 is perfect as long as faggots still get mad over the phlog
Every fucking game, I put a gibus, farm damage with a scorch shot, and MMPH 10 people. they are upset in chat every god damn time. It NEVER gets old.

>upgraded sentries and upgraded dispensers
>not to mention there would be two of each

sounds a little broken almost.

>make the syringe gun fun to use and upgrade the other primaries to match the crossbow
>You don't lose out on ubercharge% when healing someone at a dispenser because everyone is too impatient to walk away from the dispenser for 7% free uber
>make the solemn vow something fun
>make the amputator useful when healing 4+ people instead of getting cheated out of uber.

Give Heavy a GAU-8 Avenger.

I like the 4th weapon slot for heavy for lunchbox items. Heavy is always cool to see around and at this point you’re basically giving him a free shotgun since the food items are so invaluable.

Pain Train for Pyro pls it should have always been that way

>visible through wall for like 5 seconds.
>I want widow maker in tf2
no thx

As someone who plays Soldier with a strategy revolving around maximizing crits, a KGB for Soldier would be my wet dream.

Attached: 1.png (837x956, 325K)

>Increased control while air strafing

>Increased damage resistance while in the air

>Increased afterburn duration when multiple enemies are ignited

>Reload speed increased for every sticky mine placed

>Increased minigun accuracy while crouching

>Increased sentry damage toward the last enemy you dealt damage to

>All syringe guns heal teammates, syringes travel faster and farther

>Targets that survive headshots are marked for death

>Sapping an ubered Medic cancels the ubercharge

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why can't the engineer just have alternative PDA's instead
i mean they take up loadout slot, so why can't we put something there

>>Increased afterburn duration when multiple enemies are ignited

Imagine if gas passer ignited enemies re-ignited any enemy they pass through. would be horrible from a griefing stand point though.

You really can't touch the core of the engineer's play-style without pulling out the rug under tf2.

So much shit revolves around teles/dispensers/ sentries now

>Increase flamethrower range.

>Every enemy he sees get marked and become visible through the walls for a very brief amount of time. Tactically, the scout can hide and just look at the enemies. Marked enemies who are killed will net the scout an assist if the killer is not being assisted by anyone else.

>Increase rocket launcher splash range.

>Perfect as is.

>Perfect as is.

>Increase effective range and and minigun accuracy. His minigame basically acts like a glorified shotgun at this point.

>Perfect as is.

>fix all that facestab/sidestab bullshit.

>give him a less passive healing role by giving him some sort of weapon/equipment that makes it fun and easy to heal multiple teammates at the same time.

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Could get creative with the slot. Not gonna suggest halfassery though replacing one building at a time with variants of the building has worked in the past (funslinger). It could be a dispenser slot and say, provide some slow-decaying overheal but healing much slower; it could build really fast and have less hath but only have a certain amount of juice and give no ammo (dispenser version of funslinger), who knows the possibilities are endless there

>removed from the game

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>get a new sapper that lets you throw the sapper and knock out sentrynests like the Meet the Spy video
it would be all that i have ever wanted

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i've seen it on some servers, its kind of hard to figure out whats happening with it.

honestly you were better off just using the regular sapper. It would give away your position, and if you wanted to open up against the engineer, it was better to backstab him, or just sap and shoot the sentry instantly.

Engineer gets a sentry that only shoots demoman, even if he's on your team.


>all classes
>hitting someone in the head with a melee weapon is a mini crit

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what would he even do? Buff?

>all classes
>saying thank you after being healed now grants Medic a small amount of ubercharge

>heavy aims at head height
>medium range damage from across the map

would be nice

>saying medic while being healed kills you

>fat Mann: shoot a really slow rocket/nuke that slowly drops into the ground. Explosion radius and damage is increased but clip/ammo and reload speed is heavily decreased. Alt fire deploys the weapon and forces you to stay stationary (cannot move), this increases the reload speed slightly. no random crits

buff, mark, shuffle around pickups that kind of stuff

>saying medic with 90% hp kicks you

You could easily be lazy and have it explode with the literal cow mangler effect particles et al (except it does no damage, I’m talking about the emp pulse here)
With a cooldown like all balanced throw weapons, it could be neat. You basically have a long cd one-shot and give up the ability to ever sap stuff with resiliency or individually, but you can bust a nest with that sick spy trailer addition

And on payload heck yeah I’d switch off regular sapper and run it for a push, it might even be OP idk, the idea is really neat though and that slot could use some dope stuff
I also second the idea of a grappling hook for Spy but ONLY if it’s a primary

Say what you want about Overwatch but the fact that nearly everyone could do headshot damage meant that even the shittiest and most braindead characters could feel a little satisfying

i think headshots are why csgo isnt fun

Fair enough, but CS is a very different game, and also unfun for a lot of other reasons as well

>A device that allows him to turn the enemy sentry against it's team, forcing them to destroy it. You can get rid of it the same way you get rid of the zapper.

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That sounds awful

that seems like it'd fit Scout better

I play Neon Annihilator Py"bro". Most of the time I'm just Pyrosharking but I'll do my job if there's an engie nearby.
More importantly the hit sound effect is funny, I'd argue second only to the frying pan.

Pyro flamethrower designed to teach players how to air blast
>does -75% normal damage
>holding down m2 airblasts nonstop, burns fuel the same rate as regular m1
>can't reload from dispenser if it's the active weapon
>airblasts don't push people, only reflect projectiles
>if you time the initial m2 press so that it would have reflected on the stock flamethrower, the reflected projectile becomes a crit
Yeah its a crutch I don't care there's nothing wrong with weapons that act as training wheels

Backlinks didn't even used to exist. If you wanted it to be faithful to at least, say, OG 2chan you'd wanna do it like so.

>give the class who doesn't need to reload mini crits or lifesteal + speed at the press of a button

I dunno about that.

>can't reload from dispenser if it's the active weapon
this is not a penalty, it doesn't do shit for the beggars bazooka either
just switch to melee and switch back to primary without even reloading, like wow what a set back.
>airblasts don't push people, only reflect projectiles
why do you want to teach pyros to airblast by punishing them for something they should airblast? Just pushing heavies and ubers back around corners is why airblast is viable, not just minicrits

Your weapon design isn't even a crutch, its just inferior to stock. soldier has a shot gun and airblasting doesn't really counter sticky spam. your teaching tool doesn't teach shit.

i think that the face stabbing is when someone backstabs you very fast so as youre turning, on your screen it looks like a facestab, but wasnt. Could be wrong

That's awful from a gameplay perspective but brilliant trolling potential.

Swords do more damage, shields grant 50% bonus primary ammo loaded, the Splendid Screen gets its crit-on-bash-at-any-range thing back, shields keep any leftover charge if ended prematurely and at least one of them becomes immune to knockback while charging.

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>at the press of a button
This is what I don't get about the people who poo-poo the banner idea. They always say, "oh, it'll just be on demand crits". It's simply not true. There's so many other factors that go into the effectiveness of a banner charge for Heavy that balances out the positives with the negatives. The main thing is it would give Heavy a new playstyle, something he desperately needs.

this. sandvich is like the only secondary thats used.

>a class that has horrible range presense gets minicrits
>a class that relies heavilly on healing and lacks his own speed

it honestly sounds perfect.

>could rocket jump with airblast

this is your brain on 2fort

they barely made 9
pyro and spy don't even have a real place in the game

>glitchy spy hits you with melee when you hit him with your own melee
>cancel out instead of registering it as a backstab

fund it.

>An extra bomb hiding behind his eyepatch.

