Was Dark Heal a good name for a healing ability for Sith Inquisitors in The Old Republic?
Was Dark Heal a good name for a healing ability for Sith Inquisitors in The Old Republic?
No but it made for a good time on Yea Forums
What happened to Life Drain?
What makes a heal "Dark"? Do Sith have "Dark Health"?
Vader uses force healing in Shadows of the Empire in his meditation chamber by focusing on the pain, but as soon as he starts to feel satisfied it backfires on him. He tried it with breathing too
Playing as the Sith Inquisitor and devouring ghosts and conjuring lightning storms was fucking awesome.
I assume lorewise it's healing but in a really painful excruciating way that makes you angry and shit so stronger darkness
This, you focus on your rage and pain on the wound rather than staying calm
No, obviously not. City of Villains did a much better job of flavoring strictly helpful powers for villainous PCs.
>Nullify Pain
>Share Pain
>Conduit of Pain
>Suppress Pain
>World of Pain
>City of Villains did a much better job of flavoring strictly helpful powers for villainous PCs.
>The only difference is the words "Pain" and "DarK"
We need Darkbringer of Pain
Shit's as edgy as edge gets, considering the entire premise is trying to make magically healing someone into a dark and evil thing, but CoV makes a notable effort in explaining it.
>Darkwing Duck
Evil "healing" should be more about damage nullification and shielding, not healing health already lost. Evil dudes are always about "YOU CANT HURT ME", not healing wounds.
Also maybe combat bonuses for health lost.
Why are people suddenly talking about SWTOR again? I've been seeing threads on it lately. Is it good now or something? I haven't played since launch.
New expansion at the end of this month, they finally added Nautolans as playable race
sounded better that cuddlies of calamity, at least
Isn't it coming in October?
it's like taking medicine that tastes bad
Yeah I think you’re right, my bad. Nautolans aren’t out til the end of this month/1st week of october too
I imagine it's the way the force is used/manipulated/applied by the User.
too little too late just another human with tentacle head
duros ithorian rodian bith trandoshan mon calamari never ever
Does this new expansion seem like it's gonna be worthwhile? Prepatch added a new planet and brought back Malgus didn't it? I'll buy a month of game time and fuck around if it's shaping up to be decent
why is she so perfect?
I dunno, I’m still on my mandalorian in Eternal Empire but know they added a new planet and the splash art has Malgus all over it so they must have brought him out of carbonite or wherever the fuck he was.
Anyway yeah I like how you can sub for one month and you get all the expansions permanently even when you unsub, unlike eso
They just gave fast travel to all free players too so that’s nice
All I’ve ever wanted are rodians but nautolans were easily my second pick. Kaleesh would be cool too
Where does this game's canon, let alone KOTOR in general, exist among modern Star Wars? Did it get the sole exemption because it was simply too big/expensive to can back when the EU was cancelled? I always thought this was on life support to begin with, so hearing it still gets content surprises me
I played the trial for that Sith smuggler intro everyone swears by, but that was where it peaked for me, and the meat of the game is "like WoW, but tedious and more overdesigned than it needs to be", KOTOR's universe was always a more personal one with a tighter story and design, so turning that into an MMO was already turning me off, and the setting was "Old Republic" in name only, the design is more like some prequelized universe that was destined for a completely different Star Wars MMO, as stuff from the prior games is merely sprinkled in places if the wiki is anything to go by
Revan plays a pretty big role in SWTOR for awhile, so I'm not sure where you're getting this "Sprinkled in" bullshit. As far as where it fits into the canon. It's part of Legends, not disney's canon.
Tldr but the game takes place like sixty to a hundred years after KOTOR and the reason Revan is still talked about right now is because he’s cool and people like him, there are articles almost every day talking about an Old Republic or Revan inspired work. Also Revan and Bane are mentioned in the Clone Wars Yoda arc if I’m not mistaken
I'm also still disappointed that they restricted single/dual/double-bladed lightsaber to advanced class and CE imp trooper armor is bind to character not account so I can't give it to my republic trooper among other things
>I played the trial for that Sith smuggler intro everyone swears by,
There is no Sith smuggler so I have no idea what you’re talking about unless you just mean that one cinematic with the smuggler and Shan and Malgus.
This game is at least unique enough to have full conversations with your characters rather than just “accept quest” or “Goodbye”, and don’t forget the classic bioware romance scenes where you awkwardly fuck the alien girl you’ve been flirting with for the past 60 hours
Can't you unlock it for all characters if you pay cartel coins in the collections tab?
