Monster Hunter

Try not to reply to shitposting yet again. It does nothing but derail discussion

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Other urls found in this thread:

Friendly reminder to leave your crippling autism in the previous thread! It's not that fucking hard!

Is Seregios and Valvak in this game?

el gatito gaming meow meow meow meow

Jesus water poo was so much better than viper, ice lavasioth, and sleep paolumu

How far into MR can Drachen carry me

This is now a clutchclaw appreciation thread!

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It's does alright alright but it has shit defense so you'll get 2-3 shotted


But you're all autistic. Frontier's just alternative autism, and I'm hungry for some variety.

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What are the Zinogre HH songs?

All the way through according to jinjinx and tuna YouTube channel

I for one welcome frontierfags because atleast hey reply back and not just regurgitate spam

>add two moves to a weapon
>suddenly its the most fun and satisfying in the game

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That's the set

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Think rajang weapons are going to get the bone treatment or are they safe?

Redpill me on this monster. What's so special about it?

Soulless series ruined by casualshitters. Enjoy your new FIFA.

I just think there's some fun stuff in there if you swim through what's admittedly a lot of gunk. Duremudira gets shat on for being crazy but it is an amazing fight.

definitely safe since all Jho weapons were unique

Weren't they already kinda bony?

Considering Jho got all his shit back I think they're safe


I know that, but I dont wanna play it because its gonna die, but I think the assets won't go away. A port should happen, atleast just retooled into a proper title instead of being an MMO

>ice lavasioth
You take that back

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>zinogre cutscene perfectly sets up a three way brawl
>they all leave and you have to return to seliana
what the fuck was that
I got blue balled so hard

Hits like a shiten/zenith monster. It's not really hard, you just can't fuck around.

Other thread died before i could reply so i'll just say it here, normal leshen is a decent fight using the witcher sword but the quest itself its so long that you won't replay it much.
At leshen is just a damage sponge that makes shitters cart all the time and soloing takes an eternity.
Behemot becomes a joke if you just flashpod him before he casts charbydis since he has something like 3 attacks and 3/4 of the fight is just him standing still to cast something.

I don't understand

so does the clutch claw make the game way easier or is it just free damage every now and then


Name a single thing she did wrong.

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There's also the fact that you can just sit on him.

>shoots cunnny out of her lasers

So does Iceborne change the Gunlance tier? Or is Wide still king?

>want a lance that outclasses nergs or jho's to start me in MR
>coral pukie is still weaker
Hunts are taking so long I just want more damage

Forgot to mention what made it a big deal. It's just a subspecies. The equivelant of an Azure Rathalos. It punches way, way out of its league.

She didn't invite Jade Barroth

It's more like, increased DPS for a short amount of time if you target a specific body part. You also have to land it to begin with which is slightly harder than I expected actually because the range is so short.

It has more soul than ever before user. Seriously.

>0.17% of Xbox players who own MHW have cleared Barioth



We can all agree that GS is useless in MR right? The new monsters are all way too fast.

Looking at the contents of the Silver Knight bundle, the Armor itself plus the flowing hairstyle and the new, very effeminate male preset makes me think Capcom is subtly goading us into making Griffith.

They're just taking their time farming Rathian for spikes :)

Git gud also use draw attack more and go for the full combo on flinches instead of always trying to GOTCHA BITCH if it's not safe

anyone using the horn?
how is it?

You're just bad.

Okay so quick question. Are you allowed to re-make your Hunter + Cat with the new styles and shit available?

I killed Beotodus 7+ times to get that bitchin' gear and now I'm bullying Banbaro

It can also be used to let a monster that's not enraged run into a wall for extra dmg and a trip, this also enrages the monster which makes agitator skill (at least lvl 1) kinda useful since you can actively make the monster rage

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My friend managed to fall out of the world after a mount

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Being an absolutely garbage fight.

Yeah but you need a edit voucher

>implying monster hunter is about slaying a monster once and then move on

Name a bigger comeback

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>finally got a capacity up deco
Oh sweet lord I am finally free from having to wear Dodogamas pants
Thank you RNGesus

Is there any way you can keep the other girl instead of the Handler?? I just got rid of her and it's so much better already.

What's all this sudden talk of Rajang? Has hot monkey dick been confirmed?

Where there is a ledge, there is a way
Also, git gut at GS tackle



IIRC you get one ticket for both your Hunter and cat for buying the expansion.
Truly gracious of Capcom.

Are you serious

>he doesn't know

>but you need a edit voucher
Does that mean I'll have to buy

Oh ok, thanks.

>World still updating
>Iceborne install hasn't even started
Just when I thought I was free, my shitty internet keeps me in this hell.
How is the game bros? how many Gunlances have actual designs?

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You also get one for free in the store normally, at least I got one back when the game was new

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>gets JUST born
>starts crying and shitting lasers everywhere
>Is probably still blind and needs some time
>Hunter JUST kills her

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Man, I remember that they never used to respawn back onto land, and you'd be falling for the entire hunt.

So youre saying youre a shitter?

Christ I hate the Handler, when will she face consequences for her retardation?

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>1 million views in JP alone

the world update IS the iceborne update
because without it Iceborne Chads wouldn't be able to play with Virgin Worlds

The dlc is in the update since it's "backwards compatible" meaning you can play with people that don't own icebourne

Walking ecological disaster.


Nigga, just go ahead and fight barioth with wyvern ignition. I bet my left fucking butt there is not a single person in the world who completed barioth with wyvern ignition.

Soloing A. Leshen with a LS was the most fun I've ever had in the game.
I just think fighting him solo is top kino and was worth the time. It's a really relaxing fight that you can enjoy and savor instead of just grugstomping it in less than 4 minutes.