Does anyone know that video from tough break where theres a demo throwing the loch n load into the trash, and a baby face blaster has a skull next to it, and "hello darkness my old friend" is playing?
I thought it was just called nerf, but theres so much unrelated nerf shit that its hard to find on youtube

post yfw you crit

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Hey there valve devs. Looking for ideas? Nice ip faggots. Heres a suggestion. Gaben needs to move on for valve to evolve.

pic related, its the only screen shot I have

Attached: ss+(2015-07-03+at+07.00.20).jpg (649x335, 43K)

but he can do that

Hey, Valve here. Pick any weapon in TF2 and fix it. Thanks.

Just make it crit players who are under impaired movement again (ex. Natasha, Sandman, airblast)

Would be fun.

>quick class with burst
>balanced class
>ultra close ranged and Dot class

>burst and trap class
>tank and distraction class
>Line support and flank denial

>Open area denial
>anti camper and high threat pick
If you were to add a 10th class, I'd say lesson one of the weaker classes focus on one of their abilities, and then focus a class around that.

Distraction class
line of war support
Anti camping

You could combine line of war and traps pretty easilly. Anti camping and line of war too.

You'd probably start by giving them a shotgun, then give them a weakness and buff them in some way that they can shoot that's effectively like a shotgun.

probably something like hidden turrets that pop up behind players when you press the button. then if the enemy player ignores them long enough they start dealing massive damage.

it could also work like gunslinger where the player would have to either shoot the trap first or the player controlling the trap.

>damage resistance on being disguised (and uncloaked)
I don't believe there's a flaw in this except maybe the indirect buff it would give to the deadringer

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Its because thw cjaracter is russian and soldier american. I know you guys wouldnt believe but project mockingbird is still in effect. Devs, cartoonists, writters get suggestions by officials to insert lo key pro american. During the after sochi olypimpics lots of memos were sent to cartoonsts to plug something pro american and anti russian. Look at certain cartoon episodes from 2014 to 2015. Ex fcc intern of sorts. We also had spooka in the offices roaming around all the time. But whatever.

*shit I meant the damage resistance would only apply if you're uncloaked with a disguise on

>join valve server
>on defense, see we have only engies and spies
>pick demoman
>get kicked for cheating

>90% damage resistance to all damage, except melee when disguised

but god damn it would be like walking around with a deadringer at all times.

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>It was a flare crit on a low sniper
You're damn right i'm taunting with my boku no pico sign

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Give him a napalm thrower as a primary, make it so it doesn't ignite or do damage by itself, but any fire or explosives will set it ablaze.

I really hope people don't start hating upward cause its popular.

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Heavy gets a melee that lowers his health to 175, but improves strafe both with and without minigun spun up.

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Give every scattergun babyface's blaster effect with building up speed for getting consistent damage and not getting hit, doesn't have to big at all, just something for the best scouts to utilize efficiently
remove self damage from flareguns to encourage flarejumping
Allow to plant banners on any teammate, but with halved duration

>if you crouch while running you can slide which gives you speed buff, but you are slowing down while sliding on ground, and you cannot stop until you lose either all of momentum or big chunk of it
>you can slide into enemies dealing them small damage and knockback, and drop Intel if they are carring one
>you can jump once while sliding, during which you dont lose momentum, and if you slam into enemy face you deal minicrit

Open up a "classic" mode that strips away all cosmetics and most additional weapons besides a few like the huntsman, medics crossbow, minisentry, dead ringer, demo knight setup
Items that let the characters have multiple playstyles, but keep it as bare bones as possible.

Spy can poison medkits

Put Saxton Hale in as a goal reward like Jedi were in the original star wars battlefront 2.

The reason would be to annoy players like the recorder thing, you use it to make engies mad and switch class.

>Increased damage resistance while in the air
>Reload speed increased for every sticky mine placed

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>new "teleporter" that launches players
>they take no fall damage during the jump unless they double jump or do a mid air sticky jump
>way less cooldown

sandman ball distracts sentries

give the weapon SOMETHING

Just have banners not charge while under the medibeam, it requires a lot of coordination to go around that, which is rarely possible in casual, and in Comp, where it is more possible, heavy starts being a viable pick

>game cheats me out of a fair fight
>get a cheap 2 second chuckle and then wander around for the next real fight

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I'd rather there be some map destructibility
>Pyros can set wood foliage on fire. Enemy Pyros can airblast them away
>Demos can break weak walls and bridges
>Engineers can repair walls and bridges, and even reinforce them

as for others
>Soldiers can equip most secondary weapons they can find on the battlefield but can't find ammo for them and they're stuck with what they have
>Medics can keep health up to 2 health packs to give or use later
>Spy and Scout can literally do spy and scout things and can let other team players see through their eyes if they tell people there's a trap, show nest formations, etc.
>Sniper's okay.

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>Increased damage resistance while in the air
If your gardener ass gets dunked outta the air you fucking deserve it.

Honestly if Scout/Spy could just highlight enemies or engie buildings so that teammates can see them through walls, that would probably really help their roles.

I actually like junction...

Scout is already powerful enough, but Spy getting a tracker to plant on enemies would be cool.

>now heals for double the damage dealt

This. With Valve around, Spy's more likely to become prophunt: the character than an actual spy.

I love nucleus. it doesn't matter what I play, I always do well.
its fun to airblast projectiles into hallways or even phlog with scorch shot, the map caters to solo tomislav banana heavies or even melee steak heavies, Demoknight on koth is always a good time, its also sniper heaven, you can play med on any map and have fun

the people who bitch about spawn camping don't understand theres 3 exits and that medic exists, but they probably just had too many spies and snipers.

It's literally that

proper name for it would be lag stab, like getting headshot just when you pass by a wall.

>i've never seen meme matches before

ok dude

I'd take those over friendlies. They are the plague of any map.

I vaguely remember having difficulty headshotting the soldier through the helmet parts because the hitbox doesn't count it which technically makes sense since I'm shooting the helmet but still

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not him, meme matches are fun, but unironically kicking someone cause "dude you didn't do the meme XD" is pretty cancerous.

literally just ignore them or kill them, it could not be easier

With the flare, yeah

I meant mouse 2 on stock flamethrower

I aim for the helmet so I dunno.
Demo is a nightmare to headshot, especially from behind.

Ah nah, I mean when they infect the other people to go friendly and they instantly gang up to kick you from it. Sometimes they get btfo, sometimes I get ragekicked while the congo music replays to mock me

Easiest for me. Pyro's harder because of his speed and tiny head. Moreso with the Medic because of the speed and high value anxiety making me choke

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>dogfucker has a reddit opinion
Imagine my shock

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His black head makes it stand out more, I seem to always gravitate towards it.
2nd hardest has to be heavy. I can't aim at things that stand still.

I think it's for stuff like Strange variants of the PDA, and the Pipboy, unless that takes up a cosmetic slot.

Give Soldier a universal gunboats effect and nerf his HP to 175

Whenever I call medic with full health it's because I have crit-heals and want a buff, retard.

This would actually be a cool secondary. I think there was something similar for a while on a custom weapons server.

>"classic" mode that strips away all cosmetics and most additional weapons
> besides a few like the huntsman, medics crossbow, minisentry, dead ringer, demo knight setup
But those are the most annoying unlocks. Stuff like kritzkrieg and gunboats would be better picks.

The hitbox for his head is much bigger than the helmet, look it up. Might need to lower your interp ratio for better hit detection.

Pyro, demo, and soldier are tough because they hunch over so much, hard to hit them if they're not facing you. Medic's got a relatively slim face so I agree, he's tougher to headshot. Usually they're more conscious of snipers too and more likely to mix up their movement.

