Bad guy is a flower

>bad guy is a flower

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Not another undertale thread please.

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I thought of cuphead

wtf is in her eye? what is this shit?

the bad guy

I just realized its pretty much Lavos but hanging around in her eye.

>game is just a really long extended suicide

>Bad guy is a fucking tick

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Was it ever revealed where the flower came from? I don't remember.

My boner

One of the few games were dubs>subs

Fucking fight me. The whole localization was perfect.

Man I wish I could play this

all games and anime dub > sub
imagine kill la kill in japanese yikes

If this was a Drakengard thread you'd be dead by now.
I love foul mouthed Zero.

Is it true she is a slut


>ywn give Rose the warm happy life full of love that she deserves

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she fucks all of her followers

wtf is this garbage taste

>final boss is a tree

>Bad guy is literally the judeo-christian god.
>Poos still get mad that a Hindu god is portrayed in a morally ambiguous light.

what's the best way to play Drg-on-drg 3 in 2019


>not watching KLK in Japanese

>Final boss is a genre change
>It's a rhythm game where the last notes cannot be seen while the tempo shifts dramatically

Please respond.

RPCS3, better framerates although not perfect

>bad guy is a tree

>when your eye hurts like a bitch and you want to kill yourself but have to kill everyone else first

oh yeah, wasn't the original release fucked framerate wise?

>bad guys have red eyes
every time


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The result of God being done with your shit.

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here's your (you)

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It was at least 15, until you called Dummy to rain slow motion death upon your enemies anyway.

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Lavos thread, post best Lavos art