What's the new update about?

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You can fuck the bandicuties

speed is nerfed and balanced is buff i feel the changes.

I was playing earlier this morning, did the update just drop?

Plumber boy?

turning needs to be buffed.

Rimba DLC when?

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Holy shit guys I just found this looking through the files is this legit?????

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Hopefully fixing shit like this.

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Ah, today is a good day then

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I don't get it.

Turning should have super strong orange fire (tier before SF). So they basically move as fast as Accel during a boost but they have a really shitty line. SF can stay the same. I like the idea of just making the top speed have diminishing returns.

I'm starting to like the overly tight powersliding though, for whatever reason. It hurts your fingers less to regularly reset your slides and there's skill involved in knowing how to cancel.

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I missed Crash Dummy N. Trance, maybe they'll appear at the same time when they finally do

need new item
not shitty blue turbo


Woman Cortex and Brio pls

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Like the ones in CNK?

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Yes, I didn't play CNK.
so if they added it's flesh to me

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>more droppable weapons and they're somehow more obnoxious than a red beaker
>dude ice physics
>dude reversed controls and it homes in

If they rebalanced it to actually be useful in race instead of just tossing it in it could have been useful.
>Normal gives tier 1 usf (unless you already have tier 2 usf)
>Juiced gives tier 2 usf
>Once it ends it gives you back whatever your fire/reserves were before you used it
The fact that it kills reserves was clearly a carryover from battle they were too stupid/lazy to address.

Kek that's great. The fuck could Mixed be though? Megamix?

Its penta because he randomly gets aku/uka

delete this now

>is randomly any one of the different classes, chosen randomly at the start of each race
>voice clips are all taken from Cortex/N.Gin/Tiny/Dingodile
I'd play him

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Oh, right. Wait these are masks... So Starman could really hint at fucking Mario?

Something I've been wondering. As you people know, when you miss a GP item you get a 'Coming Soon!' message when you hover over it, but what does appear when you miss a decal for the Championship kart? Does it just disappear from the list?

That actually sounds fun

It doesn't kill reserves, tho.

Juiced engine kills reserves

What if classes just had a reserve building multiplier? Making reserves easier to build and maintain. Highest belonging to Turning and lowest to Speed.

>Mario gets into CTR
>Crash gets into Smash

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>Mario gets into CTR
Knowing how stuck up Nintendo is with their IPs it will probably be a Switch-only character.

But Sony is supposed to get all the CTR exclusives!

>mario get in
>2 in all stats
>but he autodrifts

I usually have a good idea of how much reserves are built up but I always thought a meter to measure it would be awesome. That being said different reserve caps could work

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I didnt need a Beenox update to gift Liz a child.

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>but he autodrifts
That sounds like absolute shit.

that's fine, that just means the other platforms can get their own characters

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Yeah, that's Mario kart for you

Is this legit?

Will invisible walls ever be fixed?

>inb4 it's THIS Starman

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>Mario for Switch
>Jak for PS4
>Xbox gets nothing cause it only has a dew hundred players

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>not Ratchet and Clank

>Not Nathan Drake or Kratos
>Or the Bloodborne Hunter

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>Nintendo gets video game history's most iconic video game character
>Sony gets some old forgotten mascots nobody cares about anymore

Yeah, thanks a lot.
I'd shelf the game and stop playing entirely. At least give us fucking Sonic or something.

so what's in this update? Cannot find the patchnotes

>thinking that having some cuck plumber with no personality is better over Jak
Bro wat.

Xbox has more CTR players than Switch though

literally why the flying fuck would post CTR naughty dog characters ever be in CTR? It makes no sense, that company has 0 connection to Crash these days. I want absolutely fucking nothing from post CTR naughty dog, they can keep developing their no fun allowed games a long fucking way away from CTR.

Give me other iconic racers like Mario or Sonic, or give me other iconic playstation 1 remake characters like Sir Daniel Forteque or Abe.

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Cause Jak is more connected to Crash than R and C is. Plus he had a racing game as well.

