Absolute kino

absolute kino

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Fuck off, cocksucka.

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I really enjoyed infamous 1 and 2. What was second son even about? Was it good?

Sly 1 - Infamous 2 is a godly run of consecutive games from any developer, shame they butchered that consistency with Second Son. Hopefully Tsushima turns out okay, but I think that the golden age of Sucker Punch is behind us.

dont spill your soimilk

Reminder that Zeke is a fucking asshole and deserved that """bad""" ending in 2

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Evil playthrough of all Infamous games is the best way to go.

Lucy Gooko or Nixgger?

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who hurt you user


He was willing to kill hundreds of people just to shoot lasers from his eyes. Literally no better than Bertrand

They're both retarded, so Nyx for hotness

Trish was a bitch anyway

Thoughts on this?

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Terrible character design

Its shit compared to the first two.

Donte tier.

What's wrong with urban-punk style?

Infamous 1 and 2 were great, wish they didn't drop the ball with Second Son.

Her sister is dead.

>capeshit is kinooo

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Conduits are now more rare (retconning the choice at the end of Infamous 2). You are a native american and a Conduit (able to copy other people's powers), your tribe gets fucked up with Concrete cancer by a government Conduit. You gotta find concrete lady and take her powers to cure your tribe.
It was an Infamous game, but not a great one. Multiple power sets, but all of them felt pretty identical.

I had fun but I liked electric powers considerably more than any of Delsins powers, as well as Cole as a character more. Smoke could have been cool but I think the problem with having multiple powers is each one didn't feel fleshed out enough. They were all pretty underwhelming coming off of infamous 2 where you have a shitload of power options for every category and just about every button did a move. All of Delsin's hero powers were just more powerful than the evil ones. Melee combat is a pretty big downgrade from I2 as well, much less satisfying.

Beanies are ugly and only worn by manchildren.

Cole is the most based generic bald whiteman protagonist

Try first light instead, it has the best power from that game. Smoke powers are a close second but the game in general is poorly written and doesn’t reach its potential, especially considering it’s the same group who was behind 1 and 2.

The third power you get and the character associated with it is massive cringe. It’s definitely where the game fell apart for me. Just feels like Sony made them put a lot of time into the graphics because launch title.

Multiple power sets that all felt like animation swaps.
A straight up retcon of the previous game's ending.
It wasn't a pure shit game, but it was the worst Infamous game.

>They're both retarded
Infamous 2 is a "never have sex" propaganda

Smoke and neon are fun, the first is a run and gun playstyle where if your getting up in peoples faces and shotgunning them essentially. Neon is more about positioning and sniping targets from afar. Video and concrete are fucking awful though, the whole second half feels undercooked.

The powers and combat are great, the graphics are fucking stellar for a console game, even ~5 years later. Everything else about it is a step down from the previous games.

Didn't really like the characters on the hero side, but holy shit they made an excellent villain. I thought I'd hate her going in just from the look of her, but she turned out to be both absolutely based and did nothing wrong.

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Wait, the bad ending of 2 is the canon ending?
How does SS retcon it?

>the bad ending of 2 is the canon ending?