On the Topic of >MMORPG's

Good evening gentlemen of Yea Forums, im a ca/tg/irl who enjoys reading stories such as "Everybody Loves Large Chests" or "Only Sense Online", as well as that one novel about a girl who becomes a spider in a dungeon...

Lately, the genre of MMORPGs in stories/manga has become popular, and so I'm pretty sure you know what this thread is going to be about...


I've been lurking for a while in other forums where they had pretty much the same discussion but honestly, none of them can compare to the pure unfiltered videogame critic machine that is Yea Forums. Hence this thread.

Which MMORPG's are >good?

Attached: MMORPGsof2018-1-2.png (1080x1080, 508K)

what the fuck

>ashes of creation

wasn't that a battle royale?


Because you are playing MMORPG with the stupid idea you’re going to be the main character in the anime and not a background character.

okay, i guess i have played SOME videogames myself, and here are my thoughts:

at this point everybody knows 2007scape > EOCscape, but i think there's still a point to be made for the game in general. While it was very lackluster on the topic of parties and stats, what they did RIGHT was the economy and the social system. Supposedly because they didn't start as a RPG but as a MUD, a whole different genre that still exists nowadays but is EVEN MORE fa/tg/uyish than I can stomach.
Still, it's kinda surprising how the fact that they had a strong in game economy meant that the game could actually keep going up to nowadays. I think the only two MMORPG's with a stronger fake coin are WOW and EVE

>ROSE Online
generic trash whose only strong point was the trading system


The simple answer is money.
>Because they're expensive to make and maintain
>Because $$$$ it the sole motivation they have to cater to a wide audience which means for PC MMOs they're limited by faggot toasterbros who have ancient or shit hardware, and on console they're limited by the fact it's a shitty console
>Being entirely online means gameplay has to account for latency and slower internet speeds because some places have anus bad internet and again, they want it to be playable by as many people are possible

i couldnt give less of a shit if i end up dying at level 2 bcause some overpowered hero kills me while farming, in fact I WANT THAT.

every single mmorpg nowadays sells you the idea that you're the "main character", EVERY GAME DOES THAT AND IT FUCKIN SUCKS!

i want a game where the environment is such that you can be any species, including a monster, and no matter what if you do things right you can become a massive end-game nightmare. In fact it could be balanced by the fact that you can respawn if you're a monster or create a new character if you're a human!

They should fuckin pay me for this!

has anyone played TES Online? How freeform regarding skills and abilities is it?

it’s actually pretty fun

for some reason all of my
enjoy playing FFXIV but I'd rather play TES Online how do i fuckin convince them to join me

You probably can't, they are most likely too invested in what they already have in FFXIV than to start anew in something they don't know they'll like or not. You should probably try finding people that are interested in TES Online in the first place.

i kinda think that's the only thing i have left to do, other than give in and play FFXIV with them...

then again, i wanna just spend my free time in an f2p because i dont have too much time, im a wagie and will go back to college next year.
fuck idk

tell them to play a manly american game where you can play as an actual catman without dlc

is TES american?

yup, bethesda and zenimax are both in maryland

Its simple really. MMOs use to be niche and for nerds. Then blizzard happened and made a MMO that appeals to more people. This by itself isnt a bad thing. The problem is that it made too much money. So every game developer wanted to create there own MMO but based off of WoW instead of doing there own original thing. So now every MMO is basically just WoW with a different paint job. Another problem is that Blizzard wanted even more money. So they made there game even more casual in order to appeal to more people, so much so that the original point of a game being a MMO was lost. And of course every other developer copied this.

Come join me on the perma-death server.

Attached: DDO%20Hardcore%20League[1].jpg (600x338, 186K)

Im actually unironically REALLY excited about that game but i dont know anything about it and what i see is disappointing to say the least

how bad did they fuck up?

I assume there must be AT LEAST ONE mmorpg that's medieval and classic and basic that does most things right, i mean there are fucktons of them aren't there?!

no mmo will ever be perfect enough for you to escape your horrid existence.

Because the thing that made mmos good in the old days was the extremely long leveling times and dependency on other players to do almost anything.

Unfortunately WoW and its clones convinced an entire generation of players that the purpose of mmos is to clear endgame content then piss off and wait for an expansion to come out to buy and do it again. This sort of player hates leveling, they like logging in a few times a week when the lockout timers are up, chatting with voip over discord, and collecting achievements that prove they are the hardcore gamer, then shutting the game off for a few days.
Thus we will never have the kind of mmo again where you spend every single free minute of your time in and forsake all elements of your actual life, which you play to exist and live in instead of treat as a little minigame for your pre-existing social group.



I've been playing Divinity Original Sin and it does /some/ things right but generally it's still the same graphics-first story-second gameplay-third thing everything else does.

Then I think I'll try Dragon's Dogma but the stats are out the roof for that one so idk...

I'm not sure what you're talking about. The hardcore server is very popular, perhaps too much so and it's leaving things a bit dry on all the regular servers.

What kinds of things did you see?

>Because you are playing MMORPG with the stupid idea you’re going to be the main character in the anime and not a background character.

I really just want to pick flowers and run a potion shop and sell potions to adventurers. But even then I'd just get murdered over and over again by other players who are only motivated by trying to make other people playing the game angry.


>all mmos these days tell you you are the hero
hes not the one making this error, its the developers.

Players play the game they have. It is never valid to blame the player, they are all merely responding to the game.

can we talk about this a bit more at length? I'd love to know more about d&d online, do u have discord or something?


you are the problem with mmos

Nobody is stupid enough to believe the game, the underlying complaint of these people is the game doesn’t let them BE special.

I'm not a fan of Discord, but there is an DDO discord you can find easily if you want to ask about the game there.

69s of truth

its still the developers fault for creating a game that, when played, results in players who behave in this way

It has nothing to do with the story you dumbass that’s just how people are.

just wait until the end of the month for archeage unchained. We are going home. (no p2w horseshit one of the best MMORPG experiences you can get)

Attached: 1567469774291.jpg (480x480, 29K)

thanks breh, i'll go check it out.

- no quests
- ton of classes
- completely control over stat allocation allowing for batshit crazy builds even if some were dumb as hell your character was truly your own
- "endgame" if you can call it that consisted of weekly siege PVP between guilds for control of fortresses and grinding cards to perfect your build.

Nothing has replicated it to this day.

Attached: ggdeeofficial-ragnarok-online-feat[1].jpg (720x400, 60K)

because world of warcraft showed the world a recipe for success thus killing all creativity in the genre.

There are, theyre just all janky and unpolished and have small playerbases.

Attached: mortal.jpg (1385x776, 166K)

Publishers are greedy and will upend a game if it means they can sell content piecemeal to idiots with wallets.

RO had quests, the only difference is that most of them unlocked features (like dungeon access or item crafting like juices) instead of just giving you gold and EXP.