British cuisine

>british cuisine

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>British "cuisine"

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Post a cunt with better puds
protip: you can't

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>/int/ thread on Yea Forums

Where's the fookin toast sandwich gamefreak, ya cunt?

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a twitter screencap thread died for this

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am brit, love curry

most of british cuisine is bad but they've redeemed themselves with scotch eggs, so fucking good I'm willing to forgive all the rest

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>japanese """""""""cuisine""""""""""""""

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So from which pokemon meat is that sausage made off?

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so the spicy sause is what differs rice from curry, right? i dont like spicy things at all, to the point where i couldnt even eat anything in the local Indian restaurant. like god damn, and i thought curry was Indian food not British food, and rice foods are usually asian food not European food?
i tried to upload that extra mild sauce for white people picture but it said upload failed

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Is that a chocolate salami? It looks too dark to be actual real salami.

I can't imagine a worst fate than being trapped in a videogame in a British setting.

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are you saying there are no poondaloos in bongastan? whatever culture the british has was decimated when they thought a guy named boris johnson would be a better leader than the queen

based, show those nips

>Galar is being taken over by Indian food

Just like the real England.


Fuck the queen. Monarchy was a mistake.

>Muh food muh food muh food
Kinda amazing how jews and lefites managed to make culture and people all about food

Right: I dont want shitskins in my country
Left: But dont like like shitskin food? Checkmate

>slav cuisine

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Guarenteed replies, every time

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Pretty sure it's a blood sausage.

it's blood sausage.

>he says in English

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>American cuisine

Wow I didn't know hamburgers were popular across the world

to be fair she's right. bacon and eggs are a much better combo.

>Tfw Mexican living in mexico that knows how to prepare Italian food and lives close to Chinese restaurants
It doesn't get better than this.

Tepig. Self immolating 5th Gen bacon tech putting in the work.

Is it as disgusting as it sounds?

You must not travel much because American restaurants are everywhere across the world.

Haven't tried it so I couldn't say.

This is peruvian food for reference

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I'm british and I've not seen anything I'd eat in this thread yet

>Finnish cuisine
As a Finnish person, I'm curious what these people tried. Like, for the most part Finnish cuisine is non-existant, and as for the little that does exist, I wouldn't say that it is amazing or anything, but it's not terrible. Just very average.

>head is still attached

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This, beef wellington and shepherds pie are the only decent bong cuisine i have ever tasted. Rest of it ranges from bland to absolute garbage (eels and kidney pie are the most disgusting food i have ever tasted).

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by hamburgers you mean mcdonalds and burger kind? those are only burger places i saw in china when i went. also it is a sin that the KFC in china don't serve biscuits like those are the only things i wanted from there and then it turns out they aren't on the fucking menu i was pretty upset about that, chinks don't eat bread i guess but they sure love eating meat (and fish) with bones

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You kidding? Everyone loves burgers and hot dogs. You can say a lot of shit about Americans, but they know how to make fast fucking food. And I say that as a native of a country that perfected the art of making greasy garbage snacks.

I tried it once, it had more bone and flesh than actual meat.

Britbonger here.
Is curry on rice really an unusual concept to foreigners?

The texture is a bit tougher than other sausages. As for the taste, well it depends on what spices and other stuff they put in it. You either like it or hate it.

Toad in the hole, anyone?

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more people speak american english than british english

curry on rice is fine, it's the sausage thats wrong. Also curry is an indian food, not british.

fake and gay. burger is most popular cuisine worldwide by far.

Lets break this down.
>Fried egg
Can't really go wrong with this. It's simply an egg. Looks overcooked in this dumb anime pic but that could happen to anyone.
>Black pudding
If cooked and seasoned correctly, it's delicious.
>Marmite on toast
God tier combination. Only literal toddler plebs with no taste will complain about this one.

What exactly is wrong here?

>he doesnt know
They hate you

don't know how the british ones are but I've ate one in Spain once and it was very good
strong taste, very spicy

>No Patty in between

>Also curry is an indian food, not british.
Yeah but tikka masala was invented in Glasgow

No, quite the opposite. It’s common everywhere so no one sees it as a “British food”. I mean hell, curry is asian, for starters. So when the game says it’s a British good, people start shitposting

this is retarded and based on what the person being asked considers the cuisine. 56% of france has never had "american" cuisine lmao.

fuck spicy food, like god damn give me real taste and not "ow my tongue is on fire"

>curry is asian, for starters.
false. curry is a brittish invention. the garam masala spice blend (which isn't used in brittish curry) is indian.