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Pyros are spazzy and will have the most movement as they try to weed out snipers and mosquitoes in their general area of effect.

It'd be better if it was a thrown weapon that sticks to the medic. Get melee'd by a teammate to get it removed. The voice acting could be hilarious, German accent: "get it off, get it off".
Uber drain as a mechanic is fine if isn't spammable like the pomson.

>Sapper that uberblocks or causes heal deficiency
Would be cool but it would also make most spies lazy as they'd just sap instead of stab.

I havent even played klonoa 2. Who the fuck thinks everyone is so attached to each and every reaction image they save? Not every pic on my drive is my waifu, you brain damaged retard.
you bark about shit you don't even understand, just stop typing
heres a pikachu reaction pic. I've hated pokemon for years, and not just before the sword and shield shit storm.

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>Miss Pauling is now the 10th class
Give her a role, Yea Forums

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>thrown weapon that sticks to the medic. Get melee'd by a teammate to get it removed. The voice acting could be hilarious, German accent: "get it off, get it off".
Oh man, such a horrible idea and it'd be so frustrating to play against but now I want it. Maybe if it did something other than drain ubercharge, like slowing him down or marking him for death.

>aerial faith plate
While we're at it, chell's boots that negate fall damage for the scout or soldier
An engie PDA that's functionally stock but cosmetically changes the engie buildings to resemble Portal's sentries, portals. Dunno how the dispenser would change.

Spectator / Coach

Would rather she be the gray spectator where she just becomes the AI director and makes things easier for one of the teams or harder for both.

Love it, but the TF2 maps are notorious for having invisible walls at higher heights.

Cock cleaner
Fap bait distraction

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pls post fempyro

Gangbang organizer

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Teammates can sex her for healing and speed buff

pls kill yourself

>tfw used to be a fag that was into the whole fempyro being a generic crazy anime girl personality

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>something, ANYTHING else to build
And don't feed me that
>muh core balance
Every class has turned the game upside down. Pyro has a goddamn jetpack now.

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If enemies fuck her they get uber and her whole team has to watch

I like the idea of scout fetching health and ammo, since it gives him a more active support role and fixes the problem with him hogging it all, though it might change the class a bit.

I think it could work with spy too, since it fits the theme of a sabotuer and gives an active support role to an actual support class, who has nothing unique besides instakills and disabling enemy buildings.

ayy yeah, now Scout can do the sex all the time

>Can shoot (blanks) without undisguising
>Can haul fake buildings when disguised as engineer
>Can send out fake a heal beam when disguised as medic
>Can place fake sticky bombs when disguised as demoman
How many times has an enemy spy actually, genuinely fooled you through acting? It's too rare, give them more tools.

>I havent even played klonoa 2
You're missing out on a good PS2 platformer. Man... I wish the series was more popular, even if it did invite certain degenerates.

>that deluge of defensive denial
Dumb dogfucker protests too much

I made a heavy rage really hard the other day after I dominated him purely with crit kills. After the first two I decided fuck it and started bombing him directly like a retard but I crit him each time by pure luck. Probably the most fun I've ever had with random crits.

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>How many times has an enemy spy fooled you through acting

To be honest no spy can fool anyone unless it's in the middle of the battlefield. Peace time, everyone will friendly fire. During explosions and cart pushing through enemy fire? Absolute chaos is your mask.

spectator class that anyone can join and either team can shoot her, and she can shoot either team.

Would it? How often are you hit by a Flying Guillotine or baseball? That's what I imagine, a Spy would throw it the uber sapper, and if it hits there is a decent payoff.

The extra Pauling clips were a treat, but it hurts to know that the original VAs aren't always up to do more clips because of either Valve's lack of commitment or because they can't anymore.

yeah but the jetpack is garbage. what engineer should get is a robot dog in place of a sentry.

I still am.

I recently set up a script to redisguise every time I swap weapons and quickly scrolling through them seems to help a lot. However, no matter what you do there will always be determined players who will empty their clip on you no matter how hard you bluff. I honestly think giving him a false fire would be more trouble than its worth.

>TFW you yeet a sniper to off of his ledge with a well placed flare

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>Peace time, everyone will friendly fire
But you usually stop spy checking once your teammate shoots back at you.

>Players mocking you when you crit kill them
>Players mocking you when you kill them with a flamethrower
>Players mocking you for literally killing them with anything that they can accuse as meme building

It's honestly a slightly better taunt than being bombarded with "fucking hacker" like in other games.

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If you compare some of the recent voice lines to the originals, some of the actors have clearly lost the voice. Engie definitely sticks out the most for that, but he's not the only one.

the jet pack is under powered and sucks for jumping into fights because there's a gigantic delay until you can switch back to flamethrower, if you jump nearly straight up to ambush, any of of the 4 highest scoring non-retards will hear the sound effect and be ready. Theres also too much recharge time and not enough reward to warrent using one of your precious TWO charges just to extinguish a teammate on phlog.
The thermal thruster is exclusively for making shortcut jumps that the detonator cannot, like anywhere a single rocket jump can get you.

Hmm... I would equate the jetpack to the engi's mini sentry. Most engis that have a mini sentry are usually aggressive and out on the front. Now, if Engi got a new set that completely change how they play like the Demoknight did, that would be cool to see.

Spy is about being quick and decisive to catch someone at their worst moment, not playing pretend or waiting for something to happen.

After granny Blu, I'd sooner believe that Pyro looks like V from Vendetta or Deadpool, but without a genitalia and burned all over.

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>tfw denying uber push after uber push with the Loose Cannon

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Yeah but with blank shooting, they'll just run into you. If you avoid them, more friendly fire.

Recognize that there's a difference between what it currently is and what it "should be" about.

This is why I only use joke weapons.
Once they get mad at that, no one will defend them.

Yeah, that's for the fiction to utilize.

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The contrast is a scout is very obvious and can't always approach medics and getting hit by a guillotine or baseball doesn't drain uber. A spy can get near a medic by cloaking or disguising and bypass sentries. It would potentially be worth cloaking, running within sight of a medic, and uncloaking just to instantly throw a sapper even if it meant certain death. The medic would have effectively no counter play, he'd just be fucked out of some uber. Normally a spy needs to get into melee range or spend at least a second firing his revolver to threaten him.

I'm not too interested in changing Engie's core role like Demoknight does, however. I'm fine with just some more utility options or another sentry that functions slightly different.

Sort of.
the limitations of the invis watch and maps can force spy to have to jump on opportunity.

but his main shtick and playstyle is to place the enemy between himself and his allies.
That's all it is, once the enemy sees your allies, you get free backstabs 99% of the time.

Give me a random loadout to try and topscore with.

>tfw all those people falling to a clumsy, painful death

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>that reaper on the left
>that ChinaMan
>gabe newel in the background
fuck thats good

yea alright

BFB, bonk, Fan of war

Man I remember laughing at the fun little jokes of TF2 when I started playing. If I could turn back time...

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Those are the same thing. Spy is an offensive role, it "should be" about situational awareness and quick thinking over playing pantomime.

Making Spy look more natural when disguised will only lead to more intense spy checking from people who aren't idiots.

Make the mini-sentry deal with a lot more damage.

rocket jumper
escape plan

good luck user

Speaking of spychecking, I wonder why Valve never made a Friendly Fire mode for competitive plays. Would bring some seriously new gameplay tactics.
>No more blind fire explosions
>Demos might actually try to shoot properly
>Pyros can't inflict afterburn at their team but it can still hurt

wrangler, use metal to repair it.

basically 300 hp heavy with 150 heal rate medic on it.

