Are you excited for Animal Crossing New Horizons?

Are you excited for Animal Crossing New Horizons?

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Not really excited, Its usually a chill game I play just before bed. This time I don't live with anyone so they can't erase my town like what happened in every game in the past eventually.

I think I grew out of my Animal crossing phase cause I'm not excited or care at all. If I was younger I would probably be excited as I bought every single animal crossing before.

I wanna fuck whitney

I mean
I hope the soundtrack is good.
It's always nice listening to Animal Crossing music on night walks through the neighborhood.

Ill be when they finally address the villagers and their interactions. is the one thing they have left out of the directs.

This. It's just better when you're younger without anything better to do and actual friends to discover and play with locally. Also all the games are too similar and the dialogue gets more mundane

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Not too excited actually. I like AC a lot, but it´s aways kind of the same thing and there isn´t a lot of interactions with the villagers. If it packs some fun minigames or things to do other than decoration I´ll probably be more interested

More than y’all niggas could believe.

have they gone into detail at all about how exactly the multiplayer is going to work? is it going to be shit?

Very excited. I love the design part of animal crossing and they're now giving you tons of ways to design your town.

>are you activating your emotions in anticipation of the next iteration of this product, fellow humans?

I'm still confused if the game is tropical island themed or if that's just the start. Like is most of the furniture going to be themed around camping and vacation shit? I feel like that would sort of destroy my creativity if I wanna have a different vibe to my town

Thats just the start. Theyve said it will be just like a normal animal crossing when you've built your town up.

>I mean

consider it a normal Animal Crossing game except you found the village with the help of Tom Nook, his family and 2 random animals

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Yes playing New Leaf now in excitement

The older and more encumbered with responsibilities I become, the more I anticipate the quiet, comfy escape of Animal Crossing.

The most schizo newfag post that ever was.
There are better lexicon intrusions to worry about.
Like twitter colons.

he's right you're a fucking abomination that does the cringiest most retarded stuff because of your program

Yes. Been playing the original since I was 5, and I look forward to spending another year+ with this one. The only AC game i remember being dissappointed with was the Wii City folk one.
Im looking forward to the crafting part of it, personally. Just hope the villager interactions get better. Already kind of looks like youll be more tied to them since you are building up the town with them from the start.

>he's right you're a fucking abomination that does the cringiest most retarded stuff because of your program

This will be my first Animal Crossing ever; what am I in for?

Don't buy this shit game. It's just grinding and shallow dialogue.

the grind is the game. It's slow living

Animal Crossing is boring as hell, don't buy it.


Iys bait stop taking it


Ignore the others they are intimidated by the game. It's just a very casual game where you take your time and make your own fun. If thag doesn't sound good to you than avoid it but if you're looking for a slow chill out game than it's perfect

Cute, relaxing game to play before bed

My biggest problem with the series is that I love playing long sessions with games.
In Animal Crossiing there is literally nothing to do so I can't even play for an hour straight.

I really hope the “deserted island package” is just one of several starting locations. It would be nice to have a couple different biome choices to pick from if you don’t want to just be on an island. Maybe a forest or mountain package will be options.

If they have different choices it will be DLC

I cant wait to be comfy

>I-I was merely pretending to be retarded!
Remember when trolling actually took some effort instead of just assuming people could hear your sarcastic tone through cold words on the computer screen?

Not really, even if I'm going to get it anyway
I've been waiting what now, two console generations for a new Animal Crossing that's not on a handheld?

If they put stamina mechanics, I'll pull a KyoAni

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crafting and the ability to move trees and rocks instantly means you have more stuff you can be doing if you want to since that stuff isn't on a timer or have a daily limit

what do you mean if? They already have it's just limited to big activities like moving trees and probably rocks as well. Crafting public works might also use up a lot of food

Id suggest you try to play new leaf a little before to see if you like it

I need some form of fake friends or I'll kill myself. So yes I can't wait

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Yes. I'm pissed it was delayed into 2020 though.

will those friends be fellow Yea Forumsirgins or the animals

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>heh FUCK emotions and FUCK products, I'm 16 and think authority and consumerism is DUMB

I just wish they just let you have the townies you want already. I dont get why are they so adamant in making you suffer for it. I dont play AC for the realism.

How would it be anything other than virtual animals?

could go on to /acg/ and swap codes with others and engage in trades and visit each others islands

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No. I'll patiently wait until it releases next year. Don't know why they didn't release it already.

I hope this game is translated in French so I can avoid that manchildren memetic talk.

I used to like AC, but it's choking down a better game series and should fuck off.

