Why is there no pleasing WoW Classic players?
Why is there no pleasing WoW Classic players?
This is why you don't go crazy on opening servers near launch, now you have a bunch of dead servers
Welcome to WoW
what a retard. There's a reason why everyone crams in the same top 2-3 servers
Do you people seriously just sit around looking for screenshot worthy posts so you can shitpost about it on Yea Forums?
That's exactly why there were so few servers at launch because they didn't want a bunch of dead servers floating around out there.
What do you expect them to do, play video games?
>Do you people seriously just sit around looking for screenshot worthy posts so you can shitpost about it on Yea Forums?
>browse WoW forums because I'm queued up to play after work (yeah I usually do it remotely but I forgot to leave my PC on)
>see thread
>screenshot because fuck you
Instead of weathering the storm of the increased load they did the fucking brainlet short-sighted move of just opening a ton of fucking servers. Blizzard are so fucking dumb.
I think retail might be the move.
>you think you do
Was he a prophet?
t. Kyrhotec
you thought you did but you actually didn't
This is a standard mmo release complaint.
Water is wet, more news at 1000.
Fuck WoW. I am going to be playing ArcheAge end of months.
>Oh noooo the cherry picked TINY puddle of examples of zoomers who rolled on their favorite streamers servers are posting about how the servers they transferred to aren't as populated, on WoW forums. hOw WiLl cLaSsiC eVeR rEcoVeR?!
There's no pleasing WoW players because the people who hate WoW the most are WoW players.
I hope you drink a cyanide slurpee
That's literally what everyone wanted for them to do both here and on the wow forums
Were you not here last week? People were screaming endlessly about blizzard being incompitent and coming up with bullshit ideas that them not opening enough servers is some sort of conspiracy to kill classic WoW, now here we are weeks later and people are bitching at them for listening? Fuck off moron.
good mmos always grow for months
Community in classic is already dead thanks cleave farming. And the game itself turned to shit the moment they turned it into a shitty rep grind simulator with Diablo 3 gameplay and loot mechanics.
fuck off zoomer
Name one aside from WoW.
I think it's a valid concern for once. Low pop can really hurt the player experience because your already small playerbase will be split into people leveling, doing pvp, pve and those doing both but not al' at the same time.
>Actually being stupid enough to use a free transfer to a new realm
Pretty much every mmo from the 90s and early 00s, its a standard pattern. Hell EVE experienced population growth for 10 years before peaking, and the big name ones like EQ certainly didnt start having population falloffs after just a couple months. FF11 steadily grew for a long time, but even less known games like shadowbane did not just immediately start declining.
The trend of peaking playercount within the first month or two is something you only see in modern shit mmos that cant hook people
Nice job user. You managed to trigger the retailtrannies
>10k queue time
>empty layer
>economy still fucked because layer
amazing that blizzard manages to have the absolute worst of both worlds.
Why can't they just merge the servers, people from different servers meeting up without the need of a group, its so tiresome this layer gimmick.
I honestly think blizzard managed the situation pretty well, and I'm not a blizz cocksucker, i'm the first to shit on this company.
>they knew queues would be unbearable because of tourists
>they also probably estimated classic would not retain about 50% or more of early players (bfa tourists, zoomers trying it out)
>having too much servers at launch would mean empty servers after mere months
>how not to have an unbearable amount of players in starting zones? layers
>muh subscription i want to play retards whining about queues still complained
>open up trash servers that will be empty in 2 months top for them
How would you have handled it better? And no server merging isn't a viable solution, because of player names, and because people who purposedly avoided some servs
I'm making an undead rogue, what's the best looking UD I can make. skin color, face, hair style?
kite hair
pale af?
>undead rogue
get shit on alliance
How do you merge a server when people have name conflicts. Do you force players to change their names?
>People were memeing they were going home
>That every server was a "high-full pop server"
>Not even 2 weeks
>Servers are fucking dead and twitch viewercount is dropping