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I just beat shrieking legiana with drachen stuff. Honestly Tigrex has been the hardest for me so far. So you can go a decent amount into MR.

Akchually I played it with my monster hunter bud who mains that exact weapon, he didn't have a problem

>JUST born
That wasn't a birth, you idiot. It was a metamorphosis, that was its chrysalis.

how do i git gud at lunastra

Jason Iceborune

Well yeah they didn't know anything about it and just killed it in case became something dangerous, honestly i hope xeno will make a comeback with a revamped fight and some new lore.

Never because Capcom in its endless retardation actually thinks she's endearing and cute. Ex

use an ice bow

Yes, it's the icebourne conspiracy, congratz for solving it

Who is stronger, Fatalis, Alatreon or Disufiroa?

Hit the back legs until she trips then hit the wings

>Viper Kodachi
>Poison, poison, poison

He asked how to get good, not how to use the crutch weapon.

Git gud
Break its tail and it will use its poison less and less.

I decided the best way to learn a new weapon is to jump into G rank with something I've never used before but now I feel like I'm having way more trouble than I would if I just went back to my main. I never learn new weapons because Hammer feels so natural.


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Well is it the Clutch Claw or the bow? Make up youir mind, bagel goose.

I want Paolumu layered armor.

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Does anyone know what songs does the Zinogre Hunting Horn have? And what are the armor skills and what is the difference in appearance of his Alpha and Beta armor sets?

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Did someone say devils madness?

>killed my first Barioth by Flinch Shot-ing it off a cliff
Iceborne is pretty fun

>Alloy coil alpha+
>Pukei hat alpha+
Now viper literally can't hurt you.

The game is on the game pass, fucking loads of people probably tried it for 5 minutes then dropped it throwing the metrics out of whack.

So which armors can become layered? And what does it cost to make them layered?

using bow is the only way to be good against lunastra

anybody got Gigginox flashbacks?

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meant for

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I Lance Lunastra and I find her manageable enough.


I don't remember the full list but it doesn't have Attack Up L. It has Elemental Up and a new song "Elemental Effectiveness Up". It has a dragon echo wave, so who knows if that's actually useful. I imagine it's at least decent now that there's no cap on elemental attack, thankfully.

my eyes hurt like crazy, theyre are very blurry. continue playing? y/n

That was a leak by misunderstanding things
Layered armors are now crafted at the Smith instead of trading them in at provision manager, other than that at least for now it's still only for events

Are you a weak pussy bitch boy?

what the fuck sns is so flashy now

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ok im drinking some monster along with coffee


I think


Handler is


not that bad

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Don't get excited, nothing has changed, at all. They just moved the layered armors' quests from their usual spot to the Smithy.

Does the dragon echo wave have elder seal on it?


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So 0 armors can become layered, and we have to settle for gay shit like Orion again. Fucking Capcom.

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Worldbabs not welcome.

>Jho gets into a turf war with bazel when he’s already nearly dead
>kill him with a dung bomb to the face

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This was the worst fight in the whole franchise, for real

You didn't meld all those poison resist decorations, did you?

I presume so. All forms of dragon damage have some kind of seal. No clue if it'll make the normal echo wave's big dick damage numbers though.

can someone explain to me the "pukei pukei is the handler" meme?

>implying sns has ever been flashy outside of gen

me drinking gamer girl pee

Yes at least for now, there is still a chance that they add it later
I mean, they must know that it is one of the most requested features if not the most wanted

Can I have some of that?

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Sounds interesting, I hope the elemental buffs are good
Many thanks user

your standards must be extremely high (or low in your perspective). Play FU to change that tune

And you'd be wrong.

Alatreon is black too

This fight is just obnoxious, especially when he does the finger in front of the hose twin water stream attack.

Reminder that your huntress belongs to Rajang starting next month

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I think that's going to be a good horn for farming ruiner nerg, like chain ko's into exhaust tier.

I'll try that next time he'll come back

>implying that by admitting that SnS was flashy in Gen you're not proving me right in that it is wrong to call it flashy now and thus showing how new they are
Thank you.

If Alatreon comes back as DLC, do you want to see him get his own arena or should he be able to have turf wars?

Nigga, fightin great fucking JAGRAS was more fun than that water spraying, I don't know where I am looking, crackhead bitch ass faggot puke EYYYY puke eyyy son of a BITCH. I folded his ass but still the fight was pure hot garbage

>That motherfucking sleep ratfaced faggot
I had no trouble with AT Nerg, but for some reason this sin of nature infuriates me. Not enough to make me cart, but it extends the fight to frustrating levels, while the dizzy animation plays for 5 seconds, and I have to wait for another 5 for him to decide to hit me after he made 5 fucking loops mid-air.
I always hated Paolumu, but fuck that faggot, i've been playing since FU and none of the monsters brought me this close to the cusp of frothing rage FUCK

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Kirin armor was a mistake.

>a spinoff game with anime styles has anything to do with the mainline series

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sorry but I have a job so I can buy my fucking games in the first place

own arena

why is nerg so based
strongest monster

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I love him. It's been a while since I've fought a good sleep monster


>moving the goalposts

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>Implying I would ever play as a whore
Anyone that plays as a huntress deserves the HRD

when youre dealing with someone who uses gen as their standard of the series the goalposts never existed to begin with

I miss him.

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>Flashbacks of getting chain slept by wroggi

Has anyone messed with the view mode? How easy is it to look up cute hunter's skirts??

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Recess. Wanna see something job on the donut steel edgehog for once

There it is. Thanks for the reminder

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>bone treatment
Oh god. Are my zinogre weapons safe? Please for the love of god tell me they are safe?

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Of course great jagras is much more fun for scrubs, we already now that

Only the ones that matter like HH and HBG.

