Mech Thread
Reactor: Online
I will never not be angry at the fact that giant mechs aren't and will never be practical.
Why the fuck does this keep happening? Realismfags don't shit up a DMC thread by going "Heh it's not practical to juggle an enemy for 10 years when there's enemies around"
Of course it isn't fucking practical but it's rad
I dream of a Mobile Suit Gundam game where instead of zipping around in a super powered Gundam it's a much slower paced game where you have to use tactics to defeat superior enemies while piloting grunt mechs like a Zaku.
Cant we have even an Xcom like game with Mechs?
Dual Gear my man
Who remebers MechAssault for Xbox? How about R.A.D on PS2?
So, anyone getting Daemon x machina?
What are some quintessential mech user interfaces?
Been tossing up getting a Switch just for that or a PS3 for online VD which I've never played
It's more that they will never really exist irl you sperg.
Oh my mistake, mechs will never exist but demon hunting woohoo pizza men who can survive swords being plunged into their plexus are real
My bad
*blows a hole clear through your cockpit from 2 miles away*
they kinda can be if they are smaller and not gundam size
Does anyone know how this game is? I have no idea how a racing mech game would play as but the mech building is top tier in this game. However the game is kinda dead according to steamcharts so I don't think I'll even find opponents online.
Also I'm currently downloading and trying out M.A.S.S. I looks like Muv Luv the game.
Honestly, I just want a good mech game on pc. Something like AC or that Daemon X machina releasing from the switch.
Never heard of Break Arts, looks cool though
MASS Builder has fucking awful gameplay but awesome customisation
You are right, MASS Builder plays like a phone game, there is very little depth in the combat, almost 0 vertical gameplay. The enemies look like copy pasted stuff except they just grow bigger in size.
The customization looks fine but I couldn't find the options where I could customize individual parts of the mech, like actually replacing pieces like in Break Arts.
Redpill me on mechgames and post some entry-tier games.
Any fast-paced mech games with zipping around and shit?
Any Slower and heavier paced mech games that doesn't really include flying?
Project Nimbus
Daemon x Machina
Break Arts
Armored Core
Front Mission
soon my friend.
Oh shit, it's coming to pc?
>Armored Core
Maybe if you play the garbage that is V/VD.
>Armored Core
Why is VD bad? I was thinking of getting a PS3 for it
I think it's pretty slow, it's not like garrison archangel or something
gameplay just isnt fun for me
>I think it's pretty slow, it's not like garrison archangel or something
Maybe so but its no earthsiege either.
this probably took like more than 12 hours but i managed to draw an AC on my phone's memo app
Virtual On is super fast but the only way to properly play it is in an arcade so good luck.
Very cool
very nice
Mechs are for children.
V and VD were From Software's attempt at a return to form with how the PS1/PS2 Armored Core games were, after how ridiculously fast everything is in 4/for Answer. What they forgot is that ACs were still pretty goddamn fast in the old games too, so V/VD plays like a clunky piece of shit where even the lighter mechs move at a snail's pace.
So are video games. Why are you on a children's forum?
Why do yo faggots always shit up mech threads with your realism muh children bullshit but are nowhere to be seen in action game threads?
just wanted to let you know that im going to save this and brag to people that i drew this
can Titans be practical?
Should I buy AC 3 or just Silent Line? Wanting to get some physical copies for my PS2
You can import AC3 saves into SL. So AC3 first really.
>Mech Thread
>80% of posts are about mecha
You deserve the genre death you've gotten.
Both, you ninny. They have different levels and Silent Line's plot is a continuation of 3.
all these fucking faggots harping on VD didn't know how to play it, which is understandable because in order to get into it you needed to be on an active team.
but all you "VD sux" faggots need to shut the fuck up. yes the campaign was somewhat garbage but V/D were largely multiplayer focused. the team battles were unparalleled, took a lot of skill & communication not only in battle but even in the setup (who's bringing CIWS, who's doing melee, who's a tank, etc.), and - if you knew how to play - could reach not quite 4A speeds, but still pretty fucking fast.
