Now THIS is going to be a tough pill to swallow.
Now THIS is going to be a tough pill to swallow.
Other urls found in this thread:
that's why there's so many women dominating esports
>females being good at anything
post the games they used for testing
We have known this for years, that's why some skank always shows up and pilots a giant robot to save the earth and why the army lets women pilot attack helicopters.
if women are so good, why were there none competing in e-sports tournaments?
what is it called when the result of an experiment contradicts real life
that's it, starting HRT right now
I can't find the study. This is a shit, low-effort thread.
But why are there no females in e-sports then?
Competitive Candy Crush
Ok? This means absolutely nothing unless you back it up with facts. What games were they playing? Under what metrics were they judged?
"Females" aka trannies
I mean, statistically women could be better and not have equal representation in esports for completely unrelated reasons.
That said, I can't find OP's article and the only thing I did find was an article about player's ability to level up in WoW. Which they found to be about equivalent controlling for outside factors like guild involvement.
study reveals that the moon is brighter than the sun
I want to see the data, not getting served a hot and steamy pile of telephone-game shit by some nobody working for a joo media org.
The fake news is out of control.
They are good at speedrunning.
lmao no
>16 people are retarded enough to get baited by a fake article
>Give a controler to a woman
>She doesn't place her fingers in the pumpers and triggers
>Doesn't explore the character's capabilities
>Wants help all the time
>Give the controler to a kid
>Takes him 1 hours to actually git gud
>Only needs help when in a puzzle area
If you think about it, the averages should fit what OP is saying. Not because they're literally better, but because the bad ones just get trolled out of the medium.
It's similar to how people say gays have more money on average, but that's just because the worse off gays kill themselves, so the average goes up. If women who aren't serious about gaming end up just leaving, their averages will invariably look better.
>If you think about it, the averages should fit what OP is saying. Not because they're literally better, but because the bad ones just get trolled out of the medium.
That could make sense, but also consider: studies are normally in a lab setting with a random group of subjects, not a survey of performance in the existing scene.
Did you say trrrrrrrrrrrANNIES!
Admittedly, I haven't touched a console in years, but what the fuck is a pumper?
If it comes out of modern academia, you can count on it being false.
Post the image of the women holding n64 controllers.
He means triggers.
I don't see any XX chromosomes on this list
But he said "in the pumpers and triggers" meaning they're separate.
Those random people are taken from IRL
>match with girl
>says she's good at mario kart
>remember her profile said "I can beat you at mario kart"
>we play at a later date
Should I have let her win?
She looked like she got into a bad mood and we haven't played mario kart since
Why would you date a sore loser?
he meant bumpers like on the xbox controller
its fake you brainlets
>performance in the existing scene
If that was what they'd be looking at, they'd find that women vastly underperform men, because there barely are any women in the scene and the few that are there rarely win anything.
But no one here read the fucking study, so maybe they were analyzing the ability to look at multiple jewels at the same time and called that "gaming ability" or something like that. News websites can't be trusted these days.
It's probably just some stock image
What? They have more money because they don't pay hospital bills on children and can live in one bedroom houses or rent.
>there were 44 total participants. The breakdown shows that 4 were male, 40 were females and the female group was comprised of 1 cisgender woman and 39 trans women.
Women tend to have better fine motor skills.
Men tend to have better reaction speed.
Men also have a drive to compete while women do not.
Also there are more exceptional men than exceptional women. Women are more average. Men have more winners and losers.
Watch the study be hilariously biased.
> We chose some buttfuck obscure games nobody gives a shit about so nobody could have an advantage going in
> Girls don't inherently expect a game to have half-competent design (which this game doesn't, that's why it's so obscure) so they play better
> We had players play bejeweled without controlling for how many of them knew the genre already
And so on.
>more than half the world’s population is female
>less than 1% is transsexual
>if you hear someone referred to as “she” in a video game competition, it’s more likely to be a tranny than a girl
>2 league teams get btfo because their opponents just ban all their supports
>csgo wymen cr about trannies kicking their ass
>dota 2 chicks can't even make it past tier 6 huemonkeys
Perhaps the power of the XX chromosome has been overstated.
I was about to mention a good portion of "girls" in the study was probably trannys.
Men win more video game tournaments
Zelda shit
>study says females not women, implying trannies
>number of women competing in professional tournaments:
number of women that won in professional tournaments:
Real hard pill
How can they test this when there are female (males)?
