Oh shit

oh shit

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Other urls found in this thread:


so he isnt dead, thats good. Unfortunately his game is tho

I already fell for this scam

I hate myself for it

It’s about time

>October 2019
So never


What does that mean for those of us who wasted money on this shit when it first appeared? Do we have to spend money all over again?

I am convinced the twitter was hacked

Game has lost its novelty, Trove already does what it did but x100 better and bigger.


It taught so many of us a valuable lesson. The sheer magnitude of how much we got burned undoubtedly saved us from buying into other pipedream projects.

it means you're fucking retarded and should feel bad


Why should I care about this piece of shit anymore bow that Hytale is coming soon?

You’re stupid

I don't care anymore.

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Most of Yea Forums probably wasn't even in middle school when this came out. Is there even anyone left that cares outside of finally getting something for their money?

I played the shit out of this game. I think I got my money's worth out of it already.

This will be the last post he makes for the next 8 months.




He just said you’d get keys for it. Dunno how

>Minecraft Ripoff #51262 coming out 7 years after its peak
who gives a shit

I got scammed but you gotta admit "Wolfram von Funck" is a cool name

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Umderage spotted.

This was always more of a adventure game than minecraft ripoff. like randomised zelda.

>makes the first early access scam
>actually releases a finished game years later

>Do we have to spend money all over again?

Sounds like a guy who would get bamboozled by Yang Wenli

That sounds like something someone who wants to be anal-vored by PS4 gold-faced laughing feels guy would say.

user I’m be real with you but it’s not anything like Minecraft and I will find you and rape you in your sleep if you keep saying or thinking otherwise.

Nani? A semi circle formation?

Fucking finally

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You aren't going to bamboozle me twice you despicable fuck.

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You get the Steam key for free.

user, i...

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Safe to assume this faggot won't give codes to previous buyers.

I haven't played since they nerfed the hunter jump chain shit

If I activate my free Steam key then all my friends will know I got scammed 7 years ago

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>mfw don't remember the email I used for the alpha




disregard, i suck massive cocks

Just because a scammer says something doesn't mean it's true user.

You don't go on to trust people who have proven to be untrustworthy. You ignore everything they say.

This guy probably ran out of the money he grabbed 7 years ago and thought a Steam re-release would fund another few years.

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A true friend would have been scammed right beside you.

Is this what it feels like to back a kickstarter? I hope 6 years of "dev time" show something good.

Although let's be honest, dude took the money and went silent for at least half of those years, then had a change of heart/guilt trip to continue development after the money started drying up.

stay obsessed with this "scam" bullshit when he never wanted to release the game in the first place until it was finished, I'll be busy playing Cubeworld again

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cynics pls go

Imagine if you had spent real money on Star Citizen

The worst part is not that it's not coming out, the worst part is that the more they show about the game, the less fun it looks

Why would you even assume that? Makes no damn sense.


fucking FINALLY
I've been watching the development of this fucking thing for years

Ever since alpha released he showcased updates on his Twitter slowly every year. It wasn't a change of heart the man was literally working on the game still this whole time.

Wollay has never lied or been proven to be untrustworthy

He never wanted to release the game in such an unfinished state to begin with. He did the right thing going silent honestly, any attempts to damage control would just be seen as faggotry. I'm still looking forward to the game and am happy its not vaporware.

Wait what?
I thought it was dead .

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There were long stretches of complete radio silence from him. Pretty sure it over a year at least once.

The fucking kraut finally did it!
Post yfw Epic snipes this just before release

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He's been clearly working on it this whole time. But as pointed out there were just huge stretches of silence.

i highly doubt this will happen

How do I sue. I didn't buy an Epic key.

I guess I was wrong somewhat, the only year he went silent was in 2018, but every other year since then he slowly but surely showcased progress with a few months in between each update ever since alpha released.

Attached: Nice Jam.gif (250x131, 1.66M)

this is a joke
it isn't coming out in september/october of THIS YEAR

no way, i refuse to believe it

The game was pretty far along back in 2015(?) when it was in beta or whatever.

People highly doubted the game would stop getting updated.
People highly doubted that Wollay would ever release an update, let alone put this on Steam.

Epic doesnt want games that were already sold elsewhere

comes out in early access

That guys is an asshole

pretty untrue considering you can get some of their "exclusives" on gamepass isn't it?

Why do so many people care about Cube World? I really feel like I missed out on something big the way people talk about it, it seems like a standard multiplayer RPG kind of game though.

It was vaguely revolutionary back in 2013. There really was nothing else like it at the time, and it was really promising. Most of the reason people still "care" about it is because there's a collective shared suffering over getting swindled for $30 and having the dev go completely silent for years at a time. For people who were around back then, Cube World represents both a unique game and a collective shared trauma.
It's probably pretty fun now, and was definitely tons of fun back then who /permaglide glitch in /cwg// here, but I don't know if I have it in me to go back even with 6 years of extra content or whatever.

haha, do it

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I never doubted these things.

