Banjo & Kazooie

What's the verdict on Banjo & Kazooie Yea Forumsros? Were they good additions to the roster? The Sans shitposting seemed to have drowned out the duo's release.

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They're cute and expressive and that's good enough for me

We hate them, we want undertale and overwatch characters instead

their moveset is fun and original without becoming a clusterfuck like Hero was.

>Yea Forumsros
Stop doing this you fucking retard.

Slow like his games

Their moveset is perfect. All their animations are on point. Very expressive. The original voice clips are nostalgic. The new stage and music remixes are wonderful. It's basically everything I wanted.

..and yet I find him a little boring to play tbqh

Who's this "we"?

I find it quite refreshing to have a fairly "normal" character after Piranha, Joker, and Hero.

Because he is a shit meme pick and a boring character
Only wanted by memeshitters and autistic manchildren, and some rosterfags literally no one else
He shouldn’t have been added and u can’t deny this

I have to say that I’m satisfied with his moveset, tho I would like that the shock spring jump pad made more damage when you hit someone with it, kinda like PAC-MAN’s fire hydrant

Wasted slot, should have made Sans a real character instead

Their up-special as a whole is kinda shit, would be great if it did damage.

Absolutely seething

He Calls us manchildren and autists when he’s throwing insults like a monkey and with no real arguments whatsoever

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Seething zoomer

Am I the only one that thinks banjo is creepy?

I think 5 uses is too many for the bullshit skill that is forward special.

Not an argument u know I’m right having ur shitty childhood ugly rejected park mascot as paid dlc in a kids party game doesn’t give ur life any meaning u cringe manchild lmao

The eyes, teeth, and fur texture bother the shit out of me.

You say this as other smashniggers just throw out their usual buzz-words with no real arguments whatsoever.

Average if you don't spam eggs and grenades.
Decent recovery, great mix-up potential. Will possibly end up in middle of high tier.

they're pretty good but I wish the fair spiked, the dair bounced off enemies, and they had a slightly better airspeed
they can basically fly though so maybe better airspeed would make them way too strong

The Crystal gems

Do you want banjo to have a F O R W A R D _ A E R I A L?

Sorry cuckboi

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Could you please repeat that? But this time say it without crying

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Pretty good tierwise. Not too low and not too high. Side B is awesome, and the grab down and opens up for killer combos. I'm just a little disappointed at the spirit board and that they didn't make Dragon Kazooie an alt.

Can we consider the grunty alt as a yooka laylee alt? I mean banjo is green and Kazooie is purple

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>Average if you don't spam eggs and grenades.


it isn't Mario-tier good but it's basically a dorf fair, if you hit someone at a decent percentage with it off the stage it doesn't really matter if it's a spike or not

thanks doc

I need to play him more to get a better feel for him. Any tips?

>UBC-Chan still at it

He looks insanely retarded and ugly

Damn... it's almost like he shouldn't be in the game at all

So ur pea brain can understand it
There so ur autistic mind can understand

perfect addition, like zero said they feel like base roster rather than DLC. i think they're a high mid tier character with a lot of potential even though some of his attacks are a little too weak.

Ur right he shouldn’t be cringe autistic rosterfag memetards should never be pandered to

if your opponent is around 120, downthrow into up smash for an almost guaranteed kill.
be very mindful of your feathers. it's a really good move, but if you run out you'll wish you paid more attention.
down b can let you grenade recover like snake if you want to, so that's nice.

Banjos shorts match Grunty’s scarf

>he perfect because I’m a dumb rosterfags manchild who never played a real game
Wow easy on the onions there u smelly manchild

same retard

Thanks doc

I legit thought that Tracer leak was real when they opened the direct with that. You pd think the first thing in a direct would be something to hook the viewers in, but Overwatch well after the height of its popularity was rather strange

I’ve noticed it kills pretty quickly, like by the ledge starting at 110 ish.

uair is pretty good
utilt is a solid kill move
dthrow is good for kill confirms at high %, good to combo into aerials at lower %
grenade egg shenanigans are the biggest thing to work on
quick neutral b is a good quick check
you can side b multiple times in the air, if you're going to die anyway might as well try to burn through your feathers to live

Apperently there's a percentage where Banjo can do Dthrow to Upsmash and even if they mash out of it instantly, the Smash will still connect can kill them, is that true, and if it is when does that start?