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becoming a furry

get a load of this retard

I swear to fuck they better let you form a g/f b/f relationship with one of the villagers this time

Honestly, this is the game I'm looking forward to most on Switch. It's funny to me that we've gone from owning a house, to an RV, to now living in a tent. Next game will feature living in a sleeping bag.

they've promised you can roleplay weddings but it was more like you can do that with IMAGINATION rather than it being a feature

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>no shops confirmed

I want Sables and Kicks and Harriet etc
They can keep comedy club fucker tho

from various interviews it sounds like once you develop enough shops will ask to come to your island and you can accept or reject them. You also get to decide where they go. Not sure how accurate all this is since it's all from translated interviews

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>but it was more like you can do that with IMAGINATION rather than it being a feature

>give animal a wedding dress like outfit
>decorate a room house in a wedding like way
>change their catchphrase to something wedding related
>invite them over

Guys I have no money and ran out of food. I have to survive a day without food until my paycheck comes in tomorrow. I have 20 cents I was planning to use to buy potatoes but then I realized I have no match sticks anymore.

What do?

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That's gay shit, I want it as a legit feature. You could make a porn dungeon this way too who cares

have sex

>Fucking walllllls on an island
What the fuck Nintendo? Can you just make one version of the game that's not retarded?

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what said. Just sell your body

>implying anyone would pay more than a $1 to have sex with a Yea Forums poster

those are supposed to be cliffs

>crafting and shit

>more gameplay options

I am immensely excited for it, what I've seen so far has been amazing and considering that the series has only ever improved as it went along (sans HHD), it has me more hyped than any game has gotten me in like half a decade.

My biggest want for NH is conversation unique to specific villagers amidst the pool of general responses they have, being able to get more emotionally invested in characters I like would be nice. A dating feature would also be nice, but Nintendo probably isn't having any of that.

Fingers crossed for the online to have some depth to it as well, but even just chilling with other people in their towns is nice enough

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>2 random animals
theres been no mention of how many neighbors can be up in theisland, r-right?

I dont usually like crafting but cmon, its the perfect fit and progression for AC

you start with 2 but there's no mention of the max

>you start with 2

This is going to make re-rolling for my favorite villager to be in my town FUCKING impossible isn't it? I mean I'll do it but it took me like 2 fucking days of rerolling back in new leaf and that was starting off with like FIVE fucking villagers per re-roll.

Holy fucking shit

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It must be hard living as an autist

please stop that

very basedu

I'm a guy so I don't care that much.
These types of games without a clear goal or purpose gets boring quick.
If I am playing a game I want to have fun or feel tense if it is horror.

>not wanting to start with yout favorite
>leaving it up to an RNG in a pool of over 200

Look who's talking

Just emulate the GC version and see if you like it.
I am more into harvest moon/runefactory and couldn't get into it. I just really like having goals to go after, but these games are more of a daily progression of expanding your collection. Characters are nice with lots of different personalities that you'll manage to find some villager you prefer over others.

>wanting to reroll for literal days because your autism demands you must have specific villagers

Lol reroll fags btfo. I just learn to love who you're given you fag.

I want to live in animal crossing

you can reject villagers or so I hear so whilst rerolling the first villagers might be hard it gets easier to choose who you want

What I want is some kind of means to force undesirable villagers to leave. My town in New Leaf had Barold, who I'll never forget because he is the ugliest, most annoying motherfucker in the AC series.

Now I'm remembering my interactions with him and getting angry. One time I spent like 20 minutes beating him with the bug net in a vain effort to make him leave town. Fuck you, Barold.

>not starting with your favorite

Really manly user.


Almost as bad as Doc, I pity you

Yes. It looks really comfy and fun.

Why do we have to wait so long

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I hope its more forgiving about skipping days of playing

I have become a wagie since the halycon days of New Leaf and only have so much time a day to game

weeds have uses so that won't be too bad but who knows how flowers will do unwatered, how many bugs will be running around and whether trash will be a thing

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Considering the theme of the cover logo in OP's image, I doubt it.

I'm honestly baffled that this board lost interest after the crafting gimmick was revealed. Why the stigma?

Personally I've been starved for another Animal crossing title. New Leaf was ok but the mayor gimmick made the game less comfy. Part of what makes the series charming is the laid back pace. Plus the town projects were handled poorly and gold was annoying to obtain unless you cheesed the island.

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It's a very slow burn game. The in game time is based on the real world clock, so at different times of day you'll experience different things in game. If you're a nightowl, don't even bother picking up the game because all the stores are closed at night, and the neighbors are usually asleep.

I'm not a night owl but I'm out the house at 6am and back at 7pm most days

Enjoy never seeing the sun in AC

>tfw we'll never get hamtaro collaboration villagers like they did with sanrio

I wish they'd hills back like in the GC and WII games, they made the whole town feel bigger.

I hope there's a place where you can meet randos like new leafs Island.

