Now that the proverbial dust has settled...

Now that the proverbial dust has settled, has your experience with Classic so far been the same as it was back in Vanilla during the early/mid 2000s? Did you encounter anything different?

Attached: WoW-Classic.jpg (1600x900, 343K)

the waiting in lines now equals the waiting to log in into servers to back then

It’s been fun I am a much better player now so I have been tearing the shit out of it but the friends I have made has been really fun

some things never change it seems

Lotsa fags abusing layering but other than that super comfy

I pretty much forgot the entire game except for certain boss encounters. It feels the kinda the same, but also feels much easier than it was. I assume it's because I'm 15 years older. Though I definitely find myself looking forward to playing it. Something I haven't done for any game in a long time.

Why? What does this game fucking do that makes it so engaging?

>laugh at wowdrones
>shitpost about it
Exact same experience as in 2003.

game will feel dead in a months time too many servers

is it a stupid idea to pair tailoring with skinning? Usually its tailoring/enchanting but enchanting feels like a complete moneysink with no value because I can just get enchants from any schmuck in a city

>has your experience with Classic so far been the same as it was back in Vanilla during the early/mid 2000s?
my only experience with wow was some free trials around the time of burning crusade and some more recent trial accounts. modern wow is really uninteresting to me. from what i can tell it's basically a "follow the arrow" simulator. the world doesn't matter, the players don't matter, you just follow a line. i went ahead and got a month of classic and although i have only played maybe 3 or 4 hours, i've enjoyed playing it and look forward to playing it some more tonight.

I'm in Ashenvale on my Nelf huntard, lots of fun pvp to have with all the Horde, especially all those orc warriors and undead rogues 10 levels above me that are practically free kills if I get the opening move.

you're tearing the shit out of it because 1.12

Good for making bags.

i play on a high-full server and have never seen a line form. however there is chaos in some areas as people rush to tag quest mobs
loch modan and redridge were hellish even a week after launch

the arrow is an addon brainlets use to kill bfa for themselves

normally tailoring is paired with enchanting just because enchanting has no support skill and you can use tailoring to get enchanting mats. If you are taking tailoring for tailoring itself then yeah, take a gathering skill for money is fine.
I really dont suggest skinning though. It sounds nice, you level it as you go and skin stuff and such, but you find yourself just farming the same leather yielding mobs over and over. Mining is always the best choice desu

I'm enjoying it more than when I originally played vanilla. A while after TBC came out I started botting a lot of characters, and after playing classic I realize I have more nostalgia for running characters with Glider than I do playing the actual game. Still fun though.

Is it possible to fuck up talents for leveling or can I really just put points into whatever looks appealing to me

Early game enchanting you can make money by buying level 11-20 green weapons that are listed 15s or lower and DEing them for Greater Magic Essences and then making Greater Magic Wands and vendoring them for 15s43c a piece. 11-20 greens have a high chance of giving you two greater essences. It's time consuming but you can make a decent amount of money at a low level this way to pay for your enchanting.

The only way you can really fuck up is by not committing to one or two trees early on. Each tree has good and mediocre talents for each class. The more you focus on a single tree though the faster you get to the really good talents in most cases. At level 60 it doesn't matter, you can respec and pick what you need. While leveling though committing to a tree to get the good skills early on can be very beneficial, but it doesn't ruin the game if you don't do that.

>early 2000s

>tfw forced to wear a blank tabard because guild master won't design one citing "low funds"