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Enough others did.

Bigger? Yes. Better? Fuck no.

Fuck off Chink.

Trove fucking nosedived in quality less than a year into its existence, how dare you compare wollay to trion.

Trove was/still is shit, I lost interest in it pretty quick.

don't know which is weirder, this or deadly p getting a sequel

I can't remember my alpha information am I fucked out my old stuff?

play me instead user

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>1 minute apart

Cube World isn't a Minecraft clone unlike that trash.

but i just finished playing you

You clearly haven't played it

You're funny.

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You clearly haven't played Cube World.

>the most generic rpg series in the world
>combined with the most generic tired genre of the last decade
hard pass

don't believe his lies

please fuck off with your kusoge abandonware

Are you even trying, nigger.

Is this Total Miner 2

>1 minute apart

Of course not, it's an early access scam game. I had it bookmarked on steam though
your loss, I dislike the dragon quest mainline games and minecraft but I liked this

you dont build. its a randomly generated voxel-based world where you explore and do quests and fight bosses. Youre saying its similar because cube look like cube hurr durr


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while you do build in DQ builders, you also explore, complete quests, puzzles and fight bosses

I don't remember, I just pirated the alpha years ago

Can you build shit in this game?

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no, its not a building game

>i had it bookmarked on steam
the fuck you did it didnt get added until today. It was only sold on picroma, the external website. Stop being a lying nigger.

Nice try, not falling for it.

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>Of course not, it's an early access scam game. I had it bookmarked on steam though
>on steam
Why are you telling lies on the internet?

obvious bait is obvious

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I must be thinking of a different game then

Underaged faggot, the game is more analogous to Breath of the Wild than minecraft (and it came out a good half decade before BotW for that matter)

>Gets arrested after saving his nation for being a political thread via popularity.
Nice "Democracy"

Realistically, he should have just let them get annexed, saved millions of lives, and rules in his fortress-Republic as a vassal, potentially paving the way for both Republican and Feudal vassals within the greater human empire.

Or hell, joined the military rebellion against the corruption. He could have greatly softened their handling of the populace, even his very presence would have made the people calmer. Remove the corrupt, then shift into a republic or maybe gone full starship trooper democracy since the full, all equal, democracy is proven to fail.

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>tfw this shit manages to have better dungeons than BotW while being procedurally generated

Trove was cool until content bloat and OP classes. I liked playing with Yea Forums

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>content bloat
more like "a bunch of irrelevant bullshit that plays exactly the same as the shit released last patch"
have they even put out things do other than shadow tower

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>"I'm happy to announce were going Epic Game Exclusive,'WE' feel like the Epic Game store is the Best platform to bring your the FULL Cube World Experience."

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Kek, the mutts would be seething as FUCK

dragons killed the game

>remember how cool it was that i could solo shit
>suddently i need to leech off other people to progress
did they changed that or i'm dumb and mixing it with another game?

nah that's pretty much trove now. the easiest way to level and get loot is to find someone higher than you and just follow them

well that's fucking gay

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Are you serious? That's ridiculous, people buy it on one platform and you force them to use another to get the updated version. I hope to God the multiplayer doesn't use Steam

damn, how can a literal who developer come back after several years and still have common sense

Alright. Since Cubeworld is Back in action, what race and class you guys picking?

I’ll be taking Lich wizard of course

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Either the frog or reptile, they look really cool/cute
Well no idea, specially if he changed/revamped the classes in the meanwhile.
But did he only add Mage?

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Orc Warrior like in the alpha

either fire mage or assassin rogue
I'll have to look over everything again though, I know he's changed a lot

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Frogman. Frogman anything.

But you're not on PC.

Its on steam you double nigger

How tf am I gonna get a steam key I bought the alpha with an e-mail that was like 4 e-mail addresses ago.

Tough luck Schizo user.

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Frog assassin. Pretty sure that was what I played as years ago and had fun with it.

>It's real
Thank you Eric Vivian Matthews

Saw it on torrents once. Endless progression. Fucked up balance. Cubes everywhere but you can't build shit. Fuck it.
If you're using cubes, blocks, voxels, or some other non-vector bullshit that isn't fit for HD but your game resolution is higher than 240p - you should go fucking kill yourself.

It's a literal Minecraft ripoff

what's the big deal?

i laughed at this and then i realized i have like 40 email addresses across like 20 identities that i've actually made friends with who didn't know about any of the others and i only still use two of them
is there a medication that would have prevented this

>mine craft ripoff
>magic, rogue/ninja skills and weapons varying in giant swords, clubs and hammers
>carrying races
>an actual shit Ton of mobs
>you can tame a shit ton of those mobs
>varying types of dungeons both underground and in the over world
>not really building buildings but can custom make weapons
>it’s all blocky so it must be a minecraft clone

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I've played mods with most if not all those things.

