>be me
>grew up in the mid 90’s
>first vidya system was a Neo-Geo
>Played fatal fury religiously with older brother and dad
>tried to talk about it with friends but they’ve never heard of it
>tried to show it to them but is labeled a cheap Street Fighter Knockoff
>continuously followed SNK for the proceedings years
>got very into smash intervening time
>continuously campaigned for terry since brawl
>he finally gets in
>is overshadowed by bear and funny skeleton man
Being a Terryfag is suffering.
Be me
He's not out yet. Banjo and sans are.
Be happy, friend.
Give it a few months when bad players beg for Terry nerfs.
This is the first time I've seen people act as if a mii outfit is like the release of an actual character. It's weird and I dont like it.
>muh twitter trends and eceleb reactions
stop being a bitch because people dont like your character. He's playable and if you like him be happy about that.
>first vidya system was a Neo-Geo
that's a rare fucking site if i ever saw one
very few families wanted to afford such a hard to get AND expensive piece of gaming equipment
Don’t sweat it dude, if I learned anything about smash DLC, the least requested the character the more broken they are.
At the end of the day Terry is still in, and a lot of rosterfags who are unhappy with him don't have their favorites in. I don't really care for his addition, but you should be happy because you got what matters most.
I'm happy for you, user. People used to be excited when they found a new character they were unfamiliar with in Smash. It was a chance to discover something new or forgotten. Now everyone wants their all-time favorite character in as if the only purpose of the Smash Roster is to validate the most overly-praised games.
It's either a testament to how great the funny skeleton costume is or how niche and shitty Terry is to a lot of people
Fucking liar
>$649.99 system
>$200 and up carts
>not adjusted for inflation
The only people who had Neo Geo were rich collectorfags, not families.
Im not into fighting games and still know him from KoF and capcom vs snk
I love Terry, but all this shit is hilarious.
>be me
Who the fuck else would you be?
Terry filtered like 80% of Yea Forums
Nigga you could kill a man dead with a NeoGeo cart, the thing was premium in all regards including price and it absolutely shit on every other system for 2d games.
My parents had pretty high paying so we were fairly well off.
I never said my friends were smart.
I don't get it, why are people celebrating Tumblr Tale getting in?
It's literally the best game ever made.
I believe you user
> bear and funny skeleton man
It's funny how your story could be repeated word-for-word by a banjo fan talking about how Sans overshadowed him.
>oh buhu my character got in and nearly nobody appreciates it because of bear and funny skeleton man.
That's how you sound just be happy that the character you wanted got in and not being sad that random people and ecelebs are making jokes about meme skeleton
That's not 神々のトライフォース
alright literal billionaire
At least Banjo had a few months to bask in the limelight. Terry was cucked within an hour of his announcement.
Yea Forums is run by zoomers now.
replace all the banjos with spinel from the new su movie and that's twitter for the past day or 2.