Main character is female

>main character is female

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Female characters should be the main if its fanservice or they are a cute support/escort character.

>Rise and shine, Mr Freeman

>main character is a female
>she doesn't have big boobs and a fat ass

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I only buy a game if I can play a cute girl or semen demon.
Bonus points if I can also romance other girls.

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>male character is female

>main character is female

Attached: awaken my masters.jpg (1080x1256, 61K)

What? Males can't be females.

Attached: karen.png (963x720, 602K)

I actually like that as if the female is too hot I just want to fap to her, which makes it harder to play the game.

It was fine in portal.

Drakan, Heavy Metal, Tomb Raider
loved those adventure games with hot female protags back in the day

Because she never opened her mouth in the whole game

I dislike western games too.

Silent protag is still the best. Sometimes it is stupid that everyone around you dies and you say nothing, but that is a small price to pay to not have retarded quips.

no one asked you dumb tranny

>main character is a big female

Attached: pierce.webm (852x480, 2.9M)

no bulli

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>incels get mad if the protag is female

nep's got a cute butt tho

Until they gave her shoes

>Main character is a retarded virgin manchild without any ounce of virility

Attached: wack.jpg (291x313, 31K)

>main character is a seething tranny