Yeah you can, individually for another character or account wide. Way easier than rolling all over again
I don't think so since you can only get it from the collector's edition vendor in the upper cantina area of the fleet on imperial side
I love Lana!
oh shit, oyu are right.
its a shame that no fren of mine plays swtor, i like to level up one of these fish bois.
Yeah and the actual healing health part comes from the evil tanks who regenerate it on their own.
Cool lookin' race, but I know I'm gonna hate their tentacles clipping through every fucking armor set I have.
I mean it’s nearly a completely solo-able experience now with the newish leveling and companion systems now so you can live out your fishboi rp fantasies easy peasy
pretty sure they just copied them from that baby J delivered in MiB
didn't he die on the not deathstar or whatever? anyway, I guess if the emperor can come back from that, so can he.
They even (to their credit) tried to illustrate it with Kylo in TFA when he beat his wounded leg during the last scene, but since the Mary Sue beat him anyway the shills tried to play it off as "well he was in pain so he didn't fight as good". Motherfucker, that should only increase his power and Rey still beat his ass, making her all the more a Mary Sue
>he beat his wounded leg during the last scene
I thought that part was so fucking cool and brutal and no one even noticed it
The funniest thing to come out of those movies is people thinking the term "Mary Sue" is gender specific and sexist.
Meanwhile I'm over here still thinking Drizzt Do'Urden is probably the biggest Mary Sue in recent history.
Drizzt is such a mary sue, I agree bro
Still like him of course
Yea, I'm a huge fan of Drizzt's books, but I can still acknowledge he's a total Mary Sue. Glad you feel the same way.
Can someone revive the SWTOR general?
>Travel to Hoth
>Travel to Voss
>another alien head on human body
Yes user, that is pretty much every playable race in any game ever.
I remember a guild named that, is it still around?
It’s the curse of most western rpgs and mmos, fuck can you imagine what elder scrolls would be if they all weren’t just humanoid shaped
You mean Morrowind?
And notice how after Morrowind the beast races just became human with an animal head + tail
>lana beniko
>anal kenobi
>anal kenobi
I never noticed this what the actual fuck
>And notice how after Morrowind Bethesda became lazier
Yeah, hasn't everyone else?
>animated a unique swimming animation for Argonians in a game that defaults to first person so 95% of people will never see it
No, it's best it stay dead.
Delet this
Man TOR was so fucking bad, yo. I tried it last year, thinking 'fuck i just want to play an mmo i havent played before, there is no way this is as bad as ive heard, and it looks'
WEW. I was wrong. Its just brutally bad. I felt some good progression for my guy up until I got my lightsaber and then I got sent to some planet and the questing system sucks and the map was huge and empty so I was riding a speeder around with really no purpose across a huge empty, but annoying to navigate planet. Shite.
I had some decent fun at launch playing with friends and hunting republic scum in open pvp areas like tattooine and alderaan
killing nerds in the field and them decloaking them when they revive in the field only to kill them again was hilarious
I remember playing at launch and people started getting banned for PvPing on Ilum(the original and only open world PVP planet) because they were considering "Griefers"
It heals them, but it makes them old and wrinkly like what happened to Palpatine when he used his force lightning that made him look like a 120 year old wrinkly fuck.
Jedi Knight’s story is boring as fuck. Try Sith Warrior or Agent sometime.
My Chiss Bounty Hunter kicks ass, story and in PVP
Pretty sure you could open pvp on tattooine and alderaan at launch too
there were retarded decisions though in regards to banning people. I mean there was a big stink about people going to planets higher level than them to sneak around hitting up resource nodes that got banned
>Pretty sure you could open pvp on tattooine and alderaan at launch too
You're probably right. I just very dinstinctly remember Ilum being like THE level 50 pvp planet, and people getting banned for pvping.
>there were retarded decisions though in regards to banning people
The forums were the greatest place for that. Stanley Woo made for some hilarious moments. Also, I think one guy got banned because, "I'm 14 and I don't know what this." He got banned because according to the Terms of Service he lied about his age. You have to be 18 to post on the forums or shit.
Sorry I horribly butchered the sentence, he posted the meme "I'm 12 and what is this?" the moderator took it literally.