>Only wanted by memeshitters and autistic manchildren, and some rosterfags
who else plays smash???

His gameplay (the shit you should actually care about) is pretty solid

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>not an argument
Go back to watching your mommy issues cult leader

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It's a 8/10 for me because of very few spirits and music, and above all NO GRUNTY OR FINAL BATTLE THEME.
Other than that, it's great. Too bad they wont add new modes anymore, a Boss Rush or Break the Targets would have been the cherry on top.


probably not until like 120% at least

The day

Maybe sakurai only said that homerun constest was the final mode so he can wow us with a big ass new mode for the final character, remember he said “pretty much” and not “the absolute last mode”

It is and Gwen makes me solid desu

I have been practicing PKMN trainer since release but I suck major dicks with him. As soon as I picked banjo it felt like what pokemon trainer is but in steroids. Zones better than ivysaur, can be faster and combo better than squirtle and hits as hard as charizard.

Normaly I come close to defeating my brother with pokemon, but with banjo I just outright destroy him.

Does Hazardless Spiral Mountain not spin?

Too basic, they could have at least tried to hide the fact that his entire moveset is recycled or recycled more interesting moves

This. No retarded gimmicks.

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Gobi's Valley is the best remix

The plant is pretty much a ledge trapping zoner with no gimmicks so it should be "normal", too.

Thanke dok

If I snuck up on Gwen would she put me to sleep with her thighs

Yeah, but look at it.

>memeshitters and autistic manchildren
So smashfags.

this is a bigger stretch than dark brown duck hunt with the red duck being a banjo reference

joker and hero are the same way, barring hero's spells
there are only so many animations that they can come up with that aren't broken or janky as fuck and when your roster has 73 characters many are bound to have similar moves

>surf rock Gobi's Valley that leads into Gruntilda's Lair
's pretty good. I think there's bits of Rusty Bucket Bay in Treasure Trove Cove's remix too

>Good run speed.
>Safe positioning with reverse grenade eggs.
>Wonder Wing.
Why do people think the duo is low tier? If a comp player wants to play the 5 minute Smash neutral then they have it right there.

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I absolutely adore them.
My only issue is gunning, which is a minor point.

Welcome to Smash, unless you're playing free for alls the 1v1 gameplay might leave you wanting to play a different character even if your bro character is well adapted.

Looks fine to me

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They actually fight that specific color in their Classic route, so it probably was

It's fine. Stop doing punishable shit.

Someone predicted his gameplay would revolve around running away and pooping out the grenade, and they were unfortunately right. Most Banjo's I fight online just do that and they become (while not at all difficult or as frustrating to deal with) just as boring to fight as Young Link.

5 uses is also how to tell how much of a pansy your opponent is when they never use it.

it was coincidental, the red duck was taken directly from Duck Hunt and the dog color was based on a real breed

I'm fine with their additions but don't find them to be that fun to play with. My main issues are:
>Discrepancy between Initial Dash & Run Speed is awkward ( At least it's intentional & faithful, unlike Falcon's )
>Not that much combo potential, a bunch of neat grenade tricks, Jab lock setups , landing UpAir, UpThrow can catch Double Jumps but it's not too impressive & doesn't rack that much damage
They're fine enough and I didn't intend on maining them anyway. Hope whoever did intend on maining them is enjoying them enough to be willing to main them.
My favorite DLC character probably still is Plant so far: Can't say i'm a huge fan of the other 3.

I know for sure it's guaranteed at 130, not sure about how low it goes

ok that's funny.

Well they’re retconning it as a reference now

>shit projectiles with no range
>terrible double jumps even though he has two of them
>laggy as fuck short hop options
>limited uses on his only good special move
>terrible air mobility
Im glad he's in but holy shit is he meh
Take him to dreamland and dthrow - upsmash isnt gonna kill till at least 180.

