New Banjo&Kazooie game

Do you think there is a hope for a new Banjo&Kazooie game now?

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Extremely likely, I'd say. It's just a matter of when at this point.

I love this type of games.
What others there are except for B&K, Spyro and Crash Bandicoot?

Nowadays is not a matter of if, but rather of when

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Kao The Kangaroo, Hat in Time and Yooka Laylee

I think what the most likely route is that they put the first two games on Switch, maybe as part of a Rare Replay port, maybe as standalones, and depending on how well that does they'll talk about making a new game.

Really more of a question of what's first: New Game or Remake of Banjo-Kazooie.

Hopefully remake, then the same studio can work on a sequel knowing how the originals work inside and out

This. If that’s what happnens it would be glorious

Remakes first to get their feet wet, then the real deal

I saw this game being in development on twitter.
Don't know its name but it has similar vibes so I am going to look forward to it. Looking good too.

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I dunno about that, but with Crash and Spyro selling fuckloads I'd say a remake of Kazooie and Tooie is inevitable. If that gets good reception it might lead to a proper new game.

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Bro literally WHO plays this meme games?

I do. On emulator.
My PC is old and can't handle new games but it still can run old PSX games through emulation so I like them.
Besides these games come from an era when the games were all about fun without unnecessary stuff like microtransactions.
Spyro 1 is my favourite so far.

I always liked the old Tak games for the PS2/GC. First one is an open world collectathon, second and third are linear platformers. They're not 10/10 material, but they're solid and have some cool ideas. The art style and music are pretty great too.

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Yooka-Laylee sucked and that had many of the same people making it so honestly I don't know if I even want another banjo at this point.

Yooka-Laylee was fine.
There were three people from the original team, a character designer, a programmer, and a composer. None of them have anything to do with gameplay.
If a new Banjo game were to be made, it wouldn't be made by Playtonic.

>many of the same people making it
It was like 5 guys, including the composer Grant Kirkhope. There were a bunch of people FROM RARE, but they worked on shit like Kameo, not Banjo.

Super Mario Odyssey. It's more similar to collectathon games than the old Mario games.

microsoft lending out a character they're not using doesn't mean shit
at best it will be a cash-in

>Crash and Spyro remasters selling well
>The absolutely massive reaction to Banjo getting into Smash
Microsoft would be stupid to not do it at this point.

Sure, and it will be shit because any of the talent that had their hand in the original two games is long gone from the company

odyssey is garbage though

you are getting a nuts and bolts port and you are going to like it

Ape Escape
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg
The first Jak & Daxter

A good chunk of Smash spirits for Banjo are new renders of Banjo-Kazooie stuff (using the new designs in Smash, even), so I'd say a remake of B-K might be in the works. Maybe they'll even do the idea that lead into Nuts & Bolts where it started out like a normal remake, but stuff started to change like the Mumbo's Mountain termite mound turning out to be a volcano.

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Sakurai talking about how sad all the characters are was a bit weird but also makes me suspicious

Sakurai also said to go play Xbox. Hmm.

I'd like something bigger than kazooie but less overwhelming than tooie, probably something like DK64 without color coded bananas

>they remake BK and BT just like the Crash and Spyro remakes
>it eventually all finally leads to Banjo-Threeie
>both the remakes and Threeie are multiplatform in a joint partnership deal with Microsoft and Nintendo so everyone can go home happy

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>Sakurai went out of his way to tell viewers to play Banjo on Xbox
It's dead Jim

These character designs ooze "im a massive gay furry" i dont like it

>has mario's shitty hat throw
what were they thinking?

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Considering Battletoads I don't want one.

Aside from big Otter guy I don't see anything gay about them and buff guy may look somewhat like gay only because I've been exposed to too much bara pictures on Yea Forums.

Why is it bad?

you can tell from their twitter that they're a gay furry

Creator only matters as a driving force to finish this project.
I don't care if they are gay. The characters themselves look cool. Like from some cozy cartoon you would watch after school.
I like the mood of it and see nothing gay about it.

>implying a new Banjo would be on Switch

Not him but if they can keep sexual overtones out of it then swell but otherwise, I’d be worried that it’s gonna be ‘big gay sexual tension’ just about any time it can be put in

He told them to play the original on Xbox. Doesn't rule out a remake or a sequel on Switch.

Switch is a perfect console for this type of games IMO.
It was made for comfy gaming and slow leizuring collecting stuff.

reminder Hat Cunny devs are going to do it