
We got trial battles son.

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are they like SMT4 puzzle battles?

My what?

>hee homeboy

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>makoto just can't stop showing off her ass

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god i want them to step on me

fuck this post was to

>hee homeboy

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>her homeboy

I have to wait till 2020 for this shit?
Fuck Altus USA

>hee homeboy
Please don't let that be an edit.

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>they got rid of Phantom
It's garbage.

>hee homeboy
did whoever wrote this just had a fucking stroke?

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i'd certainly level 69 the twins if you know what i mean

so smt4's VR battles? neat

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Why did they make these little girls so sexual?

Did you niggers never play Digital Devil Saga 2?

They aren't, you're just projecting your pedo shit on them.

Neat. Have they confirmed you get anything out of owning the original Persona 5 compared to Royal? I'm not expecting a save transfer or anything but at least a little gift or small item/acknowledgement.

>Expecting Personafags to have played SMT games

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I want to sniff the twins AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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just DLC costumes and stuff being transferable at 10 cents each

>hee homeboy


cute and funny twin feetsies

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Mega loli

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Cute and funny!
And funny!

kill yourself pedo

>persona niggers

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kill yourself pedophob

me too but they have to be 20x taller than me
