Whatcha workin on Yea Forums?

Whatcha workin on Yea Forums?
I just finished my first map in hammer

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Well, no i'm working on another map for TF2 right now.
This is what I got so far. I'm also slowly learning why people dislike hammer.

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im learning unreal 4, I just finished my third year of computer programming, so i'm gonna fuck around with C and see if I cant make a basic game or level or whatever

Thief shit.

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is that hard? is it fun? I've wanted to map for old games like doom or quake, but never got into it

>using hammer
you poor, poor soul

For the most part it's not that hard but requires patience. I've heard that mapping for Doom, Quake, and the Build engine has gotten easier over time since those games had their source code released, and people have made new editors like Trenchbroom that are easier to use. Thief's source code was never made available so while there have been improvements to its editor, it's still pretty rusty.

Well, I have updated version of the map, The layout is 100% done, it's a A/D map where red enters into a mine with a big chamber, and fights their way towards a blu industrial area.
Now I just need to fuck around with the walls, and make the lighting a thing.

Attached: map.png (768x385, 290K)

Its garbage. Why did you think this was worth posting?

why don't you post what your working on then?

It sucks

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>countless counter strike maps trashed
>at least 5 hl2 "adventure" maps trashed
>1 tf2 cosmetic trashed
>1 dota cosmetic set trashed but barely got past concept

My biggest project was a mod for skyrim I worked on for about a month, I had only created the first starting location for the questline and loosely created a story.
It was going to be a a questline about the jarrin root you get from the dark brotherhood and how it got to Skyrim. It's starts with you finding an old run down apothecary, you go inside to and find clues and notes regarding the man who ran it. Notes detailing the travels of the Dumner adventurer (his last name was going to be Jarrin) and his clumsy redguard assistant who got the Jarrin root back to Skyrim from Hammerfell, how to tried to cultivate it and how the dark brotherhood got hold of one. It was going to take place all over Skyrim and I wanted to try to tie it into some but I didn't know how or where.
Ultimately you would find his secret lab where he was able to grow a weaker strain of the root. His lab would be long destroyed as he didn't want the Dark brotherhood to get hold of the deadly roots.
The reward for the last quest was closure to the story and the new, weaker jarrin root that the palyer could grow himself in their garden
I was going to make it as lore friendly as possible and even planned on having custom voiced NPC's.

I never finished it and stopepd working on it because I just felt so overwhelmed about the whole thing and minor problems just become such a big hassle to fix

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>minor problems just become such a big hassle
basically this, as a cs:go mapper, I like detailing out the wazoo, but the moment I compile shit breaks for some reason and I just feel so demotivated to attempt to fix it, so I close hammer and try again when I feel inspired. I probably got like 5 maps that are nicely detailed and playable, but hammer refuses to correctly compile them so i've just given up


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Do you care to elaborate?

Heres something I have open right now.
Don't worry I was just being rude for the hell of it. Keep it up, hammer is a lot of fun to just scetch a bunch of shit with.

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I love detailing maps, but I get too worked up in details too early

that looks pretty nice user, I like post apocalyptic buildings especially in old games.

Not really.

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reminder that 50% of valve employees despise hammer.
The old people love it because they know it's kinks and what works with it, and the newer people hate it because it's a buggy crashy mess that can't handle half the shit you do with it.

According to Jill, it's like that with the entire engine and that's why every employee refuses to touch it, because it could lead to a cascade of god awful issues in every single game.

Maybe you just need to reel back your ambition a bit. Set milestones for small goals and work on them one at a time, like focusing on the individual locations while the story or lore just happens to be in the background, rather than having the locations serve a grander idea. That way you can treat each one you do complete as a small achievement, they're good enough on their own so the pressure to get the rest done doesn't overwhelm you as much. Sure it would be a little disappointing to play them and find out that the backstory was unfinished but just being different to the same old vanilla content is enough to give decent quality modded content some playthrough value. Perhaps then knowing that people liked them enough to want more will motivate you to work through the problems.

man scaling shit when your making a map is so god damn hard. Like you make a hallway or a room and instantly forget your character is 90% smaller then the comically huge room you've made for yourself.

I just want source 2 already, everything that runs on source 1 is a piece of dog shit.
Hammer, the model editor, the sound designer, and SFM are all buggy, crashy messes that randomly break if you look at them wrong.


HOI4 submod.

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how easy is it to modify paradox games? I've been thinking about making a Stellaris mod

>how easy is it to modify paradox games?

Very, very easy. It literally just requires GIMP, SublimeText, Notepad++ etc. and some trial and error. It's documentation that tends to be the problem.

>Set milestones for small goals and work on them one at a time

I find this to be the best way of doing things. If you try to tackle all things at once you'll get disillusioned. If you have measurable metrics by which to progress, you'll make steady progress and feel positive about it.

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i'm working on some sprites for DOOM 2

shitposting about greedfall sucking shit