Would youre life of been better if you never played a video game

Would youre life of been better if you never played a video game

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If it wasn't videogames it would be drugs or gambling.


Probably would've killed myself a in my teens

back then i thought that yes, but after las year, im sure that videogames doesnt really shaped my behaviour, so i just gotta accept it

not really, I'd be on Yea Forums instead of Yea Forums

I don't believe in free will, my biological impulses would've led me to be the same lazy pos I am today.

This picture is oddly reflective.

>If I lose my chain, do I become just a Chomp?

>would you're life of been better if you never played a video game

Video games are my only good memories, so no.

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Videogames have never been a hindrance to my life, they are the reasons I've met my closest friends, they are the biggest source of my artistic and creative imagination, they are the reasons I got into many of my other hobbies and I lost my virginity after playing SMB3 to completion with said girl.

I think it would be worse actually.

>And if I lose all of my teeth, what will I be then? Neither chain, nor chomp? If I can exist without being either chain, nor chomp, then who am I? What is my core function? What biological manifestation am I meant to culminate in this world? And what sort of life is this anyway -- chomping and chaining around all the time? Is it a good life? I suppose I enjoy it. Is that... what I want? What if there's something more I don't understand? What, exactly, is my purpose in this chainless, chompless universe I find myself in? Can I ever find love? ...Am I ready for love? Is there a chance I might make some greater impact in this world? Do I have what it takes? Why do I exist? Should I carve-?

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no because i live in the middle of fucking nowhere Pennsylvania.

probably not, I would of leaned more into drugs and most likely get myself arrested.


If I had done things differently I would not have been myself.
It would not have been my life, but rather the life of a different person born in a similar position as me.


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This. If it ain't vidya it's anime.

My love of games indirectly led me to learn programming and get a comp sci degree, which got me a decent paying job that allows me to do voiceover on the side. So, nah.

>not a girl or gay so can't wear these

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those look cool

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you go outside?

if chain chomps are the dogs of the mario world, what are the cats?

Whoever wears the bell

No. Video games have helped me make some of my closest friends and collecting them has been really fun. I'm happier right now in life than I've ever been and that's thanks in part to the friendships I've made and the hobby I've found in collecting/repairing them and learning about the history of the medium in general.

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Nah, i would have done worst shit than I did. Vidya has helped me a lot with anger and liberating stress.