Google your name + the hedgehog

>google your name + the hedgehog
>post the result
>the most autistic pic wins
>rate others name

Attached: d7tmzb8-7b34ced0-b34d-4ad7-8589-be11ec147ccb.jpg (1200x1600, 669K)

Other urls found in this thread:,wn

God dammit, 1 post in, and I'm sure I'll win this whole thread.

Attached: Hedgehog.jpg (216x250, 8K)

Attached: d9djhmh-b923b235-8114-4710-8e2f-5322dbb4fcf0.jpg (512x308, 44K)

You wear glasses?

Attached: 1544472949108.png (1024x835, 199K)

someone please explain why he's missing a finger

Attached: __ref___jeremiah_the_hedgehog___new___by_silverfannumberone-d6kuo22.png (900x1350, 1.32M)

what the fuck is this shit i expected nothing to come up

Attached: Killianthehedgehog.jpg (901x1204, 336K)

Attached: Eric_the_Hedgehog_by_Needlemouse.png (1417x2539, 2.43M)

Attached: Oyn4I0B948cgB3aXEBmKo63Hef-Zzz3yf07PQtHwj_8.jpg (600x800, 67K)

Pretty rad desu ne

Attached: images (31).jpg (270x460, 10K)

I didn’t know the Amish used the internet?

try and beat this

Attached: Oscar_the_Hedgehog.png (234x460, 3K)

All the ones so far are meh, behold my spunk covered abomination

Attached: damien_the_hedgehog_by_cymb1on_d8j38os-fullview.jpg (1024x1500, 124K)

This will never not piss me off and its worse cause I want to fuck it, pissing me off FURTHER.

Attached: 1EF8FD7E-98D8-4294-9BB1-171011E23DFA.jpg (512x768, 46K)

Shark Teeth Eyes.

Attached: 1563076946472.png (900x587, 281K)

Probably some Assassins creed reference.
Also what a faggot lol

A lot of negros have that name

Simple, original - it's alright.

Why does your hair have an eye?

Attached: d30rwyc-c82eb13e-39c6-4f45-835e-61ae7b567a41.jpg (706x480, 100K)

So it’s the new Tyrone? Gotta say Jeremiah sounds like a bitch nigga name


Attached: file.png (615x479, 150K)

You a guy?

Jesus christ.

Attached: my_id_by_elijah_the_hedgehog_d2nhm3w-250t.jpg (251x250, 14K)

>different colored eyes


>It's not even a hedgehog

Attached: d2ym7hm-ede78c89-1bab-407f-ac27-d13bf3a2d164.jpg (577x482, 40K)

i look so kool

Attached: 4bbd45defe3a05d08557a46e30da10d657271f70_00.jpg (236x220, 14K)

Yes. The fact that it is female is confusing and arousing.

Attached: 6E742E5F-AF5F-4984-ABB4-FE184A8B9D85.jpg (960x960, 153K)


Attached: 4040683854_9eb842ee05.jpg (500x375, 41K)

>another Elijah

No way your name is scourge faggot

Fuck this one is actually somewhat imaginative.

Is this an actual character or something? Every result is this exact same design.

Attached: Victoria-the-hedgehog-sonic-girl-fan-characters-16827351-700-700[1].jpg (700x700, 121K)

Attached: FluffySnappyBuzzard-poster.jpg (512x336, 21K)


Attached: moritz-hedgehog-cocktail-napkins-p11836-27982_image.jpg (1000x1000, 208K)

If an OC gets famous enough in autistic communities other autists will make fanart of it

No results found

Attached: 1515466745930.jpg (790x1053, 93K)

Attached: untitled_drawing_by_ryanth3kill3r-d8bjscy.png (1006x460, 46K)

Am I doing it right?

Attached: 51FS2kcqpoL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg (325x499, 28K)

So do his teeth uproot themselves, slide up his skull under his skin, and pop back up in his eyes?
That’s fucked.

Its based on the Johnny Eggman robot
I like it either way tho

Attached: 1551344585747.png (2287x3735, 2.15M)


Attached: d9oxba7-7bcd7be9-f35f-436c-a6cd-b4ae7f743ceb.png (2447x1116, 1.73M)

Attached: 41463AFF-A6C8-4B55-A7EA-3A65D7C15E63.jpg (451x314, 17K)

No results so I just took off a letter

Attached: d1da7ib-5d061abf-8d9b-4449-aab4-4598fbfb1717.jpg (640x828, 198K)

wanna have sex?

I would

I just took a shower, for fuck’s sake.

Attached: 8BDA13EA-813D-46A6-94EA-FF81D7A63BCC.png (900x1210, 481K)

Nuthin' personelle.... niño...

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 82K)

What the fuck is going on with those pants?

You didn’t google your name.

Aww fuck Devins are born to be cursed

wow this actually looks exactly like me

Attached: crystalookamiwolf-14704.cover.png (972x948, 303K)

Ironically enough, my best friend's name is Alex

Attached: cory the hedgehog.jpg (900x851, 178K)

Thank god you didnt pick mine
Every fucking time.


Attached: 136BACBA-8EE9-4561-B76F-E3864C890C40.jpg (718x538, 159K)

What's your name? I'll make you an OC as long as you promise not to steal it

Where's based Dongus?

That was the first thing I searched for too

It's fucking vore, why

Attached: tAyYuEu_d.jpg (640x380, 36K)

glad i wasnt the only one, Micah is too cute.

>Carlitox the hedgehog

DeviantArt was a mistake

Attached: Dean.PNG.png (220x395, 28K)

Is it cause I would also

The ultimate lifeform

Attached: Jon+the+hedgehog+_71a356f6beb2bf9930e4a8885bffc201.png (1317x1553, 92K)

i'm not too fond of my own name, either

Vorefags need to hang.

Y'all get my game yet?

Attached: serveimage(6).png (320x475, 153K)

This isn't too good, but not the worst design out there.

