Vidya character gets magically turned into a girl

>vidya character gets magically turned into a girl
>immediately starts dressing like a prostitute

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That's what I would do.

But user don't you want your father to like you?

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Is it gay to want to fuck her?

You tell me user

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It'd be gay not to

To be fair, it took quite a while for Mai to start dressing like that.

Is it possible to turn back into a man?

>It'd be gay not to fuck a man

i mean lets be honest if you were turned into a woman wouldn't you want to take advantage of your...'advantages'?

Jesus fucking christ I want to beat Mai to death I want to push her down a stairwell fuck I want to bash her head in with a hammer

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Her soul turned female as well or some shit. Pretty gay, but so are all women.

>gendered souls

Like what?

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Tell that to Plato.

How else would you explain gender dysphoria?

Because that's what men want?

Not for Mai. The entity that did it is fused to her, and would compatibility error him to death if an attempt was made.

It i was to wake up magically turned into a girl I'd do that and try on frilly dresses and such before turning back.

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What kind of man wants to be turned into a woman?

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A man that is tired of his refractory period.

Brain problems

What if you couldn't turn back?

A man that wants to live life on easy mode?

Women have it much harder than men though. They're seen as just objects, never get any respect, it's much harder for them to succeed in life, they're more likely to be raped etc.

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I guess try to be a game streamer or something i suppose.

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The kind of man who writes these stories, obviously.

>magically turn into a girl
>they immediately have clothes instead of being naked
Come on now

wtf bros mori was a tranny all along

his father would like him, just in a different way than before..


Considering the dad is a literal punch wizard i can see why he'd say that

Like controlling men through sex and lies, friend.

Unironically this

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madness and other mental issues.

Neither of them are gay faggot
Ahri used to suck men to death in her lore

Bust balls.

Wanting to be a (cute) woman is pretty common, it's only the mentally ill trannies who take it too far.

What do you mean?



Would you not?


That's disgusting

and hot

isn't Mai being forced to use that shitty costume

But user, Sona being such mommy material she turns Ahri makes it better

This but unironically.

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No it's not you freak.

It's the
>I don't want to compete with other men because I'm inadequate and it nourishes my ego to say women are lesser plus have it ez
Those are the guys who say women have it easier. They have poor personal skills and inadequacy issues.

What happens to here genes? Does her Y-chromosome turn into some X-equivalent, that still contains her(his) dads genes?
If not, then she technically isn't related to her dad anymore, and can be impregnated by him without it being incest.

this. You're gay if you wouldn't be at least a little slutty if you suddenly woke up as a hot chick.

No. She just feels obliged to wear it because it's a gift from a friend.

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>immediately starts dressing like a prostitute
Soooo like most women in 2019?

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Her X-chromosome doubles

So does she suffer from Klinefelter syndrome or was the Y-chromosome vanished? If it's the latter then her dad has some work to do.

Because she can.

>posts SpaceJin and talks about what you would do if you were a woman
>doesn't say anything about ballbusting
One job user
One job...

That would be extremely painful.

but being a slut is wrong...

I would do this and sell my body in twitch or chaturbate for money.

>Women have it much harder than men though. They're seen as just objects, never get any respect, it's much harder for them to succeed in life, they're more likely to be raped etc.

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You'd get more money from just doing twitch fulltime


I would feel just like my usual self just more cuter.

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You're a magical girl (guy)

That's the costume from her second series, so that's hardly immediately.


I want to be cute

She literally didn't know Kokonoe when she was forced to wear it

Wouldn't you rather be handsome?

>be female
>live life on easy mode till 30 years old
>be male
>live life on dark souls difficulty if you are not born rich



Peer pressure. All her new friends are sluts

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Why not?

Yeah but females automatically roll lower INT, STR, and DEX so I'd rather be a man.

I don't play anything on easy and most easy things aren't really worth doing
Why would I want to swap to easy?

>user gets magically turned into OP
>immediately starts acting like a massive faggot
It's a mystery

We have this thread every fucking day
Type 'TG general' or 'Gender bend'

That's it. You can stop making these threads now.

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I've heard the squirrel is a slut, but I'm not sure where.

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She molests shotas

How is that any different from before?


Being male is when you want the highest CHA stat possible. Any less and you need the best looks possible. After that is being born rich

auto what now?

>get a thread that's not rosterfagging for once.
>it's this shit.

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>Try to find some new fantasy mangos
>Have to slug through a see of isekais
Unrelated I know but I needed to bitch about this

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But seriously guys, if you woke up as a girl, would you be a lesbian or would you fuck guys?

What if you didn't have a choice and your new body simply was not aroused by women anymore?

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I have holes, might as well use them the way they were intended to be used.

