Monster Hunter

Learn to not reply to shitposters.

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Other urls found in this thread:

But user...You're a shitposter...

And then user was shitposters.

>not posting the ricardo version
you had one job

here ya go

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Any news about how the endgame is deal with ?
It really was crap on World... Like playing a great game that quickly become a neverending borefest.

>When you hear an ass that needs kicking

Leave Ruiner Nergigante to me

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is monster hunter world the closest experience I'll get to a single player wow?

Post seething bazel turf wars

so now that iceborne has been comfirmed to be a MASSIVE flop, what can we expect in regards of monster hunter world 2? will this affect the next monster hunter in any way?

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This is just bullshit, man. Yian Garuga has always been a low tier 5 stars monster, at best he's only as strong as Rathalos (though I doubt that because Rathalos is the king of the skies). To be able to tie with Deviljho, a 6 star monster, that's just bullshit. Are you gonna say he can go toe to toe with a Rajang too? Just fuck my shit up.

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You didn't learn

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Friendly reminder to leave your crippling autism in the previous thread!

Whta a fun, fun, fun fight this is, with every weapon, and even going for all the breaks. If I were Capcom I'd analyze the shit out of this monster to try and determine what made it so good.

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Since Iceborne was such a failure Monster Hunter World 2 will definitely be a Switch exclusive.

4Ubabby detected. Back in my day, Garuga was the only non elder that you could repel. And traps didn’t work on him!


Ironically he got buffed from a lore perspective but he's easier than before in gameplay

Yian Garuga is the badger of the sky and makes up for what he lacks in actual strength with belligerence and rage.



Well, Ice Fatalis is in or not?

Get to mr 200

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Did the tendies go into overdrive mode after the Iceborne trailers? I missed it.

Did they fuck up flagship monster weapons? All I want is some decent looking hammers that dont look like I taped a bit of monster bits to my original bone hammer.

>Learn to not reply to shitposters.
Okay *leaves Yea Forums since he can't reply to anyone anymore*

Play the game or catch up with the archive. I'm tired of answering the same absolute dumb fucking bufoon's questions when he could just fucking Google.

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Brachadios has a unique hammer.

That'd be Xenoblade Chronicles or Final Fantasy XII you're after.

Then dont bother replying. I didnt ask for you specifically.

If fextralife doesn't have it, its not on the front page of the google search.
He'll have to search in japanese.

what is going on in this picture?

Kys redditfag. You're just like them waiting for momma bird to shit in their mouths instead of leaving this shithole to forage on their own.

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>port valdo with a sub
>not my nigga chadtalos
Also fuck the people that want trany ludroth back

I don't like world at all. Thought it was too easy and just played mhgu after beating world.
Iceborne makes world good and I'm happy.
Sad that it took 100$ to make a decent AAA mh. But glad its here non the less

Well the picture is actually several hundred pictures appearing sequentially one after another, so like, a movie i guess

bad game closing in 3 months

Have you never played monster hunter before newfag? Low and high rank games are always easy as fuck. The G rank expansion is usually harder and has more features.

>on the quest to kill Velk after repelling it twice now
How far am i from Shara? I just want to have that rad buddhist armor

Haha, oh no. I didn't expect it to be THIS ugly.

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spooky tbqh

Take your time. Stop speeding through it all man Capcom put in actual effort into this.

>good game getting a private server after it closes down in 3 months
FTFY, Worldbab

Holy fucking shit it looks human

Switch isn't strong enough for world or else you would have gotten the first one. Stay mad.

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You'd be ugly too without your skin. Why do you think it originally wore the rock suit?


Nintendofag here, I've played World on PC and thought it was fine. The game has some serious growing pains that even IB can't really fix, but given time I'm sure they can figure it out in the next game or so. I'm also bummed Capcom is too incompetent to make a PC port that is functional and at the same time as the console releases, but at least we have mods I guess.

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It looks like a fucking God Eater monster, Anons. Hidden collab.

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>Holy fucking shit it looks human
You must know some ugly humans

>I'm also bummed Capcom is too incompetent to make a PC port that is functional and at the same time as the console releases
No user, they wan't you and everyone else to double dip.

Capcom really outdid themselves with the shitty monster design this time, I didn't think they could do worse than Paolumu or Frontier

EDF please go

really looking foward to mh6
with most the flagships done hopefully they work on some crazy new monsters
also bringing back less popular ones

>Just a blue glowy dragon with some orange eyespots
>Shara Ishvalda
>Actually alien-looking demon cat thing with hand wings with tentacle fingers that shoot shockwaves and can turn into spider legs
Base World dropped the ball so, so fucking hard compared to Iceborne.

Hi, I like Namielle. I also like wearing full sets of gear. I also like having my guild card autistically "clean" in terms of weapon usage.
All these points culminate together into wanting to make a Namielle-themed hunter character.

Seeing as how I have 4 months until the game comes out, I feel I have plenty of time to create and bring up a new character by the time Iceborne rolls around, but for those in the know, which weapon types are the best to focus on? I'm eyeing up Longsword and Bow, currently.

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Considering the PC port has so many problems with it, I don't think the Switch is the problem, but Capcom's incompetency. I still think they're gonna make a Switch MH game in the future.

Problem is, for both EDs...

It’s not that they Capcoms incompetent, it’s just that for whatever reason Ryozo and his team absolutely INSIST on doing the port themselves and won’t hire or let anyone else do it.

Blunderborne lmao
Only 2.4% of people on PS4 have started iceborne.

>"Monster" Hunter
>Master Class
>Hunters chug disgusting amounts of potions while 4 people wail on the "monster".
How is this even fair? The monsters can't fucking keep up.

guys i am so happy. im in love with iceborne. im honestly incredibly greatful world was made. never wouldve played monster hunter if it wasnt for world. i love this game

See guys? This user here appreciates the series. Give him a clap for being a new hunter!