Attached: commission__hayley_the_hedgehog_by_juriesss_d54z3bm-fullview.jpg (900x1200, 90K)

Hey at least yours is pretty well drawn

>that thigh gap
sweet jesus

It's a template, I found another one when I searched for my name

It's not, it's Guilherme, Scourge came up as the first pic

Dude looks like a lady

There were a couple autistic OCs but this was better

Attached: Marshall.jpg (225x225, 13K)

He even have my fuckin hair. My sides

Attached: images (1).jpg (384x384, 24K)

tits right now, and no one gets hurt


Attached: Anton Robotnik.jpg (3305x2515, 1.43M)

kill me

Attached: finn_the_hedgehog_by_rabbidlover01.jpg (1024x768, 155K)

None exist.

...Well at least they got my hair color and eye color right...
Those fucking legs look like they've been rolled down with a fucking cooking pin though.

Before you say >middle eastern I'd like to clarify that I am Berber

Attached: Karim the Vampire Hedgehog.jpg (615x820, 54K)

People are still falling for this Chinese info harvesting thread?

Nerds need not apply

Attached: 5C746D3D-49A6-4F69-AFA4-2BB8349D0892.png (879x662, 23K)


Not as horrible as I thought. Still though...

Attached: d6c88is-58282f9c-f9e9-4878-b3d0-a46894ec798d.jpg (716x960, 212K)


Attached: 1565897853586.jpg (600x580, 270K)

Nope. It’s Taylor. Also And finally, this one.

Attached: 1B28EE68-38BE-4217-BE9C-0B41B7CE9B05.png (696x662, 28K)

>those thighs
This looks like that diives meme

There weren't many.

Attached: ignatiusTH.jpg (200x252, 6K)

Is this achievable natty?

>all these anons posting female names thinking they're fooling anyone

>tfw you can't participate in these threads with your dumb fingol name


Attached: d660xyh-7d64a574-b292-469c-a97c-057451fdf1f5.png (742x520, 155K)

Attached: owen_the_hedgehog_redesign__by_cyclone62_db30f7v-fullview.png (471x531, 50K)

I am perhaps the only male Taylor I have ever known in my life. And no, I’m not a faggot.



>Aaron the hedgehog

Attached: aaron_the_hedgehog_bio_by_mamaluigithedonutgal_d58l85n-fullview.jpg (1152x564, 75K)

Fucking manlets

oh god

Attached: (398x578, 237K)

>this thread

Attached: 40204821-0B4E-4003-8BF2-A27CA58AC1AD.gif (500x282, 1.36M)

When I looked through my old stuff I found this OC I made a long time ago that I don't think I ever shared with Yea Forums. It was pretty lazy, but guess I'll share it anyway, Friðþjólfur the Hedgehog (looking at the model it probably isn't a hedgehog though)

It was inspired by one of these threads, someone named Friðþjólfur couldn't find a picture so I made this.
I should also make one for Aoibheann, which was another person who didn't find any.
Would be really cool to do some shipping stuff between Friðþjólfur and Aoibheann :3

Attached: friðþjólfur the hedgehog.png (759x454, 65K)

Living in a third world shithole never felt so good

Based sonictoast poster

I dont think this was actually labelled with my name but it was first in results. Not a female(male) name either.

Attached: 20160630084100.jpg (644x820, 171K)

Absolute edge

Attached: pontus_the_hedgehog_by_pontus_the_hedgehog_duume6-fullview.jpg (600x472, 35K)

bruh you didn't pick THIS one, also what's up fellow "scene/sheen/everyone fucks this up for some reason"

Attached: 07da8b35bf6184d08f6c5d4fe31abe2f.png (1264x780, 883K)

>"Hyper" anything

The only "hyper" ability this manlet has is hypertension

Not entirely terrible I suppose
Also hi FBI

Attached: brett_the_hedgehog_by_dashthehedgehog123_d361xmg-fullview.jpg (900x1747, 125K)

Attached: 1547155168660.png (220x391, 76K)

This poor soul has to be high on SOMETHING.

You’re either making shit up, or they have Internet in Valhalla.


Attached: TBNqnxBMww-2.png (300x250, 35K)

>can’t decide which is the worst
you get all of them

Attached: 492C8C22-8DD5-4B89-A9B4-7234D600EAE2.jpg (1242x2071, 305K)

So John Marston kills him and reincarnates as that?

y'know black lung...

I can only imagine you assholes are tired of
>dude cartoon character lmao

Looks like it could be a pre-reboot Archie character.

Those hips remind me of that suspender puppet from the Lion Library show.
Or whatever it was called.

He even forgot the S.

Attached: Snap 2019-09-06 at 14.22.37.png (736x829, 294K)

well this is shit tier

there's a bunch others that are mallgoth tier

Attached: dave_the_ghoul_slaying_hedgehog_by_anonfears_d8lhgjn.png (1024x768, 208K)

fucking corproiorate whortes trying to steal my fucking name you ain't got SHIT

Would all of them


Attached: 8F4A1FBF-A9AB-4135-93B9-5EBD78EF1796.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Lacks Computer Skills. LMFAO


Attached: dongus da hedgehog.jpg (1289x1318, 245K)

Bitches love Sanic
Sega fangirls are best fangirls

Attached: 1551228516388.jpg (736x736, 80K)

>naming your kid pontus
the fuck

I'd fuck me.

Attached: Angel.png (535x852, 301K)

NGL, Pontus already sounds kinda edgy.

Look at that Pubic V he's rocken.

Sounds like some German name or whatever.

This is bad, but I'll pist another that's worse

Attached: d5jf13r-87c31897-49bc-4e33-bc21-04ccd183470d.png (1586x1580, 100K)

Attached: file.png (400x361, 150K)

Huh, this actually looks pretty badass

Dude, there has to be more than just this cap.

Attached: screen_shot_2017_07_31_at_10_25_30_pm_by_mudkipofcoolness-dbiepnm[1].png (827x634, 143K)

I can't believe my hedgehog sona is a canon slut.