I liked Yang in the first half, but when he was opposing Reinhardt full force I just didn't, because the institutions and principles he was defending were nothing but corrupt and harmful for the people under them. I know that Yang refusing to take power was yet another contrast to Reinhard, but his refusal to do that or really get involved in reform meant that you just had Yang half-heartedly defending a bunch of unlikeable bastards for reasons the audience is only going to empathize with because of outside-context loyalty to democracy as a concept.

>Mods equating to base-game content

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It's fun watching people try to shitpost this into being bad cause their arguments suck.
>It was cool 6 years ago but it wont stand up to modern games
It's a freaking indie game have you seen minecraft? That game had a resurgence recently even and it's not like it came back from the dead or whatever to put hype behind it
>Other games have done it now, this is old news
This one makes me chuckle because normally they pull out some completely uncomparable game simply because it has voxel graphics too, literally saw people comparing this to stonehearth which is a colony management game and minecraft clones, the only one that is even kinda close to cubeworld is trove
>Trove did it
Trove was a steaming pile of shit within a year of it coming out and microtransactions itself to death, it lacked the polish even alpha cubeworld had and even then it's quite different in its mechanics and purpose.

It's honestly baffling that nothing came and ate cubeworlds breakfast in all this time, but they didn't and now wollay will capitalise on these years of hype and following and there's just nothing you can do about it, so accept that the game is back, he didn't even do much wrong in the long run, since anyone who bought it back in the day are getting keys, you bought the game and now he's delivering on the product.

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Does anyone want to play for old time's sake?

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>no building
Genius. Wait long enough that people forget what the game was supposed to be and just re-release alpha with some minor improvements.

>tfw you forgot your account info
>the email account you used is gone too


Holy shit, this game is still a thing?
I remember it from like, 2014 or 2013?
Still not gonna put money anywhere near it. For how long it took for THIS to happen? What a load of crap.

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>couldnt play it on release because of having an intel cpu
Yep, I'm gonna pirate it. Fuck Wollay

>Yep, I'm gonna pirate it. Fuck Wollay
He literally told people to pirate his game.

>online only
kek no

Oh yea I remember hearing about this around 2012 I think? Jesus christ the people who backed this guy on patreon or kickstarter must feel really fucking dumb that shit was 7 years ago.

>came out

>gem shit
Nah. Gems killed it.

could not connect to server :/

Steam got hacked too? That is some next level shit!

this game worth it?
I remember watching a video on it 5 years ago or something it looked pretty charming but I wasn't a buyfag back then

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Guys I'm so excited. We're finally going home.

Good guess, but nope.
Didn't even have a desktop PC back then, my laptop had an AMD CPU.

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Trion ruined the fuck out of Trove.
The moment they added Dragons the game fucking crashed into the ground at a suicidal pace.

Attached: the moment the game died.jpg (1280x720, 141K)

what the fuck is this game I have like a vague memory of it from a long time ago but it honestly seems like a fever dream someone help me

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I'm surprised he's releasing this before he grew old. I thought this was supposed to be his life project or personal pet project.

Post Crab Memes

You h/|\ve been visited by Laursei`seki.

Y-you should prob`ably bum|p the thread, d-de*su. There's 165 p-posts in thi-s thread, de-su. Yet it'-s ne-ar the e*-end of the b-b|o/\rd, de`su.

Attached: 1561511362485.jpg (323x737, 50K)


back when the alpha came out I think my first char was a ranger frog
i'll either do that or undead mage for the free healing spell for easy soloing
maybe both, one for multiplayer and one for solo

It’s a cubey, open-world, randomly generated action RPG. I played a lot of it during the alpha and it was really fun with some friends.

Frog wizard. I'd like to go skelly rogue if they actually fix melee. I remember back in the day warrior and rogue were literally impossible to play since all the enemies were hitpoint pinatas and required ranged cheesing to kill.

Is this game even good? I remember being really excited for it way back when and I forgot why I was even excited.

Attached: bideo.jpg (200x313, 10K)

Randomly generated RPG where you basically do whatever you want. The world is comfy as fuck, hang gliding is comfy as fuck, being a frog is comfy as fuck.

this. I bought into it with my friend and we regretted it ever since xd


We all played this shit fucking years ago, it just had a different name and it actually came out before its relevance fizzled out.
What does this even offer?

Also, it's funny how it's "finally" coming out after Minecraft has become the face of gaming again. gotta cash in on the current craze, I can understand that

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The game is nothing like minecraft though

I used to play this with Yea Forums, it was max comfy