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I don't have a PS4 or Xbone, so it's kinda hard to double dip

well ain't that just the cutest thing huh little fella

World and Iceborne's time is up. The superior game triumphed in sales and now Capcom will be forced to crawl back to the Switch. Sorry sperm cells.

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So hunterbros for those already well into master rank how much dificulty ramped up , is it normal grank level ?

Is this the bloodborne crossover?

My man, I just have one thing to say.
You have your own game, and your own threads. Leave us along for once, m'kay?
Pretty sure it's just normal G-rank, just with a fancy name.

yeah, im eastern european

Fucking stop giving a bad name , this is why you cant talk about GU without people shitposting ,good job retard

Clutch Claw Hunter 2019

I’m at work nigga

40m 26s for Barioth.
4 man party.

I'd imagine it would be quicker if he didn't charge all the fucking time.

tfw no kirin girl gf

At least you have the most beautiful women until they hit the wall at 30

Baby Blanket Hunter 2020
Git gud. Snipe gud.
German scientists found reincarnation. Just kill yourself.

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Namielle's set bonus is made for fast hitting elemental weapons.

Charging ain't shit when you're a competent hammer user that knows how to uppercut.

>if he didn't charge all the fucking time.
just broke his front legs

Based grandma in the commercial

It has big but avoidable hitboxes, stays low enough to the ground and with enough recovery on its big moves that any weapon can get breaks if focusing for them, flinches often while still having a decent amount of health, and anything with a counterattack has a field day. I hope they do too.

>Those teeth
Guacala that's creepy

Cool beans m8, let us know how the rest of the hunt goes.

Look at that smug face
What’s he thinking about anons?

It's really fucking scary

It's basically the same as low and high rank when you replace your old gear. What constitutes as "normal" G-rank anyway?

This. I'm a Switchfag but I don't shitpost on World threads. I'll just wait patiently to play IB on PC, play some GenU in the mean time, and silently pray for Capcom to give us a Switch MH game, even if it's a World port (which is very doubtful, but still)

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Please tell me clutch claw isnt that op and that it doesnt break the game

if you broke his wings/front legs, his charge will make him stagger for a long while

Kinda reminds me of Demon of Hatred.
Quite possibly since they're both influenced by buddhist lore.


Can’t meet those expectations.

Getting a girlfriend. That's why he's sponsored by Mentos.

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New monster attacks, new variants, subspecies, and actual Elder Dragons.

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kys faggot its a game..

>they actually outdid the Wiggler and Kulu head armour

I am never taking this Macaque off. It's so good.

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Yeah, this is what leans me down the line of LS and Bow. Are there any other Nami weapons good enough to warrant a look?



What a fucking waste of life that one is.

No but Lucent is in.

>Great Jagras mod on Iron just glues Jagras skin on the base
Seriously? All you fucking niggers who told me that Glav's GS was in just got BTFO. It's literally just choosing which skin to glue on the iron or bone base.


Can someone show me the Nami LS?

heartiest of keks, can't unsee

I dont know if you can see. But you have to do it 4 times.

But why human teeth?

Its that faggot in previous thread who couldn't figure out why he couldn't dash dance bow and how his character kept standing still instead of dashing after shooting (he didn't know what the stamina bar was and was always running out)

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Don't tell me Iceborne flopped, we'll never get expansions like this again because retards would rather buy Destiny and Anthem trash over this.

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Just fought viper tobi. What a fun fight, first monster so far that’s pushed my shit in. Also never been down in that part of hoarfrost and the caves are actually pretty cool especially his final room
>no multiplayer exclusive trophies
Fucking BASED Capcom, now I can actually stop and smell the gloamgrass this time around instead of forcing myself to platinum the game asap. No suicide inducing burnout for me, thank you. Iceborne is so fucking comfy bros.

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how do you guys like the new themes?

Why would someone who's beaten any DaS game not understand the stamina mechanic?

Probably eats rocks like Uragaan so they need flat teeth to break and grind them.

I think i saw a video with brute tigrex armor.

I also have Platinum trophies
in every DARK SOULS, that guy is peak retarded.

A human doesn't have 52 teeth in their mouth, maybe wyverians.

Nobody is ever in my gathering hall, but I’m not having any trouble hopping into other people SoS shit and whomping on some monsters. So same as usual

>Reactionary low iq response to biased, incomplete information
Of course, i wouldn't expect anything more from people like you

Bros.. Iceborne is a disaster.. no new monsters, only reskins, casualisee gameplay.. I want Capcom to make Switch games again..

That Glavenus theme is godlike

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Iceborn actually has decent music, but World overall has a really mediocre OST compared to previous MH games.

There's a trophy for helping out low/high rank hunters 10 times as a G-rank hunter

To help with the creepy aesthetic. Human teeth are horrifying because it falls on the uncanny valley

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Frankly, I don't.



Half the time the order isn't the one the numbers say, only the jumping cats are correct 100% of the time, so why torture us with the numbers?

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He's in, don't listen to the other fags telling you otherwise.

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straight from the goddamn siren
jesus christ capcom

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too many breaks
I wish they would play the actual hype parts of the song longer

They are soloing the story as you should be. Stop looking to get carried shitter.

But actually most people are just waiting for pc. Before iceborne came out the pc playerbase was over double the size of ps4 in june and july

Further proof

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I can't wait for the private server desu, I've been wanting to play this game for a long time

Might as well not even even exist it's so easy. That "get 100 guild cards" bullshit made me want to slit my wrists, and that on the first 3 months of release when everyone and their mother was playing

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>Own world on PC and PS4
>Have more progress on PS4, and PC can't really handle World though all my friends play on PC.
>None of them really own World anyway.

