What platform will you be buying Deadly Premonition 2 on?

What platform will you be buying Deadly Premonition 2 on?

Attached: timed.png (1198x869, 817K)

Games are meant to be played on ps4.

What did he mean by this

Which ever comes first, so Switch.

PC hopefully for the uncensored shit but ai think I will play it first on PS4.

PC if it come to it, but probably PS4.


Switch obviously. Game is being built up for Switch so no point bothering with PS4/PC since it will just be upscaled. Look at Digimon stories

Um, Nintendo's advertisement told me it was exclusive. Are you saying Nintendo lied?

The first game had a lot of things changed from the original platform release plus the cosmetic dlc. I'm pretty sure the game will have a lot of broken shit at launch.

lmaooooo and these are the types of games ppl bought a ps4 for!

deadly premonition 2 will have to be censored for the PS4 and all pronouns will be removed

PS4. I dont want to play it on switch in 15 fps

they both run at 30.

I'll wait all possible releases to buy 'em later, since Deadly Premonition 1 is literally unplayable on all platforms except X360 and MAYBE the Switch.

>still trying to push the censored meme

The one it launches on. Followed by a PC port pirate, if available.

If it’s anything like the original, all versions will run around 10fps

Switch version of DP1 is the most unplayable.


Might as well watch or rewatch Twin Peaks

whichever one runs the worst

more important, how is the 1st game?

How did Zach age so poorly in just 9 years?

Attached: zach.jpg (1278x1413, 300K)

Imagine buying something on the PS4 when it's available on the PC

>Switch version of DP1 is the most unplayable.
How is that even fucking possible? After all these years there still isn't a good version of it?

I ain't buying shit until I see more information. Ran into 3 separate game-breaking bugs with DP1. The game was fun but I'd be an idiot to buy the sequel without seeing if 2 will be less buggy.

Movies are meant to be played in a DVD player

>official trailer: Nintendo Switch ONLY ("only" in all caps)
>rising star: we are not discussing other platforms
>sony fan site: it's coming to PS4 :DDDDDDD

Attached: EAT_SHIT.jpg (1920x1080, 176K)

>After all these years there still isn't a good version of it?
the bugs add charm

Hmm, you forgot to mention where they said "switch exclusive at launch", wonder why?

it IS switch exclusive at launch
no more heroes 2 was wii exclusive at launch
guess what happened, nobody bought no more heroes on other platforms, so nmh2 never left wii
if DPO shows legs, DP2 is staying switch only, it's common sense

Attached: DP2SwitchONLY.png (1920x1080, 1.14M)

>if a game is successful, they won't want to make even more money!

That logic is stupid considering devs only want to do multiplat now. It's no longer needing to rebuild a game from the ground up, but just moving it over.

so are you saying switchfags wont buy this? bunch of tasteless plebs

correct, if a game is successful on one platform only, they will not bother with other platforms
it's been almost 10 years and RSG still hasn't ported NMH2 to other platforms

You dumb retards said the same about travis. When the hd collection of nmh goes to everything what will you say?

>if a game is successful on one platform only, they will not bother with other platforms
Holy kek

Ps4 if it comes and the game looks interesting. I doubt that the sequel can accomplish the same quirkyness of the original.

And if the game bombs on one platform, they won't bother with other platforms.

The dev said that at the moment they are not planning to bring it to other platforms. Game-starved snoys desperately latch on to that "at the moment" and hope for a future port so The Last Lesbians isn't all they get to play now.

The fuck?
I played it just night and so far plays fine considering it’s DP

So once the timed exclusivity is over, they'll suddenly announce ports to 5 other platforms.

Fuck sake

Attached: john cazale.jpg (480x360, 10K)

he's lying, there are audio issues and they're working on a patch
it's the most functional version of the game so far

Portbegging already?
Switch then PC if the port ever happens.

Anyone know if its coming to PS2?

DPO Literally jumped to 18 on the best sellers lists in no time flat.

Top #18 for a new release????

Like nigger what?
It runs like a fucking dream on Switch compared to the literal slideshow it used to be

Is this an official screenshot?

Considering it’s a niche as fuck cult classic that’s janky as fuck by design
You bet your candy ass.

Based Switchies funding the inevitable ports.

>"we're not considering other platforms at the moment"
how embarrassing, the absolute state of journalists

Attached: example-9250.jpg (1024x1024, 66K)

Hmm, you forgot to mention where they said "switch exclusive at launch", wonder why?

maybe because it means less than nothing?
keep port begging

>it doesn't mean anything!
lol k.


It's not trickery, they outright admit it is timed.

>"We're not planning on bringing it to other platforms"

>We're not planning on bringing it to other platforms
Not once did they ever say this.

Does the first one run better on switch than ps3? Want to buy it because of portable

That's why everyone agrees 360 version of the best.

Are you sure that's him?

PC, however since thats another 7 years away I'm stuck with pirating the Switch release

Contrarian opinion

I bought D4 because I was memed into "supporting Swery", I won't be doing that again.

it's ok when nintendo does timed exclusives


Not the snoycensored 4, that's for sure.

Gonna wait to see which version is actually playable. PC version of DP is fucked on like 50% of computers. 360 version is missing the improvements of the ps3 version but has a better framerate. Ps3 version is the best version I think and it's still not great.

Is the Switch version any good?

I never understood why people said the PC version should be avoided. It's just
>Install the game
>Install DPfix
>optionally install texture/UI replacements
>Install the 4gb .exe patch
Sure it's a pain in the butt but it can be done in less then 10 minutes.
The game crashes because of some memory leak if I'm not mistaken. The 4gb patch makes the game run for 3 hours without crashing instead 30 minutes.
The switch version is weird. It's missing some features of the Directors Cut version, and has audio issues. I'm sure the audio issues will be patched, but the Directors Cut stuff will likely not be included. So there really isn't a best version in that sense.

It's deadly premonition

When was the last time a third party game stayed exclusive to one platform?

>I never understood why people said the PC version should be avoided.

I have a problem where the game has no audio without DPFix but with DPFix the framerate is around 10fps. Doesn't matter what settings I change either. Luckily my laptop can play it without issue but there are definitely some cpus/gpus that are just broken with the game.

PS4 of course.

Is that some sonyfag website? This is embarrassing, why are they acting like it won't come to PC?