Professor, I have feelings for you. Of course, I respect you as a person, and I'll understand if you can't love me back...

Professor, I have feelings for you. Of course, I respect you as a person, and I'll understand if you can't love me back, but...still, I had to tell you. Though my focus has ever been on my duty and training, I cannot deny the feelings that have arisen. My dream is to obtain knighthood, but now I have a new dream to hold tight to... That is to be with you, always.

Attached: Portrait_ingrid_02_fe16.png (339x442, 132K)

byleth isn't canon. Glen is Ingrid's only love and his early passing it what lets her pursue a knighthood instead.

Sorry Ingrid, but my heart belongs to Dedue.

I was really expecting this to be a takeout where she starts talking about race wars.

Great, can you grow your hair back, please?

What's wrong with her hair?

Ingrid wants to be a knight even before Glen's death.

Yes, that's the point.

Her hair is just tucked into her armor.

This, Dedue is best boy.

She looked beautiful with long hair, now she looks plain.

Fuck off shipperfag, all girls belong to me

Go find a husband.

She moved on.

>Professor, I have feelings for you. Of course, I respect you as a person, and I'll understand if you can't love me back, but...still, I had to tell you... Despite only making up 13% of the population the duscur, or as a I like to call them "duscoons", caused 50% of all unit deaths this run.

Ingrid is for Dimitri, cease this heresy

Short hair on female knights is patrician though, especially blonde hair.
t. Hasn't played fire emblem

She did not and i'm glad this game didn't full the retarded roastie trash of "having to move on" all the time in supports.

Her situation is a basic ass trope and it's shameful so many awakening fags don't understand this basic shit. Same people that think Felix is an actual edgelord that hates chivalry.

As his knight, of course.

As his strong, loving wife

>The punishment came swift to your people, and when I heard of the slaughters... Well... I thought it was a punishment well earned
Lmao Ingrid unironically thinks that the Duscur punishment was justified.

I love Marianne

Why not both?
>implying it wasn't?


She is not wrong

God Ingrid is so precious.
I really wish S Support wasn't locked to end game because I would love to see qt waif Ingrid get flustered during a tea party.

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Name one good thing Duscur has done. Just one.


Saved my boy Dedue from the gallows.

The funny thing is Dimitri insists that Duscar isn't responsible (because the people he saw weren't from Duscar) and implies if they were all the hardship thrust upon their people would be justified.


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She looks beautiful both ways.

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Dirty dumb duscar scum!

Nah, not really. With hair that short, no woman can be pretty.

What would sex with Ingrid be like?

>She did not
Says who? Most of Ingird's possible endings showed she moved on and her best supports were about getting over her fiance's tragic death. Like her supports with Dimitri and Felix challenging her twisted view of knighthood.

Ashe said Duscur cuisine tastes good.


>5 years later Dimitri and Ingrid are happily married with their loyal manservant Dedue as Ingrid's bull

That secret ending support scene was really pushing the censorship rules, I must say.

OP's pic is evidence to the contrary low test beta.
Ashe is a fucking faggot, who cares what he thinks.

Dimitri literally wouldn't be alive without Dedue

I wanna fuck Ingrid

Keep your cuck fantasy to yourself.

What are some good S-rank confession like this? I love the one with my wife Shamir where you force her to talk how much she loves you.

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did y’all even finish dimitris route lmao

Dimitri is for Byleth and Marianne.

No, Marianne is for me. And so are Dorothea and Annette.

>Ingrid's bull
Dumb cuckfag, Dedue is obviously the boar's concubine

shamir is probably the sexiest chick in the game

>What bro? My Top 5 FE3H girls? For me it's
1. Marianne
2. Edelgard
3. Shamir
4. Ingrid
5. Manuela
>What about yours bro?

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It's because of her sex appeal.

1. Dorothea
2. Annette
3. Marianne
4. Mercedes
5. Sothis

Ingrid does not cut her hair.

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Bernie is my daughter AND my wife!

Attached: confessing your love to bernie!.jpg (628x628, 57K)

i'm a girl and wish a guy would love me as much as you guys love Bernie.



Cunny Cunny Cun

Please be living in Brigid!!

Dimitri is for Dedue.

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1. Marianne
3. Petra
I don't give a fuck about any others
But for bros it is
1. Dedue
2. Felix

they exist irl, i found one and married him.

You trying to pick up some thirsty anons? Unless you have the characteristics of Bernadette you are going to be ignored.

Based and Felixpilled

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For me it's this cute, autistic frog

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i'm like Bernie but not as pretty and not as timid and without any real hobbies or skills like she paints and does embroidery and stuff but I like to stay in my room and I guess my hair is messy and i'm short. I don't think the bernie people would like me though because they love bernie.