Fuck my life, I'd rather dump time into the PC version but I know the PS4 version probably would work better for my situation.

what the hell is that? havent been following

Do what everyone else on PC does and cheat your way up to par with your PS4 file.

No Lucent Nargacuga? That's just sad.

Playing the game solo would still auto toss you into a 16 player lobby, unless you are suggesting that most playing decided to make a personal room and private it which is unlikely cope.

Join us user, the snow is comfy and the monsters needs be hunted

should i continue my character or start a new one for iceborne?

You might as well slit your wrists then. Achievement hunting fags looking for that dopamine rush instead of actually enjoying the game to the fullest are insufferable and we could do without them. Is your Life so empty that virtual "achievements" make your blood pump?

Okay, I gotta know: can you make another Palico with the Iceborne update? Or change their physical features finally?

Yeah it would be absolutely idiotic to miss out on the portable market by letting Trashless be the newest hunting game on the system

Xeno'jiiva was also a freshly-hatched infant and just came out of a womb of that glowing blue life-energy slop that flows around

World is their best selling game of all time. I highly fucking doubt that so few people bought it that it would be a flop, come on user

>check stats
>barely anyone playing iceborne
who at capcom though normies would eat the same shit twice?


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Holy shit, diddy make it into the game????

Waiting for pc port.
I tried the beta on PS and can't believe people are actually paying for online and sub-30fps.

I'm not the kind of guy to brag about master-race etc, I'm enjoying my fzw exclusive titles on my Switch and Bloodborne machine, but holy crap why would tou play this game on PS4 ?


I might but realistically its looking like PS4 is more cost effective for me at this point.

I yeah, I forgot that shit was announce for Switch...

Future DLC

G rank stays hard ( at the very least solo) even when you have updated gear bcs monster aggro ramps up significally plus monster get one or two new moves and mix up the patterns

>Don't tell me Iceborne flopped
It's been the best selling game in Japan for several months.

Probably a lot of them are waiting for the PC release. Console versions suck dick in comparison to PC's load-times, high-def textures and the ability to cheat.

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Fuck off

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Problem is that japs are skeptical about private servers due to COG's sneaky ways, and they'd be more expectful of an offline rendition of the game, and hopefully from that, fans will make a PeerToPeer multiplayer mod (after all, P2P was what MH used most of the time since you were playing right next to people) so that people can play the offline version.

I'd love to know how to packet capture and set up a private server, but I lack the experience for any of that. I only know basic emulation and local FTP and printer servers.

Frontier White Fatalis removing a hunter from existence and removing him from the quest instead of carting.

I got work bro. I don't get any free time until the weekend.

Frontier garbage. Its like XxX_Wh1t3-F4tty_Naruto420. Ohko attacks, stupid mmo mechanics, running in circles for 5 minutes to hit it once to run in circles for 5 minutes.
>Namielle Long Sword and Gun Lance are the best looking weapons in the entire game
>Namielle Charge-Blade and others got bonezoned
Why Capcom? Why?

Any one else having trouble finding full lobbies? Every time I try and matchmake the lobby has 2 people in it

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>scarred garuga

Forgot to add, but a private server with everything in English is going to be a lot nicer on the mind and immersion. It's not good seeing english one moment, then looking at moon runes the next.
There was also a lot of things in Frontier that were necessary to do (thank you blessed that couldn't be english patched which definitely put a hamper on the fun when you wanted to try out Frontier and get into it.
However, there are faggots who want to ruin game preservation for everyone just because 'oh i don't like this so it has to go.'
Don't give them (You)s. They have too many mental gymnastics to run you in circles.


because people have their own friends and groups to play with so they play in private lobbies, people cried and cried asking for a "hub rework" to be more "GU like" because they tought that would make people play with them but it will always be the same, the game wont magically give you friends to play with

Did they make it harder this time?
I want to suffer.

Just take off your armor.

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Are the Black Blos weapons actually black now?

They look just like us!!

Somehow, Frontier seems more appealing now, hm?

>That descending beak slam
Holy shit Garuga got some cool shit

>release a game where everything takes 30 minutes, even swinging a weapon
>pad it with bullshit transitions and a garbage hub
>release it at 20fps on consoles for a year
>charge another 40$ for reskins to squeeze another 100 hours out of players

#1, is anyone retarded enough to buy this?
#2, if you are, do you work or go to school? how the fuck does anyone play this?

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>its only getting worse from here

It's not Friday evening yet though.

I know you're a NEET but please remember that people can't play Iceborne if they're in school or work.

>He uses HR gear in HR hunts
Fucking casual, bet you'll use G rank armor too huh?

Bet he also uses Armor Spheres.

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>there's no Namielle GS
Just kill me already. I know it doesn't even fit Namielle's bonuses, but still.

>he uses armor

Brachy's is honestly pretty lame, just sounds really messy with all the new bits inserted.
Glavenus's is great though, the key change works really well. Probably the best of the returning themes along with Zinogre's.

If they killed SoS people would go back to making normal lobbies again.

fuckk that LS looks so cool


Faggots, bet you even use weapons.


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No answer is also an answer, I'm 1% too employed to play this series.
No idea why you guys don't just play an MMO, it's Monster Hunter but actually a fucking game.

>needing instant gratification
>not being able to grind it out for the perfect build
It's okay zoomer, someday you might develop an attention span

On one hand, it sucks that they have to rely on hackers and modders to fix the port in a timely manner.
On the other hand, thank fucking god they didn't hire some western-cuck developer to port it .