I-It's a she.

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He got a new charge blade and insect glave
His HBG HH and LS are the same
His SA and GS got BONE'D

Wasn't it baggi? Wroggi was the orange iodrone replacement.

You mother fuckers aren't ready for Savage Deviljho.

Oh yeah you're right I got the names mixed up

please tell me he still has his froggy legs attack

Oh fuck same

I like my Zin GS, LS and DB. Although I do feel for your HH. I never used it but it looks fucking cool.

Frontier had the best SnS moveset. Prove me wrong.

I'm glad that world didn't bring back the prey/drome horde. Actually I hope we never see them again.

Explicitly called a him, keep dreaming waifufaggot.I think

t. someone that never played world

Starting mr3 quests now without upgrading gears yet or w/e
Quests are taking a bit tho ~20mins; is it a good time to start farming mr gears?

Dragons dogma has the best SnS moveset prove me wrong

>All this time and effort spent on an expansion and master rank.
>All I wanted was good looking weapons and armor.

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>GS got BONE'D
Why god? I love the GS.

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I too like to discuss games that will soon be gone forever and forgotten

Two things I love about World was getting rid of mandatory gathering and not bloating the roster with trash dromes.

Despite this, I do want Great Maccao to come back.

What is up with you autists rushing to the end. I'm taking my time and enjoying everything and farming the new monsters, plus I have a job and a life outside of my room.

>no fancy stab
>no slide that keeps your hitbox nice and low
>but you can jump very high and slam with your shield
Yeah, nah.

I'm at Mr 8 or 9 straight with my world set (masters touch kulve fire ls)

but the armor sets are spectacular, what are you on about?

So what did the Velkhana bundle from the Beta give you?

Any non-shit quality clips of ruiner nerg or SEETHING bazel?

>Infinite combos with full control and great mobility

Do you guys have any cool concepts for Monsters?

Thats at kulve set? Never got around to that. Just ex behemoth for me
How long your runs taking?

A bunch of consumables, a golden egg, and a gold wyverian print
what does it mean bros

>people keep saying Barioth is the wall when Fulgur is pushing my shit

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Is it true that g-rank in previous series doesn't even compare tot he difficulty of the MR in iceborne?

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Nah, what I meant is I got a masters touch build (teostra/drachen armor) and I'm using the ls called taroth sword fire (highest raw in basegame)

Someone saw the same thing yesterday, that roar is what it sounds like when rathalos is calling for rathian

What about that scale icon? Is it just a basic mat so you can look at the armor at the blacksmith?

Zinogre cannot be not straight, all Tamas are female.

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Here's your Barioth bro

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What about his DBs?

>every monster has a nuke
Why though.

>This is what your typical insect glave user looks like

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>His SA and GS got BONE'D
They listened to feedback, no more shitty bone weapons, they said. Fucking shills.

Does Iceborne add a delete button for sets?

>I'm gonna make frontier look like a joke - Ryozo

Disufiroa, but it's not canon.

can't wait for AT Shara with an even bigger spirit bomb


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is that cyancapsule?

>People keep talking about walls when the only challenge you ever experienced were against commonly considered "easy" monsters, while you obliterated what was commonly considered as walls or filters

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Perfect representation of IG mains


I haven't seen em yet

What exactly is Bazelguese seething about

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>all those people wearing the Yukumo layered
Fashionlets, all of them.

I have done this to many monsters in my playthrough and there’s no feeling like it

Depends on the game. GU's G-rank could be easily strolled through thanks to gamebreaking arts/styles, but older games like FU or P3Rd are way more challenging (although not much more exciting solo)

pearl harbor

>not the knight set
plebians, the lot of you

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About being in a bad game.

Holy shit, I'm using my engame gear the base game and this fucker just one shoots me I don't even have the time to heal or do something.

based nerg boy making it look like a clown infront of the handler

do any of the new monsters win turf wars against the vets?

being filtered

>flourish gesture uses the carving knife instead of your weapon
Extremely disappointed.

Wtf barioth just oneshot me

Velk and Jho and a dbz tier laser power struggle that implodes resulting in both of them being knocked down

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Nergigante beats everyone

And on GS and SA too, the best looking weapons of them all.

lazy fuck

What'd they do with Teostra for Master Rank? He already has all his G Rank moves in the base game. Just more aggression?

You people think they'll let us import our layereds to World 2?
I'm curious what that game's Deluxe set will bring. World has a Samurai and Iceborne a European knight.

no, not at all.
GU was extremely hard because of pic related, it's probably the most challenging and rewarding mechanic ever in MH history and it sucks its not in Iceborne

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any vids of Scarred Garuga yet?

...Fuck those pieces of shit.

God, I hate these faggots.

Is Iceborne super difficult? I could never beat any AT monsters and fights take so long.

What, 3 bullshit variants? Are you fucking retarded? My man, the most challenging part (but fair) was fucking steamy Bloodbath Diablos and her big tits

Me on the right

>Savage Jho shitposts on Yea Forums

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It's about the same but you get stronger gear making it more fair

If Disufiroa is so strong how come the Hunter beat it?

Tits or gtfo

Have you guys seen the steamworks scene the handler follows the lead of the palicos and goes along with their madness?

Because the most dangerous beat of all is...Man

Tenacity, determination, and the will to never give up. How do you think any Hunter in any MH game beat all those Elder Dragons?

It's either you picking yourself up after being knocked down, or you telling the story about a man that just does NOT give up. And that man? A Hunter. Human like all the rest, but a killing machine in battle.

You don't fuck with those that got the will to do something.

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He has a new stationary flamethrower kinda like kulve's where he stands on his hind legs and shoot directly down

Where is Aisha

Not her(him) but you gotta be retarded.

