>Open steam store on friend's laptop
>Scroll down to check new releases
>Totalbiscuit still front page suggested curator
>Latest review: January 24, 2018
What's the point? He'll never review another game again.
>Open steam store on friend's laptop
>Scroll down to check new releases
>Totalbiscuit still front page suggested curator
>Latest review: January 24, 2018
What's the point? He'll never review another game again.
Other urls found in this thread:
Because you can still buy games that he has reviewed????
>dude, he's dead, so all his reviews are null and void now
That dude hasn't done a WTF is...? in ages! What a fucking lazy bum. We should track him down and pester him.
>buy games
imagine still doing this when you can get everything for free
>buying games
>buying games based off of someone elses recommendation
his let's play of terraria with jesse was top tier.
>He'll never review another game again
Fuck buying games, therefore, can someone buy me tekken 7 ultimate?
here you go user
I miss him, he didn't deserve to die
>Totalbiscuit died on my birthday
I dunno how to feel about it
>hundreds of other curators
>all still active
>with a couple dozen having the same review style and taste in vidya
>fuck them lets put this dead guy on the front page so people listen to his outdated reviews
>maybe well even get virtue points on the way
>died before he could make a killing from cashing in on WoW nostalgia
Billions of people have died on your birthday over the course of human history. You'll die on someone's birthday soon.
That dead guy is still the number one most followed curator on Steam. I think that shows how little people care about the curator system more than anything else.
why is there no one to fill his shoes yet?
I love that Yea Forums is still bitter about a dude who isn't even alive anymore
at least someone else is there to fill his wife
>taking game advice from someone who couldn't even get past level 33 of life
Like him or not, his willingness to burn bridges because of cancer coupled with a shit temper because of chemo was top tier for internet drama. I still remember the day he somehow ruined Christmas by retweeting a charity event ran by faggots making them cancel it because they were absolute retards. Absolutely based.
everyone knows the pain of accidentally overwriting their save in an unwinnable situation
wow this is fricking epic! Haha I love rick and morty nothing matters bro
YongYea is kinda like a non-cunt totalbiscuit
Yongyear just regurgitates the frontpage of /r/games. He's better at voice acting than I thought he would be though.
By the end of his career he could barely fill his own shoes.
He didn't know what to "review"(ACKSHUALLY IT'S FIRST IMPRESSIONS), because he boycotted some big publishers, the PC AAA industry was stale and predictable, and indies were flooding the market with 6.5/10 games.
He had no clue what to focus on near the end, and honestly if I reviewed games today I wouldn't know whether to aim for "Zombie Pixels: Apocalypse" or rather the new Call of Duty. Both plans seem pretty awful for both my viewership and my sanity.
yeah let me just listen to this guy regurgitate what he said in previous videos for the first half of the video, give new info that takes 60 seconds to convey and then regurgitate the same opinion he made from previous video but slightly more positive/negative based on the context for the second half of the video.
This. He's basically a chink version of the Quarry King.
>open itunes
>scroll down to popular, it's Michael Jackson again
Fuck these niggers for shilling dead people to me.
Don't worry user. Some day we will have the technology to feed all his WTFs and reviews and streams into a neural network and rebuild him!
>actually comparing music to video game reviews
Because his name is worth a lot of money? Fucking fanboy
this probably isn't so far off. The reviews would be nonsense though
some diehard fan please make a mockup video of TB reviewing WoW Classic using lines from his other videos.
>Playing KOTOR on release
>Only one save
>Carth glitch
>e-celeb horse shit again
fuck off with this cancer thread