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I have not found it that OP honestly. If you latch onto a body part that is being used to attack and that's usually considered most of the body during most monster's attacks unless it's like a tail sweep and you're on the head. ANy kind of hip check or body slam though and you get knocked off no matter where you are. So you make yourself pretty vulnerable and then on top of that the moves themselves don't do that much damage, at least for the weapons I use. The real benefit is the damage buff they give on attacks to that part after so it also means you know have a limited window to make use of that time you wasted applying the debuff. On top of all of this the range is pretty short so you need to be in range of monster's attacks to even fire it and you have to aim it while they are moving. It might be strong if 4 people are using it but from the looks of it it's really not that insane.

If I didn't have some measure of defense it wouldn't be any better than the one hit cart Frontier bullshit.

That and Gajau Boots are sexy af, fite me.

is there a new diablos in IB?

Funny because I feel the exact opposite way about MMOs. That they are monster hunter but not real games.

give it like 2 days man, people are either at work or are going through the story solo right now

If you're a speedrunner with the right weapons and super practiced reflexes, then its stupidly simple.
Like all things MHW.

>have to wait until next year because I'm done playing on PS4

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No still just regular and black diablos
They both have Master Rank armor set though

None of this is true so why did you post it?

What a curious person you are. Are you lying on the internet? But why?

>have to wait 0 seconds to be a blogposting faggot animeposter

everyone switched over to the PC version

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The issue with this argument is that grinding only takes time, not skill, and skill only influences how much time it takes. Best way to play is to ignore builds or to savescum/mod your decorations in.

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Going through the story solo still requires you to be within a lobby.

I don't really disagree, it's why I quit MHW when I got to the endgame. I didn't feel like farming tempered elders until RNGesus blessed me with the right decorations and streamstones.
I'll still play IB and get through the new mons and collect some gear, but unless there are significant changes to acquiring decos and augments I'll end up quitting at the endgame.

>0.9% players on xbone
>2.4% players on snoy

I want a mod that makes behemoth EM the Tempest missile, artificial sunset and everything

>why you guys don't just play an MMO, it's Monster Hunter but actually a fucking game.
Jesus Christ imagine typing this out and not killing yourself straight afterwards

>Implying muscle memory is a skill

Can we get real here and just admit that games don't require 'skill' of any real measure, video game 'skill' is not being stupid enough to ignore cues the game gives and that 'skill' can be acquired by anyone thats not a complete fucking retard.

Wait until you score a part break on his head, shit's legit terrifying.

Shame it seems to struggle to actually hit anything with it.

That's like 12,000 vs what, 400,000? Cuh-razy.

I just did the majority of MR1-2 optional quests with full parties of randos. Use the SOS, people join almost instantly.

What would you want to see then? Because review-user already has shown off endgame grind

>MMOs where you stand around and press macros and click click click click are more of a game than an actual fucking action game

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Can someone fucking upload how broken Behemoth and Kulve clears are now with iceborne clutch claw and weapons?

>listfag is still getting deleted
I thought he was just going soft.

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>why you guys don't just play an MMO, it's Monster Hunter but actually a fucking game.
I hate this board sometimes

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>knowing when and how to react to attacks and what risks you can take isn’t skill TA unga bunga not applicable
>knowing how to work with your teammates instead of working next to them isn’t skill
>being able to perform properly with any weapon type you feel like playing because your grasp on the fundamentals is good isn’t skill

What is skill to you in the first place, beyond the scope of video games? Does skill even exist under your definitions?

Nothing, because I'm a jaded and disillusioned fuck that can no longer find enjoyment out of grinding in videogames

I don't necessarily hate Shara's design but I also don't like it. It feels like doesn't fit in Monster Hunter.


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Yo does pard actually stay fucked off and I get serious handler?

Why the fuck do all the shitty SOS flares keep showing up when it has 8-9 minutes.

What fucking shit is this.

We could say the same about Xeno... and other elder dragons in the series like Nakarkos and Ahtal-Ka.

>Doesn't fit in my ass

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All of those are Generations and World, sounds about right.

Dragon's Crown is a better Monster Hunter.

Nice, is this a new Devil May Cry game? I like how the MC has an axe instead of a sword.

I think it's a common known fact that Frontier designs have not fit Monster Hunter for ages.

Is there a link with all the weapon changes? This hunting horn shit is ridiculous

Is that astalos?
He made it to iceborne?

Player count is too low to post good ones.

This is a Kingdom Hearts boss

Yeah it's a cool weapon that can switch between sword and axe modes!

Ahtal-Ka fits, but I have always felt like Nakarkos was really off-putting. But I guess he's basically a bone shell Yama.

I want Yama

Made by Osaka with distaste and hatred~

Ahtal-ka itself fits, but the giant mech was pretty dumb.
Still a fun fight though

How the fuck do you beat that

I'm glad as hell it's being put in the trashcan
stupid mmo crap

Why are pc players shitting up monster hunter threads?

Man that's really cool. When's this DMC coming out?

The fact remains that monster hunter is whatever the fuck the devs decide. Your childish complaints about "B-BUT MUH REARISMMMM!" are petty and obnoxious.

Evade Window 99 and every weapon having a counter

So what's MHO like by comparison to Frontier?

>Monster hunter

Youre one stupid fucker, you know that right?

>Argosy can now deliver Wyvern Gems

Neat. Kinda pointless now, though.

I'm talking design wise you blithering autist. I don't care how crazy this series gets.

>no iframes during the flying hurt animations
I don't think there's a single other MH game that autistic.

Any armor for SA yet?