VD was a hard game to get into. just because you casual fags didn't put in the time to learn the damn game doesn't mean it sucks or that it's slow. it means you suck, and you're slow.
more art.
West hate concept of fun. Didnt you notice that only japs making things not because of logical reason but because it looks cool? When was the last time west made something like that?
This is reason why mecha arent popular anymore, at least on the west. Gundam is still strong af and i already ordered RG Nu Gundam.
Sadly, Bandai doesnt want to even try to appeal to west with Gundam so games they making are fucking terrible.
Anyone who posts that "it's all so tiresome" image %100 has shit taste and isn't worth talking to
I'm getting Daemon X Machina just because I miss mech games. I hope it's not trash.
You type like a tard and didn't actually address anything in my post.
Have you played the latest demo?
I played A demo that came out a few months ago I think. Nothing recently. Why? Is it confirmed shit?
No its actually really solid. you should give it a shot.
Please don't give me false hope user...
I'm downloading the demo right now.
i'm flattered
but, also, you should try not being such a faggot sometime
yes, i did, i said you were wrong, and everything you said was wrong.
V/D was not a return to form. it was a completely different style, just as pre-PS2 to 4 was a style change, 4 to V was a style change.
you outed yourself as not knowing what you're talking about when you said V plays like a clunky piece of a shit, because - if you know what you're doing, which you've demonstrated that you don't - you can play it pretty goddamn fast.
a lightweight mech could be pretty much unhittable if piloted by someone skilled in VD. but, if it got hit, it would go down in seconds if focused because it didn't have the stagger resistance. things like high boost timing, glide boost weaving etc. meant you'd be dodging even redlocked shots, unless you happen to be against someone with a close range sniper rifle build OR you the pilot fucked up or whiffed a melee or whatever.
VD was fast as fuck.
fuck you bitch i drew that
Is it worth getting VD for online?
whats that? im new to mecha
Armored Core: Verdict Day
good luck finding active players.
i'd heard JP was still active long after NA bit the dust, but i never bought a JP copy and haven't played in years.
just wait for AC6 forever like the rest of us
Want to get into mecha. I know there is /m/ but this is a good thread to ask. Where to go next? I've done Big O and Evangelion, but I'm thinking vidya. I could never get into AC, the controls are kind of tough for me to get into.
Pussy, you can remap the controls. Or if you want to be a bitch you can play Nexus that implemented actually coherent dual analog controls which work great, but then you'll miss out on some excellent games
ps2 has some fun gundam games but the controls can be as wonky or worse than early ac games
i second starting with nexus
for answer is also great
>the controls are kind of tough for me to get into.
Im guessing you would fucking hate MechWarrior then. Titanfall 2 would be my recommendation.
Zeonic Front was basically Rainbow Six: Gundam Edition.
Rise from the Ashes was an FPS that had you in a GM for the entire campaign.
Is Hawken still on?
It's supposed to be getting a remake or something
I think it has shut down on pc. But I don't know about ps4 and xbone.
rise from the ashes needs a remake. its to short, the controls aren't very good and fucking hell the time it takes to unstun when you get hit with something big
is MW4 the last good mech game?
4 sucks balls compared to 3 & 2. might as well be an arcade game.
No, supreme commander was.
Why aren't you playing Titanfall 2 right now?
I fucking LOVED MechAssault for the xbox. I grew way too attached to the Puma though...
I liked how this game had spider legs, hovering, 2 wheels, more wheels, upright bodies and I think the cheap bots were 3 wheelers of those I remember. Gotta see if S.L.A.I is emulatable since Xbox is still terrible.
Because it felt more like a call of duty than an actual mech game. Several game modes are dead on pc and it had no ranked/separation by skill matchmaking so you had lvl 100 360 no scopers headshotting your across the mal whole sliding at 100km/h.
Fucking Mech Warrior 4: Mercenaries' LITERAL tank controls still kill me to this day.
This is absolutely my problem with Titanfall 2. I loved the fuck out of the story mode though.
>buy mechassault cause mechs
>realize its 1 of 3 games you can use to softmod
literally purchase of the year
they don't show death count because it might trigger shitty players
Have they changed how the game plays from the first demo?