>übers are all completely reworked and "heal resistance" which builds, up to like 90% less effective healing, as you are healed and slowly deteriorates over time is added to make pocketing less effective

Medic is the only reason random crits even exist

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>The Kamikaze Scout Setup
Absolutely GOAT.

would nerf the every loving fuck out of so many classes without hitscan.

>airblasting uber'd medic and demo/soldier into a deathpit
Is there a more blessed feeling?

replace gunboats with mantreads and this sounds fun.

>Buffing yourself

>Is there a more blessed feeling?
crit mitten an uber, and then the medic when he tries to get you off his patient.

Man, I don't know what it is but I started to play a lot of TF2 the past two weeks and now I see it everywhere.
I couldn't stomach more than a match or two for a couple months but I've done a lot of MMO grinding and needed a good shooty shoot game to get back into.
Been pubbing as Sniper nonstop the past few weeks and I think I'm the best at Sniper now then I think I've ever been.
It's been a great time; I'm glad a game like TF2 always finds a way to keep running strong.

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>why Valve never made a Friendly Fire mode
It's a server setting. Compfags never seem to use it though. It seems like with how old the game is there should be some "for fun" tournament that had it, but I've never seen one. If I'm wrong and it has happened I'd love to see it.

Let the Spy shoot blanks while in a disguise (this will not work while disguised as Pyro).

>Sniper disguises can't scope
>Medic disguises can't heal
>Pyros can't airblast
>Heavies can't indefinitely rev

Healing stream can target allies further away, but at a cost to heal potency

Just equip the crossbow you fucking hipster.

just do this

this but let spy rocket jump while disguised as soldier

>Randomly shooting your crossbow to the battlefield will either heal or damage and is still credit to team

God I love this thing.
>Badwater Snipers getting btfo from a crossbow kill

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>Badwater Snipers getting btfo from a crossbow kill

I genuinely feel fear when I get hit by one of those as sniper. you have like a half second reaction before the second one hits you and kills you.

Top weapons to ward off the australian menace. Includes the Guillotine, Flareguns, Revolver sounds, and the Direct Hit

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>port tf2 assets into dota
>mod the classes as heroes
>recompile the maps into source 2

you could honestly make this, the question would be if its fun.

>rocket jump
>kill a spy about to stab me

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Tf2 assets must be adjusted in some way, the Heavy is less than half compared to Doom

Valve can literally make a Half-Life RTS and make gangbusters out of hype.

is having fun actually a concern in dota?

>low health soldier about to rocket jump away with gunboats
>kills himself
>he will never know I was standing next to him invisible

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>fridge demon being less than Heavy
well this is new.

scaling models isn't a problem.

Depends. On comp with an unbalanced team of too many carries or too many supports, yes. On normal game, you just need to not be shit (or not be the only carry). Coop Bot is more lenient.

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God I miss Kotl.
only fun I had in that game was just shitting all over the lane with my endless mana cannon.

Shit talks are more fun though.

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marks sentries visible
takes less damage from falling if he crouches at the right time
can use his airblast to jump like the scorch shot
can build jump pads, speed pads
gets a translocator
normal saw gets bleed on hit and syringes get their flight path buffed
stock launcher gets flight path buffed or + 2 more nades
can survive a headshot when at full health or overhealed
most controversial yet make his bullets projectiles but with a small hitbox and faster speed

>Demo can now throw Bottle/reskins, maybe Pain Train and Caber.
>Bottle/Handshake creates a circle of burning alcohol ala molotov cocktail; freedom staff/saxxy/(maybe) Golden Pan creates a circle of molten gold; Pan, (maybe) golden Pan and Ham make a circle of hot oil; Con Obj, Crossing Guard, Machete and maybe Pain Train create a circle of nails; BOH and Necro Smasher create a circle of skeleton hands; Memory Maker does the same as bottle/handshake, but its black and white
the above does not inflict a debuff on players, it just damages them so long as they are inside the radius
>Caber explodes with reduced explosion damage compared melee, but Demo pulls a new one out right after
>all swords boost charge recharge rate to compete with bottles/caber

>Scout's Shortstop shove now can be used against walls to do a wall jump, or can be used on a ledge to pull yourself up and over/onto it

>Heavy can block by holding right-click with his melee instead of throwing a right punch, reducing melee damage received by 80%, ranged damage by 20% and movement speed by 25%. Reduced damage only applies in front of him.
>FoS reduces ranged damage by 60%, loses its 40% reduced ranged damage while not blocking, but also loses it's negatives to overheal. It keeps its negatives to melee regardless of blocking or not.
>GRU is virtually the same as stock but has no negative speed debuff when moving while blocking.
>Holiday punch waves instead of blocking, is the same as blocking with stock (kindness makes them want to not hit you as hard)
>non-gloves are just held in your hand when you do the block animation

I miss Skeleton King's original model. Way better resurrection animations.

genuinely surprised they didn't make an arcana.

>marks sentries visible
I swear to god I wish sappers did this when you sap.
>inb4 just use mic
No, this game has a million ways to communicate shit without mics, this needs to be a thing.

why is this image cropped, dude? mind posting the full thing?


>pyro and sniper
pyro doesnt really fit into the game. unless they buff the fuck out of his damage (to the point of making scout/soldier worse), he'll always be a worse scout/soldier
sniper goes against everything else in the game. low risk, high reward, long range unlike almost everything else, not fun to play against, only really countered by another sniper

It would work if your default weapon while in disguise was a secondary weapons instead, although it would make spychecking easier as everybody is using primary ones.

wanna play with me, I have 2k hours and I can show you some tricks

Forgot a few details:
Bottle throw would have a cooldown of 60 seconds and would stay out for 10.
Blocking would have a 4 second cooldown, but can be maintained for as long as you hold right click.
Shove can only be used to wall jump 3 times, unless the 4th is to climb onto a ledge.

Also, another set of ideas:
>mad milk stops bleed
>Engy can rotate the priority of his builds using the reload key in the build menu between Sentry, Dispenser and both teleporters, placing a build in highest priority gives it a 4th tier, placing a building in medium priority keeps it at 3 tiers, and placing a building at low priority limits it to 2 tiers. You can also choose to set no priority and have all level 3's.
>Tier 4 sentry gains tracker missiles that follow the targeted (at time of firing) player's movements with a slow turning speed. It also gains a second rocket pod that effectively doubles rocket fire rate
>Tier 4 Dispenser will provide 50 points of overheal while a player is in it's radius, and will also cast out a rechargable shield that will block incoming enemy damage until the shield is broken
>Tier 4 Teleporters recharge instantly, become 2-way, and provide a speed boost for 10 seconds after exiting.

>Wrangler now directs the influence of whatever building has highest priority, or the sentry when no priority is set.
>Dispenser focuses its healing and ammo generation on one player more than all of the others, giving them constant 40 hp/second regardless of being in combat or not and generates 60% ammo per second. Does not gain a shield while under the effects of the Wrangler.
>Teleporter allows the engineer to teleport to the location of a hologram of himself up to 1120 hammer units away while standing on a teleporter.
>Sentry functions almost the same between level 3/4, tracker rockets will follow the laser instead of the target at time of fire.

Give heavy a new set of banners, different than solly. They should focus more on protecting you from knockback and giving you mobility than critz or damage.
Give heavy a 4th slot for his sandwich/banners.

Give scout spotting goggles that can mark enemies and sentries.
Remove random spread.
Give scout the ability to share his energy drinks for a small health kit.

