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wheres the joke buckley

Well this is a thread I guess.

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What the fuck. I was listening to this game's soundtrack yesterday.
What is the point of this post user?

Would be pretty wholesome without the shitty "hat Ken" joke.

This is legit funny, not HAHA funny but heh funny

Why is Banjo eating bones

Tacoeaters and gooks get asshurt from this

pretty good comic

Cope boomer

This artist is such an obnoxious bandwagoner.
Remember when he made a grinchleak btfo pic, but then later revealed he had a finished pic for if it was real?

I'm actually happy Terry got in and undertalefags finally got something.
Seems more like all the "hat Ken" posters are the ones coping.

>Terry is now permanently associated with Undertale

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>"Even I"
Sans literally knowing how worthless he is lmao

It was chicken

Better then being associated with nothing lol

stupid fucking bird can't even catch a envelope

wut game? help a nigga out reverse gives me nothing

I know that feel and i hate it.

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shin megami tensei 5


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>western art
>reads right to left like manga
i cringed




you little shit, I found it
quit it anyways

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>Plasters watermarks on everything
That's a sure sign that someone is insecure about their own artwork, in the "This is MINE" sense.

>they picked trucker ken over based kyo

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Holy shit, I didn't even notice the other watermarks before you mentioned it but you're right, that's pathetic.

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Fatal Fury Terry is more iconic
Bomber Jacket Terry is cooler

Were arcades not a thing in America or something? I'm european but I (and quite a few men of my age) knew about Terry simply because arcades were full of snk games.

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The crazy thing is, if anyone really gave a shit, it'd be trivial to remove watermarks from flat colored artwork anyway.

America was Street Fighter land. SNK dod not have as much of a strong cultural impact as it did in the rest of the world. It's why most of the Americans have historical myopia when it came to Terry and opted to call him Hat Ken due to the closest semblance they could muster.

this, its super cringy. And its not even that good

Why would meme zoomer skeleton know Terry?

>capitalized letters

Why is sans being touted around like he's actually playable. He's literally just a costume.

Thats not how you spell-
>Terry is now permanently associated with being a bimbo slut

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Worse, he's gone from being a literal who in the US to being associated with official R63 and a meme character from an overhyped indie game.

What a Bad Time for SNK fans

It's close enough, I guess. Does Sans attack in Undertale? I'm assuming not.

Not enough for a full moveset, at least. That game doesn't animate a lot.

>Steveposters: I wish Smash gets the western IP everyone wants.

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So is sans going to be playable or an assist trophy?

Not only that, but SNK Heroines was on the Switch so it's something Smash fans would be familiar with. So he's associated with both simultaneously.

So Americans are feeling embarrassed because a meme character is more beloved and known to their countrymen than an iconic fighter who plays a role in gaming history?

A costume for Mii Fighter.

It really isn’t

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> Ken
retarded zoom shit kys

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Kyo’s the second worst Kyo in the series, only being surpassed by Angel’s imaginary friend

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Kyo's a fag, weeb.


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I wish I lived in the days where people who made shit like this were put into insane asylums.

fake and literally gay
If this was real everyone would have weird freckles all over their body and bodyhair

I've never seen a Mii costume get this much Smash art before.

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Undertale is a good game.
But how comes it has such a fucking shit community/fanbase?

Is it though? I can't stand the gameplay, characters and attempts at humor. The community is certainly crazy but the game is a snoozefest.

Homostuck community has a lot of overlap with it.

And Stefan Universum

That's your opinion and personal tastes. The game is universally acclaimed. There are some games that in my opinion are absolutely shit but everyone loves anyway.
But I'll be honest with you, I'm never wrong, ever.

In all fairness, a head that covers the entire fucking Mii is much more convincing than any past costume we've had. Miis are even the same general proportions as Sans.

Bro why tf mettaton lookin like steve harvey with emo hair

>Mii Gunner
Thank me later.

>the game can't be bad because other people like it

That doesn't make any goddamn sense.

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>was married to and had kids with transwoman

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He's the final boss

I'm more miffed about the unnatural names they were given rather than the letter of the kink alphabet they were assigned