This looks fun

Ahtal and Xeno are borderline unfit, but Narkakos is fine. Hes just a big bone cuttlefish
Shara tho, i really prefer his intial stage. The last stage is absolutely disturbing and ridiculous, like sth straight out of soul sacrifice

Chinkshit. It's MMO with MH as a paint.
Frontier is a one-of-a-kind MMO coming straight from Japan. It's everything MH can be.
You do actually have i-frames. Just that the attack puts you in a special state so it's not just a OHKO.

I started playing this game

How do i make a qt?

Chinkshit. Almost everything is serverside so it plays like ass too. A couple of the original monster designs were okay though, I like Pointy Brachy here. I don't think they ever added anything as nuts as what Frontier got up to but it also didn't last anywhere near as long.

Attached: MHO-Disaster_Wyvern_Render_002.png (400x359, 160K)

just don't post it here

What would you rather be doing? having sex with children?

>Ah yes i will go back to my musou where i can press a single button and in a nano second i make a gorillion of combo moves , truly the pinacle of gameplay

You don't because 90% of armor sets look better on males.

Show me where I talked about realism once. You just had a fucking aneurism and assumed I was talking about the fight itself.

You have until December to figure it out and play the English patch. Then it's gone for good.

Attached: ecliptic meteor.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

I love the mech, such a cool idea
Its final stage where it just pull out dragonators and throws them at you are great.

>MH thread
>Learn to not reply to shitposters
You guys are... so actually fucking retarded...
>Gone for good
...please, game preservation. please be a real concept of gaming

Attached: 1565899078116.png (807x1076, 1.17M)

Dont waste typing power ,zoom zooms dont know what fucking gameplay is, so all games are similar to them

>...please, game preservation. please be a real concept of gaming
If it's any consolation, someone somewhere out there might make a private server one day

If you manage to create a qt3.14 give me the sliders afterward.


So what the fuck is the Guiding Lands?

You never played frontier. You will say the same thing if i posted Dalamadur and you will say it's design is trash. In fact, why don't you say all magical elder dragons are trash and get it over with.
Frontier was a good game because it was unique from the mainline. I'm happy iceborne is keeping it alive through tributes.

Attached: zenith gs chain counter.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

>Just started Iceborne
>Already want to kill The Handler

Attached: 1348641563956.jpg (190x220, 38K)

Theres no other monster to unlock? hr200?

A hot orgy of landmasses that got dicked hard by some giant wyrmthing.

Endless mode.

>that brief moment we got to have Serious Handler to help us instead

Everwood 2.0: more biomes edition

PCfag here, is it good? should I be excited?

Wait for January 2020. Then you should be excited.

ok what the actual fuck. ive hunted viper tobi 4 times now and have not gotten a single ultraplegia sac

Welcome to G-rank.

They made me happy. They listened. Every unique weapon at least now has unique sounds.

not OP but i live in Texas i can be stabbed about 120 times before january

Try capturing it, maybe they unfucked the drop tables

well then
ive captured it twice

Just stay inside. Make your own personal tank. Or put this sign outside your house.

Attached: 1562767866267.png (400x376, 284K)

Did they give Glavenus any of his Hellblade moves like the double beyblade?


Reminds me of pic related

Attached: 3258EE3D-A9FF-4098-A708-C309E7263595.jpg (640x558, 163K)

It's more MHW.
If you tolerated that then you're gonna have fun.

kamata-kun is cute

Attached: 1567581063.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

What weapon and armor should I craft first when entering MR?
I have Nergigante's LS and armor for now.

yes? everyone just sets it to friend only and never invite anyone

Fuck World, you stole me my hunting buddies, now i don't have anyone to play anything for at least a year since they will play the shit out of this game until their ps4 catches fire

Attached: FB_IMG_1564171011500.jpg (480x585, 65K)

If your armor is fully augmented you can just stick with it, otherwise it really doesn't matter too much. The main reason to get MR armor is for the defense, with some reasonable skills then you can shore up any weaknesses with the deco slots.

Beotudus armor is good to start with Polar Mobility is handy in Hoarfrost and Health Boost is always good - otherwise just roll with whatever you think looks good.

This is not reflected in the player count of the base game, not on launch or last week even when accounting for the naturally higher userbase.

what's the tile of this doujin

Just get an used ps4 slim bro
Trust me it gets the job done

Attached: 1562216359646.webm (640x360, 731K)

Nergigante can solo both Alatreon and white Fatalis at the same time

How the fuck do I change out of these winter clothes? I checked the layered armor already

But i am playing on private?

It actually always could, and useful to upgrade tiers you weren't interested in before.

Bring him back.

Attached: 1464508167988.jpg (5212x2979, 2.92M)

Only 0.17% of people on xbox have cleared Barioth.

how do I not take 30 minutes to kill a monster in GU?
I need dragonite or bone+s to upgrade any of my shit and all the 2* monsters just won't die

Yeah I believe they would write that into the series.

Attached: Ahhahahahah.jpg (1676x2117, 729K)

M8 Im playing iceborne right now.


>tfw all my friends didn't come back for Iceborne

That WebM made me think of this:

Well, I actually don't have any augments/decos now, didn't bother to farm that shit.
Is any weapon particularly fun to play now? How's hammer and bow?
LS got kinda boring and I prefer GU LS anyway.

Could the online be fucked? I've had 2 people join my public lobby and it's been open for hours.

mad cuz bad

Me as xbox double dipper who is just waiting for pc this time for iceborne.

I'm out of any money rn, school starts soon so i can't find any job to get a bit of money and no way my parents would approve me to get a new console after the switch, i could wait and play on pc but what would be the point of doing that without the guys who introduced you to the franchise

Finally cleared Barioth me and some other guy. Captured it too.

Holy shit fuck that guy.
I wouldnt call him pleb filter, just more he charges around a lot meaning you have to run around a lot. His attacks have big tells.