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in the Third gen DLC that will allow you to make your Seliana room into the room you had in Moga Village

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Shut up nigger nincel.
Go play with your cardboard.

No, Hypers are rehashed content. AT atleast gives them new moves and change up the difficulty

And people shouldn't have to tell you to git gut if you're already into monster hunter but here we are

Tsk tsk tsk... Anons, please, though are clearly B-cups.
Pic related is ACTUAL flat.

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>GaijinHunter vision

Stuck in Moga, till MH6 when she takes a boat to the new world

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didn't only xeno and nerg get new moves?
unless im forgetting something

I don't get it. Probably because I don't watch MHtubers...

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Id rather not have bingshit infest world2

You are taking this too far

Nah, it would be more like this

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that was tight
A. glavenus just attacked me with his sword and i broke that shit with my GS

Teo got a new move and Vaal got a new move
and we'd rather not have you listfag, but here we are

>no Nami dbs
>but Holy Guild blades are back
fuckin based

Savage Jho is hardcore as fuck omg I love IB so much.

They both ugly and eat a lot. That's it. Some people find them cute, despite being hideous or as japs would say busukawa.

Anyone else doing all the quests as you go?

No need to rush through the whole thing.

>bullshit hitboxes
The only bad one is teostra. Cope shitter

Lance bros what lance are you using in ib

Been doing a lot of side quest, collecting coal and farming kadachi for that comfy mr armor

my autism prevents me from not doing all optionals

So have any monsters been found past Brute Tigrex? I'm just hoping that my nigga Kulu-Ya-Ku gets a sub or Variant.

>all those conflicting arguments
a shitposter, and nothing was lost.

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Just an FYI, replying to bait will get you a ban. Please do not feed the trolls or off-topic shit. That shit belongs to /vg/'s containment general

>The frontier fag is listfag and actually played world
How deep does the rabbit hole go

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I wonder why Smashfags don't get banned. Or rather, anyone else here that doesn't get banned for doing exactly what you are saying you shouldn't do.
It's not even a Frontier fag. It just seems like he hopped on the 'i like Frontier' train as a bait along with either shitting on World or shitting on older games.

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This fucking schizo has been at it for over a year non stop, how empty can your life be to spend this much time just shitting up monhun threads? Christ almighty I can't fathom it.

holy shit

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Same thing with all the trannies. I have no idea how they can... well, cope with "cope/seethe/have sex posting"... God I'm gonna go wash my mouth out.
Let's just fucking hope it's Listfag and that he's fucking gone for GOOD.

>Warning: replying to off-topic post/troll
I get it, but this means everyone needs to literally acknowledge the existence of our local autist.

not a good move, but atleast its a warning

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Yeah. I can't feel safe with him around.

>party rock anthem plays in the background

When are we gonna get "Pizza Hut in a Garage" as a GS?
The weapon I just mentioned may be one of the only counters for it having the "chicken n' winiginish" element.
Shit, this post got deleted. You're gonna have to look in the archives, Anons.

But Pukei doesn't actually eat at lot, it mostly just drinks poisonus sap from the poisoncups and store nuts to coat in poison to use as weapons...
Wouldn't the great jagras or deviljho be more fitting? W/e...

This deletion had to happen because of the previous thread. No way its because of this thread since there was minimal shitposting

How do I edit my palico?

>Zinogre theme: Misty Peaks
>Narga theme: Pokke village
but what is Brachy cutting into? People are saying Moga village but I don't hear it

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So why did they think to make the roar for the "calling for help" to override the entire game's audio. It's unsettling as fuck and reminds me of the WARNING vibes from P3rd. Not to mention the roar sounds nothing like the monster since I think they made it to be some sort of final call that onto their same species can recognize

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Odogaron, same as always. Just can't beat that sharpness.

Are you fucking saying I have to deal with the autist too?

t. frontierfag

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Does this mean i cant post all the cool frontier webms I collected from these threads over the months? Because liking frontier is now associated with riccota cheese?

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P3rd and Gen's "WARNING" were actually nice little systems.
He's most likely mega-banned and isn't coming back for a long while.
Like King Kaj once said... DO IT FAGGOT

Its still ?? To me what is it like compared to the rarity 10 kulu hidden sleep wep im using atm

nah its probably some faggot trying to act like a frontierfag. I have webms too but never played frontier

post them m8

How do I get the Deluxe Edition sets? I pressed X like a motherfucker to get into the game

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>Seliana gathering hub girls have Texan accents
Tfw when no Texan gf.

Does those big dick damage numbers and doesn't bounce of whiffs. What more is there to say?

Talk to the housekeeper whose in your room, or in the new hub he's got a little window so you can talk to him from outside your room.

How to wall spam?

Spam walls.

It needs a skyrim edit so fucking badly

Damn, Brachydios' theme lost a lot of energy.

I'm surprised they haven't sold her outfit for the handler too. Seems right up their alley.

kjarr ice

anyone using the horn?
how are the new buffs

How should I build for elemental dbs?
Is elemental damage + Critical Eye the way to go or should I get more attack boost

Maxing out element and crit is more important than raw. If you have space for AB, then sure go for it, but it's a luxury skill.

Haven't been keeping up with Iceborne. Are they really pulling the same crap with the weapons? Did any old monsters get unique weapon models at least?

>MFW fighting Beotodus
Fuck that thing. Its literally a Snow Plesioth and it takes a fucking long time to kill even if you have the best endgame weapons from the vanilla game. Bad way to get into Iceborne.

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right now its a 50/50 but they added some kind of customization to bone/iron model weapons. So far all it does is add variations of fur and feathers from other monsters but nobody reached max upgrade yet so who knows

I really like tigrex armor. Attack boost, earplugs, speed eating, free meal, it's just very convenient.

