Game has a real time day/night cycle

>game has a real time day/night cycle

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Other urls found in this thread:

>mission is only available at certain times

>it doesn't sync up with your local day/night cycle

Attached: emote-2.png (128x103, 25K)

>game has an "open world"

Attached: 1459763831952.gif (435x435, 446K)

> Noct, the roads are perilous at night. We'd best wait for morning.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

>do non-lethal run
>still get bad ending

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>NPCs only cycle through their routines while observed

Attached: BEEF955D-897C-4066-A3F1-44E06533470B.jpg (280x335, 98K)

>nighttime cycle pitch black and you cant see shit
>strain the fuck out of your eyes trying to see
stop doing his devs it aint fun

Pokemon silver/gold/crystal

"villain" was right all along

Attached: Falling-Down-Im-the-bad-guy.jpg (576x324, 133K)

>NPCs can beat the game instead of you

Attached: 1546329558182.jpg (1104x1104, 346K)

*Blocks your path*

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 201K)

>it's finally day time
>enter a cave

Attached: 1562536708392.jpg (1024x730, 67K)

>these pokemon only appear at night
>can't play during those hours since mom takes my games away after 7 o'clock
laugh all you want you brats, but this is respect for my parents
something your alcoholic father never taught you

>villain was bluffing the whole time

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venus vacation

God, do I love movies like this. Fight Club, Falling Down, Drive, American Psycho, Taxi Driver. I feel like the new Joker movie in October is gonna be based as well. Why are these movies so satisfying to watch?

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Incel detected


jackie chan

Incel-kino. I love them too. Fight Club doesn't belong though

>game is not economically viable

>gamer has an "open wound"

Attached: images.png (193x261, 128K)

>Game makes you wear a stupid little hat

that's lame, then it's usually always daytime or nighttime depending on what time you're usually playing games

>game encourages defence
>can easily rekk anything in your way

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does kingdom come deliverance count?

>not sneaking the gbc in and playing under the covers with your worm light while listening for parents footsteps in case they check on you

Wtf is wrong with his arm!

what the fuck is that file name?

How the fuck Animal Crossing wasn't the first reply

>game tries to emulate old style isometric RPGs
>can only win by minimaxing at character creation

one of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, I forgot which one, maybe it was a mod

It was definitely a mod

Burnout Paradise
GTA with mods

Attached: 454564.jpg (2374x1026, 890K)

They wanted to have it in the original, but decided against it, I believe.

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That scene was made precicely so people wouldn't think it was a crypto-fascist movie.

>fuck niggers
>fuck LA
>fuck kikes
>fuck society
This movie is based.

Just play Cyperpunk 2077 then

Wait the day/night cycle in that is real time?

I too want some breakfast when it's past 11 AM

You forgot about No Country for Old Men, maybe the best of them all (tied with Fight Club)

I want a game that uses local weather information. I think there was an unreleased game for the Wii that was going to do that. Also, I think the weather in Shenmue is based on the weather of that part of Japan on those exact dates in the '80s. But, I want it to rain in my game when it rains outside etc.

It would be awesome if Animal Crossing would allow that option to be switched on. I figure they want people to experience snow and fairly regular conditions in case they live in an area where they don't get a specific kind of climate very much. But, it would be cool if you had the option.

That's pretty neat. Do you know the name of the Wii game that was going to do that?

Not sure. I'll look in to it now.

>party members listen to your requests

Attached: YeahIKnowWhatYou'reSayin.gif (344x240, 1.86M)

I haven't found it yet, but I did find this:

>You’ll soon officially have no reason to go outside, thanks to Sega’s upcoming “NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams” for the Nintendo Wii . It’ll feature an add-on mini-game called “A-Life” that will leverage the Wii’s weather channel to reflect the weather in your local area including rain storms, snow, clouds, and whatever else is going on outside at the moment.

>So the next time someone asks you what the weather is like where you live, you can simply turn on your Wii, wait for it to boot up, start NiGHTS, navigate to the A-Life mini-game, wait for it to load, and tell whoever you’re talking to that it’s raining and weird little creatures with big hats are running around with a kid in cargo shorts. It’s that easy!

I am pretty sure Project Gotham Racing 4 had that exact feature (for the cities that the tracks are based on) but they discontinued it.

Real time day/night is severly under appreciated. I wish more games would do it, but currently only WoW does.

I think the day/night cycles in ARMA 2/3 are real time.

Pokemon after gen 2 sans 3 does it. 10:25

This game looks like it would've been cool as fuck.


The timescale in those games is not 30:1 (1 real minute is 30 in game minutes), it's not real time.

Nah, left is european /pol/, right is american /pol/

Nah, it was the first build.

Dead rising?

I was obviously talking about "old" Fallout, lil zoom

That definitely isn't

>'Expedition' system that uses real-time to progress
>Timers stop if you're not playing the game
>Final one is 48 hours

It isn’t kraut animal. Racism is unacceptable in 2019.

I haven't seen any proof of that.

I am very sad that this game never came to be. It looked like it could've been a really soulful experience. Exploring the whole globe, with accurate day/night and weather. Traveling to the North Pole and finding Santa's workshop. And all before 3D games became overly detailed, so it would still stimulate the imagination more than 3D games do today.

Then you should play it
You can complete half of the shit in a big city from looting to quests and notice that only like 15-20 in game minutes have passed just like IRL 1:1
That's why you always use wait option in Pip Boy if you need to wait for something or travel on the world map

>game has a seasonal cycle
>it lines up with realtime seasons
>you want stuff from winter
>it's spring

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>animal crossing
>trying to complete my aquarium
>according to the log, I'd caught a certain rare fish from summer
>finally catch my last fish in autumn and donate it
>no golden rod
turns out I forgot to donate a couple of fish, including this rare one.
I ended up just time traveling because I was giga mad

No. That guy probably misread the original post

should I watch this movie?

yes. no questions about it

Yes,it really exemplified what living in clown world is about.

If nothing else it's entertaining.

>The coolest looking weapon/armor in the game has mediocre stats

Attached: im so angery right now.gif (247x183, 2.21M)

>Hugging is its own mechanic

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