Attached: d6b60vq-f2c53d45-d744-41aa-8394-748e1c226702.png (900x828, 107K)

Attached: pepe_the_hedgehog_by_pipisquiz_d86hkd4-fullview.jpg (1024x714, 134K)

Scrapped South Park character?


Attached: Mateus.jpg (480x800, 48K)



Are those...supposed to be tattoos?

Attached: 323104F8-B294-4961-8157-48141FCBC9C8.png (403x419, 219K)

he looks like a depressed boomer trying to smile for the camera

didn't think i would see another sean in here.
there is even a fucking sprite sheet.

brapfag probably

Someone make this a Sonic OC.

>Have name that's used for both sexes
>Be dude
>But it's more commonly used as a female name in America
>Get called a fag everytime this thread happens

Attached: Andrea-the-Hedgehog-andrea-the-hedgehog-31606753-900-828.png (900x828, 121K)

There was a fucking huge one with more to it and more Dongus lore years ago but I can't find it anymore. The Dongus thread is six years old and this is the only cap I can find anymore.

This is so lame it loops back around to being cool

looks like a got relatively spared

Attached: 1467867974.veggiemadness_calebrevamplogo.png (450x650, 117K)

forgot to post

Attached: killme.png (2466x1340, 1.94M)


Attached: 1527664345391.png (643x348, 429K)


>sprite sheet
Post it, fag. It just gets better and better.

Attached: C93F50AB-E6E6-4277-8420-621FBA844046.jpg (601x956, 508K)

I win.

Nothing else is more autistic than this

Attached: d9iuq03-1e3f4749-bbca-4bf5-a613-ff35725ff0e3.jpg (768x614, 51K)

Yeah, I think they're going for a trashy party girl look

Wait a fucking second


As a fellow Luis, it could be worse

Attached: lois-da-hedheg.png (420x420, 195K)

Victoria is a super tranny name, you actually think "she's" a biological female?

>Mentions Devin
Goddammit. Also I’m sure his skin is literally shitskin.

Clearly satire, sorry ya lose

Fucking Devin from School.

I-is Angel really a girls name?

Attached: Angel hedgehogs.jpg (1243x518, 155K)

Try Andreas perhaps, Andrea is definitely hard F here.

it's an """"""artstyle"""""""

Attached: isaac the hedgehog.jpg (1916x3787, 913K)

I knew a dude in Brazil who is called Ashley.

its in

I knew a guy named Angel back in Crockett, but that was the only one.

More like a porn actress name

This one is actually pretty cool, edgy but not overdone.

Attached: 57ffc24baaad9b1d3d57905885cb4d9e.jpg (454x500, 46K)

Yes. I’ve seen it both ways for latinos before but that’s it.

first result

Attached: whatthefuckm8.png (820x503, 87K)

Damn we’ve got the whole package here
>OC with way too much fucking effort put into it
>shitty mspaint recolors
>even lazier OC that’s sonic but with extra markings
>colored pencil Chrischan classic style
>a fucking SPRITE SHEET

I like how this isn’t overdone by fanon hedgehog standards

Don't be so sure

Attached: hedge.png (733x976, 291K)

Attached: e0b55d13b504ead2a1cf05a07473d7e9328c89c2r1-1400-1554v2_hq.jpg (923x1024, 85K)

Hedgehogs I would penetrate

Attached: 1496539700300.jpg (426x336, 36K)




Attached: Bernard Gui.jpg (1200x809, 149K)

WTF am i reading?!

Attached: thomas_the_hedgehog_bio_by_emilythehedgehog1000_d670v2r-fullview.jpg (1024x767, 165K)

It's mostly one design for me, the bird is cute though

Attached: bJEWfkW[1].png (1862x687, 1.63M)

i vote this guy wins.

Attached: banter.jpg (602x709, 94K)

well at least it's traced well

Attached: fuck.jpg (200x252, 13K)


Have some

Attached: The Little Mermaid one is great.png (1366x768, 726K)

(It's cut off)


>a ‘drink’
yeah fucking chocolate milk

Everyday we stray further from God's grace.

I would

Attached: 1565721067599.png (976x745, 178K)

Brendan the hedgehog

Attached: breden_the_hedgehog___sonic_oc_by_gottagofastsonic69_dba1o35-fullview.jpg (1024x972, 75K)

this is the first result kek

Attached: hedgeheg.png (969x724, 1.01M)

You best be sharing, son

Ahahha I'm not an OC!

Attached: SBK_SirLancelot.png (1248x1326, 1.03M)

Since you already posted that one, I guess I need to post this thing.

Attached: tumblr_poow9c8REX1wzjypr_540.png (540x540, 89K)

>but before he did he had a 'drink'
Dehydration is definitely the second worst thing after vampire bites.

Fuck me

Attached: mike_the_hedgehog_remembers_9_11_by_sonic_fan04_dahf9k1-fullview.jpg (900x900, 67K)


I win

Attached: 9BF641BC-30AC-4211-A649-95D795915D27.jpg (1063x751, 180K)

yes but why
(goddamnit Jeremiah)

>implying he remembers anything about 9/11
What a poser.

fuck off, lancelot richards

>boxing missile
that’s honestly fucking sweet desu

Double dose of kill me

Attached: Despair.jpg (900x540, 64K)

I guess this is the closest to my actual name. There is a lot of content

Attached: Patrick the Hedgehog.png (792x753, 27K)

imagine the smell

Why does the right smoke look like it's flipping off the OC?

Attached: Middle finger.png (530x406, 98K)

Nice try but there's already a Lasse

Attached: lasse-the-hedgehog-sonic-fan-characters-14112073-353-475.jpg (353x475, 43K)


Attached: 4C88C08A-7510-4031-955B-0977E0D0AD05.jpg (512x384, 48K)

You haven't seen anything yet, there's a whole fucking SERIES of that nonsense


Considering my middle name is from the same movie I am rather unfortunate

I didn't get any autistic results, do I win?

