"Smash Brothers?" No thank you, my Neopets need to be fed

>"Smash Brothers?" No thank you, my Neopets need to be fed.

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>Smash Bros? Isn't that a game for small children?

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Exposed ankles is not a good look for men.

t. Cargo shorts and graphic t shirt boy

based and fpbpilled

t. Exposed gut

Imagine trying explain to your parents/SO why you have all these pictures of muscular men on your PC.


It'd be easier to just say you're gay.

I would just tell them I'm a fag, what's the problem?

>that physique
Pick one. That has to be the fakest thing I've seen about these images so far.

>Why yes, my PC is packed with pictures of attractive men. What seems to be the problem?

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Imagine them caring. I've got hentai too

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...could neopets be a good new character for smash brothers?

What sort of sissy pants are those?

Imagine caring what other people think my tastes.

You're not proving him wrong.

You havent lost weight

Those are standard office slacks. If you had a job you would know this.

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move more eat more cope less

They're not, they are narrowed at the bottom to fit tightly, and are also shortened. This is not your business official.

>"nintendo"? sorry, never heard of it.

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The next DLC fighter will be a digimon

Screencap this

Nice watch


It's so cringe when dudes wear tight clothes, I guess it's cause he is gay but whatever.

post body bitch

I've always considered the short pants no socks to be gay af. I've only seen gay men with that look. Maybe I'm just old...

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Dude it’s the only way to show off your gains if you’re natty

how do i become this hot?