Maybe make Soldier a bit easier to control whilst in the air.

Pyro is a fun battering ram in tight characters (if you can catch the enemy off-guard and avoid the spam). Baring that, it's useful for flanking or counter flanking.
Sniper has many counters, from a wrangled sentry to a flanking scout/pyro passing through any sort of spam.

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>tight characters
I meant tight quarters.

i hate how you can't jump while crouched, or while coming out of a crouch
every time i try to climb up something, like on the 2nd part of dustbowl, first point, on the left side you can climb up a ledge, i always see people getting stuck there for a second because it discards your jump input when you're standing up from a crouch

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actually you can. its called jelly hopping, but you have to time it really well. Its basically how you glitch through most enviroments.

Actually if I'm wrong and this is no longer in the game, I think I have an idea why.

I think giving Heavy a shield in place of the minigun is the way to go. Have him run at the speed of Soldier or Demo and block all (or a portion of) damage from the front. Fat Scout. is right; Heavy shouldn't require a Medic shoved up his ass to be effective, and a big part of banner usage is taking damage— Heavy can't escape like Soldier can.

Banner Heavy makes sense, but it doesn't fix his problems or give him an alternative role. It's not on-demand anything, but it just reinforces the worst parts about playing Heavy— needing a Medic and praying that your ability to absorb damage (if you have a Medic) isn't randomly trumped by a second Demo shooting at you or a random crit ending your (and your Medic's) chance to be effective. At best, it makes him the strongest possible stalemate-breaker (again, if paired with a Medic), but it doesn't change the way he plays or make him more fun.

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still too situational to forgo having a sapper that can disable/kill sentries. why wouldn't you just focus on stabbing the medic before he gets charge rather than waiting around for him to pop

Honestly the idea of giving him banners is good, but it needs something that would allow heavy to work better without medic and remain the back bone of the team.

Something like auras could work. Specially something mitigate his health loss like a heal leach. I would be fine with one of the banners working well with medics (batallion backup for instance).
but conch would work better as a stronger heal overtime, and I dunno rework buff banner to reflect incoming projectiles... I'm really just spit balling.

It would be nice if all classes could carry health/ammo around for later.

Yes. Help Pyro ambush and flank. Spamming flares is fine, shotguns are fine, but the jetpack isn't great.

Railgun? No. We don't need more Sniper-like cancer. That weapon turns him into a Sniper. Endless Heavies just peeking corners constantly instead of putting out constant damage and eating damage, what Heavy is meant to do. Banners would be alright-ish, but they don't fix Heavy's reliance on Medics to really be useful.

Scratch the banner and preventing Sentries from damaging fast targets. Scout and Demo are both fine without being able to ignore or skip Sentries more easily.

Dunno how you'd balance the shield, but I do like the syringe gun idea. Maybe it could also heal allies over time, as a short-ranged, more constant and reliable counterpart to the crossbow. You might never see any other secondaries again, though.

Any quality of life changes are a step in the right direction. These are good.

>old Caber
Few things would please me more than being able to Caberknight (or just jumper+caber) again.

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Thread topic is expanding a classes functionality, not implementing new weapons. This would be an additional use of the sapper, not something that replaces the original.

>why wouldn't you just focus on stabbing the medic before he gets charge
Because sometimes you don't backstab him in time?

What are the best network config settings?

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Sorry, random person who didn't deserve that.
Unless they're spamming blank space in the chat or something.

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the default one you download online.
you can putts around with it depending on projectile or hitscan, but Iirc it doesn't matter based on your connection.

>takes twice as long to switch to minigun, when minigun is equipped heavy moves at his normal move speed, when unequipped heavy moves at demo speed
Why would you use GRU if you have this

can't you just reset them?

scout and engineer can now use the righteous bison

all shotguns are shared between classes that can use them

give the scout a nailgun

Any particular examples user? That sounds pretty interesting.

Fix communication. Add more voice commands, change the ui, just do something to improve team communication.

This. Literally all of the ideas I've heard so far are incredibly shitty and would break the balance.

>Kritzkrieg'd Demo and they're all on the payload.

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Nerve staple all players, really I think that's the only realistic solution.

>trapped behind enemy lines almost dead, no way I can get to healthpack in time, enemy finds me
>start doing conga
>they actually join me instead of shooting me

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is there a way to jump higher with pyros jetpack?

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Jump from a higher place.

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Yeah it's called playing soldier

>can shoot down projectiles


>why would you run at scout speed
But really though the gru would get rebalanced with a different ability.

Not sure what you mean.

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At first, this sounds like a really great idea. But in all honesty, I don't see any of the banners working on Heavy without nerfing them.

The Buff Banner would allow the Heavy to deal mini-crits at any range and would allow him to shred through pretty much anybody who isn't at Sniper range. It would make escaping the Heavy extremely difficult and it would combo extremely well with Natascha.

The Battalion's Backup would increase the Heavy's maximum health to 320, which would increase his overheal to 480 (400 with the Quick-Fix). This would make the Heavy be able to survive a fully-charged headshot from a Sniper at little downside to himself. Upon using the Battalion's Backup, the Heavy would increase his effect max health from 320 to 493 and his effective max overheal from 480 to 739. Simultaneously, his effective max health against Sentry Guns would increase from 320 to 640 and overheal from 480 to 960.

The Concheror would charge extremely fast on the Heavy and the buff would allow him to move faster than a Medic or Spy, while his spun-up speed would increase to around that of a drawn Huntsman Sniper. Not to mention that the Heavy's massive DPS output would give him an astounding amount of healing. Even if the Heavy were dealing 300 DPS, he would be healing faster than a Quick-Fix Medic's Ubercharge.

One of the biggest complaints I see about the Concheror is that it allows the Soldier to play a lone wolf style where he uses the charges for only his own benefit. A Heavy with any of the banners would likely achieve the same thing.

In summary, keep the banners exclusive to the Soldier. In future, realise how good they make the Heavy and use it to buff him. That's the "team" aspect of "Team Fortress 2".

>All classes:
>Sniper removed from the game to allow more fun gameplay for all

>all classes
they now exist in the minecraft world and can move cubes around

I like it but it would only be able to dispense like 25% uber at a time. Cause imagine playing offense and they've got 3 or 4 engies and now you have to deal with 3 or 4 ubers one after another the second after the medic spawns?

Nerf thr speed on conch and these all sound great

I don't think anyone's advocating for a 1:1 copy-paste of the banners without accounting for how it could break the game. I think people just want to see banners on the only class that moves slowly and predictably and will consistently pushing the objective directly.

>Base movement speed slightly increased. While minigun is out, movement speed is lowered to what it is currently

This. Sniper does take some skill but it's just so disgusting

>you are about to have a honorable fight with an enemy that has similar skill level as yours
>faggot kiwi kills him with a bodyshot from 69 gorillion meters away
>"nothing personnel mate"

>dispensers now reload your weapon for you as they dispense


>minigun shoots down projectiles

>fire no longer goes out over time, has to be put out

Fair enough. I wouldn't mind the Heavy getting a couple of banners, but they would have to be notably less powerful than the Soldier's.