Yeah I like every returning theme except his, which is wack guess I always though his theme was underrated

Yeah it took forever but at least it was easy and you can take the time to gather some peppers while you wack it's face.

>talking shit about the best piscine fight ever
>snow plesioth
git gud

Drunk af how do you beat shara isvolfa

>mounting Zinogre
>drums kicks in

fug I was not prepared for this

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>mfw Glavenus theme

They did this justice, holy shit. It's one of the best tracks in the game by far.

hit his ass till his rocks fall then kill him

why are you guys comparing Beotodus to ANY fish when it acts way closer to agnaktor?

So can you obliterate arch/tempered mosnters now with ease using master rank gear?

yeah, but why would you?

it's literally G Agnaktor but not cancer

I still don't have Drachen layered so i'm looking forward to getting that easier if Extremoth returns.

It's like a mix between glacial agnaktor and Zamtrios

>Drinking a cool drink while neck deep in snow doesn't instantly kill you.
Shit game 0/10


How is master rank treating you, is it as hard as 3U/4U, or are they hitting like wet noodle?

Can you access investigation / bounty chick from directly from gathering hub in iceborne? What about steamwork?

That looks hard

It is tough. This feels real close to true G-rank compared to what XX did.

Tfw cat plunders a glavenus mantle during the glav assingment. Is this a sign from above, that i should use glav gear?

Bounty investigation bitch is in the gathering hall. I don’t think steamworks is in there but basically everything else is

Yes, the desire sensor will punish you otherwise

cool layered

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Only things missing from the gathering hall are the Steamworks and the Tailraiders

Where is she? I can’t find her in there for some reason and I feel retarded.

>creature makes different noises
>especially when responding to it's own kind

It's almost as if animals dont make the same fucking sound over and over, and actually have a range of calls.

Starts out difficult as usual, once you got the hang of it each monster can be downed quickly. Even in solo I feel that they have a lot of health and I think they plan for you to utilize the wounding of parts to keep up deeps

can someone show what the female version looks like?

>beat Baroth
>table discussion story scene about what to do next happens
>accidentally skip some of the text, decide to reset to see if I can go back to the beginning of the scene to see what I missed
>it fucking works and boots right into the scene the moment I load my save
Holy shit, can't believe that worked. If you ever skip any story by accident anons, just close the application and load it up again. Thanks you devs, very cool pun intended

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Close to the smithy door. Opposite side of the hall from Quest bitches and the supply girl

I need some advice /v
I am a Lance main, I love the lance i have soloed everything up to this point with lance.
But seeing as how latest update treated lance like the red headed stepchild I have been considering changing to bow
Bow is ok, but makes everything seem to easy after playing lance for so long. Help me /v

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I really think transmog might be in but its behind some retarded requirement because no way they just outright give you 14 pages of layered loadouts out of nowhere. To continue with this, they have to do more than 20 events if they want to fill the loadout quota, which for sure we ain't getting that much.

Transmog will either be being some requirement or a patch. I am deluded, but optimal

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Bow is OP, if you want a change from lance maybe try Switch Axe or Sword and Shield

Bow is for fags

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fucking kino theme

I just beat Barioth, he was a bit of a cunt

You stick to lance like a real fucking man fellow lance bro. The counter clutch is op as fuck
>when you get a fellow man of the lance and run alongside both sides of the monster while it runs away tearing the ever loving shit out of it

Man I need a shit ton of Carbalite now for the metal weapons.

Why can't they just bring back Tri lancing?

That's what you get for bullying him in the past games

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You what? World brought back everything Lance lost after Tri and then some. And the Offensive Guard skill sounds like it might as well be a permanent boost for Lance.

So now with the new heavy axe buff can I just stay in axe mode for the majority of the time using SA and not lose too much damage? When The monster is immobilized I don't mind switching to sword mode to deal out damage, but generally I enjoy the moveset and mobility of the axe mode more.

Solo Kulve taroth and Extremoth with ease for heck of it?

>Iato moves count as sheathing
>Quick Sheathe works with it
>the new armor skill works with it
Who is going to be the first memelord to do Punishing Draw LS now that is is a thing?

I'm actually liking this new iteration, the old one felt too hip-checky

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Is it a 100% activate on perfect guard or what? I feel pretty damn confident in my guard timing and I’ve gotten it to pop up twice after an hour or so of having it on

>Yea Forums laughs about barioth filtering out journos and how shit they are
>Everyone in the thread is getting filtered by him themselves

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>Banbaro big snow ball turns into lava ball in elder recess
Fucking cool

The fucking clutch claw shit is aerial style all over again. Shitters spamming this shit because its safe and easy but it does fuckall for damage so hunts take forever.

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If you're refreshing the buff you won't see any messages about it activating/deactivating.

Oh Ancient Leshen too, but will those events still return?

Good. People bitched about it being too OP so now its a shitter trap

heavy axe significantly increase the axe's damage output so axe only can actually kill monsters within a sense-able amount of time, however you're still gimping yourself out of a lot of potential damage by only using one mode

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cc is actually strong though

I was fighting Rathian with japs earlier and one of them only used clutch claw. I can see this being a problem.

Zinogre's new turn-around hipcheck does the same recovery animation as Tetsu's stomp. If you wanted absolute proof that Amphibians were just neckless Zinogre there it is.

I see more people using it and getting fucked cause the monster is raging. Idiots now get their own double edged sword world of “you just jumped with lance you may just die for this”

I hope Rajang catches hunters using clutch claw and throws them around.