One more image of a dog AI chip advising activating camo to avoid a face of explosives to the pilot. For a 2002 game it kept me playing a lot and grabbed my interest in mechs. The soundtrack is good too with many small bands and even a Kuricorder quartet.
The sequel to Hawken is coming sometime that I recently found out too.
They're called "Tanks with legs" for a reason.
for me, it's Catapult with jump jets
for me, it's Black Hawk with full heavy pulse lasers all on the same fire group
For me its...
shut up tomino, get back to killing off entire casts
You have good taste user. This is still my favorite mech game.
durpa derpa hurpa lerpa
I really wish Bamco wasn't so fucking incompetent and didn't kill Gundam Vs. and Gundam Breaker in the west by only releasing the shittiest games here.
Yes. MechAssault should have came to PC.
Not an argument play the game please.
I did. Shitty maps really hold the game back.
>tfw the only good maps are just imported from the first game
Of course i am, need to save money though.
MHW: Iceborne
So much games
I'm playing Metal Wolf Chaos. Why are weapons getting worse the more I invest in them?
Do you accept?
>flying Mach 2
Good luck hitting that
>armored core slow
nigga have you ever played 4 or 4A?
you now remember
Remember to turn on gyro aiming
Hawken is coming back guys
Wait, really?
what happens to the console vers?
40k is boring
Front Mission?
there's only one real mech game and it costs $400
Is it possible to solo the train and fortress immortal in the DxM demo?
Or am i wasting my time
>Idol girls turning INTO planes
I'd watch that.
Oh yeah?
Literally Battletech 2018
nice try kid
>the old AC games are slow!
Dumbest shit I've heard all week.
armored core verdict day's trailer is absolutely still one of my favourite game trailers
That was... gay. Like, REALLY gay.
f-fuck you
its cheesy sure, but I love over the top dramatic lines like that. its cool as shit, and one reason why I really love metal gear. that and I just like the trailer song too
I'm just picking on you dude.
There's like 500 of those you faggot retard
its okay fren i know, I just wanted to explain my gay autistic love for it. I wish they'd make a new fucking game for the series now that they're done with dark souls
Just make a full MEC squad
I feel like titans might be practical if they're used to instantly put armor on the field before tanks arrive. You can drop a titan from space and its fine because its legs absorb the shock. But if its tank vs titan the titan loses.
the front mission series and battletech 2018 by hbs are the closest you'll get, and I'd go with front mission 5 as its my personal favourite one. battletech is good its just got shitty dlc practice because of paradox, theres not tons of it but the two expansions they've put out arent worth the price tag imo
Uh, no sir I don't wish to be a paypig.
roguetech is pretty rad. now you can have more than 4 mechs per lance and additional lances
wait since when? I didnt notice it last I played, is it part of some beta branch of the mod or somethin
few days ago, theres a beta out for the new version for 1.6.2. mission control is the actual mod that does it but its been incorporated into roguetech. despite the sjw crew i had a lot of fun with the base game, rt just adds so much stuff its ridiculous though. i'm very enjoying it.
ohh do you mean like just some ai companions rather than fielding more than 4 of your own mechs? I've used mission control before and it feels like something that should have just been in the game to begin with, and yeah I really enjoy it and cant imagine playing vanilla now without the mech engineer stuff.
you can field more mechs as well as have ai lances. i'm not sure how much modding the rt dev did to the mod but mission control was also just updated recently and includes more stuff like bigger maps
oh damn then, I'll have to check it out thats cool as shit. gives a reason to actually field more light mechs now too
i just started a new game for it but haven't done much yet. like you said light-medium mechs will now be useful. the extended map boundaries part of mc was a big enough thing that one of the devs tweeted about it too
making it big now it seems, but yeah ill def have to get it a go now. I just had switched over from it recently actually to playing more xcom, but I guess I'll be going back now soon
September is killing me lads. Blasphemous on the 10th daemon x machina on the 13th, and I still haven't bought MUA 3 yet.