Banjo is CUTE!

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>have taken ten billion banjo stocks from as low as 0% easily and effortlessly, and counting
>including in elite and just beneath elite which is where I tend to hover

ask me how I do it

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They can be played on the xbox.

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Hitting him during his incredibly punishable recovery?

>canned laughter

they fun.

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Aw yes Microsoft, the pinnacle of intellectual and subtle promotion.

Kind of. It's something that's straight up impossible for Banjo to do anything against, and only fails if the Kirby doing it messes up himself.

down b

>press any button against him
>take a wonderwing to the face
>die at 80

Best whiff punish move in the game and its pure bullshit

No, Banjo completely trumps down B with Wonder Wing. He actually knocks you out of it and can kill you if you're damaged enough.

His mugshot is definitely unsettling, but he looks fine in motion.

why is tracer the face of overwatch again?
shes not charming
Shes barely viable most patches
her voice is annoying
Shes not even the best girl

It should of been rein

>what did he mean by this Yea Forumsros

>We watched RWBY and read the comments about girl empowerment so we're copying the main character for our not Avengers franchise.

I'm gonna marry Banjo!

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No you’ll definitely die alone

Self-centered people.

Loving him. I was worried with Joker and Hero that the entire DLC was going to be gimmick shit, but Banjo is so straight forward it's refreshing.

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No I am definitely going to marry Banjo and we'll grow old together.

Banjo suffers from the Little Mac syndrome in that his ground game is good but his aerials are so fucking bad that he can't really do much 90% of the time.

This isn't Firion in Dissidia; you can't just stay on the ground and do anti-air shit.

user the average Yea Forums smash fag doesnt know what the fuck disigea even is, let alone an anti air.

His aerials aren't too bad. Nair is kinda slow and dair is situational. Up air is good for juggling and fair is a good kill move.

Forward Air is a killing move, Up Air is a joke though, ironically enough it fits Duck Hunt better and viceversa

>dad brings home my cat from vet
>has gauze wrapped around her leg from where they took blood
>he wants to take it off
>didn't ask the doctor if it was okay
>I say no because she's my cat and I don't know if it's okay or not
>nearly get into a fistfight with him over it because he can't stand not forcing his will and thinks he knows everything
man I love my boomer parents

Get off Yea Forums, Kazooie

Fair is really slow and not strong enough to warrant being that slow. Like Ridley the team were scared that he'd be too OP because westerners flip their shit way harder about that than japan.

Gruntilda's theme is part of the Gobi's Valley remix if you thought there was no grunty music at all. But yeah I would've loved if the BK final battle theme was in the game. Not even a remixed version of it, just the track itself.

is cato fine

she apparently has asthma and might end up needing steroid injections/medication for the rest of her life

She can't post, she has no fingers.

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Wow, you are extremely underage. You have to be 18 to post here you know?

I love ginger butts

Nice try, Kazooie but you can use your beak just fine.

Imagine trying this hard. Go cry to mommy.

Needs some work to be viable, but otherwise fun to play with great animations. Whoever decided that losing a stock is the only way to refill side special needs to be tarred and feathered though.

his Nair seems pretty good to me to be honest

It doesn't hit low enough to be useful like Ivy or the plant's similar thing.

>people want character from a VIDEOGAME? What are they autistic?
You at least have to understand that BK was somewhat of a rival of Mario in his time, he has legacy and that's what Smash Bros is about, legacy and gaming history. With a few exceptions of course, like Joker or Bayonetta.

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I only played a couple matches with him. Is it right that gravity affects you during Wonder Wing? Seems a little weird since other similar moves propel you straight forward in a line. But I guess it may have uses with diagonal counters coming down.

I think the move is perfectly balanced. I wish Charizard had a limit on Flare Blitz like this, I am so sick of that spam.
The move is clearly intended as a reversal and not a spam option, honestly I had trouble using them all up in a stock since I wanted to save them for the right moment.
People complaining have never played a real fighter and dealt with neutral DP before. Just fucking block and now they are your bitch.