Can someone explain why this franchise got so big and made so much money...

Can someone explain why this franchise got so big and made so much money? When I was a kid I had no idea what gears was or that it even existed until a friend invited me over to play a "cool new game". I remember playing co-op with him and found it pretty boring. Getting stuck running forward in a crouched animation, clunky movement and set-piece shoot outs repeating for an eternity. I didn't hate it but it felt pretty mediocre at the time.

Attached: Gears-5-looks-to-be-an-exciting-new-chapter-1174351.jpg (590x350, 56K)

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It was always that other dudebro shooter that wasn't Halo. Single handedly made an entire generation of AAA vidya look like shit and killed the greatest arena shooter franchise of all time

>remove 'of war' from the title
>add feMC
what did they mean by this?

to be fair nobody ever says "gears of war"

The premiere Cover Shooter in an era where that kind of thing hadnt been done with a fat budget before. With Cliff's name attached it was bound for success. Now its just the last big thing Xbox has that people remember even though it peaked a decade or so ago.

It's just because of fucking American media last gen that were praising this shit game to death and Americans who were fooled by that in droves.

You see, now Sjw woke games are just like that. American media changed their narrative and all American devs and audience are brainwashed again.

Last gen it was these mediocre dudebro shooters, soulless open world games, and infantile multiplayer games

I do and so do most of the people i know, because thats what its called. Even if the majority just call it 'gears,' the devs are retarded for using the casual name in an official capacity.

one of the first game to truly feels next gen
pretty much invented modern tps
cool badass aesthetic with a touch of 40k grimdark
intense and skillful pvp
also really nice trailer

>pretty much invented modern tps

it was RE4, you fucking mutt casual. literally chink tier liar and propaganda

Wait there's was a 3 and 4? What happen to gears of war?

It's fun

and this is why every tps played like a gear clone until now

When talking about Modern cover cancer TPS then its not a stretch to say GoW is the big daddy
If you want to be a contrarian Max Payne is most of a progenitor of all TPS games than RE4

>it was RE4, you fucking mutt casual. literally chink tier liar and propaganda
RE4 doesn't have cover based shooting, which tons of games did in the last gen and this gen.

lol as fuck at these brainwashed chink mutts. amazing that you are still fabricating a history in line with american journos bs last gen

you do realise what american media is doing now. pushing sjw agendas hard and too many casuals and all aaa devs are swallowing the narrative. only woke games are being critically acclaimed.

you are merely the leftovers of that from last gen. making one mechanism in a genre isnt far from "invention". its not like they made a "genre". you are literally exaggerating yourselves and the "american invented it" narrative. its merely one improvement. or you must be a rare cock sucker of the mega soiboi cliffy b

I think they got rid of "of war" so it's not confused with God of war when abbreviated

Cliff blesinski clearly dominated the foreign game developers with GOW, American badasses killing baddies from underground, basic tremors story, but with gore and unexpected characters loveable, when cliff left gears, that’s when it went to shit. Gears 3 was and will be defined as far as the carmine legacy, it was always guessed that queen Mira was Marcus’s Mother.

Max Payne isnt American dude

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Wamen 5

It was the BIG GAME on the 360, and it had couch coop

who really gives a shit though (besides you obviously)

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