>spamming choke from across the map
>the one crit I get explodes 3 people
>nobody involved deserved that

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God i love this feel

i think its the one w/ a diaper

Implying pyro is a man

>players not using voice chat are put up for vote kick every 5 minutes

implement it

The worst feeling part about it is that sniper punishes you for playing the game. The moment he can predict your movement due to the fact you're fighting someone, running toward the objective or a medkit you become easy pickings.
Of course you can say "just avoid the sightline" but at that point sniper simply becomes your number one reason to avoid a map and declare it terribly designed, and that ain't fun.

my fucking nigger
I miss him every day

>at that point sniper simply becomes your number one reason to avoid a map and declare it terribly designed, and that ain't fun
*khm* two fart


>>Every enemy he sees get marked and become visible through the walls for a very brief amount of time. Tactically, the scout can hide and just look at the enemies. Marked enemies who are killed will net the scout an assist if the killer is not being assisted by anyone else.
Fuck this sounds cool but I don't know enough about game design to say whether it's balanced honestly

>Gets a charge, like the Demoman, while having The Warrior's Spirit

>give most maps interactable locations which only she can use
>make it stuff like opening/closing various doors, making bridges or just setting traps for the next person that passes through
basically just give her the demomans ability to make 'traps' since literally no one actually uses the sticky launcher for traps and let her do some sneaky 'fuck with the other team' stuff similar to spy, but less direct than his shit

>engineer pda that replaces teleporters
>jump pad and speed boost pad
>20 metal and builds very quickly

>random heavy falls at you from the sky
I want this

>pauling can go into areas with spytech stuff in it

That would be awesome actually.

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Reduce the damage of bodyshots by 50%
Fuck you and your 150 damage hitscan easymode shots

just about the most retarded shit ive ever seen

They seriously need to rework Heavy's entire melee arsenal. They need to keep it simple instead of everything having twenty ups and downs.

pauling shouldn't be a class, she should be a gamemode variant of payload. instead of a cart you escort her, and she is able to pull off stuff like this at various checkpoints.

to make up for it, red team gets various bonuses given to them by the administrator occasionally, like she'll announce that all your team is now overhealed out of nowhere.

too gimmicky that will only see a few plays then forgotten

It'd be as dead as Gamepass. If Ms Pauling is ever put in the game, the most I'd see happening is her being added behind the counter in MvM.
Even from a lore perspective it doesn't make sense since Ms Pauling would never go against Helen.

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its a shame people just don't do alternative game modes ever. i'm always queued for them and haven't played one game. at least there's freak fortress and dodgeball i guess. recently there's not even a medieval mode in my country.

All class
Max weapon slots +1

DeGroot Keep is usually just one server up at a time, but people keep voting it over and over after the round ends.

2Fort has a worse problem with all of the narrow hallways where power classes absolutely dominate.

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>"This is where I wake up when I die."
It's amazing how such a silly comic can have such good one-liners.
What could Helen possibly want
Something tells me the Engineer is one of her targets

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I heard if valbe added another cosmetic slot the game would be litterally unplayable.

>tfw Rick May barely survived throat cancer and it's clearly killing him to do the soldier voice for more than a few minutes of recording at a time


This is ooooooold news and hes already over the cancer.

List of 2fort issues
>The sewers and the middle area both converge to the entrance of the enemy base, and you need another power push to go through the basement and the intel room
>Next to no ammo and health packs
>perfect sentry spot that requires at least one uber to take down

>give Demo a glock with explosive rounds

There, I fixed it.

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>all class
a pan makes the wearer take no fall damage

get the fuck up

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These are the type people who cheat in tf2

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She already works with Dell. At most I could see his father still being alive and that's the old debt she has to settle. I still find it weird that Engie still hasn't reunited with the rest of the team. I'd say it's the only downside of the comics.

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Pretty sure that was a rumor. There was never any sort of confirmation for his cancer rumor. Plus, he can still do the voice, likely just not the screaming.

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>now he has a projectile that has the ability to stun anyone from anywhere
>it's spammable
>and if you rightfully remove it from the game overbabs start crying

It's a bit of a moot point after MvM, but it's BLU engie that's working with Helen.

No, scout needs dual pistols. A Deagle for spy would be interesting to see though.

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Engi gets a new sentry that needs to be man piloted
Takes 3 times the metal to upgrade it
3 level makes it turn into a mech

Considering the fact that they never address BLU and RED being different people, maybe clones or something, I can only guess that's the only thing that will never be addressed. So there's no RED engie, just Engie that's wearing BLU colors for some reason.

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That's basically what stock is, right? Doesn't it do like 60 point blank? So 3 shots kills everybody but heavy and soldier.

Maybe. Can't see her doing anything that "game-changing" in less than 1 hour, though.

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Only homoniggers have more than 10% of their playtime on sniper.

I think they have a loophole with the lack of Australium. The rocket that Sniper's mom went into space with is made of it. It can crash land, allowing Helen to stick around. Also I meant to say Engie's grandfather maybe still being alive, not his father. It'd be a twist but that's the only person I could see still being alive from when Helen was first introduced to Australium.
But I do wish they would've found a way to have Engie interact more with the rest of the team. We missed out on what could've been some great jokes.

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Engie is mostly a "straight man" in contrast to the wackyness of Solly, scout, and pyro. I think Heavy (and, to a less extent, the demoman) fill this role nicely.

i speak in the context of 6s
pyro gets shat on in 6s. he can maybe do a decent job of protecting your med by airblasting away danger, but its a gamble because you lose offensive power. pyro is good on last purely for airblasting ubered players away
pyro's flamethrower both does less dps than the rocket launcher/scattergun and is less versatile. you could argue for hitting targets consistently maybe, but good players dont miss
sniper can pretty easily avoid spam on most 6s maps. a wrangled sentry will miss most of the shots and do pitiful damage at long range. plus you expose yourself to the sniper and you'll get clicked once by the sniper and die. additionally, sniper can play a little close to the combo and get healed for any spam. if spam is really an issue, sniper has two unlocks to counter spam (darwins, cozy camper)

I don't disagree, but we've learned a lot from the comics but not so much for Engie since he only ends up talking with Helen.

Who cares, TF2 is about 12v12 casual games where you can have fun while still improving.

just get rid of that nose and it'll be perfect

Yeah it has fucking tumblr nose but I'm not good enough at paint to fix it

live maggots

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Why do people the mercenary from their backpacks? Are they that self conscious about being newfags. It's ok if you started playing post 2012 nobody cares, only the hours you have clocked matter at the end of the day.

I meant to type
>Why do people delete the mercenary

It can be a self-conscious thing but it can also be by accident or just because they know they'll never use it.
I deleted my gibus by accident and I miss it every day.

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It's of course not the same but the first wave of gibuses are tradable.

How about a carry on sentry? It takes up your primary, you can't build regular or minis, it has a shorter ranger and less damage, but it auto fire and tracks like a mini? You can still build other stuff as well.

I think if I contacted Valve they'd actually give it back but I don't feel like bothering them over something so small. Specially since I don't even remember if I deleted it or if I used it when I first tried out the Transmuting.

>Flamethrower now emits flame particles in a narrow beam instead of in a wide cone
>Particles now have increased travel time and drop due to gravity, but the range of the flamethrower has been doubled to compensate
>Flamethrower direct damage has been buffed, but to ignite afterburn the Pyro must hold the flamethrower down for 1.5 seconds on the target within a rolling 2 second window. All means of disabling afterburn besides water, HP packs, and airblasts have been removed to compensate.
>Pyro can now airblast himself if he aims the flamethrower at the ground while airborne
Pyro is now fixed.

>left clicking while not revved up preforms a quick melee attack
This would actually be amazing

Engineer does NOT need a buff. He's already one of the strongest classes in the game.

Why would you use the gru in its current state?

Giving Heavy the Soldier's banners sounds like a good idea at first, but it would be bullshit in practice. Why? Because Heavy differs from the Soldier in two crucial aspects: First, Heavy is too slow, fat, and vulnerable to move the offensive line forward without a death ball of teammates moving with him. Second, he never has to reload or halt his damage output so he can keep feeding meter forever and ever so long as the other team isn't wiped.

