Smash Headcanon thread

Banjo, Sans, and Terry edition

>Banjo is an overly polite southerner who everyone takes a liking to
>Kazooie constantly breaks the fourth wall and talks about the licensing deal that had to go through to get them here
>The mii that wears the Sans outfit is an annoying meme spammer that everyone hates except the Inklings
>Terry is currently on his way to the Smash mansion. Ryu and Ken are overjoyed to fight him again since it's the first time since Capcom vs SNK. They've been seen training more often than usual.

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If Sans counts as a character, do the other Mii costumes count?

Yeah, people have posted about Dunban mii before.

The miis all live in the basement of the Smash mansion though and do all the housework.

The Ice Climbers are incestuous twins, because of this, Corrin is their best friend in the mansion.

>the Sans Mii actually is Sans
>he's just so lazy he couldn't be bothered to think up an original moveset

>The Ice Climbers are incestuous twins,

It started as sleeping naked together in the sleeping bag to conserve body heat, but then one night Little Popo accidentally slipped inside...

Peach enjoys Young Link's company
>always walks with him
>asks him to join her for tea
>makes him cakes
>when he gets sad about his mother, Peach does her best to comfort him in a motherly way
>whenever Bowser is around them, Young Link is always ready to protect Peach
>Mario has taken a mentor, near fatherly role for Young Link
Banjo is liked by almost everyone on the roster
>obvious history with the DK Crew and K. Rool
>all the N64 originals (including Young Link) are happy to have him back
>the newer characters have acquainted themselves well with Banjo
>the only ones Banjo doesn't like and vice-versa are Ganondorf, Ridley, and Bayonetta

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Why are these threads allowed?

Inklings quietly despise Banjo because, while they are rambuctious wannabe '90s kids, Banjo is very mild-mannered and a genuine product of 1990s culture.

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Meta Knight hates most of the cast for their loud bombastic nature and only participates to put everyone in their place

Dedede borb posts on Yea Forums

>Sans was invited
>didn't care and didn't show up
>just mailed the place a costume based on him so someone else could handle it

For some reason Ganondorf really can't stand Erdrick. Something about him just rubs Ganondorf the wrong way but he can't quite put his finger on it.

Daisy constantly hits on on the men in the cast, and fails.

Everyone in this roster (aka the roster for Smash 6) lives in the same house.

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Kazooie keeps asking if Ridley is single

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>best roster ever
>no sneed

>huge wings

I can see it.

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Sans' Inclusion
>Sans was offered a position as an actual fighter
>declined, opted for his likeness to be used for a Mii Costume
>however, Sans is allowed to stay in another mansion, for the characters who have Mii Costumes but aren't playable
Terry's Arrival
>when a new fighter joins the roster, they are introduced to the rest of the cast by Master Hand
>upon introducing Terry, the only ones to recognize him were the older fighters as well as Ryu and Ken
>the female fighters have taken a liking to Terry, but for different reasons
>although he's not able to participate until November, Terry is allowed to stay at the Smash Mansion
>he and Ken have been slowly counting down the days until they can fight again

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Where did Smash Mansion come from? It's the most autistic headcanon ever.

Kazooie constantly hits on Falco. But Falco is in a "secret" three way relationship with Fox and Wolf. I say "secret" with quote marks because everyone knows about it but doesn't say anything because they think it's funny to hear the excuses the three of them come up with to leave at the same time, they genuinely think nobody suspects a thing. Which is also why nobody let Kazooie in on it when she and Banjo arrived, they think it's funny seeing her get shot down constantly.

it's not a headcanon anymore user

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I don't know, it's been around forever.
Why do you care so much?

Does anybody even know what gender Ridley is?

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You people are absolutely psychotic. Please kill yourself immediately

>disney knockoff stage
Does this mean that Buzz is in?

I guess it's the idea that the Smashers are all one big family.
But yeah I prefer the idea that everyone has grouped up and is living in separate buildings that are all within walking distance of each other, maybe all on the same street.

>"Ryu dude, you will never guess who from SNK is coming!"
>"Uhh... Nakoruru?"
>"Hm... Marco!"
>"It's Terry, dude. Terry."
>"Oh... THAT guy. OK I guess..."

Ken and Terry are aware they look very similar and crack jokes about being siblings all the time.

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Because it lends itself to some really shitty fanfics.
It keeps happening. I go on to look for some Smash fanfics to kill time, and so many of them are this stupid reality show thing that I can't take seriously.
The longest work of literature in human history takes place in Smash Mansion.


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Gonna drop some serious truth bombs

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>Ridley turns her down
>"I don't date outside my species. I'm a monster, not a degenerate."
>Kazooie goes to ask Humba a favor

>The longest work of literature in human history takes place in Smash Mansion.

I refuse to believe there is even an ounce of truth to this.

I thought Sans was Steven after not surviving

Look up Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest.

If we ever need proof smash fans are definitely on the spectrum, smash head cannon threads is that proof.

not videogames, kys autists

Here on Yea Forums, those of us who AREN'T on the spectrum are the weird ones.
I can honestly say I feel more and more like I'm surrounded by retards every day.
I have my own mental issues though, so I'm not quite one to talk.

My god, the levels of undiluted autism are beyond Alpha Centauri, Jesus Christ.

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Steven is alt universe Ness, his universe eventually converges with Ness' Dark Timeline

>implying Bayonetta doesn't find Banjo adorable but Banjo's suspicious of her because he hates witches.