I rabu kary, I rearry rearry rabu kary, very very naisu

Cause thats a shit breakfast when i can have biscuits with sausage and gravy, hashbrowns, and a cinnamon roll

I hope you can at least stomach jalapenos

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india disagrees

It's very much an acquired taste. Keep in mind most British cuisine comws from lower-income workers making do with what they've got after the feudal lords took the 'regular' cuts of meat for themselves. Liver pies, fish & chips, blood sausage, Scottish haggis, I think there's a thing with marrow, it's all leftover dishes that became tradition.

>What exactly is wrong here?
Nip taste.

spicy food has some of the best flavor, spicy peppers in particular are super floral and fruity once you adapt to the spice

Which Pokemon are cut from the dex?

how are fish and chips leftovers?

>Caribbean Cuisine that low
>Greek not top ten
Other than that good list. I've never had Spanish food though, I want to try someday.

it's for retarded brown people who eat rotten food and have unrefined taste buds. They seriously think spicy is a flavor and not a sensation, it's the equivalent of putting poprocks on food.

India also thinks there are witches in toilets.

>Very Very chair chair I will humbly receive

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But that's a shit breakfast when I could have some lincolnshire sausages, smoked streaky bacon, deep fried hash browns, fried eggs, baked beans, fried bread, black pudding and a mug of english black

>curry is an indian food, not british
it's british because we imported it during our imperial days
this is like saying "katsu curry is indian, not japanese" or "burgers are german, not american"

Man I can almost taste it.

maybe there are, have you ever been to a toilet in India?

> national cuisine so bad they have to take street shitter food and call it their own
absolutely pathetic

It used to come from the fish that the high class didn't want to eat or wasn't fresh enough, thus it had to get fried to become palatable.

>a toilet
>in india

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indians ate curry long before the brits imported it
and hamburgers are american, they just have a german name


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false, our national street food is so superior it's eaten the world over

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>t. whitey

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You take a low quality meat and basic ass potatoes and you fry them. I like it, but that’s leftover-tier as fuck

>someone post "extra mild for white people" picture
>/pol/ comes out of the woodwork seething
like clockwork

Why does Yea Forums love having the same identical threads every day? It's always followed by

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Fish doesn't work that way

Is that how you say morcilla in burgerland?

All /ck/ threads outside /ck/ turn out the exact same

The blood part isn't bad because it's heavily spiced. The large chunks of fat are bad though, awful texture.

I have never seen a shepherd's pie being sold on streets but fuck I wish I could, that shit looks delish. Good show, bongbros.



No it's delicious. I don't know why we get siingled out for our black pudding when pretty much every country has its own version

Autistic people find great comfort in constantly repeating patterns and freak out intensely when confronted with change.

yes it does

a quality piece of fish shouldn't ever be fried, and they're not. cheap shit like cod that rich people literally refused to eat are the most common fish in fries.

>indians ate curry long before the brits imported it
amazing that they could eat tikka massala long before it was invented in fucking glasgow
>hamburgers are american, they just have a german name
nope, not going to fly you double standard fat fuck yank. if you're going to claim brits aren't allowed to own curries invented in their own country because a similar but different dish existed in a different country first, then you don't get to call burgers american when the hamburger rundstück came first

also thanks for proving me right by ignoring katsu curry you weeb cunt

How about beef wellington?

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>Make onigiri
>Localized version calls it jelly donuts

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Meat was really expensive because it took alot of work to produce, to raise the animals, there was really expensive meat like chicken and beef because you used chickens for eggs and cows for milk while peasants ate pork and bacon
Fish was never very expensive, you just go into the sea and catch some fish the same as you always have

Tha'ts a steak and ale pie not a shepard's pie. Shepard's pie wouldn't be sold as street food, it's not the right sort of meal for that. Shepard's pie is lamb mince topped with mashed potato btw, no pastry.

Most "Italian" cuisine you think of is actually American cuisine. Once Italians fled their shithole country and arrived in the Land of Plenty, they started changing all their old bland vegetable dishes to having meats and sauces that were otherwise unobtainable for them. Hell, the tomato was brought TO Italy.

>Venezuelan cuisine

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tikka massala does not equal "curry" you ignorant fool
there is literally nothing german about the hamburger outside of the name

shepherd's pie is top tier though, great taste

spicy is a flavor you uncultured swine

just because you're afraid of the sensation doesn't change that

Fuck yeah, this thread again. Fuck Brexit dipshits,you won't crash the empire for money.

>People don't like Philippine cuisine
Why? This shits delicious. So is lumpia.

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>spicy is a flavor
It's a flavour as mush as fun is a genre.

