So who will the final slot be wasted on?

So who will the final slot be wasted on?

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Hopefully some other game you were too much of a pleb to know


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obscure character #4 that nobody cares about but everyone will pretend that they've loved for the past 20 years just to fit in

Geno was already leaked

How is it wasted knowing another season of DLC characters remain to be chosen again?

They knew most Americans wouldn't know nor care about who Terry was so they put that second season announcement in tandem with it.

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Yeah, I hate it when people pretend they all know who sans is.

>final slot
>he doesn't know

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Get FUCKED you anti-Terry shillfag. I can detect basedasauce at 50 yards.

Hackurai's toilet.

Seethe harder, zoomer.

>another season of DLC characters remain to be chosen again

I don't follow smash or gaytendo. Is this true?

WW3 will be a war between all the nations that know who Terry is and the ones that don't

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>implying this will ever end when they were vague about how much more dlc is happening

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>Mad zoomer is mad.

How about China?

But its not the final slot, The roosterfagging will never end

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I could absolutely care less about DLC, to be honest. I've got my melee main back, Simon Belmont, Ridley, and now Banjo. By now, my most wanted is a never ever, and that's fine.

fairly sure it's gonna be arle.
There's so many vidya characters though, it's impossible to guess correctly. It could be Jill Valentine, it could be curly brace, it could be klonoa or serious sam or Sora... IT COULD BE ANYONE.

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Why the fuck isn't he in Smash?

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my most wanted was goemon and honestly the skin is worse than nothing but it just confirms him for never ever. everyone else is on point though, this roster destroys every previous game by far.

I like this pick a lot. I have wanted Tetris as a character for years, Arle would be just a good

He is in Smash... as an spirit.


It doesn’t even matter when we’re getting another set next year

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He ate his letter when he was sleeping.

>DLC Season two slot 4
>Continuation of the Terry trailer complete with the NeoGeo start-up.
>After he opens his invitation he finds another one, which he folds into a paper airplane and throws into the distance.
>The result is a sequence similar to where the paper airplane flies through several stages from smash stylized to look like Metal Slug stages.
>Eventually it bumps into the SV-001 and lands on the ground in front of it
>A hand grabs it
>Marco slugs it out!


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I wish I had realized how hype a metal slug slot would be sooner.
Team metal slug and Travis touchdown would rock my socks off.

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I can be hopeful.

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To be fair, a costume is way better than nothing. If your most wanted stands no chance of getting an actual fighter, a decent mii costume is the next best thing.

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We're going to have like what, 80 characters after all is said and done? Plus all the mii costumes?
I feel like Ultimate is going to be played for the two decades just like melee.

>Marco is similar to Olimar, very squishy and light but he's fast and his knife is his ace in the hole similar to Olimar's rocket punch, Up-B is flapping his arms which is the worst recovery in the game, Side B is Iron Lizard, Neutral B is HEAVY MACHINE GUN, holding it can charge it into ROCKET LAWN CHAIR
>Can call the SV-001 with down-b and use it in combat, has an entirely different moveset plus super armor and great recovery but it has limited stamina and when it breaks Marco can't use it for the rest of the match.

There's so much potential.

Yes, it was announced that Nintendo likes to make money and plans to keep doing so. My prediction is that eventually, including Echos, we’ll get 100 fighters by the time all is said and done.

I also think we’ll get more complete Mii Fighter skins like Sans and Goemon for those popular characters that just wouldn’t work out otherwise as full fighters. By complete skins I mean not just masks and outfits but full visual character representations layed over standard Mii models.

>By now, my most wanted is a never ever, and that's fine
Steve? Isaac? Purple Luigi?

Are you satisfied so far?

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God it feels good to win. This is something that for years I've thought would be awesome but never would have dreamed would actually happen.

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You dont know? No wonder. You have no alibi, no justice, no dreams, no hope! The place is for no one else, then me.

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Yes. Regardless of "muh anti-consumer nintendo", they really hit it out of the park with Ultimate and I'll keep buying the passes regardless of if it's characters I know or not.
This is the infinity war/endgame of vidya in terms of scale/crossover.