>tfw me and hunting friend agreed World was fun but no content
>got Iceborne since it has content now
>friend has no interest
Barely played GU together too. Starting to feel like he's not really into MH in general anymore. Which sucks cause he got me into the series.

Hi Yhorm!

I'm willing to bet its something wrong on their end considering nothing ever works right on launch day, that or faggots are racing or 'world firsts'

The online is fine, the problem is matchmaking is matching solo players to other solo players in fresh lobbies instead of chucking them into the largest ones. I assume visibility of the larger lobbies is also reduced.

They've done something weird to the lobby system. It may correct itself with the weekend rush or it's some new problem with IB.

>No Namielle GS
Why the FUCK is GS getting fucked over so fucking hard in Iceborn?
>No Glavenus GS
>No Zinogre Greatsword
>No Namielle Greatsword
And an absolute fuck you to Capcom. I swear to god if 6th gen has this weapon glueing shit I'm gonna FREAK I'M GONNA FUCKING FREAKKKKKK

Are you "most"?

Why is the assumption that everyone just burns through all essential missions?

Who cares. You use the one with the highest raw, everything else literally doesn't matter.

Makes me wonder just how big the overall drop-off is going to be from World.

>Caring about edgy fagswords when you got your swordfish back
No reason to use anything else

Enjoy the content you got, you bingbingfag

In Japan the G Rank game usually gets like 60% of the sales, who knows elsewhere since MH was still relatively niche outside of Japan until now.

Possibly, I'm wondering if Capcom fucked things up and isn't pooling people into busy lobbies, I did have my game temporarily lock up twice which never happened in the base game.
>this is a real official trailer
>stronk independent black woman who don't need no man, a gay banana and a fat kikess
Damn, Monster Hunter players look like THAT?

Water weapons can wash off the slime on Brachydios's pounders!

Attached: EBRyfJqUIAcw1dx.png (1280x960, 1.43M)

Right, because the MMO bits really were Frontier's biggest weakness, and I'm convinced most anti-Frontier shitposting comes from people who tried the Korean and earlier iterations of Frontier, when the grind and everything was absolutely fucked beyond belief. Beneath that layer of shit lies a lot of fun monsters though, and I wish people would stop the blanket hate and recognize the big chunk of monsters that actually are pretty cool.

You're allowed to criticize aspects of games you like. I love World, but the biggest problems absolutely are the equipment designs.

>Zinogre theme mixes in the Misty Peaks theme

Attached: 👌.jpg (500x711, 86K)

oh shit sheriff is right outside my house

what is this todoroki looking motherfucker?

the none of this series monster design do it for me.
they don't look like creatures which are the result of evolution.

I will never understand marketing teams, I can't imagine a world where ads like these sell products but clearly there is precedent.

Yes user, you see when marketing something you usually want to hit as wide a demographic as possible.

Ikr? It's great.

Attached: 1560757821383.gif (500x436, 1.35M)

The equipment designs are good, though. You are just a shitposter.

I play both, monster hunter is a better MMO than actual MMOs though.

I won't get to play until after the weekend, how is it?

Attached: 1565032827911.png (800x571, 357K)

Bingers are pathetic.

Attached: upgrade.png (1262x360, 675K)

You can't be serious.

Attached: 54jrogn85xz21.jpg (800x706, 43K)

you do, you're still connected to the server even if it's a room with only yourself, you can stll access SOS quests too
you don't count when you manually disconnect from inside a room or start the game without an internet connection

>actual MMOs

Actual MMO's don't really exist anymore, Old School Runescape is probably the closest thing.

It fits in a lot better than the Pokke bit in Narga's theme, I actually like it.

You too. My game locked up for a little less than a second in Seliana.

village or hub?

Any level of marketing at all will increase sales unless they manage to piss off their target audience completely.
The content of the ad hardly matters, just the big "MONSTER HUNTER WORLD: ICEBORNE" logo at the end.
Tri is the only time MH had good western commercials

Maybe I'm retarded but your response makes no sense in relation to mine. You didn't say anything that I disagree with or claimed wasn't the case.

>Unique weapons as part of final augmentation

Show up retards.


the lagiacrus hunter was shit too
live action commercials are cringe in general

>fit nigress, george takei and a 65-year-old fat jewish cat lady
Name even one of these types that plays vidya at all ever. They'd have to learn crazy shit moving the camera and your character at the same time which my mom still can't fucking do after years of playing with me. Why would they care about video games at all?

Attached: 1567638248209.gif (550x400, 274K)

I'm a scrub who forgot about how big a fleabag Zin is, and I mistook the bug in that reveal trailer as an Astalos tease.

Capcom is atrocious with marketing. They're disconnected with their target audience.

>gets banned 6 times this morning
>still ban evades and shitposts
Man this is one persistent autist. Mods are already tired of him

>stop hating on my shitty game! LALALA I CANT HEAR YOU
get fucked lmao, enjoy your rehash DLC

This doesn't even show the final tier of upgrades. Every change actually shown in the video is just monster parts slapped on the standard Iron lance.
Did you even watch the whole thing?

But doesn't the swappable monster name: custom mod still has the base iron/bone model?

reminder that sns is fun as hell now with perfect rush

Attached: Monster%20Hunter%20World-%20Iceborne_20190906053324.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

Is the barioth armor any good?

Look at the comments, apparently normies fucking love this ad.

He doesn't even show a fully upgraded weapon, letalone a fully upgraded weapon from a monsters tree using parts from that monster as the final upgrade, so come back when someone does that.

I don't think it's going to do anything but nobody has shown any proofs either way.

did he say he couldn't reach the final augmentation becaue he ran out of mats?

I've heard that if you augment a weapon with parts from that monster, its makes a bigger change. At least I hope so.
The worst part about that SA weapons is that there's 2 iron models and everything uses the ugly, rectangular model instead of round one.