God that's beautiful, I bet it's from a Japanese artist

Building reserves on Speed is already braindead on simple maps and takes skill on tricky maps, so no.

there's a surprising amount of these group pics, I'd post what I have if I was at home

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Is it me or do people launch their shields more this GP? I feel like every other race I get fucking smacked by someones shield bubble. Fuck off and keep your condom on.

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Clocks are way less common now so people are more willing to give up the shield.

I played after the update
It didn't fix that
It dropped me from 1st to 3rd

i love how my bombs and shields always miss but some bumfuck third world nigger can hit me with his uka uka 50 miles behind me

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I'm pretty sure they're just bumping you

I'd like to believe that but there's a delay before they pass me

wheres all this starman shit coming from?


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Hello cuties

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>nothing left in the shop but sticker packs
>6 slots are 3k
Just why?

Thanks doc

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if we ever get a proper Uka Uka boss fight I want the music to be a remix of or at least use parts of his Twinsanity theme because god DAMN it is catchy

Part of a balanced breakfast.

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After CTR, they should keep the symmetry between Crash and Spyro intact and make complete/reimagined versions of Enter the Dragonfly and Twinsanity

>he wants shitty or mediocre games remade

Lemme let you in on a secret user. If they remake Twinsanity theyll use all the old content. Everything as these remakes have been largely faithful. That means Tawna breaks up with Crash and fucks Dingodile. U want that remake right?

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They'd need to redo WoC first and nobody is going to do that.

I said reimagined, not remade. As in, using the same concepts and framework, but still pretty different.


But you also want it complete. That means theyd still have to adhere to whats left. For example if WOC is remade that also means she dumps Crash for Pinstripe. You trying to cuck our boy?

I'm glad that scene was scrapped. Tawna already got enough fucked enough by shit circumstances.

It's salt.

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Imagine the skins

Imagine the voice replacement mods

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the fate all amifags deserve

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It's always the speedfags crying about the items

Does he can reach the breaks?

Fire Breath decal is in the shop for the spyromobile
The last 2 we have to wait on are for the dragonfly

>only 2 decals left
>still more than 20 days left
The absolute state of this GP

thats what i said its sodium chloride.

Holy fuck beating people with Gentleman Ripper Roo never stops being satisfying.

on the bright side it means if you miss a day you don't have to wait a fucking eternity for it to come back into rotation
the shop should autofill with items once they've been put up once anyway


>Isabella will never cuddle you in her tall frame as you gasp for air with a face full of latex

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Just got the 42k Nitro reward. I'm done with this GP aside from buying the two remaining decals in the next couple days. GG.

how hard did you grind, user
I have been playing casually and just hit the 21k mark

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I just did all the monthly challenges (barring the bullshit Pro one about coming in first in matchmaking after starting the last lap in last place), the two sets of weeklies and most of the dailies so far.

It's like the used 90% of their budget and time into the cutscenes for this game.

Wouldn't be surprised, they're the best the game has to offer by far.

>Tawna breaks up with Crash
nice, crash deserves someone better like Pasadena

CNK might have been lacking in the gameplay department but these cutscenes were pure FMV kino

Imagine playing as a generic Mascot that's playable in every game

If they're shilling Mario it best be some villains like Fawful

>electron avenue is chosen
>host quits
These people suck

Was there a new datamine or something? I keep hearing shit about Twinsanity Coco and Starman

what do the yapples taste like?

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Twangy but its a narcotic unless you're a bandicoot.

>rescued by her boyfriend who stopped a mad scientist from using her as a general for world conquest
>breaks up with her hero and dates one of his gangster enemies who worked for said scientist
>goes back to working for mad scientist on his ice fortress at a burlesque club
>dates another minion of mad scientist whos also tried to kill her ex boyfriend several times over by burning him to a crisp

Tawna was so fucking hot theres no denying. Capable of wiping out hundreds of trillions of sperm cells from sex appeal alone in universe and outside of it. But god damn she was such a bitch. A flaming hot, semen demon bitch.

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upper, downer, hallucinogen?
asking for a friend


I want to hold hands with Nina!

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ever shake hands with a bench vice?