>figth negro bat
>armor sucks balls
>hunt viper dachi
>armor suck balls

are subspecies in reality cashgrabs?

everyones saying hes harder but I think hes way easier after fixing his retarded semi truck hitboxes

>Research Base has a Smithy now

>grabs the claw when raging
>swings the hunter like a fucking yo-yo
It’s not gonna happen but boy would it be lit if it did

its strong as fuck though
free knockdowns with chunks of damage

yeah, if you connect. Most of the time you won't

get ready for Fulgur pubbies spamming it the entire hunt when Fulgur only stays down for fucking 1 second and gets right back up

How's the hammer builds looking like?

retard here
how the fuck do I aim this thing?
With hammer, using it after upswing or spinning, the monster is already all the way behind me a lot of the time. So I just shoot the claw forward at nothing and likely get knocked on my ass.

>does fuckall for damage so hunts take forever.
Based retard

Is there a rip of the latest trailer music yet

>asking if lazy recolours are cashgrabs

Ok hunt chads, I'm planning on buying world on steam next friday, how is switchaxe?


What dictates Zinogre tripping over after knocking it out of fully-charged state now? It feels like a 50/50 chance it just stays on its feet unlike in every other game where breaking it = a trip

It's top tier now, but its also become very boring to play optimally. For 90 seconds at the start of every fight you spam one move only

Lots of fun if you can keep up your momentum and constantly stay on the offensive

The best iteration in the series imo

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The axe buff doesn't even increase damage, retard. It just increases the flinch amounts of your attacks

Can anyone confirm if xeno has master rank weapons?

No retard-kun it increases both impact and damage

When a monster enters rage mode, it can't attack a moving target. Use this opportunity to sharpen or cook a well done steak.

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It only increases flinch, not actual damage.

but I'll never forgive the devs for giving her weapons the iron treatment

I keep telling myself I'll bring alone steaks to cook when I capture or kill a monster with people to flex my perfect timing but I keep forgetting.

Reload Sword
Battery Sword
Switch Axe for a short period of time and then Lightsaber
Switch Axe

what even is going on with this weapon

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>GL actually deals enough damage to trip monsters now


I get to keep her, right?


Please don't make me go back.

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Axe when you can't spam ZSD Claw***

it switches

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It's increases every axe move's motion values by like 2%

I'm sorry. Soon you'll be forced to go back to that... thing.

i'm on pc and I don't have access to IB, but shelling gunlance is one of my highest damaging weapons and trips monsters all the time

Post proofs, because this hasn't been shown anywhere

G-rank normal Odogaron is a fucking psychopath. Is the subspecies as relentless as the nomie cousin?

Have Radobaan, Jyuratodus, Kulu, Tzi Tzi and Girros received a new attack or behavior in master rank? Cause out of the old monsters i've only fought Tobi, Odogaron, Pukei Pukei, Dodogama and Legiana: Odogaron and Tobi have something new, but Dodogama and Legiana have nothing. Pukei Pukei now picks stuff to eat with the extendable tongue instead of flying there, but other than that i can't tell if it has something new.

I'm rockin Jyuratodus GL with full Dodogoma X right now. I haven't shat out this much damage with GL since 3U.

Why would Capcom do this...? Why give me hope that I could be rid of that goblin??

>source: dude trust me

damn I'm actually starting 3u on cemu right now, is gunlance fun in that game?

tztzi can sidestep while flashing
heard someone say girros has an aoe attack

Kulu can pick up explosive rocks.

His own. He's a black dragon, he deserves it

In term of music, disufiroa all the way

My proofs are when in the first beta first came out a nip TA runners who main SA went through and calced all the moves and changes from base game to iceborne, they noticed that that the damage went up from the time the buff was active



take the lancepill and he literally cannot ever kill you

lmao just wait until you meet savage

Having a blast with the echo notes. Each horn has 1 or 2 extra songs because of it although playing the note is dangerous unless the monster is under some form of cc. The upside is it stacks 8 hits in a single move and each hit does ko/exhaust/whatever element your weapon has.

tremor resist

How about you take it to /vg/ where you guys can circlejerk with furry porn

I came back after a year away from the game and gave the HH a shot, now it's probably my favourite.

Is it me or do monsters have a ton of health? Took me like 40 minutes to kill the coral pukei

Nami is such a rad monster but it should have used Chameleos generic animations rather than Kushala. Even shit like how it slides around would match Cham animations better

I like using melee gunlance and slapping the shit out of his chicken legs with my big stick.

Subspecies is even worse I hear.
Just bring a para weapon. Odogaron is ridiculously weak to it, even more than the three star weakness would imply. I literally para-ed him 5 separate times throughout one single hunt without even using Paralysis Attack (just the apothecary mantle).

It really is amazingly helpful. I don’t know if it’ll work with Ebony but I’m giving it a shot.

what do you even do when trigrex just perma charge spams you it just drags the fight on

but the millions of smash threads are cool, right bibiwa?


We're contacting you about ..... for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition Deluxe - PlayStation 4. The manufacturer recently let us know that this product may be damaged or defective. We're very sorry for any disappointment or inconvenience this may have caused.

If you received a damaged or defective item, please visit our Online Returns Center to request a return for a full refund.

We appreciate your business and hope to see you again soon.


Customer Service Department

Anyone got this email from amazon.

Fucking jews


anything with a shield is great against him, but lance is just especially good since you can counter his annoying roars and stomps and keep poking his chest weakspot and head with 0 time loss. GL is good too though.

Really?, that’s cool as fuck.
Kulu is easily one of the coolest introductory mons in the series for sure.

When do I unlock fulgur anjanath?
I'm in MR3 and still don't have a quest for him despite having Tigrex unlocked

I played up until Nightshade Paolumu, all of the MR quests I've done have taken me ~30 minutes with the Diablos CB, is that a normal time since I haven't upgraded my weapon, or am I taking too long? It felt like I was taking too long but I wanna be sure since there's the jump from HR to MR and I've never played a MH game before World.

