Holy shit this game is amazing.
Holy shit this game is amazing
bad sprites
dont tell me its your first time playing this now that you can play it on switch
and yes, i will forever replay it
Playing this unrandomized for the first time in years is fucking with me.
I didn't have to tell you that because you figured it out on your own.
Congratulations you big brained individual. This is my first Zelda ever.
Best Zelda games are:
Protip: when talking to the kid who gives you the shovel, pay careful attention to what he tells you, he never repeats the hint he gives you and if you forget, you'll be stuck later in the game.
Enjoy and don't forget to try and toss everything in the fairy pond
Yeah, it's pretty fucking fantastic. How far are you into the game? What do you like about it? It's cool that you're having such a strong positive reaction to it.
>old good
Wind Waker was good
I just got to the Dark World and cleared the Dark Palace.
I really like the atmosphere and general gameplay. It's pretty good at giving you points of interest without telling you exactly what to do. I spent a long time just exploring what I could of the Dark World. Dark Death Mountain was rad as fuck.
Not going to lie. This is probably the best game I've played all year.
Now you know why everyone thinks the new nintendo games are for fucking retarded nigger babies.
How does the randomizer change the game?
Jesus Christ I wish I could wipe my memory and play again :(. Wait you have a Switch and don't own Breath of the Wild? Get Link's Awakening this month too just as good as LTTP.
This is true, but I haven't played the seasons games, so I can't vouch for those.
I'm getting old
Not the best game of the series, though.
>I just got to the Dark World and cleared the Dark Palace.
Holy shit hahaha you have been binging the fuck out of it, it's literally only been a day.
> It's pretty good at giving you points of interest without telling you exactly what to do.
That's one of my favourite elements of the game too. My friend is a retard and garbage at picking up contextual clues so he claimed that the game did a terrible job of telling you what to do, lol.
>Not going to lie. This is probably the best game I've played all year.
If you're loving it this much and it's your first Zelda game then hoo boy you are going to love the future games in the series, or at least the 2D ones. I would absolutely recommend that you pick up the remake of Link's Awakening when it comes out. It's set right after A Link to the Past, featuring the same Link, and is an all-time classic.
>old good
>new bad
No it wasn't, dude. You just liked it, because you got to play comfy sailing boy. The game is missing an entire act. It's actually an incomplete game.
>old good
>new also good because of a meme
Old is better than the piece of shit BOTW
Is this on the ps4 store?
I hated the sailing but the rest was cool
It's a solid game. On replays it takes me an average of three to four hours to beat it. Feels a little more free than some of the later Zelda games as far as what you can do and where you can go.
If you like it don’t play ALBW
It's on the emulator and rom store
>Games I enjoyed the most
>Games I liked quite alot
WW, Aol, TP
>Games I liked
>Games I wasn't really feeling
me hate everything
Well, my point is it's a comfy and nice game, and would be one of the good ones along with that list if it was only finished. Something like a third of the game is missing and was replaced with cheap filler. It's a serious flaw that ruins the pacing of the game.
It's not a bad game but probably my least favorite Zelda. The only Zelda besides Link Between Worlds that I've never bothered replaying, and ironically they both have the same overworld. I think it's because it has the lamest dungeons in the series and the least memorable characters. More than half of the dungeons felt the same to me, especially aesthetically.
Why? My only Zelda game for the moment is ALBW and I enjoyed it. I also wanted to play LTTP for some time and probably I will start it soon
Now play the randomizer.
I am happy for you. Yeah the game is amazing. It was never simply nostalgia speaking when people kept praising the game even all these years later.
basically the game is set up so items spawn in random chests in the overworld rather in their normal spots. Because of this there's various ways to progress
SAUCE NOW you fucking faggot
played through it for the first time since i was a kid last year and it was pretty great
You think this is fun, wait until you try the Randomizer
Yeah, it's good. As a contrarian kid, I didn't like it as much as Zelda 1 or Link's Awakening. And as an adult, I still don't. But I have grown to recognize it's a great game.
quality choices
Literally NOBODY can beat these zelda games without checking internet at one time or another. And it was the same back in the day, I suspect they did on purpose so you'd buy those special magazines or call hotlines.
You think this is a fucking joke? You think you can just SHOW UP and enjoy a video game?!
>Literally NOBODY can beat these zelda games without checking internet at one time or another.
I beat Zelda 1 when I was 9 years old. At a time when there wasn't any online guides. And I sure as hell didn't have friends helping me. I did the same for Zelda 2, LttP and LA. Not to mention Metroid I and II.
You kids are just weak.
Go play AoL right now.
I beat the original Zelda with my dad. We drew the game map by hand as we explored.
I played it when it was new and I was in 3rd grade
beat that
which one should I start with?
Where are you now OP?
nigga it's 2019 people just look that shit up on google
it truly is, best zelda to date
Funny, but how you rate Zelda 2 reflects your taste pretty well.
Zelda 1 was the first game I ever owned when I got an NES at the age of 3. I beat it at age 9, hand drawing the map to Level-9.
>tfw you hated zelda all along and didn't know it until trying to make a 'tier list' of the games