Attached: Screenshot_20190906-145856_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 719K)

No idea but thats pretty good reaction image. Thanks

Nothing much, just a short extra chapter of one of Takeda Hiromitsu's stories.
>Always does ntr
>Make a series thats not about ntr at all
>Spin it into ntr at the last second

You parent must hate you for naming you a fucking faggot knight name.

>Name is Camille
>only girl hedgehogs show up

What the hell? My name isn’t a girly name, is it?

He's a fucking anthropomorphic hedgehog with a goatee and a gun

What the fuck did I stumble upon?
>Was The Main Protagonist Of David The Hedgehog Series
His Favorite Guns Is SRT71 Wolf, AK47 Bling And PR51 Auto Wolf.

His Favorite Vehicles Is Noble 61 Battle Car, AH 85 Tusk Hawk & KBESR 61 Gunboat.
>He Was Born In Davidtropolis, A Metropolitian City Located In DSA.
>David Got To Create His Military Forces Called DSSF, There Are More Warfighters.

Attached: David_Super_Smash_Lawl.jpg (400x400, 27K)

Post the one with the hand puppets that have guns

the real autism comes from your parents calling you that

Well damn, I look pretty good.

Attached: tumblr_p5abucACFQ1x8caqso3_500[1].png (500x281, 119K)

it’s girly as fuck, cake boy

Attached: d3kn33y-0b83080e-ae94-4550-8620-3b91e79f8f6e.jpg (1048x632, 86K)

i LOVE these fanmade wikias, post more please

His hair is almost as glorious as my hair in RL. So do I win?

Attached: 0C586E5C-F8D0-4072-85B4-A392EF9EA5EA.png (685x649, 20K)

It's not an uncommon name

you must have some faggy hair irl user

Right? No piercings, no faggy blade, all one earth-tone color. It doesn't even any heterochromia. Congratulations, you could sell that to a rare OC collector.

You have no idea

basically sonichu lite

Attached: d7azarn-37ca2d85-58c4-47ac-82f3-290db1fa6871.png (3291x2522, 1.35M)

my personal winrar

Berber as in?
I'm, Berber too but my parents were from lybia,i mean its a nomadic tribe, got no nation

That's the kinda name I'd imagine for an old fancy bitch who uses a long cigarette holder

Hows your brother Cthulu?

I know it's ironic but it still cracks me up every time

Attached: pinoy pride.jpg (800x506, 88K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-06 at 3.07.05 PM.png (513x102, 23K)

yes yes very good user

Attached: d891r1k-acc9d5bf-0b5a-4c71-8ece-0487461da16e.png (3912x2392, 575K)


>Ay, Tone. Ain’t that dat one kiddie show wit the lemur?
>Deleema? Who the hell’s Deleema, Boss?
>Nah, Tone, the LEMUR. Ring tailed lemur. Dere like little zebra monkeys. It was on that show Gugulethu.
>Oh, d’you mean Sesame Street?
>No I don’t mean Sesame Street, ya moron. If I mean Sesame Street, I’m gunna SAY Sesame Street. I mean the one show with the Lemur and odda animals n what have ya.
>I still don’ know what yer talkin about, Boss.
>Ahhh, ya neva do, Tone.

Attached: 34CB7BFB-1359-42C4-A954-09BE09296046.png (367x450, 208K)

To be a Tom is to suffer. Fuck my shit life.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Attached: KAMILLE IS A MAN'S NAME AND I'M A MAN.gif (250x191, 499K)

would fuck

Id say there’s potential in this boy

Attached: 1539399803137.png (900x849, 589K)

Terrorists also hate sonic OCs.

Attached: 1499783645788.jpg (1024x1406, 163K)

Cool oc guys, but do you have edgy claws powered by dark energy?
Yeah you lose, smell ya later.

Attached: d2wn1i9-fe3a8e86-2a45-43c5-b784-b0cc5ba5bd05.jpg (401x610, 61K)

Like a gothic danny phantom or something

Attached: 197-1972914_beck-the-hedgehog-by-bringlexiithehorizon-beck-the-beck.jpg (840x1503, 316K)

I like this one. He cute.

My name doesnt yield too many results. But the related shit is like an elementary school art show.


Me and my mech

Attached: Capture.png (596x461, 139K)

I'll always be proud that my name is associated with THE Tyler the Hedgehog

Attached: 1452982550557.png (900x1019, 853K)

absolute unit

It's a real name, I'm white south African


I like this one.
Actually looks like a hedgehog too.

My name links to cross dressing pokemon trainer fan fiction though. No hedgehegs yet.

>dislikes: eggs, cooties and african americans

Attached: name-steve-the-hedgehog-age-14-superpowers-can-go-fast-19307114.png (500x347, 66K)

The Beatles wrote a song about your name

Took me a second, genuine chuckle

Is NO-ONE gonna mention the bulge?? The human race doesn’t have boxers big enough for that fucker.

Attached: 24301900-35AE-40EE-93F0-A14384537B76.jpg (1057x1203, 484K)

>another Elijah

>The only "hyper" ability this manlet has is hypertension

Attached: grin.png (327x316, 208K)

i had a lot of options

Attached: your name the hedgehog.png (975x1508, 166K)

It's the one red eye that kills me.

Attached: Allen-The-Hedgehog-sonic-fan-characters-29950321-640-480.png (640x480, 19K)

Wait, is that a double dick?

I found this one a while back, apparently there's a whole story for him.

Attached: a_mobian_s_tale___ken_the_hedgehog_by_cucumba1_d7tbjiz-fullview.jpg (1024x566, 89K)

>Never had one because of spelling
>Always made fun of people in these threads until someone drew me one

Attached: 1420855741843.png (1800x1000, 224K)

No. It’s the testicles.

Is that Arin Hanson?