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What do you think the next Grand Prixs are going to be

>Halloween themed
>One that introduces Brio, Komodo Moe, and Koala Kong as the three new characters
>Christmas themed
Anything else

Nina will come with the Halloween Grand Prix, she's a goth so it fits

Disappointment followed by a new shitty track

what did the voodoo doll do?

that's just the latency online, where their connection thinks you are relative to them isn't the same as where your connection thinks they are relative to you
i've played with a friend online while watching them stream and we were both in 1st place according to our own connections for like 1/4th of the start of lap 1 on most tracks
shit like that is why you can sometimes get a TNT on your head from nowhere while in 1st place on the first lap, according to another player THEY were in first right infront of you and dropped a TNT right infront of you, so then it updates that to you despite it being literally impossible based on what you're personally seeing
it's a little fucked but i guess we have to make do

nothing it wasn't in the final game

gnome bros where the fuck we at


the planet Gasmoxia.

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>he wants shitty or mediocre games remade
Well yeah, they're more in need of a remake than already good games are.

Crash is more in need of a new game than anymore remakes.

this is what you'll get

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Anons im so sad , I missed getting Baby T :(

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nina is our little gremlin. im not that user but i just wanna see her again.

he'll be back, for now just try to enjoy Spyro to the fullest

He'll be back one day, user.

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There is absolutely no way someone can get some of these platinum relics in hard

Its not humanely possible

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get good you fucking scrub
and hard mode doesn't affect anything on relic races anyway

It's no different from medium.

>tfw did platinum relics as Liz on hard

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You say that like it's a bad thing.

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You wouldn't a goth goblina

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No, THIS one

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Hey, Twinsanity was alright. Enter the Dragonfly can go and fuck itself tho.

this image feels cropped and its bugging me days on end.

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Stop picking long, shitty tracks like Prehistoric Playground.

Sorry I just didn't want to play electron avenue bro

ill pick inferno island instead.

I never pick it

As soon as the people that choose it stop taking long shits themselves

“My sweet little whorish Tawna,

I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck up in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue come bursting out through your lips and if I gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Tawna’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Tawna will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.”

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>just got another match where everyone voted Prehistoric Playground
I said stop!

I love Rizu!

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bump I want more Nina fanart

Jokes aside i dont vote for PP but i will get shit luck and see something like
>Crash Cove
>Jungle Boogie
Throw in some alternating Assembly Lane too. And if good tracks show up ppl just pick those.

Liz truly is a gem.

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Why the hell no?!

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Only easy mode changes the times by giving you a few more seconds. I'll tell you hwhat though, getting all platinums with Crash and barely making time while playing flawless only to later do them with speed and do it 5 seconds faster while playing sloppy is frustrating.


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I'm sick of getting that shitty fucking super engine holy fuck give me missiles or a clock or something

Trying to improve the quality. I have so many webms now but I don't think any were with a speed character...

They left it in?
I thought it was only for that weekend?

least you won all the same. looking forward to anymore webms.

never cuck

You should always cuck

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Feels like more collision adjustments. The game is really starting to feel good to run consistent times, though for some it's probably too little too late.

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Dumb question: how are people making webms for this game on consoles? Are they actually recording footage off using the consoles' built-in recording feature, transferring it to a PC and converting it to a webm, or is there an easier way?

Haven't been on Yea Forums in a while. What's everyone been thinking about the new Spyro level? I like it. I wish that falling down at the very end jump made you repeat the lopp though instead of just being saved by a mask.

Yes. Record vid, put on usb, take to pc etc

The worst level they made so far

It's almost as bad as Dragon Mines

I think it's fun for the most part but the auto-align portals can lead to some easy cheesing for people ahead in a race.

I like it well enough. It has a single glaring design flaw that holds it back just like the other two, but it at least has a couple interesting corners and shortcuts. The grass boundaries in Magic Crafters are absolute cancer though.

It's genuinely bad, I was super excited to see what kind of map we'd get for Spyro and it's shit.

>uninteresting layout
>bad for Coin gain
>plagued with invisible walls
>people can leave Beakers/Nitro Crates right at portal exits and it's nigh impossible to avoid it

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surprised to see a crash thread survive this long even if it does suck

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