This game has to many good characters this honestly hurts the competitive scene so many matches are just decided by do...

This game has to many good characters this honestly hurts the competitive scene so many matches are just decided by do you know the match up there's no way you can memorize the intricacies of like 80 characters

Attached: super-smash-bros-ultimate1.jpg (1000x563, 128K)

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Would you be happy if there were just 2 good characters like the other games?

>"""""competitive""""" smash bros

Attached: kazuya.png (1440x1080, 1.41M)

Ultimate doesn't really have much intricacies.

git gud

lmao who cares. its a fun party game to play at Christmas and whatnot

>matches are just decided by do you know the match up
That's exactly how it should be.

With how many different characters show up in tourneys, you definitely should. The only iffy match ups to learn are zoners, because they can throw out a bunch of shit at you and you don't really know what they can lead to.

I prefer if they just made it like melee

>tfw cant play Smash at familiy gatherings anymore because I will wipe the floor with everyone if my little bro doesnt show up
at least we still have AoE2

It kind of does even characters like samus who most people would say is shit can surprise you

Samus isn't shit to begin with. Plenty of her moves hit pretty hard and she's pretty difficult to edgeguard. Mid tier at worst.

Fuck off Leffen

The game doesn’t have that many intricacies though.

Cope leffen is better than you

This exchange just made me think of two characters, Fuck Off Leffen and Cope Leffen, that appear on twitter.

Fuck Off Leffen is the one who just lost a match and doesn't want faggots coming up to him and saying "you played great can I get a picture?"

Cope Leffen is the one who wins and then talks shit on everyone else.

>tfw forever in the realm of above average where I wipe the asses of friends so hard to where it's not fun for anyone, but not good enough to be "competitive"
We once played a smash 4 5 stock FFA with 4 people and I managed to claim every single stock without losing one. As default Palutena.

Attached: 1526758104281.jpg (846x846, 80K)

Dont bully leffen

So only 2 good characters.



t. meleefag that can't handle the fact his shitty techskill test game is dying