Luv goin fast
Luv me pipes
'Ate the english
Simple as

Attached: d38yogd-99b4fa4d-7d1d-4cb8-9204-0fb9fb6abb71.jpg (650x934, 353K)

No fucks asked; no fucks given.

Ok, Fair.

Attached: d354d507e4d112f075f097787f872ed21c13659cr1-1862-2048v2_hq.jpg (931x1024, 63K)

I wish to be the little girl

Attached: jose_the_hedgehog_by_mobius5.png (900x666, 148K)

I know, I was just clarifying my ethnicity and pointing out that I am not exactly Arabic or Middle-Eastern, just North African. Because my name pretty much screams out Arab alarm bells basically.

Attached: Berber people map.jpg (2603x2473, 316K)

>likes: videogames
>dislikes: african americans
What a guy, absolutely based

holy shit fellow Tyler here
are we the new Chads?

Oh and yeah, I forgot to mention in this post I am Libyan-Berber.

God damnit, I hate this shitty fandom so much. I also wear those types of pants at home, they're comfy as fuck, it's creepy to a certain extent


I have a ridiculously common name, so I just chose one that we haven't really seen in these threads yet.

Attached: michael.png (768x1024, 553K)

That's giving him too much credit

Fuck me

Attached: downloadfile-1.jpg (900x1165, 76K)

Attached: william the hedgehog.jpg (751x1063, 81K)

Attached: Cf9Pc0lUMAM64vU.jpg (724x1024, 81K)

hey, that one's kinda cute

>No one deserves to live like grand sister did

Attached: 1495825287902.png (200x203, 98K)


Attached: __roman_the_hedgehog___by_blazecat713_dbwd86r-pre.png (673x1187, 263K)


I win

Attached: 7859DDF4-16FE-4204-9313-C90AF4D132B0.jpg (668x459, 57K)


>Grand Sister

daaaaaang, that one's pretty cool
>Fan and Official Sonic Girl Super Arms Project
wait, so there's more of these? There's a series of these?

And that’s not even his final form!

Here he is with his girlfriend Purity

Attached: B6B4B2FA-44C8-4328-BB04-ADF7F2E959A8.png (985x996, 1.89M)

You win

And his bloodlust form (after super Kevin form of course)

Attached: 16189CFF-3069-4E35-9E41-A9B90EB9686E.png (1280x2049, 631K)

I'm thinking he's based

Attached: 9bdb30208798e93305a778beb7556160227d760fr1-320-320_00.gif (320x320, 2.23M)

>the hedgehog
>dat cleavage
she’s getting KNUXED

Cuck Cuck it's Cuckles

I might be high rank in this.

Attached: jerry_the_hedgehog_demon_by_lordghosts-dcm8wn3.png (1024x1092, 437K)


Alright where are the hedgehog titties?


Attached: file.png (690x690, 290K)


Attached: bc704846c33a0296424e371a64a9341a.png (800x640, 194K)

>Shares my hair colour and eye colour
Not even posting it. Fuck hedgehogs and fuck furfags.

He has a very particular set of skills.

In what country

It's from a character dress up flash game

High-Test as fuck, Cammy.

Now do it with ponies.


Attached: d93oyy7-4d4ade4c-06da-4e2d-9e47-7fb4b27857a6.png (295x504, 166K)

Really makes you think what happened in 2012.

He must be from some african shithole

>cleetus the hedgehog


Attached: lolwut.jpg (411x471, 41K)

Jose is NOT a girls name.

Attached: jose_the_hedgehog_by_mobius5_d2bb4tw-fullview.jpg (900x667, 64K)

lol spic


Shut up.

>Aidan the Hedgehog
thanks I hate it

Attached: edgy bandana.jpg (640x480, 42K)

>being a beaner in 2019
lmao'ing @ ur life rn

the fuck is wrong with sonic fans?
why has a pretty inoffensive platforming game from the 90's spawned such terrifying things?

why is mine a slut.

Attached: d21zs7t-5b007645-18bd-4ec2-a68a-f775f0d27e79.png (800x600, 383K)

Thats a great hedgehog.

I actually got a few saved, lets see

Attached: 4523d3_6649064.jpg (2500x1767, 2.32M)

>tits or gtfo
Do you niggers not know the actual origin and original usage of that phrase? Do you realize you look like newfags right now?

Attached: BACK TO NORMIEVILLE.jpg (902x677, 68K)

Some canon guys are turned girls as well

Attached: 499ce1_6649064.jpg (2500x1767, 1.62M)

yes, it's Emanuel, not Emmanuel. Father wanted to name me Manuel, mother had an obsession with names starting with E, shit happens

Attached: emanuel.png (261x416, 30K)

Should I post more?

Attached: b4cee7_6649064.jpg (2500x1607, 1.91M)

damn user let me fuck you please

Most of theme were Elliot Roger memes but...

Attached: deviant_universe___elliot_the_hedgehog_by_somepkmn_lovingdude_d9mzgg0-fullview.jpg (1024x1555, 235K)

his eyelids are just painted user

I'm glad somebody said it. What I wouldn't fucking give to lynch everyone who started posting here after ~2012.

holy hell that's cool
That aesthetic just rocks

Attached: 1552995723357.jpg (780x523, 277K)

>weak to love

yes please, post all you got

Attached: 17 happy.png (600x600, 153K)

Here is my favorite then

Attached: e00bea_6649064.jpg (2500x1767, 1.52M)

If I wasn't previously certain that the Sonic fanbase wasn't the most disgusting in the world, I am now.

Attached: joshthehedgehog.jpg (712x392, 54K)

Attached: dbd0d8_6649064.jpg (2500x1767, 1.46M)

Wait, wait.
How can you aim not one but four guns like that?