>they never delivered on playable Devaronians
what a waste
I never understood this. You think it'd be one of the easy options to implement. Instead we got Cathar, Togruta and now Nautilans.
devronians are dope
my buddy got forced a name change for a while he was the dark sith lord Whiskey
There's no way that's anything other than an ironic post. That or he's an FFXIV player.
You never know with swtor players.
I never played this game but how bout some flavor text? Something like extracts life from surroundings or something, if they wanted to go further make it so if you use it near vegetation it grays it for a bit so its like your stealing life from something.
It's little things like this that get people to play healers.
It's very simple.
>Blonde Hair
>British accent
>Isn't insane
Because we'll never get a Swtor thread again and I don't want some janny deleting it.
Despite how stupid and likely bait that post is, I notice this a bit in classic wow. People running to dungeon generally takes 10 - 15 min and in that time people actually chat a bit.
cos she's the only person allowed to have blonde eyebrows.
I haven't played any new content since Fallen Empire came out, though I did bother to beat the primary story for all the base classes for that HUD change.
>Where does this game's canon, let alone KOTOR in general, exist among modern Star Wars?
It's 3000 years before Ep 1, so it's so far in the past that it doesn't matter if it's canon or not.
Revan and Malak were straight up going to be in Clone Wars via holocube but it was decided against at the last second.
It wasn't his leg, it's that he took a direct hit to the chest from Chewie's bowcaster which the movie went out of its way to show being overpowered.
Still have it saved
Can you explain this meme to a brainlet like me who missed out on swtor?
I mean you technically didn't miss out, the game is still around. But to explain it, all player classes have to go to certain planets during the original main story before doing the expansion content. The final Act 2 planet you had to do was Hoth, and Hoth is infamous because
>it's really fucking big
>it's incredibly empty like it's shown in the movie
>unlike Tattooine which actually has variation and doesn't all look like the Dune Sea, the ENTIRETY of Hoth looks like just a frozen plain with some landmark areas
>there are literally only 2 types of enemies you'll fight the entire time on the planet: wampas and space pirates
>almost no class has an interesting story there
Thus >Travel to Hoth
Word. Thanks.
>Travel to Hoth
>then you have to go to Belsavis and Voss right after
They really didn't know how to space out the shitty planets
I would not have complained about that fucking scene in the least if they had just had the decency to have Rey whup his ass with a staff instead of a fucking lightsaber. She grew up beating niggers with sticks for protein paste, I could believe her beating kylo ren with a stick. What I can't believe is her being an instant expert at fucking everything she lays her hand to.
It would've been an excuse to bring back the double-bladed lightsaber
Technically yes but I think no one's in it anymore. I was one of the last holdouts but even I stopped in 2017.
Figured, the guild chat was a fun enough place at least
In terms of EU, I can only think of a handful of examples of Sith healing.
>Plagueis and his experiments (which would be a few thousand years after this).
>Force drain
>Being tanky enough to just need less healing than Jedi/making up for their healing through causing more damage
And my personal favorite: Orbalisk Armor
>Parasite that latches onto your body, and grows to cover everything but what you protect with special gear.
>Provides constant stream of adrenaline/healing agents proportional to dark side energy coming from wearer
>Is extremely painful
Wasn't Darth Bane almost entirely covered in Orbalisks and had to wear a special helmet when he slept so they didn't grow over his face and suffocate him to death?
God I loved those forums.
>Memory with 12 gigabytes of ram power
Those were good times.
>600 dollars for the extended warranty and geeksquad protection
Speaking from experience it was absolutely the gt520 that bottlenecked it.
I know that because I bought one of these fucking prebuilts myself
My parents refused to let me order shit online and insisted on prebuilt garbage. I knew it was a bad idea going into it but I still did it because even how crap it was, it was still better than the one I had at the time
Also TOR was genuinely enjoyable for me
It wasn't bottlenecked. Servers were lagging, it had nothing to do with the PC.
Worked on my machine.
the only non-stupid idea I've ever seen for an "evil heal" is WoW's Shadow Mend. A big and decently efficient heal that puts a DoT on the target for a percentage of what it healed in the first place
Last time I was on about a year ago, it was completely dead which was sad. It was fun while it lasted.
Maybe people will come back with the new expac
>when it was a massive financial success
This meme has never made sense
It was hilarious at the time, but Tortanic was one of the worst things to ever happen to Yea Forums. It started the obsession with every game having to be blunder of the century since everyone wanted to recreate the joys of TOR's crashlanding even though nothing really came close.