Maybe there'll be a 24/7 option, or at least have shops stay open til 1am or something. Come to think of it how on earth are shops going to work? I'm guessing you set them up in a tent at first? I get the feeling it might be an entire week or something before you can get able sisters to move in.

Based pervert poster

Looks pretty soulless compared to the previous entries. The game is entirely reliant on soul since it has nothing else going for it aside from music. They finally killed Animal Crossing.

>"Tu as pris un éperlan ! Tu as dû être hyper rapide !"
Was the description given to the pond smelt in the French version of ACNL, it just talks about how fast you caught it.
From my experience, French versions usually try to stay as close as possible to the Japanese version.

Crafting is quite a boring mechanic, that's why.

I personally hope for new villager types.
What are your hopes Yea Forums? I want to get bat villagers someday.

Unless they change this (doubtful since its been in all the other games and youd have to force an internet connection at all times to play) you can just set your game's time to a different time. So when you get home at 7pm, you can just keep the game several hours behind or change it as you play. But yeah unfortunately when you work full time 8am - 5pm the game kind of looses some of its charm. Weekends are still comfy though.


Cows already exist, try again



I want mean villagers

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None of them act like they're about to ask me to come over and 'move some furniture' for them and then proceed to mommy dom me in their house though

Lizards or geckos.
Seals or Sea Lions
Maybe turtles that look different from Tortimer

yes, but I'm a bit worried about the stamina thing

Wait what stamina thing

the new trailer showed something about eating apples to restore energy and dig stuff faster, which implies some kind of stamina gauge

Since thy still haven’t shown the special npcs yet, do you think they’ll do something similar to splatoon 2, where they release a comic/story on the website that details what’s been happening since HHD?

Doing certain tasks require stamina. Probably not simple tasks like watering, fishing, etc. But heavy tasks like picking up trees

Cool then the comedy club can go at the bottom of the ocean

I think its a temportary boost but never declines below the standard baseline

I haven’t played since the GameCube, so I’m pretty excited for this. I had it on 3ds but I never played it and sold all my 3ds stuff.

I want to know if those characters are coming back. Or if we'll get new villagers and cards.

In the immortal words of Chuggaaconroy
"Hour a day Crossing"

If they add new character arcs and some more backstory for her and all the other special npcs like wild world did and make the villager dialogue better, then yes. If not, I’ll just buy it for the multiplayer.

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There's always another option

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from what little dialogue we've seen everything suggests the dialogue will be as good or bad as New Leaf. It certainly won't be GC Animal Crossing

Wild World is the benchmark

then it depends if you think New Leaf is a step up or down from that

Everybody knows that in terms of dialouge the series goes

WildWorld>GC>NL>City Folk

>he will never know the joy of trashing an island in 4-player local coop

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Crafting is going to ruin this game

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I'm excited but the absents of Cloud Saves are discouraging.

just go with randos, I went into wild world completely blind, and wart jr. and chow ended up becoming my favorites.

I really hope they go balls to the wall with things to do instead of just making it "another incremental animal crossing with a minor crafting gimmick." I haven't owned a nintendo system since the wii and I've been craving a decent game to give me comfy nintendo vibes again.

But from this interview, it seems like there will be more of a focus on special npc arcs, as wild world’s episodes have never been referenced before, and Nook Inc. hasn’t been used since City Folk. I’m not sure about regular villager dialogue though, but I hope the better body language is a good sign.

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Just go to a gas station you don't frequent and shove a lighter in your pocket and walk out.

When does this game release again?


When starting a new file, let you have control over how the town's terrain looks: Where ponds are, cliff shape, river path, etc, and make the town a little larger so you have more space.

Give you some sort of control over the villagers that populate the village. Want specific species in your town? Cool, give you something to make it more likely for them to join up. Want rid of certain villagers? Cool, give you a way to get them to move out.

Give better interaction with villagers. Make it so you can actually build friendships with them. Give them actual character and stories, give them the ability to actually build relationships with other villagers. Fucking flesh them out.

I'd be so happy.

Because crafting is a current popular video game trend that has to be half-assedly thrown in every AAA game "just because". It's not interesting or fun anymore, and it's practically all they've shown for NH. We have more than enough crafting games in 2019 and that's exclusively what this game is being pitched as.

And all of that's especially discouraging considering the last game was jewy mobileshit.

March 20th

Surely you can still change the time on your device to line it up with your IRL sleep cycle.

Very glad it's finally happening, AND with no isabelle in sight still.

She's one of the people you can invite to the island to set up some business or another. It is currently unknown what business that is, just that you will have to fulfill some sort of condition and then ask Nook to bring her on, same as the other businesses.

>no isabelle in sight still
She's going to be the PWP bitch and a villager this time. Nintendo has Isabelle merchandise that needs to be sold.

Drink lots of water throughout the day and whenever you get a hunger pang. Your belly will be fooled.