>tfw unisex name

Attached: casey the hedgehog.png (480x640, 19K)

he cut off the last letters for some reason

Attached: 1560256145540.jpg (1024x1387, 145K)

I don't thing aim or practicality is really though out with this

Attached: Collection+of+dumb+sonic+ocs_b37a98_6649064.jpg (1200x849, 126K)

>Goes from Stone Cold Steve Austin to twink faggot
The fuck happened in 2012

I got hard at like-likes as a kid too but this shits weird

Based. Fuck beta orbiting spunkheads.

Attached: Collection_fdc2e0_6649064.jpg (1200x848, 235K)

Devin is a unisex name

Lil hedgehog fella

Attached: 6DC9766F-AE9F-4BE4-AF6B-BD425F105CBE.jpg (360x480, 79K)

Attached: untitled_drawing_by_sparkythehedgehog101-d6f4yv0.png (1336x597, 115K)

I'd fuck OPs hedgehog.

But there are no women on the internet.
These people are claiming to be women by clearly posting their names as being female.
Therefore I am challenging them to reveal their tits or GTFO.

Attention-seeking comes in more forms than just saying "I am a woman", it comes in subtly saying that they are women.

Attached: Combat Priest.jpg (432x295, 25K)


Attached: f40.png (900x563, 152K)

The Chad Jose
The Virgin "Jose"

Is that an axe made of swords?

Could be a language thing, Angelo is definitely a guys name

I think a maul or mace really with a bunch of swords

Attached: Collection_958a1e_6649064.jpg (1200x849, 170K)

Attached: Collection_a767e0_6649064.jpg (1200x848, 174K)

Attached: 088477_6649064.jpg (2500x1767, 1.06M)

I like how this one isn't some super special OC but just Espio in a gun dress.

me on the right

There are a few I got that is just Males turned into females with weapons that make no fucking sense but look awesomely dumb

Attached: 503e3e_6649064.jpg (2500x1767, 1.6M)


Attached: omar_kaizo_the_hedgehog_by_omarkaizothehedgehog-dcgb2qu.jpg (248x350, 13K)

>/k/ screeching in the distance

Attached: holy shit this bio.png (793x2946, 215K)

Attached: 140938_6649064.jpg (2500x1767, 1.29M)

>Shadow can be heard breathing heavily in the distance.

>loli Chaos 0 in a swimsuit
I would and wouldn't even feel ashamed afterwards.

Eh I expected much worse

Attached: contest_meg_the_hedgehog_channel_by_domestic_hedgehog_d6c4zd6-pre.png (999x800, 564K)

Post it there.

>Not the fact her hair is cyborgized

Attached: 29bd3e_6649064.jpg (2500x1607, 1.97M)

That's actually how she is in the comic.

There are women on the internet.

They're still doing what the thread is about, i honestly don't care whether it's some tranny seeking affirmation, an actual woman hungry for attention, or neither. Why do you?

Really? I don't know anything about the comics, but even then... WTF?

Attached: 682c74_6649064.jpg (3000x2120, 1.59M)



Unfortunately, you can.

Attached: Jarno_the_hedgehog.jpg (640x479, 36K)

>Bio is actually first issue of thomaschu the hedgegg

Wait how the fuck that bike works

I got a few more, But I doubt I got all of them.

Attached: Collection_ab0d15_6649064.jpg (1200x848, 130K)

he lost his finger in the final battel against shadow pls stop pming me asking me why thats why


Penders' era was a fucking trip man

Attached: Jullie-Su_bisaui289.jpg (1201x1989, 1.16M)

So, are they quills or flesh tentacles?

Attached: 679541_6649064.jpg (3000x2120, 2.01M)

That's all a part of the mystery.

So, i got 29 of these in total and not keeping count

Attached: 0f65f7_6649064.jpg (2500x1767, 1.48M)

Attached: Collection_047698_6649064.jpg (1200x848, 128K)

Whole collection (part one at least) is here:

Attached: d4xa9vc-d07c080c-50ce-4cf9-8e2c-7179d9e04f8a.jpg (221x393, 25K)

Attached: bd783b_6649064.jpg (2500x1767, 1.84M)

I want to say penders thought they were flesh but I don't know.
He also turned Knuckles green for a while.

Attached: ChaosKnuckles01.png (476x359, 385K)

Well, Guess I don't need to post these anymore if everyone has them now

Attached: 909e92_6649064.jpg (2500x1767, 1.7M)

here are the others

Attached: other hedgehogs.png (2308x3008, 2.85M)

with all these girl names someone has to ask for tits for confirmation

Well dumping them is still always nice.

fucking beautiful

Attached: da6dby0-1cb8e96a-6033-4d3a-abf5-a596d2407ed2.png (873x652, 32K)

True ENough

Attached: 628794_6649064.jpg (2500x1767, 1.73M)

Attached: james___bio__by_jamesdahedgehog-d3feuqr.png (844x619, 66K)

>likes anime &girls with big tits
>dislikes guys with no honor like snipers
i can respect him, even if his favorite color is green


Attached: d23revv-8b9dc837-9ae5-4e8c-8df0-a2f6cb9dfab9.png (660x568, 23K)


Not even the humans are safe

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject__mariarobotnik_designtest__by_skyshek_d92cjc2-pre.jpg (1063x751, 89K)

Well, this is a different result from when I did this a few years back.

Attached: d04.jpg (680x680, 59K)

Oh god, They hit everyone!