Attached: steel_axe.png (192x192, 7K)

hows the hh this time around?

>SnS finally has some real impact to its attacks instead of that weak ass infinite

Attached: 1548803680495.jpg (720x901, 72K)

>The equipment designs are good, though.

sorry had a brainfarm and thought you mean something along the lines off
>if everyone did that we wouldn't have had those big player counts at world's launch


Quick I need some SA armor

imagine being this wrong

fuck have I been soloing MP monsters or some shit?

Based, play real Monster Hunter with me and my wife's boyfriend

Attached: 71tFD6j6rXL._SY445_.jpg (277x445, 39K)

Paarl, is that you?

Fingers crossed then, hope it's true

>lets totally ignore 60% of the designs cause it ruins my shitposting narrative
Ok retard

How's the lance now?

Man, the new gathering hub is fantastic, I wish I had friends.

>Negress ranged
>Faggot ig

>Guiding Lands is a remix of all the battle themes

Should we tell him?

>Oh boy I sure do love looking at the same iron shapes and monster bones with feathers glued on with cum!

meant for

Unga bunga all in on offense
Maybe Evade Window/Extender since rolling is your only defensive option


Gunlance Chads, WW@?

hub has increased hp
usually I do village then go hub

What, did they not change any of the weapon designs?

Attached: scarred garuga machine gun.webm (1280x720, 1.7M)

We still dont know because nobody reached the full upgrade

Al final, estoy en casa...mi hermano...

how much we talking, double?

>Volcano godzilla, alien lazer dragon, swords bigger than your body, whatever the everwyrm is
inb4 cherrypicked. Get fucked, this game is inconsistent at best when it comes to realism

The fucking state of you.

Do you really think it will magically turn into something new ?
keep dreaming faggot.

>That music

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>How do we make Garuga more obnoxious?
>I know! We'll make it a 1st gen Rathalos!

you people are really desperate for it to be the old models. it would be cool as fuck but its never happening.

So DB is the worst weapon right now right?

I just made the g rank Jagras armor.
The skills there are pretty nice for sa

No you retard, that's what the fucking faggot that keeps going on about
keeps saying with zero proof. I just want confirmation either way.

Learn to abuse shitposters beyond any recompense

Been playing since last week cause honhon land. The augmentation costs are MMO tier expensive so its gonna be a while until something significant happens

It does change from each mod so there’s hope

I'm getting three kos a fight with the new hh impact shit so yeah probably

>attack boost 4
>evade extender
its just a solid set all around for starting out on g rank

it varies but around 30-50%

sanic tigrex

Attached: brute tigrex.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>Julius Seizure


Onlydesperation I've ever seen was shitposters. They literally dont even play and just shitpoat 24/7 using the most blatant bait of all

Human beings are at school or work. 2.5% of all players being NEETS isn't really surprising.

Just sell unwanted monster parts for zenny dude. I'm sitting on like nearly 27 million zenny at the end of HR on PC. I'm sure Iceborne will burn a lot of that on upgrade costs but MR monster parts that you don't need will also sell for twice as much as HR shit.

>Have weapon tree
>Weapons don't actually evolve

Really makes you think

Yep, I think he's back.

These load times are fucking atrocious. Even worse than they used to be. Even loading a quest takes a fucking eternity now. Why?

I got like 5 on Banbaro and that was before I slotted three slugger jewels.

I meant expensive as in materials


If it were 1st gen Rathalos that would have taken literally 10 times as long.

Slapstick comedian reporting for duty

Attached: Monster Hunter World_ Iceborne_20190906134503.jpg (1920x1080, 581K)

I miss the screen distortion on roars

I noticed this too. Even on my Xbox One X it takes forever for some reason

>It does change from each mod so there’s hope

"change", those changes are generic, we need unique designs.
If I spend all those resources to end up with a generic design it's gonna be even worse.

Old Everwyrm theme for phase 1 (when he's covered in rocks)
Old Everwyrm theme for phase 2 (when he's shed his rock skin)

Punishment for not liking the bone and iron reskins.

who is this we you are talking about? I am perfectly fine with what we got.

Goddamn, nice. In multi or single? Can you spoonfeed me how the echo bubbles work?

We still have nothing on that so dont jump to conclusions just yet

Square up Harambe

Attached: 1565526675122.jpg (640x628, 103K)

>it would be cool as fuck but its never happening.

That's the issue friend.
I hope that MH6 changes this.

Frontier also doesn't belong. That's why it's gonna die in a few months user.

Why do you keep saying “we”? Inferiority conplex?

Attached: 20190718094737_1.jpg (490x92, 10K)

>dark souls is hard maymay

Because he thinks everyone agrees with him despite countless times he’s been told to fuck off. Its mental illness

You're a retard
I'm not jumping to conclusions, I'm trying to get to the last augment but as of now it isn't looking promising for me.
Hopefuly it will change, hopefuly.

You don't belong. Don't play monster hunter if you're not gonna like them. Played since first gen and put in 500+ in every game

i just think its hilarious that people truly believe that they would make unique models hidden behind some esoteric turbo grind instead of making that a prime point of advertising when it was one of the biggest criticisms of world all around.

Attached: 1564245728159.png (329x265, 51K)

well that makes sense since all elder dragons are literally bioweapons designed by an ancient civilization.

Shara's designer probably was some hipster fuck who thought "no see they're UGLY that makes it good"


Bros...Is there still hope?

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So either we don't get them, or we spend literal days trying to.
I honestly don't which is better.

PC player here, is the MH4u crit draw Greatsword build style viable again with the first hit damage improvement and the new skills?