Isabelle did nothing wrong.

I didn't see this in the direct. Got a source?

other than be gay as fuck.

She killed Lottie when we were finally getting cute otters.
Isabelle deserves death by firing squad.

I just want villager girls in bikinis on my island getaway
I'm a simple man

Nope, Nook is the PWP jockey this time, though it'll probably not be called that. Isabelle runs one of the PWPs.
An interview after the E3 direct, here.
Most of what we know about the late game comes from such interviews.

Only if we get to fuck Isabelle

Are these games connected? Can I just buy this one and have fun or will I miss out on a bunch of stuff from never playing the past ones?

They're not connected. There's no plot.

You have to play them in release order to truly appreciate the nuances of sending letters and interior decorating.

Why people autistic about villagers then?

The comfiest game ever made.
And a great house decorating sim

Because people want to hang out with their virtual friends

Those are lonely losers/virgins/furries.

that all sounds terrible. Just play DQB2

I don't even like lifesims and I'm excited.

fuck your backstory, New Leaf conversations were very entertaining and real. Loreshit is overrated and overdone. This is a game about living in a calm place with cute/funny animals with a personality, not some weebshit RPG

is this going to become a reality

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What will be different from a desert island to a normal town?

here is the plot, there will finally be more in this game (probably). all of it is optional though.

Jesus, what is even the point of having hobbies when you have so little free time?


thank you for understanding.

it's only for 4-5 days a week if you don't count the 2 days I'm on call from home

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what do you think of the noses matching the skin tone and thus being a lot less pronounced


I was until I learned you can't back up your save.

Not hyped or anything close to that, I just know it'll be a chill time killer before bed or something along those lines.

Fak gaijin cheaters

nice manga, good taste

after welcome amiibo you could kick them out by bringing in someone new, and also hitting villagers doesnt make them leave

Does anyone know what this is? I was looking for villager cards and saw this.

I'm a gay furry so yes.

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Thankfully I don't have to pay a cent for it
My wife is crazy about these games and is buying it for herself. Since we share a switch I'm just going to play it on my own profile.

Cool stuff, thanks


it is the only reason i have not killed myself

It looks nice, only things I'm not too keen on are the washed out colors and minimalist UI

You say that, but I'm really hoping there's actually another part of town in the ocean, where the squid, octopus and shark villagers live.

which villagers that already exist fit the milf look?

>Implying they can’t co-exist
Nintendo just straight up needs more employees

Fairly excited. Mostly just to play it in Japanese and learn the names of fish, insects and household objects finally.

Are they going to fucking add night activities!? Will the fucking animals do something new or exciting!? WHY IS IT SO FUCKING HARD TO PROGRAM THE SHIT!? IT'S A FUCKING SMALL ONE AREA! IT'S NOT AN ADVENTURE GAME! IT'S A FUCKING ISLAND OF NOTHING!

manga? Ins't this just 40hara's art?

Recently lost my job and found out I can't work no more.
Will this be a long game that will satisfy NEET?

if you no life games then no game will ever be long enough

What do?

But he’s probably doing this because he doesn’t want splatoon 3 to be a city folk situation.

would you be ok with it if it was all entirely optional and didn’t lock any shops or content behind it, with the main focus still being the calm gameplay?

when you have all the time in the world self improvement is the best thing you can do. You can start by working out (more). I wasted the years I had heaps of time and now I have no time I'm not the finest specimen of a human because I didn't take that time to improve myself

It seems pointless to work out. My eyes are degrading. I won't be able to see a thing.
It seems best to just enjoy time I have and jump off a bridge when it gets too bad.

It doesn't matter if you don't have anybody to improve yourself for.

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you can do what you want just do it with no regrets

do it for yourself then. Selfishness isn't all bad all the time

take care of your eyes, sleep well, eat well, work out to at least be somewhat healthy, play games, play whatever looks fun, and actually try to enjoy it, try and go outside and enjoy the wild, get creative and find a nice hobby, if you have a line of work try to improve and then look for a job, there is lots to do, you can do it, also sure enjoy animal crossing, its great

Learn to read Braille user. Then you can play Braille video games.


Yes, very much so. All these retarded normies at the start of the thread saying no need to fuck off back to their containment sites.

The REAL AC for Switch released one week ago.

Ace Combat?

None of you were ever into AC to begin with, you just played it because your friends did.

Those are awful suggestions. Animal Crossing isn't fun if it gives you complete control of your experience.

How can you get excited for an Animal Crossing that marginalizes the role of the Animals?

how are they being marginalised when they have the exact same role as before except you can keep them happy with stuff you craft and they can teach you DIY recipes

I don't have any friends.

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Can we change windows now?

There's something so soulless about just upscaling things.

Actually we could put curtains and different windows in the Happy Home Designer.