Can someone please explain the appeal of visual novels to me? And before you Yea Forumsirgins jump to assumptions, no...

Can someone please explain the appeal of visual novels to me? And before you Yea Forumsirgins jump to assumptions, no, I'm not hating on weebs or Yea Forumsfags here (I myself greatly enjoy consuming the occasional anime and novella from time to time). But VNs are basically one step away from picture books. How can you defend this shit without openly admitting to being manchildren?

Attached: Arlo's Book Club.jpg (2730x4096, 2.04M)

Other urls found in this thread:

what are some good /ss/ vns?

Attached: P013.jpg (1280x1901, 481K)

You talk like a fag, bro, and you're posting cringe. The fuck is wrong with you?

Attached: Breakfast grumpy.webm (854x480, 2.89M)

What exactly is wrong with having pictures and cool designs alongside your book, I will genuinely never understand boomers

Its the best of both worlds
The voice acting, music, visuals that you get with visual media. And the narrative, thoughts, and prose you get with books.

>i am not judging you i am just going to be a huge asshole
ftfy op

They have nothing to do with picture books, you are just trying to force the association because you want to attack VNs but have no arguments.

Attached: 1233688467206.png (210x168, 4K)

it's like a novel but it has pictures and shitty anime writing

he probably gets angry when people watch movies and yells about flipbooks


Well yeah, if you like manga then you'll probably like them too. It's just a manga in video form but not completely animated.

OP, why did you pick that specific image to start a thread with?

Comic books have been a thing forever nigger

shitty bait

Aren't Light Novels superior in that case?

Normal and Natural arouse by girls.

>OP, why did you pick that specific image to start a thread with?
If you want the truth... I was looking for an image of Arlo to post as a response to this other thread but then I stumbled upon the image in question and immediately knew I had to come up with some "legitimate reason" to post it.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-06 at 1.52.06 PM.png (1427x1293, 2.35M)

My lolita!

>user come to bed

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Are you implying comic books are not tailor-made for manchildren?

Never got it either but that's just because I can't stand "games" where you do nothing for extended periods of time.
>How can you defend this shit without openly admitting to being manchildren?
There is nothing wrong with being a manchild.

Attached: 1553098095219.jpg (836x780, 278K)

I want to protect that smile