>"You want to be a dragon, right?"
>"No, I want to kill Samus"

>all the tourists seething itt

I dont think Banjo is capable of hating anything. He might be wary when she says she's a witch, but Bayonetta wouldn't have to do much to convince him she's okay.

Are you Sans?

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Because it's a containment thread, otherwise these comments would be shitting up genuine discussion

Every Monday night is a talent show.
Sans performs ventriloquist acts with his gaster blaster arm canon.
Sonic cosplays as Shadow and acts extra edgy.
Mario, always the many of many talents, has his clown get-up at the ready to amuse the crowd.
Simon and Belmont try to get the crowd to join in on singing gospel songs.
The Links jiggle each other’s bombs and shoot them in the air with their arrows.
Donkey Kong, King K Rool and Diddy Kong have three way rap battles.
Luigi’s act is doing absolutely nothing.
Joker and Snake act like Statler and Waldorf and heckle the acts.
Ridley is banned after making nothing but 9/11 and dead mother jokes.

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The Miis are the SLAVES in the Smash Mansion actually. They obey the royal residents, the fighters.

Diddy is the pre-evolved form of Diddy.

Are you retarded?

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The Peach, Mario, and Young link family is wholesome, and I like it very much.

How does Link/Zelda react to it?

>Luigi’s act is doing absolutely nothing.

While the mii fighters live in the basement, Matt is contained on the lowest level. He was sealed there by the default mii brawler and swordfighter ages ago in the year 2006 after he was defeated in boxing.

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I would say Young Link respects this Zelda, but he doesn't feel any overt attraction to her because it's not his Zelda. Same for Toon Link. I would say Zelda and BoTW Link are flirtatious but that's as far as it gets.


Roy is sitting on his chair, in his room alone, kinda sad. Relaxing. Looking at the ceiling and wondering "why did I got cut from Brawl?!"... This actually kind of ruined his life and famous life as a Smash Star.

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Fuck off Mat Pat.

Team Rocket has actually snuck their way onto the roster, and are trying to capture all the Pokémon as well as most of the other fantasy animals. And Corrin.

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>we could very possibly see Doomguy, Masterchief, and Samus all in one game

>tries to hit on Bayonetta
>gets thrown into PS:ABR 2 by Master Hand

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Do the other party members of the heroes enter the manor?

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everyone but V is allowed in

I think the XI Party members are allowed to visit from time to time but that's about it.
>Yangus just wants to hang out with The 'Guv again, but Master Hand won't let him in

>The Links jiggle each other’s bombs

Veronica and the DQIII monks have mii costumes.

So, Smash players want an axe user eh....

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characters that are in smash are in the manor. Joker and Eleven's party members are in the game because of spirits, but the others arent.

>Steve gets in
>Nobody likes him


Any interesting Doomguy/Doom Slayer headcanons, Yea Forums?

Let's save those for if/when he gets in.

>The roster members live in a dragonball esque world with new enemies constantly popping up.
>Roster members can be a range from good to bad, each with their own motives.
>Different characters team up for their own quests
Sounds the coolest to me

Angelo is banned due to having too high charisma and the chances of him cucking others are too high.

>Ridley: Did you guys here that Lucas's mom is the fastest reader in the world? its true! On 9/11 she went through 20 stories in 10 seconds. Speaking of fast food, Samus's parents...

Kazooie gives wing jobs behind the mansion to anyone willing

Gamer webcomics. Especially Awkward Zombie.

>tfw you knew Sans would ruin smash
>tfw it's already started

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All of them are shit

>The team rocket grunts keep throwing pokeballs at kirby to try and capture him, wondering why it doesn't work
>Kirby thinks this is just their way of giving him presents

>Anytime Corrin goes Dragonform, she gets pelted by Ultra balls by the Grunts because they think she's some kind of new Legendary
>Yoshi just watches this all happen from a safe distance, sighing loudly. This is because back in Brawl, Red pulled the exact same shit on him when he first joined.

I like the idea that Sans got an invite, but was too lazy so he just made a costume for a Mii to use while he bums around the mansion.

>banjo & kazooie greet everyone in the mansion
>lucas comes into the living quarters with a bedhead and his pajams still on
>sees banjo and thinks it's a chimera
>ultimate chimera ptsd flashbacks kick in
>connects the dots with kazooie being the grown up version of the little birdie on its back
>banjo % kazooie wave at lucas

Please stop

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>everyone calls lucas a crybaby thanks to the memes
>he doesn't get it at all, since he hasn't been a crybaby since pre-timeskip outside of the one time he started tripping on mushrooms
>ness is always thoroughly confused when he remembers that lucas is basically amish

>Since Ridley has already killed Samus's parents, all he does now is petty shit to annoy Samus.

>Banjo isn't even aware he's fighting most of the time. He just thinks its a game.

>Joker, Cloud and all the other RPG characters are huge fans of Hero because they were the pioneers of the genre

How would Lucas deal with new technology?

Kazooie would be staring daggers at the witch and constantly backtalk her.
>”If you want to learn how to be a proper lady, ask your mother.”
>”How about asking your father on how to be more religious?”

Same why he dealt with the happy boxes: being a grumpy fucker and refusing to touch it.

this is the future you chose

>Papyros always sends spaghetti to Sans so gets something good to eat
>Sans gives it to Kirby