Banjo was my never ever and Tooie is in my top 10 games of all time, so I'm already satisfied. With any luck his addition in smash will kickstart a revival for the series.

She definitely is iconic enough to fit in
The soundtrack picks alone have me hyped

Not really. Im not interested in Persona, fuck Banjo and fuck these weird Undertale Bronies. Everyone else is fine to me

>they're not nations because I live in a trailer park and didn't finish highschool

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why exactly is sans in this pic?

a faglord

Mii costume. One that looks really fucking good, at that.

Ryu Hayabusa*

Honestly Joker is really lack luster, Banjo and Hero are great and Terry is my absolute nigga

Because he's in

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as in as zero and goemon

>someone added sans in to the original artwork
Why are trannies so annoying

she's in

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someone edited it in, you can tell by Terry's outline going straight through him and him not being as jaggy as the others

Ok lets see:
Sure why not
Not really happy with him
The one I didn't want but didn't know I needed, he is "fun" the character
The one I wanted and needed, I'm so happy he is in even if it's just for one game
My mexican ass wanted someone from SNK and I'm happy it wasn't Geese or Rugal. Terry is based.
Overall I really like the DLC fighters with the exception of Joker.

Arle Nadja.

She's got the history for it, anyways. Fun Fact, the first Puyo game released first on the MSX2 and the Famicom, before even the Arcade Port.

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Pretty much.
Wasn't thrilled at first, but no reason not to throw a bone to the normies. I'm ok with it.
Not perfectly implemented, but that happens (t. Xenobladefag). Surprise factor is cool and it's sort of novel to have such a nonsensical pick.
Can be kind of a hassle to play but a very good pick that's implemented pretty well.
Great pick, lots of fun to use. Tons of unironic SOUL in the moveset and a simple straightforward fighter is just what the doctor ordered.
Fucking awesome and can't wait, never would have expected him in a million years.

Chip from Chips challenge

I wouldn't call it "wasted" but I'm 100% sure the next character is definitely Reimu.

I'm 100% certain that it won't be reimu. She's not even the most iconic character in that franchise.



Him, but only as a Luigi echo

I suggest you stop if you value your safety on the internet

Pfft.Wasted. Terry is a great addition,OP.

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Well, I would also rather someone else from Touhou, like Cirno since she is so cool. But Reimu is the protagonist, so if anyone from there is in, it gotta be her.

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>trailer continues
>shows Marco fighting
>Metal Slug announcer calls off his weapons as he uses them
>"Heavy Mashinga! Flaaame shot! Gernade! Shawtgun! Irun Lizard! Rawket Lawnchair!"
>he gets KO'd
>Tarma, Eri, Fio show up to assist
>Ends with the SV-001 as the Final Smash

Yes, she is. She is the main character.
>inb4 Flandre or some other bullshit

it will be wasted on something american kids wont stop bitch about... like Crash bandicot or some garbage like that


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How have you idiots still not accepted that it's going to be Steve

I want it to be saber
im still craving more seething after terry

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>showed a outrageous pick like Joker first
>paired Hero with Banjo so people wouldnt be disappointed
>announced more DLC to come with Terry
The last pick will most likely not be disappointing

It'll be Sakurai himself

>The last pick will most likely not be disappointing
Of course it won't

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No one knows who she is

Japan does


why the fuck is he a guy again
i want him to permanently be gender bent into an awkward hot girl that hates being a girl

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You have yet to see the truth.

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incredibly based

Imagine if Namco-Bandai weren't homosexuals and we actually got a female alt for once.

>pretty much every """""""""leak""""""""" talking about shit like Doomguy, Geno, Steve, Reimu, Nakoruru, etc. were debunked
>recent ones are just trying to piggyback off the SNK leak that presented no other information in and of itself
So who's it gonna be? After Terry, it really does feel like anyone from an unrepresented company/series is fair game. Dare they? NEVEREVER, but God I wish. Treasure has a fair history with Nintendo.

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Andy Boggard


Tetris Block. Unironically.

Really only like Terry at this point and only barely. He's been in thousands of crossover fighting games so even then it's not exciting. Joker and everyone else are pointless inclusions. Was hoping for better.