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject__shadow_female_designtest__by_skyshek_d91sf4s-pre.jpg (1063x751, 99K)

>Eggman thinks he can fool people with this

naw, i've met tons of angel's who were guys and not a single Fem-angle outside a club

Sorry Carl

One edgy twink

damnit Jeremiah be a little more clear next time

So from what I'm gathering in this thread.
Female Sonic OC's are generally better made than male Sonic OC's. Artists seem to do a better job at making cute hedgehog girls, and a lot of them are actually on model or close enough to it. A good chunk of them are also better written, liking typical and believable girl things like baking, going to the mall, and sucking cock. Unlike males which tend to be "LIKES: DARKNESS, LINKIN PARK, DEATH. HATES: THE GOVERNMENT, HIS DAD, HIMSELF", and abilities tend to be more subdued as well.
>Yo this girl can move kinda fast also she talks to animals or something and is a good cook

It rabbit hole just gets deeper

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject__milestails_female_designt__by_skyshek_d91xm8h-pre.jpg (1063x751, 101K)

Forgot pic

Attached: F7DEDD3E-BC89-482A-A5B8-83664933CBFC.jpg (900x1409, 135K)


Attached: tumblr_inline_ppolfwM8gS1qglk3d_500[1].png (250x233, 41K)

Someone make this for TF2

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject___jay_designtest__by_skyshek_d9l06bj-pre.jpg (1063x751, 61K)

Why is she crying though?

Attached: 62A777A4-DCCE-475C-AF3B-43B5D5997723.jpg (1095x730, 99K)

Wait, that shit is hair?
I always assumed Knuckles and the rest of his emarood loving lot just had weird head tail things like a Twi'lek.

Why did you do 9/11, user?

This is the most normal of the bunch

they're all from the same person and it's not even a rare name

Attached: d4dlxnz-2c388f96-4e2f-4091-b3b0-170d9200160e.jpg (432x947, 55K)

Dan the hedgehog is rad as fug

Attached: dan_the_hedgehog_sa_style_by_sonicguru-d3e4s64.png (900x1177, 370K)

Attached: ocsonicsuperarmsproject__alix_the_wolf_designtest__by_skyshek_d907eku-pre.jpg (1063x751, 109K)

is that the stock syringe gun from tf2?


Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject__bonnie_designtest__by_skyshek_d9dz77s-pre.jpg (1063x751, 105K)

Sorry Carl
Don't drink your sorrows away, confront them head on

I should read up on the lore on why the fuck everyone is a girl when the only thing I read before grabbing these was Zombie Apocolypse...

God help me if I find Eggman

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject__knucklestheechidna_designte_by_skyshek_d9h3sbm-pre.jpg (1063x751, 90K)


Attached: Mathias_the_crystal_dreamer.jpg (638x876, 163K)

was just about to post this. 14 years and still going leochads

Attached: crystalookamiwolf-1999-to-2013-leo-the-hedgehog.png (1274x144, 273K)

I’m sorry, Carl

Attached: A6F3CD0D-4BC5-4E59-9ED5-616FA1F33BFF.png (287x343, 107K)

Imagine drawing for 14 years and still not getting better

he peaked in 2004

Attached: 76b907263f4869f654372e0bff475672bcb1c015_hq.jpg (979x816, 59K)

From: story begins:
An unknown weapon was killing everyone on the animal's world and earth.
A virus has simultaneously revives the undead Mobians into zombies.
This looks like the end of the world.

On earth. the old computer and old "return to the animals' world" machine (Sonic X episode 53-54) Chris’ laboratory transported a mini teleporter, and an S.O.S. to past in Sonic’s world.
(The reason this happens is because a year on Chris' world is only a month on Sonic.)

Sonic and his friends received the message and decided to look for answers in the future.
However, once the male Mobians arrived at their destination they find themselves turned into females.
Without the help of the Chaos Emeralds and Golden Rings, Sonic and his friends, along with their new feminine bodies won't be able to fight...

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject_scourge_designtest__by_skyshek_d9q3yrq-pre.jpg (1063x751, 97K)

This is the only sonic-related thing that shows up so I guess it'll do.

Attached: il_794xN.1704249176_h3vg.jpg (794x447, 16K)

you’re dumb as a brick m8

>Purple is my favorite color

This is awful
Why would they do this

Attached: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f (504x720, 45K)

I’d say it’s better, just not like, good

Every Axel is a faggot this is common knowledge

my hog is very cute! even as a baby!!!

Attached: 7e2320ad4d6b3d872fda3dad2fd47b92b11fe7e1r1-1150-1329v2_hq.jpg (886x1024, 71K)

Time to stop shortly so you guys can post your sonic names

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject__lovetheangel_designtest__by_skyshek_d9w9thk-pre.jpg (1063x751, 114K)

Is your name just “thimble” or some shit?

Just because Axel Rose was a faggot doesnt mean you can judge meeee

faggy name faggy hedgehog

Attached: 508147D0-63FD-4726-912D-D285B82A96A7.jpg (366x210, 23K)

>There exists several of them with the same name
Fuck that shit.

Dare I say, Based.

Attached: drew_the_hedgehog_jumping_over_criminils_by_drewwinkletouch_d5fzt19.png (284x320, 238K)

Garrett went so far as to make a custom figure. Respect.

Attached: 1550730080814.jpg (571x847, 118K)


Attached: quentinthehedgehog.gif (400x361, 159K)

ok listen

Attached: hedgehog.jpg (128x128, 4K)

Cool if you ask me.

Attached: s17-us2_startpage_com_2019-09-06_16-46-56.png (514x663, 261K)

>dante james alastor

God it never ends. I have a young cousin who was in his teens a few years ago and went through an edgy phase and wanted to use the screen name Dark Angel and he thought he was being 100% original.

truly incredible

Bob the Hedgehog

Attached: u3WYwzMPSGPw-ERtlYZ2WDALNmg2LwCTSyxyEA7g6G8.jpg (900x600, 38K)

Explain to me, in a way that makes sense, how the sonic fandom is so fucking large and A U T I S T I C as hell?

Attached: 6217763.jpg (996x1620, 160K)


Here is Vidya

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject_kuroi_designtest__by_skyshek_d9j2jgd-pre.jpg (1063x751, 85K)

Absolutely based

Don't you have feet to lick?

>gamecube joystick

Attached: 1567443183007.png (965x810, 1.37M)

Attached: hV8mpOo.png (1024x591, 304K)

Sonic's endless friends. You can see it with other series with a lot of characters as well.

fuck you i used duckduckgo

Attached: ethan the hedgehog.png (809x988, 559K)

Fuck me sideways.

