Better soundtrack

>better soundtrack
>better story
>gameplay sucks ass

What's her name, Yea Forumsros?

Attached: hotline miami 2 review main.jpg (556x314, 128K)

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Hotline Miami 2


>better story
yeah no

Persona 3 and Persona 5

gameplay was better than 1
yeah yeah faggot. your gay little drive vigilante fantasy had more wish fufilment for you, that's all.

P3P has great gameplay though

Not that guy but hm1's story was not bad, it was just very minimal

>gameplay sucks ass
Cringe. Hotline Miami 2 is much more well-designed, varied, longer, and much more challenging. Hotline Miami 1 is basically just a glorified tutorial compared to the sequel; every level has the same layout and you just rush into every room and spam your melee weapon.

Shut the fuck up man, everyone on the hotline miami reddit says this, when in reality HM2's gameplay was slower, and full of cheap enemies at the end of the hallway. Level design was also less creative. In HM1 the gameplay was more loose, quicker paced, and just in general felt more powerful

>hm2 had better music than 1

thats just not true

That's just true

>Hotline Miami 2 is much more well-designed
>Get shot from off-screen: the game
>Well designed

they are very different kind of story, every character has their own story and jacets, from his point of view is arguably the best one.

Maybe try using peek? Maybe try using your eyes and looking at the level design before running in like a moron? Maybe don't just waltz into a long line of sight and then act shocked when you get shot? Maybe pay attention to windows?

The level design has much more open levels (some are more closed, but not every single one like in the first game), and you need to use both guns and melee weapons to approach situations and actually think how to approach them and also be able to think on the fly instead of just barging in every room and spamming a melee attack like in the first game.

The gameplay in Hotline Miami 2 (especially if you are going for combos) is extremely quick and intense. You are just bad at the game.

It's almost as if there is a peek function and that this is a core mechanic of the game.

You can't peek far enough

almost first half of the game is very hotline 1 like, but yes it has some levels that are ment for shooting.

Disciples 3

you are a farter

silent hill 2
>better soundtrack
>better story
>gameplay still sucks ass

Yes, you can. There are a select few levels (the military one is the only one I can recall) that are very open so you can't see from one side to the other from peeking, but you aren't supposed to just run right down the wide open center like a shit for brains, you should be going in the buildings around the side.

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It's not about being bad at the game, its about the levels feeling boring and too long. I put in over 100 hours into HM2 and yes at that point you become used to it, but I also know that every level is designed around peeking corners and blind firing and it gets repetitive. There are also no interesting twists at all to the levels.

Hm2 levels also have no interesting switch ups. Remember in HM1 when a van would crash through the doors and you'd have to avoid it and then survive a boss fight? Or when SWAT kicks down the doors to a crackhouse you're in, and you need to escape? These little gameplay twists made each level actuallly unique. In HM2 this is completely gone almost

Going to have to agree with other user, this game had some levels with ridiculously long sightlines for enemies where peek could not reach far enough. Dead Ahead and Blood Money are probably the worst offenders but whatever. I fondly remember having way more fun with 2 than 1. going back to 1 is boring

Rayman 3
fuck the camera

>gameplay sucks ass

Attached: im dying.gif (200x200, 285K)

>better soundtrack and story than Disciples 2
never once have I seen such shit taste.

>HLM2 OST better than HLM1's
Sexualizer and Roller mobster were good but nothing compares to Silver Lights

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You should be constantly using peek, it's not some slow delicate process, it's a fundamental part of the game that you implement constantly. Even if you played a hundred hours like you say you did, you still fundamentally don't understand the game. The game requires you to be aware of your surroundings specifically long lines of sight and windows, and requires you to approach each situation, additionally, different enemy types and situations means you need to be switching between guns and melee. As you understand the game more and can quickly adapt then you start racking up combos.

You are just shit at the game, that's fine

SH1's story is better you brainlet

>Hotline Miami 2 has shit gamepla-

Attached: Hotline Miami 2 - Dead Ahead.webm (700x700, 2.86M)

This is under the assumption that disciples 3 has a story under all the horrible dialogue

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>You are just shit at the game
Hotline Miami 2 is not a difficult game. Anyone can get used to it after you play for like 3 hours, but anyone can see how repetitive and overused the peeking was in it. The peeking and hallway enemies being the games fundamental mechanic is what I have an issue with

>more well-designed
I'm gonna stop you right there. I love HM2 more than HM1, but there are glaring flaws in the enemy placement and arguably level design. I only like HM2 more because once you've decided to master the bullshit the game throws at you it feels really good plus HM2 has a better method of getting A+ and S ranks which is just killing people as fast as possible and keep the combo meter going instead HM1's "keep doing weapon executions" which was dumb as shit considering its a overall faster and tighter game than HM2 is.

Man I love both HM1 and HM2 their some of my favorite games, why does everyone have to act so faggy about HM1 vs HM2 I dunno how you can like one but not the other.

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>Hotline Miami 2 is not a difficult game.
Lol there is a very clear difference from beating the game on normal and getting S rank full combos on hard. You don't understand this and are shit at the game.

Already beat the game on hard mode, don't really care to play through it all again and get S rank just for some faggy achievement bragging. You're just being retarded believing the peeking mechanic was good when in reality its more fun to not use it.

My dude, you fundamentally don't understand the game and it's hilarious how you just act like the game is so simple when you struggle with basic mechanics of it and are not even playing the game properly. Just fuck off idiot, you have been exposed and yet you hide under the guise of "not being an achievement hunter" as your excuse for being dogshit at the game.

This honestly, HM2 gave the much better feeling of
>Keep killing as fast as you can
But shit on hard mode is the literal definition of "how bullshit hard can we make this to keep killing them".

>when in reality its more fun to not use it.

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>better soundtrack
I dunno about that...
>better story
>gameplay suck ass
Gameplay is the same, just shittier maps, making them wider and open doesnt go well with the mechanics.

My dude I already finished that shit on hard mode, there's no fun in peeking and gets criticized all the time. you're acting like its a fucking difficult mechanic to understand just because I said its shit and repetitive.

It's not peeking, it's the entire gameplay flow, how to approach situations and levels. Honestly you just sound like a genuinely stupid person, and you probably didn't even beat on hard since majority of people don't even finish their games. But then again I guess if you played for 100 hours then even a monkey could brute force their way through after playing that long.

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*blocks your path*

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Just watch this clip This is the offensive peekless playstyle Im talking about that makes the game satisfying.

Did HM2 have a better soundtrack? It got kind of muddled to me because there were so many songs, no doubt good music but so much of it. HM1 soundtrack I got more into.

I just finished replaying HM1 like an hour ago although I did not solve the puzzle and get the true ending, starting HM2 right now, I have not ever replayed Hotline Miami 2 but I'm excited to do it.

Playing with a controller this time.

Attached: games_hotlinemiami2.jpg (1024x768, 149K)

You can be just as aggressive with peak. You need to be seamlessly integrating it when necessary


what would have happened if the nukes didnt drop, where would the story have went then?