Jesus christ
sucks theres never any discussion on Yea Forums about it. i've tried a few threads but they never catch on.
yeah, I think its the same with most mech games tho if you want to specifically talk about a single game only. Tho no discussion is better than the shitposting it got around the release date to me
Phoenix Point looks fun. Trying to emulate fast as fuck mechs by having it using something similar to the Frozen Synapse system.
Ah fuck I meant Phantom Brigade. Both start with Ps.
>mw5 has 0 advertising
>dev updates are hidden behind podcasts
>now the epic store crap
and when it bombs they'll say no one is interested in mecha
Guys what happened to Hawken? Last thing I heard they were rebooting it as a pve co op grinding game. Did it die again?
I might try phantom brigade once its out of whatever EA phase its gonna go through with epic's shit, but I'm not a big fan of the gameplay change it took. Now only dual gear is the spiritual successor to front mission and its only recently gotten some news after months of nothing
yeah I honestly dont understand why they'd do that when they're a pretty niche fanbase to begin with that would get it. almost every single epic exclusive gets forgotten quickly from what I can tell once it releases
I loved this game before the wreckage update. They fucked up the balance.
I'm probably gonna pre order it tomorrow, i just hope it's not too short.
i dont think the epic stuff is going to hurt it as much as the lack of update info and advertising. a lot of people who love mw don't even know its coming out. but overall it adds up to a clusterfuck that they'll blame on lack of interest when it fails.
Daemon looks a lot like Armored Core.
Has it been confirmed Phantom Brigade is going EGS? I guess it's probably going considering their parent company likes setting exclusive deals with Epic, but damn.
Into the breach?
yeah thats true, I mean the epic stuff has already secured them some revenue, but the absolutely no advertisement is really going to make it fly by without anyone noticing. I didnt even know when they were releasing it until just now when I looked it up. I figured MWO or HBS would be shilling it out since it's using models from MWO
Yeah it's gonna be early access on epic, then release on steam when its 1.0. I dont care much about devs wanting to go to epic since they offer a good ass deal for those that just want that immediate money or other companies that need it to keep developing the game, but for me it just means I wont be getting the game immediately
why Armored core 4 answer its so bad i cannot get into
sounds like you just have bad tastes
metal wolf chaos is retarded but pretty based
Even FUN, I'd say. A lot of guns, surprisingly pleasant gameplay, mgrr tier story but more cringe. Great shit. Reminds me of presidential elections in China.
Why are all the new Gundam game shit?
They don't, they simply have different parameters for different situations.
When has Gundam games not been shit?
basically Bamco put them in the same category as other anime games they produced, its a shame the only good ones stays in japan and still no Extreme VS 2 port yet
ps2, a few of them anyways
I love Ion!
Other than Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam they're all shovelware-tier garbage.
zionic front stands out too. vs zeta is the best one though.
Really tempted to pick up Battletech from Humble but deep down I know buying any Paradox shit is a bad move and I'd be left with a fifth of a game or something retarded.
pirate it
Side Story 0079 for Dreamcast is pretty great. First person mech sim.
I, for one, love the design and concept of Titans and wish they weren't doomed to their fate with a shitty dev team.
I, still, wish that DoW 3 wasn't garbage and abandoned because Imperial Knights are my ideal mechs.
well, its pretty feature complete as is. The dlc only adds in some more mechs, flashpoints which are just mini-campaigns in that they add in missions that include like 2 or 3 battles back to back, and some new biomes like urban and jungle. They certainly arent worth the 20 bucks each tho so if you do buy it I'd absolutely get it on sale if possible
also should mention that modders have brought pretty much every mech into the game, dunno if they require the dlc to work or not but I'm pretty sure they dont.
they need to release a map editor
Main system: activating Normal Mode.
God damn do I love superfluous computer narration.
I will never not be upset at the cringefest that was that “Mech” battle.
Yo, someone else who appreciated V/VD for the unique experiences they were. I had a good time playing that shit online back when they were relevant. Got a lot of mileage out of a light mech with radar jammers and those broken-as-fuck energy shotguns in V. People got so mad at me.
I loved that game myself, it was a bit janky but it was genuinely enjoyable.