These two factors make Heavy with a banner decidedly cancerous. For one, he's so damn slow that for the team to take advantage of his buffs they must move as slow as the Heavy does. This encourages Overwatch-esque deathball strats wherein nobody can move fast so they just crouch behind the tank and receive kills while moving at 0.001 kmh to the objective. Second, while a Soldier is a terrifying force when armed with minicrits, his gun only has four shots. He has to stop eventually and reload. There is a hard cap on how much havoc he can wreak while buffed. There is no such limitation on the Heavy. His gun never stops shooting. Heavy with the banner becomes an infinite hose of minicrits because of this.

These two points produce a horrible positive feedback loop. The team wants to enjoy minicrits, so they stick close to the Heavy. This protects the Heavy, thus improving his ability to farm endless banner with his infinite ammo gun. In turn, this increases the efficacy of the teammates who surround him. And they DO surround him because the Heavy isn't fast enough to move forward, the team slowly walks to the objective and murders everything in their path. This is an optimal strategy in 90% of all contexts.

Does this sound familiar? This is how Overwatch plays. Giving Heavy the banners turns TF2 into Overwatch.

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I like to keep a Homewrecker on in case I hear an Engineer get stabbed+sapped in quick succession, not so much that I care about being an Engies pal and more like I think it’s funny to invalidate a Spy's hard work and earned victory with a Homewrecker.
They usually like to complain about it out loud too

He's one of the few merc voice actors that still sounds accurate to how he sounded years ago

I think that's mainly because the accent isn't much different from his own. If you listen to demo's lines from mym it's like he forgot what the accent was supposed to be like.

I'd rather they give the heavy a riot shield or something for a non sandwich secondary. Basically it would just be extreme damage reduction from anything front facing and causes splash damage to be minimized to any explosive hitting the shield. His free hand could use whatever melee weapon he has equipped for various weapon combinations and left clicking causes him to do a shield bash which pushes enemies back.

That way he can play a pick or spam denial style at the cost of not having his minigun out or a sandvich to heal between waves. It still wouldn't stop a pyro that can circle strafe or a backstab, it could basically function as a directional FoS and if you see the crit rocket coming to your medic or the crit pipe flying in to liquefy your team at a choke point you can block that shit with proper weapon switch timing, which is already a core skill for heavy when it comes to spinup/down time for the minigun.

Is stock RL+Buff Banner the ultimate montage airshot loadout? mini crits make people fly further and the slow rockets means you need to lead further.

That just turns Heavy into Reinhardt. Again, making TF2 into Overwatch. The basic fact of the matter is that Heavy is already a good enough tank without giving him shit like banners or shields. TF2 already has a tendency to deathball thanks to Heavy+Medic combos and ubering. This does not need to be aggravated.

What if we gave the heavy a chainsaw but for a primary weapon? It would absolutely shred anyone at close range basically being a fuck you to scouts, pyros, and spies but his primary is now a melee weapon with ammo? That would also encourage shotgun use beyond the fat scout meme because it would effectively become his only non melee weapon.

TF2 is a perfectly balanced game which requires no new additons or changes

>how to make Heavy useless
and how exactly is he going to consistently get into melee range to chainsaw people?

>fuck you to scouts, pyros
they can both fight out of immediate melee range you know, you'll just have to pull out the shotgun to fight them anyway
whether or not they're smart enough to fight out of point blank is a different issue

Did Pyro get recently nerfed?

Flamethrower feels like it kills alot slower than it used to

Can ping buildings and/or enemy players
Can build Jump pads and Ziplines

This was cool and all but the one where he does the jolly rogers level without the ship was alot funnier.

They gave the flamethrower a huge damage buff in the jungle inferno update but then reverted it because it only took like 1 second to delete people since it's got such a wide cone of damage.

I had assumed that the Flamethrower's sudden monster-damage was a decades worth of buffs finally catching up because the flame particles were finally consistent enough to hit where they’re pointed

Speaking of which, I kind of miss the old particles despite how much of an improvement the new ones are, I had learned a bit on how to manipulate where the flames go so stuff like making them slide off of corners and floors to torch a Sentry risk-free, or backpedaling+flaming to out-DPS a chasing Pyro/Scout was fun
Also the new flames look generic compared to the warm orange the old ones were

I'd blame Valve for that for not asking him to keep doing the lines until he got it perfectly, or maybe Gary Schwartz's schedule wasn't the best and he did the lines in a hurry. There was some clip where someone asked him to do the voice on the spot and it was pretty good, didn't seem like he was straining his voice or anything.

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this guy here I was comparing the old and new version after jungle inferno not the huge damage buff

I was able to manipulate flames to be able to out put large amount of DPS while moving to ambush people and kill off quickly but now every time I ambush I kill off people PAINFULLY slow

I wish they gave the option to change it back. No idea why they felt like they had to change it.

Ive definitely considered a throwable sapper as well. Right now sappers are way to easy to counter with minimum skill.

Everyone who analyzed Pyro's core mechanics knows exactly why, because despite some of tricks there were instances where you can immolate someone, they’re more or less unharmed, you die and you see that your fire barely touched them at all because the particles went completely around and through them like that one scene from pulp fiction.
Inversely, you could hold the fire down and burn way more people than expected, albeit not very effectively.
Now that the fire is consistent it’s not usually the case anymore, minus situations where a puff of fire seems to float in the air for longer than expected and set someone on fire. Despite that more or less successful fix though, Pyro still sucks as a class in the overall ecosystem IMO, and I can only play Pyro as lazy and dumb fun just the same as before

You'll still win a pyro v. pyro if you're backpedaling and you're both flaming, since you'll get the first hit.
It just happened to me while I was doing the contracts do get all those weird pyro items.

I was specifically talking about the visual flame particle, sorry if that wasn't clear.

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Oh whoops, my bad

I swear I’ve had a bit of a tougher time doing that ever since Jungle Inferno, then again I’ve switched focus to other classes ever since then

Pyro: Press R to begin building pressure and consume some ammo. The next time you M1, the flamethrower has increased ranged for a second. Some sort of visual effect to show this is in effect for enemies. Airblasting removes pressure, and maybe could be used for mobility and pushes people back further. Maybe mechanically similar to the Force-A-Nature.

Spy: Can charge a lunge moves him forward quickly, basically a gapcloser in exchange for slowing down for a moment. Charging a lunge removes disguise.

every melee kill makes him faster but also weaker

Self-airblasting is the single most urgently needed fix for the Pyro.

It’d be very handy and fun, and give some much needed depth, but I’d expect them to give it a Scorch Shot tier hop and not a true blast jump.

How do you use the jumppack effectively ?

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Prepare it from cover where no one expects you, know where you want to go and switch to the weapon you want to use in mid air to maintain momentum while being ready to attack when you land
Don’t use when you’re seen because you’re not fast enough to close the gap without them predicting and destroying you

I feel too much nostalgia for 2Fort

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New sapper that he can throw, once thrown it will explode where it has landed, dealing no damage to enemy players but it will stun all buildings around it for 5 seconds, allowing the friendly team to push.

I don't understand the hate for Brazil.

>Sapped buildings now show through walls to allies

>able to survive a fully-charged headshot from a Sniper at little downside to himself

Your other ports are somewhat fair, though. Heavy should be given an alternative playstyle, not just reinforce his defective reliance on Medics. Concheror might help with that, but it could be too strong if combined with a traditional Medic girlfriend. The other banners would just encourage being even more attached at the hip to a Medic.

