Yeah, i'm thinking he's in

Yeah, i'm thinking he's in.

Attached: sora-is-back.png.jpg (1300x687, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He's like the last core gaming icon not yet in

Attached: Most popular core gamer characters.png (771x893, 1.73M)

He actually might be in if the next fighter passes is similar to this one.

>KH3 Sora

If they make this garbage bastardization the Smash rep then it would be a waste.

Attached: KH2-Sora-CHAD.png (1143x768, 1.3M)

Sora in Smash is gonna be some modified hybrid of Sora.

He'll be teenaged like 2/3, but he'll wear his KH1 outfit (one that actually fits). Outfits 2 and 3 will be alt costumes

after Hero, if Sora doesn't have a similar gimmick that allows him to use all his limits from KH1, it would be a bit of a letdown

I mean Sora does have like 9 fucking zillion gameplay mechanics and attacks. Who knows which ones will be with him

>Blocks your path

Attached: Walt-Disney-Comany-Logo-1024x379.jpg (1024x379, 57K)

Disney wants Sora in

>Sample size of only 150k
>This many FF characters
Did they only post this poll on Square Enix subforums or something?

>posts KH2 Sora

A sample size of near 200k over the course of 10+ years. Like it or not this is absolutely an accurate image of the general core gaming zeitgeist

The games after KH2 turned him into a braindead manchild and KH3 made him a whiny shit.

Yeah but KH1 Sora.

All this represents is how autistic Square (not even Enix, only Square) fans are since they go out of their way to vote up their shitty over designed jpop idols in every fan poll on the internet.

>non-vidya shit

I think he had a good chance even before they announced new characters. He's a perfect fit for Smash.

>core gaming icon
I think you're over selling him a bit. Kingdom Hearts is fun and all, but you pretty much HAVE to be into vidya to even know who he is.

Attached: 1539891123319.gif (250x305, 322K)

Disney will buy Nintendo

Woah, what island is THIS!!??

Attached: HES_IN.jpg (981x596, 278K)

I would not mind

This is the only proper nonvidya character. Micky would be a great fit for smash. When Kingdom Hearts was in its prime it was practically what Mickey was known for at the time. They weren't making any cartoons or movies that were worth seeing at all. He's back now thanks to those French cartoons though.

I'd rather have any SE character that isn't from KH.
Even Noctis.

Attached: 1555385026251.gif (950x801, 580K)

I hope they use his Kingdom Hearts 3 incarnation for the game. Older sora is cooler. But damn smash has went to shit what with the introduce of faggot characters like male and female corrin.

What would his music/mii outfits/spirits be?
I think music is fine cause the composer already works on Smash so he isnt as fucked as Luminary and Cloud
Mii outfits is Dolan and Goffrey
Spirits are just characters original to his game like Riku, Kairi, Roxas, Aqua etc

Roxas and Organization XIII would get Mii outfits, Kairi and Riku would get spirits, and the music would be remixes of Simple and Clean and Sanctuary, and they'd include some of the original battle themes, reorchestrated. Hopefully the one I'm linking.

Sorafags, I hate your retarded baby character and I hate your game series but as long as the likes of Tracer isn't getting in, I'm fine with you.

>Gaming icon
>this shithead

I accept this.
tfw i unironically love Kingdom Hearts but i fully understand why it's memed and i unironically love the memes because i know how shit KH actually is despite how much i unirconically love it

In the garbage bin that is.

>no doomguy
look at this weeb

If Sora or Crash aren't the last for this pass I fully believe they are in the second one, probably the most popular netrual picks I've seen