>Land of Plenty
Land of Plenty Fatasses, that's for sure martsharter.

just as much as savory is a flavor, or acidic, or salty

its a cornerstone of cooking for everyone who isn't literally afraid of food

Went for the low hanging fruit I see.

tikka massala is a type of curry invented in britain and regarded as a nation dish, you stupid cunt. ergo, britain has a curry as one of its nation dishes.
>there is literally nothing german about the hamburger outside of the name
literally and unironically cope more, you double standard thick twat

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As much of a shitshow SwSh might end up being, the fact that we got Shield-chan and bongposting out of it sure makes up for it.

whats wrong with south america

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>t. wh*te p*rson

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>being so butthurt you pick the most extreme japanese dish you can think of, even though very few japs actually like it
the rest is just a whale (just because it's ethically bad doesn't mean it tastes bad)
and fish? you britbongs eat fish too though?

Actually Venezuelan cuisine is really good

Totally agreed. Sisig is my favorite dish

They wish they had low hanging fruit.

Spicey isn't a flavour, there's subsets of spicey. Some are whole tongue heat, some only sting the tip, some burn to the rear, some give a mouth warmth without any particular piquancy.

Because you degenerate bugmen are still Asian enough to eat Balut.

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Oh yes, peak delish.

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What the fuck is this thread

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>tikka massala is a type of curry invented in britain and regarded as a nation dish, you stupid cunt. ergo, britain has a curry as one of its nation dishes.
that's correct
but saying curry as a whole is british is not correct

That was the joke. I'm spoiling this because if i don't they'll steal it.

Good flip restaurans are uncommon. That rancid spaghetti doesn't help either when the world is used to Italian sgetti

They only eat deep fried fish

This is the official "shitting on britbongs" thread.

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uh yes? basically everyone loves burgers

Does... Does nobody realise curry is a European invention? It'd be like getting mad that a Canadian game has Donairs. Yeah it's typically attributed to a different culture but that's the entire point.

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/vck/ the greatest mashup

nobody claims britain invented curries as a whole, where the fuck would you get that idea
britain is home to many curry dishes, and as such curry is an important part of british cuisine, that's all

>didnt remove the shell, claws and head
how are you even supposed to eat that? No wonder south america is a shithole they are literally all mentally deficient

norf boys are just crossboarders thinking their memes mean anything.

>curry is a european invention
>europoors food is so bad they have to take credit for poo in loo inventions

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I have a really hard time believe canadians invented döner


You just proved my point by explaining how fish was the “cheap” meat. I’m not understanding where your disagreement comes from

There is only one reason why people go to the Phillipines and it isn't for the food

I made my european friends have peasoup, black sausage, pyttipannu and finnish fish in restaurant. They commented there was nothing wrong with the food exactly but they were hoping more spices

Depends on the creture. Softshell crab is great because it's just after molting and so the entire body is soft. no idea is turtles do the same or wahat.

I thought the ladyboy hookers were in Thailand, not the Philippines.

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Yet to be revealed pokemon Meatpod.
Basically Metapod but literally just a sausage with eyes.

Because fish is fish and there isn't a large wealth disparity like there is for meat where the poorest people have to eat hooves and snouts and bones so calling it "leftovers" is not very accurate

Started in Halifax my dude. We also made Hawaiian pizza, sorry about that one.
Look it up if you don't believe me

They are retarded. curry didn't even exist in any real form before europeans brought foods from the new world over. unironically the concept of actual cuisine itself is a civilized european invention.

The El Diablo Thickburger, friend. That is a 100% all-beef Angus patty atop a bed of fresh jalapeno slices arrayed evenly in a habanero bacon ranch sauce. Atop the patty is a slice of pepperjack cheese, four cream-cheese jalapeno poppers, four strips of bacon and one final layer of that delicious habanero bacon ranch sauce.

At a mere 1180 Calories, welcome to flavor country.

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You're conflating Curry with Curry. Easy to do. It's a regional dialect thin innit.

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based as fuck

>he doesn't know

before Europeans conquered the uncivilized world, everyone else just ate rocks and dirt

>american confuses britain with europe once again
so tiresome

turtles molt but only the top layer of scales. Boiling a shell will do nothing

That makes sense. When I was up in Port Hawkesbury, the Canadians there made the best donairs I've ever had. Including this one donair pizza that I went close to madness trying to replicate in the States.

>I prefer to forget the fact that I'm eating an animal

My only question is how did the idea start. was it a whole bunch of food flooded in at one time and an arms race started and the end result was "garbage food truck" or what?

In case you weren't aware, Curry has kind of been the UK's favorite meal since the 90's.