I wouldn't be with anyone because I would assume everyone wants me for my body and not who I am as a person.

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Well isekai genderbends are pretty much cheating.

I would force myself to be with women. I'm not touching men ever.

If I was a woman I'd dress super cute in skirts, pantyhose, boots etc.

By the way, why is modern female fashion so fucking awful? Everywhere you go, generic jackets, generic jeans, generic's bland and androgynous.

where's the fucking problem

>he doesn't want to wear cute clothes if he was a cute girl
yeah, you're gay OP
BlazBlue's female outfits are really goofy though.

sex appeal

Yea Forums sure has been pretty funny lately

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Yes, I would

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imagine the pleasure of being cummed inside

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why do you think people want to fuck traps?
traps do nothing but dress up in super girly feminine clothing

Why are you still stuck in the 1850s?

God damn it, stop feeding people the gay. This is why we get threads like this

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The brain is the soul

The brain is the furthest part of the body from the sole

>Get turned into a girl
>Can feel your emotional state and heterosexuality changing to match your new gender

The thought of that is kind of terrifying.

You can experience that yourself by taking female hormones

Speaking of related BB news, guess who are the two tag characters.

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As someone who falls into this category, I've gotta say, you have it spot on.

>No Tao

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Thats gay

Doctors tricking retards to buy their expensive medicine and body altering surgeries

>gets jobs offerings, college tuition's/acceptances, more lenient punishments, more favorable rulings, more support from non gov groups, in some cases laws the prevent others from even calling them names
>this is somehow harder
The only place were its hard to be a woman is in third world shitholes but thats not even saying much since life sucks for most people in third world shitholes

Guys, of course, I'm not a faggot. Would you even care past initial shock?

My wish for a seiba gf will still remain regardless if I have a penis or vagina, that said it would probably be easier to get one since my autism would be cute instead of pathetic

Is it weird that I'm straight but if i roleplay as a woman or self insert as the girl in porn Im all of the sudden attracted to cocks and men and getting fucked?

I get excited just by thinking about walking at night alone in slutty clothes getting dirty looks from every men that sees me

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After rubbing myself a few times, the first thing I'd do as a woman is go and get fucked. Dressing like a whore is a good way to follow this path.

Are you listening to yourself? You are literally wishing that you could have sex with men. You are gay my dude

Do you want to be fucked by men normally?

If I was a girl it would be gay NOT to get fucked by a dude bro.

Don't project your desires onto me, I only want to be fucked by dudes if I was a woman.

Not at all. I find men sexually repulsive

This is literally the definition of autogynephilia. You can be normally straight but this fetish is actual autogynephilia, aka what pretty much a majority of trannies have.

Then you probably aren't gay.

>Women have it much harder than men though.
How many men do you see living off of twitch donations just because they're wearing a low cut shirt, cocksucker?

This settles it. Im gonna look for a drag queen to drag me up so i can jerk off to myself

Riddle me this nigger, are you treated with any respect? Did you succeed in life?

>tfw married with kids so I'll never be able to dress up
Guess i'll just have to stick to shemale porn for the rest of my life.

Only truly hideous women have it harder than men. Average or attractive women need only exist and some man will promptly come along and offer to take care of her for the rest of her life.


I will impregnate Mai

Do you have girls? Play dress up with them, they love that shit.

Right, i am a fan of gb/tf(gender bender transformation, we dont call it transgender anymore after the term was ransacked by mentally unstable aliens) and damn is this character my most hated example.

In the game she was introduced we never saw the transition happen, we never saw male version and the transformation, not even her reactions. We just see a woman act like a woman(namely slut) 100% without any hint of her being male before. We just get told: Hey she was male before but MAGIC HAPPENED! fucking dissapointing. Terry is a way better example of gender bender, we see before, after and her reactions to her new body.

No need to imagine. Men can still get fucked

Let a man fuck you in the ass and you can find out retard

Canonically she considers herself a full on woman now since even her mind and thoughts began to change over time. So you're gold unless you think it's gay that she knows what getting smacked in the nuts feels like.

The cognitive dissonance in your post is astounding. You just admitted that men have to compete with each other and implied that only the best will succeed, while the losers on the bottom will be left bitter and whining about sour grapes. And yet women somehow have it worse despite not having to compete, and easily being able to succeed in spite of any "poor personal skills and inadequacy issues".

I dont and even if i did it would be fucked up. I want to dress up for sexual purposes

I want to push her down and bash her with my head like a hammer if you know what I mean

don't we see her reactions to her new body? it's been a while since i've read it

>losing this hard at life

I like Litchi

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I wouldn't. I'd just wear my old clothes that are now comically oversized.

I love Mai!

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me too