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>Muh smash thread
Yiff in hell furfag

He's the 2nd 4star mission iirc

sorry user, MH isn't coming back to your system no matter how much you shit up these threads

Not sure when he’s actually available but I’ve seen him just roaming my quests a handful of times. Also MR3

Welcome to G-rank.
This is the content that anti-MHW fags have been shitting themselves about this whole time.

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>30 minutes

I killed him in half that time with the same weapon. What's your set? Did you gem in sleep immunity?

Yo what the fuck is this? Are you unable to use HR layered armors in Master Rank?

HH user here, it takes me about the same ammount of time per mission and I'm using the rank 9 Anja horn. The only exception was Ebony Odagaron who I somehow raped in 15 minutes.

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that's a bit on the high end, most competent people i know are taking around 15 - 20 minutes first few hunts, maybe 12 to even barely sub 10 if they've had a fight really figured out and they're decked with mr gear

You can fight hom as soon as you unlock viper Tobi.

He’ll usually be either on a V Tobi quest or on a hoarfrost expedition. Just hunting him there or picking up his tracks should yield an investigation for F Anja which is even better than actually unlocking the optional quest because you get more stuff anyways.

I don't give a fuck about this shitty grinding gook game. Its braindead retarded easy and literally you just doing the same combo until you exit the game. Fucking lizard brained nigger

That's seriously it? An increase in health in G-rank? What a fucking joke, can't believe I was excited for this shit.

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it's ok, keep seething user, you won't get it no matter how much you do

You are definitely taking too long. I’m using Empress Styx IG and none of my hunts go over the 15 minute mark.

Feels like a waste of time with gunlance, tho it will have more effect in fights without shit everywhere for the new wrymstake. I really like the uppercut out f a roll for the sns, turning dodges into free damage. Haven't played the rest of the wraps much yet, gut it really doesn't feel gamebreaking to me, more like a noob trap

I feel like everything takes like 5 minutes too long to kill. If everything died before their last enrage phase I would enjoy fighting things a lot more

>u mad
Keep posting the same stupid ass threads for a game that does nothing but get sub 90 IQ retards addicted to it's one combo per weapon combat and retarded AI

>being this fucking mad about a video game on a malaysian basket-weaving forum

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Yeah lets forget 30 new monsters, a new endgame, and new equipment

is this bait?

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keep going user, the rage of nintenerds fuels me

cringe ESL, opinion discarded

here's your (you)

>That's seriously it? An increase in health in G-rank? What a fucking joke, can't believe I was excited for this shit.
You expected more? From Capcom?

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yes? what makes you think otherwise

King of the seas, baby. Also every wyvernfire is pretty much a guaranteed stagger in that game.

If it were up to me, monsters would have even more health.
I miss the FU days where 20 minutes was average for a G rank hunt.

what the fuck are you guys on about?

what did SNS get exactly?

I got the forward+triangle after backhop combo, what else?

Keep grinding for that gear that literally doesn't matter. Did you spend 250 hours on that event for 2% increased damage? I know I did.

it's bait, stop taking it

Yeah, i know, i can says count on Girros Gang to paralyze the fucker. I really like what they did to Odogaron in G-rank, now it's an actual apex monster and i can now see this thing going toe to toe with a Tigrex.

it's never coming to switch user, sorry

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Oh I don't know, I just thought it would be nice to use the layered armors I collected throughout the game.

Keep throwing your life away landing the same combo over and over again for thousands of hours.

keep playing with your fisher price toys

>all these people taking obvious bait

stop pls

I was using the KT "Horn" CB with the same strength as the diablos CB, my armor was just a mix-match of HR Xeno'jiva. I didn't gem for sleep immunity. I take it that for MR I should create loadouts specifically for the monster I'm fighting no matter what monster it is, as opposed to having one regular set and one set for, say, Vaal Hazak.
You're better than me, that's for sure.
So I need to improve I take it? Getting 15- 20 just seems impossible with the gear I have.
Any advice you have? Are you using MR or HR armour?

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Keep grinding lizard brain, it's all you're good for.

keep going on, I'm almost there
keep seething for me

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>Odogaron got buffs out the ass
>still jobs to the Girros Gang

Thank you based cobra lizards

>tfw seeing a monster about to roar and comboing a Spirit roundslash into an Iai Spirit Roundslash into a Spirit Helmbreaker into an Iai spirit Roundslash into a Fade Slash into the claw and then just doing the whole thing over again because I have Earplugs Level 5

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Every time Deviljho slaps me with his tail I feel a piece of my soul leave my body

I'm impressed by how many people seem to be close to the endgame already. meanwhile I just nearly timed out to a nightshade paolumu because it didn't occur to me to whore the grappling claw til I got the 10 minute warning

GTFO nintendie

You're playing a literal children's toy, you're wasting your time even posting about it on some shit fourm nobody cares about.

Almost where? You've spent thousands of hours on the same game and do 10% more damage. You haven't gone anywhere

this is how I imagine most LS players irl

ya'll gonna try a real weapon anytime soon or...?

>You're playing a literal children's toy
Yes, that's monsterhunter. What's your point?


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charge blade clear times are crazy dependent on player skill especially because SAED can be difficult to aim optimally


you can

I mean as long as you're giving me (You)s it's not spamming. So how does it feel playing the same game for thousands of hours doing the same single combo and getting virtually nothing for your effort?

I’m setting up for farming for a good lance to go with my Banbaro set, but I don’t really know which one I should work towards. I love what they’ve done to the lance I just need a good one

Any reccomendations?