I'd like byleth if her tits weren't comically huge.

Edelgard is Byleth’s canon love interest, she’s the only one that loves him in all routes


All that means is that she's canon obsessed in all routes
What pitiful gorilla

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Why did Byleth look SUPER into this?

That's nice. You can be my Maid of Honor when Edelgard and I get married.

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Are you gay? Also Byleth's tits aren't even that big compared to sluts like Camilla.

You can't marry corpses

Attached: 3-13 archer saves the world.webm (853x480, 2.89M)

Sorry but I've also married the sword corpse

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Yes, him. The portrait she draws is always male Byleth. Deal with it, dykes

They wouldn’t like you because Bernie’s flaws can be forgiven when it comes to 2D.


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And you are technically wielding a corpse in that picture.

Bernie doesn't have any flaws. The only critical flaw for a woman is having previous sexual partners or being both severely ugly and obese.

I did say that yes

Edie, why is the Church bad? How can we defend Fodland from invaders without Crests?

>Portrait supposedly looks "nothing like" Byleth according to Edelgard
>We don't see below the shoulders
Deconfirms Male Byleth
How do other countries defend from Fodlan in general without Crests?

I want to fill Annette's tummy tummy tum with my cummy cummy cum!

Attached: rROW_wUR.png (512x512, 151K)

>How do other countries defend from Fodlan in general without Crests?
The alliance and kingdom are eternally on the defensive against the Almyrans and Sreng.
Only the empire invades foreign powers. Brigid is a tiny backwater island and Dagda couldn't stand up to crest power.

Cute, would send you a email. I don't get to talk to shut ins often.

Literally slips on a pile of cum...

The Empire only invaded Dagda and Brigid because those shitholes attacked them first.

i think most girls are pretty much shut ins. The ones I know only go out to do their job or because their boyfriends takes them somewhere.

Wow Felix was really doing that while watching her sing huh?

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Anette's tummy is for Gilbert's cum.

gross why would she do that with Gilbert

Come back when you're Marianne

Damn, they were bros until the end. Dedue is truly best boy and fuck Ingrid.

we know how ingrid feels about the people of duscur. how do you think she feels about the people of brigid, almyra, and of course dagda?

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Because daughters belong to their fathers.

Pick one.

did Filthy Dagdans kill her husband, did they invade her land?

did you even play the game dude. dimitri is far more likely to cuck ingrid with dedue than the other way around

Because Gilbert thought about it logically.

Dimitri's father invaded HALF of Sreng and assimilated the annexed territory as a part of the kingdom. And most Almyran "invasions" were just shitty raids and they always get btfo by Hilda's gigachad brother.
Fodlan is STRONK!

Ever tried Diplomacy fuckwit?

kek i've had that happen with sub 10 crit

>Game constantly jerks off crests
>They don't even seem that strong
Really made me think.

Ingrid belongs to Dedue along wtih Annette.

>qt waif Ingrid get flustered during a tea party.

Given how big into waifus fe has been past few games i was suprised tea parties didnt change based on support/frequency, kinda glad for it but makes it seem so pointless overall

The relics are good to great to fix that, but the crest themselves are mostly worthless aside from a few major ones.


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Edelgard allowed Hanneman and Lindhart's artificial crest research to lessen the value of crests in Fodlan's society.

lorenz would drop hard Rs

It's Gloucester not Gloucesta

I guess that counts as a shut in, though I feel like that would just be a general lack of ambition and drive most females have now a days.
When I think shut in, I think someone who actively avoids going outside at all possible or face to face communication.

Edelgard certainly didn’t! Ayyyy


I'm a guy and I wish I weren't so socially retarded that I scare off any and all girls.

/pol/tards have an agenda to push regardless of reality user.

>I vow to stay with you through all of life's many hardships. I will stay by your side, and you'll stay by mine. I left Dagda, crossed through Brigid, and came to Fódlan on my own. I chose the life of a mercenary, alone and free to live wherever and however I pleased... Now I'm choosing to remain here, to live the rest of my life...with you

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That’s all great and good but her supports with Byleth are almost as bad as Catherine’s.

How did Ashe obtain his N-word pass?

he's one of the few people who was nice to Dedue from the get go, pasty white boy also can fuck Catherine who is at least dark skinned, so he's okay in their eyes

Lonato, who was black, was his foster father.

>her supports with Byleth are almost as bad as Catherine’s

a true knight can't be black, he was just tan from old age similar to what happens to Japanese people

I miss her donut curls.

>tfw you'll never hear Dimitri's VA say nigger


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So which character has the best S-rank support anyway?

Why did tranny janny deleted Annette poster's post?

Hubie best boy

Dimitri is only for Byleth.

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Please (don't) have sex.

>all those replies
Yea Forums is thirsty as fuck.