>Oh no some people have different points of view

Are you hurt friend ? there are other people who agree with me in this thread, but its ok if you don't.

actually kino
blows worlds shit ass music out of the water

what are the chances theres atleast one or two monsters we havent seen yet?

i thought this was monster hunter not monster kissing, why do you need beautiful monsters? you are supposed to kill them not stare at them

Don't mind me, just gonna use my GOLDEN FACE MOVE.

Attached: 1567449786133.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

After rajang, there is no way they will let him out.

Post a poll if you’re so confident

It was "viable" ever since the patch that added Kulve where they buffed it back to the same MVs as 4U, it just won't ever be as fast as using the full charge combo.

Anyone notice a difference when using the LS special sheathe with the quick sheathe skill? I have 3 into quick sheathe, but I can't notice a real difference in sheathing speed.

Yeah bro, this conclusion is common sense, but people want to get disappointed no matter what.

I disagree with you as well.

Both Shara and Paolumu still look better than Frontier.

Even the Handler's face looks better than Frontier.

Attached: 1560922179750.png (661x1817, 1.44M)


>the rotten vale intro part
oh yeah, that's the good shit

Next thread

I honestly believe World 2 is going to sell less than World. Which sucks because Capcom could blow a ton of money on it and then the series could get shitcanned for not meeting expectations.

I'm still holding out for Khezu; however, it does make sense that they wouldn't release another lightning monster after Rajang. Maybe we'll get Gigginox then, aren't too many poison types in World.

>Be super advanced civilization that can engineer dragons

>Be a pleb who only cares about functionality or be an artisan who meshes both functionality AND aesthetic

what's the fucking point of making a bio monster if it it's not fucking a work of art? there's a reason it jobs to fucking Nergi, who is both aesthetic and functional

>better than anything

Attached: shuckle.png (400x280, 101K)

Dark Souls plats are just about collecting shit, that's the hardest part.

it's been over 10 years aready capcom when the fuck is yama coming back to mainline

Attached: 1564004419589.png (143x128, 28K)

Fuck this guy, I just went through so many fucking antidotes. Holy shit, what an asshole.

Attached: MHWI-Viper_Tobi-Kadachi_Render_001.png (1232x1080, 1.38M)

World 2 needs to have more returning monsters and the favorites from World 1.
They should add a loot of returning monsters and of course all their weapons, if possible new ones too.

Frontier is the rock bottom in term of ugliness. So ugly that Handler looks like a beauty model when compared to the spikiest looking trash from Frontier.

Damn that's actually sick, what else can he do?

Does elemental crit deco exist? Would make builds really easy. Also, is raw still king for hammer or element hammer is better now


so the expansions worth it then?

so what will be the niche in MH6? or the "muh ecosystem" thing will carry over forever?

sauce pls

Attached: 1516919574972.jpg (800x1132, 496K)

Destroy your day.

Equip three Antidote Jewels.

Attached: Da3flyvVwAAcoMa.jpg orig.jpg (800x600, 68K)

I don't think the series will get shitcanned. With any luck they'll use their heads and realise that there's no way in hell that everybody who bought World is going to stick around and plan around that.

Just copy paste most monsters from World, do LR & HR versions for most of the obligatory monsters that came back for Iceborne, and fill in the missing weapon models for them.
Add the usual amount of new monsters and you can super easily have a HR game with 50+ monsters ready to go.

>All Ailments Negated
>laughs in HH

>Monster Hunter will never release on Nintendo ever again

Attached: 1546821690220.jpg (482x427, 90K)

Which IG should I make to advance into Master Rank?
Empress Cane Ruin isn't cutting it

I can’t play this until Monday. How many new monsters are there outside of the ones they revealed in trailers? I heard about Blackveil Hazak but that’s about it

True, maybe even add two new weapons one melee and one ranged.

Holy fuck, this is next level shit taste you have!
Tell me more about how you hate Frontier's spikes but suck Nergigante's barbed dick.

And that is a good thing!

Attached: 1429721699390.jpg (637x545, 173K)

That's hilarious and also a sign of genuine autism. Touting 500+ hours in frontier as a good thing is pretty silly. If it's true though RIP you when the servers die.

And thats a good thing.

My highest damaging bows are Cera Coilbender or Kjar Spark. Which one should i take to start Iceborne?

Don't lose hope, Nintenbro! Nothing is set and stone and there is no reason they shouldn't consider the Switch next game!

I thought the Behemoth one was the best

140 apex garuga was the hardest he's ever been or will be

>posted moments apart
Sad you had to oust yourself, faggot.

Hey pard, remember your story objectives

Attached: scatternuts-deprived handler.png (1511x1423, 568K)

kjarr fire


What the fuck, I was told Empress Cane Ruin with the Nerg augment was the absolute best followed by AT Kulve's with Paralysis

Is CB still as OP as ever ?
Is this the right time for trying a serious use of GL ?

Did they leave an item from a DLC monster in Acidic's drop table or something? Hellblade?

Oh boy

Attached: 1556911539558.png (1200x1080, 1.02M)

AED got nerfed, but the axe mode moves got buffed, so... Maybe?

>Imagine being this dumb.

checkmate monster fags.

Attached: 1506523390861.gif (270x220, 24K)

yes you are right, the behemoth stick is utter trash

>cut off Glaveanus' tail
>the tail is intact after the fact
Is this a glitch?

so? it's not like anyone is plating it

did you break it or cut it off. thats two separate things for glav.


I'm playing single player till I solo every monster

His tail breaks and then can be cut off when it's heated, like Odogaron's two step break.

Bros............................. I miss the Xlink Kai days..............................

Oh I see, thank you. I was wondering what happened there for a sec.

Don’t have it, does the Anja III cut it?