Attached: d647dw2-247972ea-b0e7-4be3-b9ce-f2623b324f1f.jpg (202x250, 9K)

Sonic is designed to appeal to kids and preteens. All of the characters are ‘above’ normal people (too cool, too smart, too strong, too hot, two tails). Plus they’re special by being animal people in a world of humans. So it’s a chuuni fantasy thing, which is why they’re all peacocking to be the coolest thing since sliced edge too.

>4 Bayonettes

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject__aquathehedgehog_designtest__by_skyshek_d9xtpwl-pre.jpg (1063x751, 94K)

You fuck yourself rightly
only /k/ will get this joke

>stab 4 niggas once

this is humiliating

Attached: pervy_ethan_by_zikushimo-d4a7kpr.png (335x335, 122K)


Attached: Simon_the_Hedgehog.jpg (337x635, 57K)

If these Sonic Arms projects were like OCs and not fucking Sonic I'd actually be donating to the artists. I'm not kidding, some of these designs are cool as fuck.

Got a chuckle out of me

It’s literally just RWBY The Hedgehog.

I had a good kek with the puppets holding the guns.

I wish i could be a trashy party girl ;(


Here is Sonic...

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject__werehog_female_designtest__by_skyshek_d9sxnqj-pre.jpg (1063x751, 86K)

Nani?! “Her” breasts are just clumps of popcorn...

Or well, 2 different sonics

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject__sonic_female_designtest__by_skyshek_d9xomsk-pre.jpg (1063x751, 114K)

that's just crash bandicoot

Attached: E33EDAAA-7095-4812-B3C5-3D59DDB9F2FD.jpg (750x489, 43K)

Why does it have to be so androgynous?

Attached: kenneth_the_hedgehog_by_ashegfan245-dbk2pbv.jpg (803x994, 101K)

That's actually pretty cool.

So, In counting for all of these of girls + weapons...

There is 101 of them.
I'm making a Roll your Sonic-Girl with this later.

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject_clawdia_the_c_r_a_b_designte_by_skyshek_d9ej6yu-pre.jpg (1063x751, 82K)

I wish I got that by googling "Matthew the Hedgehog"

Attached: d6ut1s1-3716af09-1bdf-49e6-95c3-bda81d0e9020.png (1292x2024, 113K)

somehow less awful than i expected

Attached: d2rwysi-658aa2d2-9b5a-4885-98e8-06829802f61f.jpg (850x1117, 89K)

do it

Gonna take a while, but alright.

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject__stormthealbatrossfemale_by_skyshek_d9vf3ls-pre.jpg (1063x751, 99K)

Shadow has a gun to what’s ur point

In case you haven't noticed yet, most sonic fans are fags

You only think he's cute because you read him in Puss N' Boots' voice, admit it.

Name was Elias btw.

At least i'm not a depressed emo

Attached: carsonthehedgehog.png (1288x482, 927K)

Absolutely fucking based

And I’m only getting Started

Attached: 25A4A16A-6975-4954-A4D5-169D6CC10F17.jpg (351x512, 38K)

Oh fuck this is my name

Attached: 213213213124343254236.png (500x611, 180K)

Attached: Ask the Sonic Totem.jpg (1400x696, 142K)

She works better as a dog

Attached: 2789038_ikigaikuu_7-21-2019_maria_doggo.png (2058x2940, 3.82M)

>but my father was Ivan the Vamphog
this had me wheezing

this is what street life does to you (and clients with horsecock sized dongs)

>the fucking Gurrenn Lagann glasses

are you tried?


Truly a rival for Coldsteel

Attached: methehedgehog.jpg (900x507, 91K)

God damn i wanna plow that hedgehog ass

Attached: gio_the_hedgiewolf_by_devil_the_hedgehog_d30izju-fullview.jpg (406x716, 42K)

This is it. The google your hedgehog game is over. He won.

I got an actual hedgehog

Attached: norman-cute-hedgehog-brett-jessie-coverimage.jpg (1000x607, 140K)

luck 100

Oh god

Attached: 56545654565645.png (900x1187, 254K)

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject__tamashi_designtest__by_skyshek_dabxe38-pre.jpg (1063x751, 93K)

you'll never see it coming

Why does he have a dick on his forehead?

I'd take this hedgehog out to dinner desu

I know that
>looking for Sonic art on DA
is in full effect here, but it really pisses me off when I'm trying to find something Sonic-related on DA, and 80% of the search results are fankids or Sonicsonas. Why does DA moderation allow this? If I look up Sonic or any other character on DA, I want that character, not their "children" or characters that look like them.

I thought I'd be safe from this

Attached: Miguel the Hedgehog.jpg (574x440, 66K)

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject__aozora__designtest__by_skyshek_da8tpca-pre.jpg (1063x751, 99K)

Maybe they're a big Dipsy fan?

Attached: 525366-dipsy-Primary-1200Wx1200H.png (1200x1200, 277K)

Welp, that's a new fetish for me.

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject__blaze_the_cat_designtest__by_skyshek_d90p5hy-pre.jpg (1063x751, 101K)

Wow this thread is full of sluts

Our name has been tarnished

Attached: 1567384100563.jpg (491x487, 28K)

>i honestly don't care whether it's some tranny seeking affirmation, an actual woman hungry for attention, or neither. Why do you?
Because trannies are a scourge to this planet.

Attached: Witcher 3 Tranny quest.png (1322x406, 123K)

Attached: 59693C5A-A2E9-4EF0-946A-63195ABB1896.jpg (900x563, 66K)

Is this supposed to be funny? Fucking hell Yea Forumss standards are low,wn
I want to see this

Attached: sonicsuperarmsproject_amy_rose_designtest__by_skyshek_d8cyqbr-pre.jpg (1063x751, 93K)


Is she interested in me?

lucky bastard