>he says as he replies in a chain of posts going nowhere

Attached: 1494718527078.gif (1080x1080, 504K)

>Entering a game with friends
>Never Join the Gathering Hub because their too busy in the workshop

Attached: Bighead.png (505x508, 256K)

How many hours have you spent in the game that's deepest depths are one combo?

That would make sense since I whiff a lot of them. Should I just cheese everything with the lance then? What weapon do shitters use in MHW?

Lance was what I went to as well with the Banbaro set, holy fuck it looks great

No idea about which one to go for though, I went back to HH and am having a blast with the new additions to it

From what I've heard, the Odogaron and Deviljho lances are really good. I personally like the looks of the Kulu Lance, but being a PC player, idk how good it is in Iceborne. Is the Tigrex one any good?

Oh thank God. Seeing the layered armor separated by HR and MR really worried me.

just play whatever weapon you genuinely enjoy using
t. uses all melee weapons except HH

How many hours user? How many hours have you played the same game with no story doing one combo over and over again?

Nah you don't need a set for each monster, just one that has 3 spare lvl 1 slots so you can gem in to resist whatever gimmick a monster has. Also, HR Xeno gear just sucks. You should be aiming for 100% crit, crit boosted, white sharpness. You're basically doing like a third less damage than the game expects you to be doing going into MR, which in turn leads to fewer flinches and knockdowns which hurt your damage even more. Craft and MR set ASAP, preferably one with critical eye and attack while wearing the handicraft charm for an easy 3 handicraft.


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Stop jerking each other off and tell me a good Master Rank lance to work towards
^^^^^^^^^^^ LOOK @ THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Stop trying to cheese and play whatever weapon you enjoy you scrub

Odog seems achievable, I like fighting the fucker with LS anyways

Is this supposed to be a videogame or a cartoon?

When I'm taking 30+ minutes in a MR hunt to kill the monster I ain't having fun anymore. I'll just cheese everything with the lance I guess, that seems like a weapon shitters use.

It's Japanese.

Odo's or maybe Shara's

so does anyone know how the deco farming has changed for endgame?

How many hours user. It's a simple question. There's only one combo per weapon so you couldn't have played it that long, could you?

Zinogre sounds great but I wish the guitar was louder, this is what I always loved about his theme. Also it doesn't make sense for narga to get pokke in his theme, it should be tigrex

Sickeningly so. I wish the more conservative japs made games. This shit is so fantastical it's almost gay.

oh god, I gotta call an ambulance, someone take this guy for me, this is a wellspring of nintendo asshurt that lasts forever

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Who here Dios Rod?!

Attached: Dios Rod.jpg (1130x760, 508K)

Ok thanks

Did Brachys lance make it in?

That long huh? You must be pretty pathetic to play such a simple game for so long.

It's taking you 30+mins because you're trying to kill G-rank monster with an HR weapon, it's basic science
You probably won't even like lance because it's about being active and and counter shit rather than safely hold up a your shield and poking


The true chads of the neet vale.

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wtf is this anime shit

>he says in a series with bipedal talking cats and where nobody ever dies, they just get knocked out

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It's almost like if you play Japanese games you're some kind of limp wristed faggot

why are all criticisms of this game met with console wars?

>I wish games were more boring
Did your parents beat you growing up?

It wouldn't suit Tigrex at all, though.

>everything needs to be serious 100% of the time
learn to have some fun, you goof

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I took a break cause of a move and I was at Vaal Hazak (Already hunted Kush and Teo)
How much more do I have to go to get MR?

Because welcome to monster hunter threads
Tri threads were full of shitposting and p3rd even worse.

If you're an effeminate faggot then that may explain why you don't see a problem with uguu~ dress-up anime games.


@sink u gay nigga rofl i know you reading this thread lmao

It doesn't suit narga either imo

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>go fight Great Girros to see what's new
>mfw when suddenly 8 Girros pour in to back him up
>all of them start spamming para moves

Jesus Christ how horrifying. I couldn't tell what was going on for the first few minutes because my screen was covered in Girros.

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Had trouble with mr monster but narga sure did feel like home

>you're out on a hunt while the handler is giving instruction from the northwest camp
>scout flies highlight some tracks
>"Those look like Pukei-Pukei tracks! Fresh too! He must be somewhere close!"
>"Look around fo-hey...I think i hear some-"*sounds of struggle*
>"Urgh! Get off me you dumb lizard! My hunter will be here any second so- hey! Watch that tongue!"
>"Where do you think you're grabbing!"
>"M-My pants! Give those back! I nee-nngghhh!"
>"Oh, god! Please get to camp quick! I can't ta-oohhhh god!"
>*Heavy Moaning*
>"P-please stop! You don't even deserve to be made into armo-*moan*"
>You finally make it back to the northwest camp and the handler is pantsless and the rest of her clothes are shredded.
>Shes left quivering in a daze and totally covered in wet sticky slime

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It's works perfectly as in interlude in narga's high energy theme, as well as narga being the most popular pokke flagship

I know this is bait, but why the fuck do you even play monster hunter to begin with instead of hunting animals in the savannah using only a knife?

oh my

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anybody have a clean theme of shara ishvala

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>27 new monsters
>90% are just palette swaps
Sad. That should've been free DLC.



You'll get to MRank when you kill Xenojiva

Kill Xeno

Kill Vaal and Xeno then you can start Iceborne

I’m using HR armor
>Meme eyepatch
>Empress chest
>Nerg everything else
>With Health boost and recovery boost +health augments

My go to HR set was focused on endurance, so I can get slapped around quite a bit even by MR monsters. I’ve also been playing since tri so I don’t get hit much to begin with.

I’d advise against doing as I do and getting a MR armor instead. I just kept mine for the thrill of it tbqh.