The proportion of speedrunning records held by men opposed to women flat-out disproves this thought. The numbers don't lie.
I think we're rapidly moving into a timeline where
Poor user, consumed by the time vortex.
user got zapped by time cops
Trannies dont count
Competitive Animal Crossing Decoration MLG Event 2019
That's nice.
Too bad it's random words not validated anywhere in real life.
Social science.
>Trannies are better at video games than Males
>best female sc2 player is a man
And he's only ever successful when Zerg is OP and he gets lucky.
>dunkey video and random esports link
it doesnt take much to bait search guys
Why are scientists so fucking removed from reality and reason? Why do their findings keep contradicting each other in an endless cycle of (((industry funded))) research? Useless cunts, if engineers didn't have better things to do they would make scientists utterly useless by getting to the fucking point in a practical, foolproof and triple secured manner.
Explain this narrative that 51% of gamers are women and this nonsense. Do they literally even believe this nonsense themselves? You know it's pretty dishonest to call anybody that ever played a facebook game a "gamer".
The vast majority of people that play games on a dedicated machine for video games are men. The fucking vast majority. Why are people pretending? I wouldn't be surprised if this fucking retarded study was done on some facebook joke, I swear the world is going retarded and for what reason? what is there to gain from a narrative that women play games?
>Forbidden knowledge.
I don't watch scarlett or any specific pros but from what I hear he's a faggot (literal and figurative) and underperforms a lot.
Sure cuz all the estrogen guzzling numales populate the gaming world and I bet a woman who has no clue what she's doing is better than any of them.
I'm personally still better than all women though so I ain't worried.
there's this thing called clickbait and all the "journalists" use it because killing them is illegal for some reason
And how many of those "ladies" in the study happened to have a feminine penis?
Probably just misspelled 'bumpers'
Are you counting any% women?
Jokes on you, its a suppository
I just wanna talk about /m/ shit, piss off ya fucking coon.
>Everything is a perfect meritocracy and nobody ever let someone on a team because they knew the right people rather than strict skill metrics
Read the shit you write before you post it please. It will save you a great deal of embarrassment
Have you preordered KEK (2019)?
It shows how Yea Forums manipulates children into becoming deranged nazis.
What is it called when everything you science related you disagree with is fake science but when liberals do it it's Feels before Reals
not all esports are team based.
I recently did a study revealing that OP sucks 500 dicks every hour.
classic based dunkey. nu dunkey sucks, but those old league videos are funny and creative as hell.
>everything you science related you
what did xhe mean by this
>8,3 dicks per minute
>new dick roughly every 7 seconds
>has 14 seconds to jerk off each dick and 7 seconds to suck on it to make the person cum
OP has spent years honing his craft, only to be entombed with semen.
they turned op's esophagus into a cum sarcophagus
Okay, so where are the women in all the objective skill rankings for games? Or are the leaderboard algorhythms also sexist pigs?
What is it called when a study is not a study at all but something aimed at reaching a predetermined conclusion?
Why didn't a single female contestant enter into the finals of the Fortnite championships? The biggest, most popular normie game with thousands upon thousands of entrants, and not a single female qualified.
Funding bias.
A c********y
If they dont have the skills they dont win.
That's why Asians dominate all the important e-sports
Go back to working on your women's study major
What anime is that, /m/user?
>study reveals
yeah no, women aren't better than men at anything
>important e-sports
Dark Souls 2
Based Chad btfo ing weak women
patlabor 2
I got a bj from a gay friend of mine and it was the best one I ever got.
Women being better than men on average at a thing than men but almost all of the people at the absolute peak being men shouldn't be shocking.
Thats how most things work.
Yeah, the ones with million dollar prize pots and such. The only exemption to the rule being DOTA.
Nice generator faggot
Good at sucking dick tho
Let's be honest, men are better than women period. Men are better than women at everything. Name a single profession, sport, industry where the top players are women. There isn't one.
That's kind of gay, dude
So you're saying women can't even beat men at being women?
Men are counted as women in statistics when they put on a dress
That's why women make more money than men on average.
What the hell are you doing here?
Underrated af
Even at that men are better
Women are better than men at everything except shooting schools
I was drunk as fuck and he never told anyone. Who cares.
Its gay to suck dick. Getting your dick sucked is fine.
Holding that opinion already makes you gay.
>wow, the person behind that username is fucking amazing pro, but it turns out she has a vagina so we can't let her on the team