Defend this

Defend this.
Hint: You can't.

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so why did you make this thread?

Nintendo's pricing has always been fucked up.
Even when the wii u was dying they still sold 1st party games for $70-80cad.
>pic related
50 fucking dollars in 1988

Forgot pic...

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If people are dumb enough to pay it, why shouldn't Nintendo charge it? Don't like it? Stop buying it. They need to sell it more than you need to buy it.

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your fault for using monopoly money to buy your timbits buddy

He's right. Why should anyone working there propose lowering the games price when it will sell millions anyways?

>make good thing
>be able to remake/re-release good thing and sell for lots of money decades later
>make mediocre flavor of the week thing
>nobody wants to buy it ever again because those same people just want the new mediocre flavor of the week thing
it's a very simple business strategy that's dependent on making things people will like for decades to come
the real question is why don't other companies imitate them?

very true, smash 4 wii U, is still around $50, give me a fucking break.

I'll just replay the 2D one.

Why was Yea Forums so triggered about this game again?

>cancel 3DS games
>make them $60 Switch games instead

Nintendo gets away with it because their fanbase is retarded.

its going to sell millions
every company in every industry is going to charge as much as enough customers are willing to pay. Did you drop out in 7th grade and miss economics class you retard?

For me personally it's a complete waste of resources, and if it's a success they'll just keep doing it. They'll replace actually new 2D Zeldas with these shitty reskins.

That's fair

Personally what surprises me is that the original game never got any sort of remake

I love nintendo, but this is just a too steep price for a 15 hour game. They just released ALTTP for online services, which gives waaaay more bang for your buck and is overall a more enjoyable zelda.

Because Nintendo would be too tempted to make some giant changes that would piss a lot of purists off. Same reason they haven't touched AoL.
But I expect they will do it eventually, especially if the LA remake is a success.

I like the look. It's more unique than all the faggots who tried to "remake" it by turning it into an Ocarina clone using Unreal stock assets.

shuckle use protect!

It's a from the ground up remake, dude. Of course it's going to warrant full price.

That was the price of games back then. I myself paid £80 for Street Fighter II Turbo on SNES. And SEGA was just as bad.

>this is just a too steep price for a 15 hour game.

Resident Evil 2 remake is 8 hours.

nint0ddlers would buy anything nintendo shits at them

>it's a complete waste of resources

Its not made in house.

Links Awakening is my absolute favorite Zelda game, and I can't defend it. So there you go.

I'm not going to, but trust nintendo retards to do it, they will.

Seething lmao.

When the game gets rave reviews, what amazing denial psychosis will you indulge in then?

A gorgeous deluxe edition of one of the best video games ever made?

Fuck yeah thats worth every penny.

if this game is successful they've suggested they might consider Zelda (Dungeon) Maker but I'm more interested in them remaking the classic Zelda's in a similar style or even more ideally making more top down Zelda's

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Mmmm I smell another shit storm of seethe coming.

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