Why do you jackoffs complain about Smash Bros Threads...

Why do you jackoffs complain about Smash Bros Threads? I mean its either them filling the board or pepe/wojack shitters shitposting about consoles n shit.

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I'd rather ignore a bunch of wojaks and pepes than ignore a bunch of smash threads. At least frog and feelposters know they're retarded. Smashposters have the idea in their head that they're actually sentient.

Oh, buts I likes the peppys thread! The littles frog withs the clowns face makes me laughs!

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Spam and shitposting is spam and shitposting, regardless of subject or intent

>why do you hate bad thing?
>there's other bad thing also

fuck off

you might have like 5 or 6 pepe/wojak threads up at once, and it's easy to ignore them. there were like 50 smash threads up at the same time recently pushing all the other threads down too fast, which was worse.

Dis whole threads is dildos.

Did metalocalypse get an ending or did it get cancelled?

Just going to start filtering your garbage since the smash jannies don't do their job

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it got cancelled
The rock opera is really good though

Brandon made an album to wrap things up cause [as] said fuck off when people asked for a fifth season. It's pretty good tbqh.

the kkk scene upset the corporate kikes

Actually it was the one where the isreali soldier aimed his gun at a palestinian girl not even memeing.

the last season sucked anyways

His name is Brendon
What album are you talking about?

Galaktikon I think it's called.

Wojaks are just shitposting, you're too autistic to realize that it's all just for fun, smashfags are dead serious about smash and are the most irritating fandom on Yea Forums by miles.

i just checked the catalog. you are wrong

Galaktikon has nothing to do with Metalocalypse or Dethklok
It's about Smalls comic of the same name

because bro you smash niggers are annoying

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>every single pepe retard is a 130 IQ blue eyed blond ubermensch only pretending to be retarded

yeah i am sure all the steve posters are dead serious

Smash is shit you are shit smash is not a fighting game just a gay nigger party game your shit die in a fire FUCK SMASH!

i said recently, not currently

name a date when we had 50 smash threads

He cant legally make an ending to dethklok
but he can make a offbrand "non canon" ending
like with what happened to Half life 3

yesterday there were at least 25 at one time, probably above 30

thats not the case though

these are usually better too. without corporate saying no to everything he has better creative freedom to make what he wants

officially classifying this as a raid

still not 50

close enough and it was still a problem, smashfag

>i am using hyperbole to make problems seem worse then they are because my thread could not garner enough posts. It is obviously everyone elses fault and not simply that my topic was not interesting enough

Galakiton II basically is Brendon's way of doing an ending without being upfront about it. Plus some of the songs are basically just Dethklok songs.


are you actually trying to argue that since smash bullshit only took up over 50% of the board not fully 100% like an obviously hyperbolic stated it's not that bad?

if any other game had this much bullshit spam threads would be removed and would be told to go to /vg/

Musically maybe. That's just because he recorded with the same guys. Storywise, it's definitely not related.

threads were being pushed down a page every 10 seconds because there were dozens of smash threads, asshole. the board was being flooded, it didn't have anything to do with how interesting the other threads were. so there weren't 50, but maybe around 30. that doesn't change the problem they were causing. you don't need 30 threads for the same fucking game.

but it simply is a non problem. the spam threads quickly get deleted while the actual discussions stay. Go ahead and post a thread and i will post in it to help keep it alive to show you that you are over exaggerating the problem. Make it actually vidya related though

i think i want to make comics about this character

>the spam threads quickly get deleted

yet again a partial lie. Smash threads are not the single killer of threads. Other threads are knocking them to page 10 as well. i am in 4 threads currently alive and well that are not about smash

because you fucking retards cant keep to one thread, and you flood all the other threads off the board with your constant spam posting.


like i said already, this happened yesterday. the board is mostly fine now, but yesterday it was nearly unusable for anyone outside of smash threads.

If there's 5 posts about smash DLC, that's 4 threads that get knocked off the catalog when there should just be 1 smash DLC post.
Even if they get deleted the thread they get knocked off is gone and never comes back

absolutely wrong. threads are not dead forever. if that was true then once a smash dlc thread was deleted then their would be no problem. if your thread reaches page 10 no one was interested
untrue, i entered a single smash thread yesterday for the banjo/gohan edit, besides that i was in several threads unrelated


>Hey this might be a bad thing but look there's this other bad thing guess you're not allowed to complain now
Behold, the smashfag's only defense

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not a bad ranking

>if your thread reaches page 10 no one was interested
threads reach page 10 a lot more quickly when the board is being flooded. you shit up the board and defend it by saying "your threads weren't interesting enough." this is why people complain. you're obnoxious.

ok but do you have evidence to back up your claim or are fact obnoxious as well. i was in several threads yesterday as i previously claimed and most of those just gently died out. None of them were forced into the archive by smash threads

i didn't save proof of it. i had no reason to and i don't care that much about proving it to you. even now you can see there are over a dozen smash threads and that's after the hype has died down a bit. i understand the game is popular and something exciting happened, i'm not trying to stop you from enjoying it. but shit, threads i wanted to post in were nearing page 10 after a minute or two during the peak of it. maybe you weren't there for that part of it.

As a Minnesotan I like Pickles because I can do his voice without altering my accent.

I do cocaine

>mass repliers are on cocaine
makes sense



the frogs is unfunny dildos