By leaving it in your backpack.
Alternatively, use it to jump over an obstacle at someone so they have little time to react to the pyro flying at them. On Harvest it also gives you enough distance to get from one roof to the other, so you can control the roofs and their medium health kits with it.

Just a concept I saved from a very long time ago, in another thread. I think it's not a great idea, either, but it's another possibility for making Fat Scout better.

The only reason why Heavy isn't completely broken is his reliance on medics to stay alive.
>Thread asks: how do we fix classes?
>Heavy mains: well what if we removed all of Heavy's weaknesses?
every time

Man, I want to remove random crits really badly, but hearing someone whine about the Sandman makes me want to call them a Danelet. I guess I understand the other side better now.
Couldn't they have just kept the stun but removed the Guillotine synergy crit? The stun is still a big, mean, scawy movement effek in a big boy cartoon shooter game, but you know, we still have knockback effects on Sentries and the Force-a-Nature, self-slows, the Natascha...
The only thing I didn't like about the stun was that it helps Snipers.

Are you really so stupid that you think knockback is equatable to a stun?

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bring back the detpack as demo secondary
bring back MIRV grenade as heavy secondary
bring back medic spreading AIDS to enemy team

its still alright, the slowdown is so miniscule it definitely fucking sucks but as an actual additional projectile to spam its great because it can crit up to 60 percent of the time, doing 45 damage on hit with the second? fastest projectile in the game. and you can pick your ball right back up. i say its slightly better than the gift wrap just because you actually still get a melee weapon, at the cost of 15 health which is a big deal but its not an unusable weapon by any means

>New wrench that makes Level 4 dispensers that overheal

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Honestly they should just add a mini dispenser that heals less but can overheal

Fat Scout isn't going to ruin the game by not being dependent on a Medic to be slightly more effective than a combat Engie with a Wrangler. Banners could make Heavy+Medic oppressive, but if you're encouraging Heavy to do something other than his traditional slow-moving prayer for God to strike him down and end his suffering unless there's a Medic around playstyle, you're making him fun in a way that doesn't benefit the Heavy+Medic pair, his current strongest setup, which he happens to have in common with Demo and Soldier, who are generally more effective than Heavy for most situations, largely because they're better for running around solo.
Who said it was equivalent, dumbass? I'm saying they all affect your movement. Stun's stronger than slows and knockback, but a Sandman ball is a bit more difficult to apply than spraying Natascha rounds or plopping a Sentry down that aims for you, perfectly.

Do we need to get into how the old airblast was nerfed to shit against players and soldiers because instead of pinning them it now puts them into a blast jumping state that can be airstrafed for literally no reason other than orange hat man said stun bad?

>the second? fastest projectile in the game
It's actually tied for fastest with the flying guillotine, the wrap assassin, the manmelter, and the dragon's fury at 3000 hammer units/sec.

Medic can now toggle to plague-medigun to apply slow and damage over time to enemies. Only health packs or another medic can remove the DoT early but the slow only lasts as long as the beam is attached. DoT potency and duration are dependent on the length of time the beam is attached to a target.

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And a new bonesaw does mini crits on plagued players

I think having a level 4 would probably be better balanced than people farting out mini dispensers everywhere. Honestly I think it could be cool as a PDA custom since we don't have any of those but maybe having level 4 dispensers and minis is too good.

Two-man plague medic gank squads would be a nightmare also that sounds broken and doesn't share any synergy with other classes. Plague status would essentially be a new dot to deal with and we already have fire and bleeding.

>Who said it was equivalent, dumbass?
You did, you dumb bitch.
The problem with stuns isn't their ability to affect your movement, it's that they stop you from firing, which slows and knockbacks don't do.

>haven't played tf2 in 5 years
>what did they do to best weapon?
>absolutely ruined it in 2015
I just, I just want them to stop ruing things I love. PLease.

No more aloha snackbar for joo!

that sounds neat, but it would be pretty annoying to play against if it had the lock-on mediguns typically have
maybe it works like an LG?

>works like a flamethrower
>doesn't lock on
>doesn't do lingering damage
Maybe this could work?

You can still shoot the medic that's slowing you as well, they generally don't have the highest health and it would get more people to play medic to counter it.

>Deflects projectiles by shooting at them with movement
>Movement speed penalty

Riot shield
>Blocks all hitscan damage but can be destroyed with projectiles, replaces secondary slot

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If it's a laser we can joke about there being an AIDS BEAM in tf2 though, and Pool's Closed could be a joke name for it

>The stun is still a big, mean, scawy movement effek in a big boy cartoon shooter game, but you know, we still have knockback effects on Sentries and the Force-a-Nature, self-slows, the Natascha...

Nothing in here says that a stun is equivalent to the others, just that they're all movement-affecting. You are mentally-fucking-handicapped if you genuinely think that saying that all things within one category are identical.

I'd have been fine with the stun preventing movement entirely but allowing the stunned player to shoot.

Line of sight beam, fuck yes, medic could be the foil to snipers' constant hitscan assfuckery.


Unironically, that kind of stun is literally useless in TF2 and gets away that the sandman (And natascha) were meant to keep blast jumping classes balanced when moving to more open maps.

Oh shit, if this weapon does become a thing, I will name Pool's Closed. Is there a cosmetic for Medic that can give him something similar to an afro?

Maybe if it worked like a water hose-- a stream of liquid with an arc and slow projectile speed, meaning Medic has to aim well for optimal single-target damage (or just flings shit everywhere for small damage against multiple enemies).

It'd have to do almost no damage at all if it can lock on, meaning it's useless to any Medic who can aim with any of his secondaries.

>literally useless
The sandman scout and his team generally won't miss a stationary target (with any weapon type, Demo grenades, the Guillotine, flares, etc.), and it's more difficult to hit the scout if you can't move— shotguns are less useful against him because you're depending on him to get closer, and projectile attacks from the stunned player will be much easier for the Scout to predict.

>keep blast jumping classes balanced
That's rich. If that's their purpose, they need to be buffed. Massively. Possibly tweaked to somehow affect those classes more than anyone else (minicritting blastjumping targets, more slow against airborne targets, something), but buffed. Natascha is for for annoying everyone and for Heavies that suck at tracking Scouts at low range; Sandman is currently for Scouts who don't know that the Wrap Assassin exists or don't realize that Scout has very little need for a melee weapon, given that his primaries all excel at close range.

How is the Sandman meant to be strong against blast jumping classes, anyway? They're the most difficult classes to hit (except Scout) if they're actually using their mobility. Hitting them in midair with the ball is on-par with explosive airshots. The health penalty also makes Scout even more vulnerable to getting almost instantly killed by blast jumpers' explosives.

I'm not sure if you knew this, you probably don't because of how you're talking about it, but, the natascha used to near COMPLETELY stop blast jumping classes midair and the sandman stops soldiers and demos from blast jumping away towards or any combination of the two, they were mostly added because maps were starting to get way more vertical space open and pogoing started actually being kind of viable.

Attached: 1544524435412.gif (395x259, 2M)

>Hitting them in midair with the ball is on-par with explosive airshots
That is a thing that good soldiers do, you know, and the sandman's ball moves around 50% faster than a direct hit rocket, and nearly 200% faster than a normal rocket.

Yes, but it's not on a straight line. It's even more subject to gravity than a huntsman arrow.

>melee disarms weapons if they're facing him
>remove all consequence of playing spy

Heavy is by far the weakest class so what's wrong with a buff?

>shields grant 50% bonus primary ammo loaded
surprised that they haven't actually done this.