The sad thing is though we've butchered the shit out of it by putting god knows how much butter into every meal. REAL Curry shouldn't have that.

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I always thought using the tongs was such a waste of time, in addition to all the other weird shit they do.

Brazilian food is the best.

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>beans for breakfast
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Thank you for the info. Now I am just as lost as everyone else who is asking why.

Everyone has a weird food. Americans eat bull testicles for instance.

What is that sauce or something she puts onto it last? I could more or less figure out what the rest is, but I have zero ideas about the shit in the contents of the vat.

pic related?

Uma Delicia!

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baked beans are much more savoury in the uk than in the us, where they tend to have a sweet taste

fuck off britbong, India is in asia.

Guess I don't. Redpill me.

No-one puts butter in their curry. What are you on about, m8?

>I always thought using the tongs was such a waste of time
possibly just keeping the dust off their fingers

>I want to stare into my prey's dead beady eyes as I consume its flesh

looks like some sort of roux.

The fact that's its a beautiful country definitely has nothing to do with it.

That sounds awesome! I've got a local place by me and even though it's a chain it's still pretty good.

What the fuck America

they simply ate what they had in crude ways. Even early medieval food can hardly be called genuine cuisines as it's just basic foods loaded with spices. The concept combining complementing flavors and ingredients in novel ways started in the early modern royal kitchens of europe. Food was very simplistic before this and many get a wakeup call when they try "real foreign cuisines" outside of the cities and end up with lots of basic plain rice and pottage shit everywhere. All countries cuinese's are a result of colonial influence.


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Sticky toffee pudding is so fucking good it should be a crime

You deserve to be enriched by Turks for spreading lies like that.

It's little america it's not the same thing

I just thought you could cut the bag open and then just sprinkle it out of the bag

target neutralised

Yeah, I noticed in Nova Scotia even the chains and brand name things just tended to be... well, better. It's a crying shame that I have to leave the safety of these Capitalist States to get an Alexander Keith's.

literally every sentence you typed is wrong

half of British cuisine is fucking french as well
what in the fuck are the french on?
are they so far up their own ass?

>retard has done nothing but spam british cuisine threads all day
who hurt you el abominico?

Seeing that kind of care and precision go into something so low quality always make me feel sorry for them.

sopa de papagaio, uma porcaria
sopa de macaco, uma delicia

>they simply ate what they had in crude ways
Europeans got the majority of their cooking technique from foreign trade

assemble your plate Yea Forums

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>that prose

you can feel the seething from whoever made that edit from afar

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Yeah man enrich the fuck out of Saskatchewan I don't care.
That's not an all around thing, but I've heard that every fast food place is better outside of America.

I notice every time some smelly brown gives me less spicy food because he thinks I can’t take it.

slime boi: *exists*

french cucina: FOOD

It looks like the broth they were cooking the corn in, probably something to help "bind" the ingredients together flavorwise or to give more flavor to the noodles (which looked like they were cooked olain without the seasoning)

>whig history

Toast and pickle. I'm vegan.

that sounds disgusting well duh, the whole thing will get soggy

If it's anything like when I make crap food it's more of a necessity because that power clumps really fast. So even packet bought schnitzel means that I have to take care to make them for the family unless I want a "did you do that on purpose" one.

i can't tell who keeps making these threads, is it a soulless chink who eats dogs, a third world south american eating monkeys or a burger eating.. burgers.

That's kinda dumb logic

The only reason they're there in the first place is because those companies want to make more and more money, so they expand to more and more regions.

Why the plain white bread though. For what purpose

I live in Japan and Japanese are literally constantly shitting on British food.

It's pretty good actually, I personally enjoy it

I only need one thing on my plate.

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the french banned heinz ketchup in school cafeterias because it dilutes the integrity of french cuisine.

Prove me wrong. I double dog are you.

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maduro frito

Makes my mouth water senpai

>Prove me wrong
I don't accept your aphorism and outlined how you ended up with it. Proving you wrong would require an entire rewiring of your brain.

Goin to taco bell later. What should I get?

Have you ever considered you're too well educated to be stationed here? You should contact the KGB.

eurofags are constantly seething over america and will reply to this post claiming they aren't

You didn't know?


Only the russian plants.

>t. amerifat
Brits are chill, it's the americans who can't handle the bantz

It's more likely to be a sliced brioche loaf.

It's pretty similar to nachos but with a sauce base. I agree that too much soup broth will fuck up the whole thing, but I bet the first few dry chips with all that seasoning are pretty decent, but eventually it'll just turn into a mexican ramen (which doesn't sound that bad).

too hard and expensive to make

>I have contempt for white people and want to give them something different than what they ordered.