2006 or 2017?

2006 or 2017?

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The only thing these two game share is a name

honestly is there any reason to replay this if my first playthrough i abstained from using psi powers?

both are different and both are worth a play

06. Love the sphincter doors


Is Prey '17 basically a Dishonored in space without any new stuff?

I played completely through 2006 twice back to back and it was great.
2017 had me bored shortly after the prologue

why would people say 06?

at the time it was just a quake 4 clone with some interesting tech (was doing portals before portal) but without any of the game design to flesh it out.
when I think of B games I think of prey 06. bargain bin stuff.

nu-prey was the best immersive sim since system shock 2

>nu-prey was the best immersive sim since system shock 2

That's not saying much since SS2 was literally unfinished.

because in 06 was some impressive mechanics like portals, gravity, legal god mode and impressive storyline mixing fantasy, biopunk and sci-fi. Last 1\4 of the game was boring through

>Prey 06 was removed from Steam
>still up on Xbox Store

has, not was

Deus Ex 2 is better than nuPreyu

both are good games. I'd pay 20 bucks for a prey 2006 remaster

how much would I like this game if I think SS2 is a 7/10

Prey 2006 still looks alright maxed out because of the lighting and weapons are cool, but the enemies are incredibly boring to fight and you get health packs every other coridor. Not beibg able to 'die' sucks but it's part of the 'story', at least the Art Bell radio stations are great. Haven't played 2017 but I'm sure it's better than slow 7th gen corridor shooter #500.

>Last 1\4 of the game was boring through
The one where MC goes legit fucking nuclear?
It was really cool both aesthetically and thematically.

Much better. Weapon degradation is optional and enemy respawn is linked to story progression instead of happening all the time.

Petition to rebrand and rerelease as Neuroshock where?

have sex

how's the story?

>enemy respawn is linked to story progression
No, they still respawn in fixed places in some locations.


2006 was more competent at what it did.
2017 is an ultra-stripped down, casualised "immersive sim" with a pretty shitty story

It climaxes in the first 30 minutes and dwindles from there.

I like games like 2017 better, but i did enjoy 2006 quite a bit. Its just that 2017 came out of nowhere, with less than positive expectations and gave us a system shock sequel I didn't know I wanted. And it was so goddamn good, jesus shit.
The only real complaint I have are the loading times, I don't know why they affected my PC in particular but they were fucking atrocious. If it weren't for that, or if I had the SSD space to spare, I'd probably reinstall and leave it there just for mooncrash.
s for 2007, I love me some straight up FPS with weird shit, and it looked fantastic, it really was worth the 8 year wait. They could have done more with that formula instead of the stuff they had planned for Prey 2, but I guess that's neither here nor there.
tl;dr: I like both, but arkane style immersive sims are my jam, so I prefer 2017. I wish they hadn't been retarded about the naming and I could have both installed at the same time.

eh, ok. maybe on a sale then

>prey 2006
>prey 2017


Yes, because doing a second playthough with only psi will give you a whole new perspective on the puzzles since your options are drastically different without hacking, strength etc. Morph becomes the way to go in tiny holes, and combat changes a lot because you no longer have the overpowered slowmo

I bought Prey 2006 off G2A a few months a go and it's Steam folder was called Prey 2006, should be able to have them both installed at the same time now. Or just pirate it and change the install folder name.


I have the disc version somewhere, I'll see if I can get both installed.

this one where puzzles became very annoying and where you should fly in big spaces