Barely over a week since launch

>Barely over a week since launch
>Over half of the playerbase has already abandoned the game or gone back to playing retail WoW
What went wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:

tranny post

it's not that fun when you already know everything about the game.

>15 year old game with shit pve content, awful rotations and bad questing/class design

woah really original thread you got there op

Nothing went wrong.
Retailfags like retail for a reason. They like being coddled and babied and joining a random raid within 30 seconds of logging in and having it cleared 15 minutes later, picking up a couple of gear pieces per run. Almost all retailfags joined classic for a bit. Lots of them didn't like it. Thats fine and to be expected.

The core playerbase is strong. And many are enjoying the game a lot. We are actually benefitting from people quitting because it brings the end of layering closer. I'm comfy as hell.

I haven't played since TBC, and I'm having an absolute blast. I don't give a shit about the size of the playerbase

Honestly its too shit nowadays.

Retail is too ez casualized shit and Classic is repetetive, tedious and underdeveloped.
They are the complete opposite of each other and I hate it.
Would much prefer at least some polish, like in tbc and wotlk.

I'm 39 and completely lost all will to continue.
Currently deciding who I send my gold to before I quit this shit.

>MC unironically easier than retail LFR

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Stop lying. Most servers are high/full still.
That's on top of there being more than double the amount they started with.

>What went wrong?
Not everyone likes eating ass, and thats okay.

Tell that to the hour wait time to get into some servers, faggot.

Yeah, the game is completely dead now.
You just have to queue for like 3 hours to play instead of 12

The deep, thrilling gameplay of Classic is just too complex for retail babies to understand. Players back in those days had REAL skill.

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>hour wait time
My server has 9 hour waiting times during the day. They just added free server migrations, so hopefully it will get better in the coming days.


Muh rotation xd

>Pro retail players cant even handle AoE grinding
>Retail players cant down Rag with 40 level 60s, pserver players downed him with 10 60s and 20 55+ players
If we added some flashing lights and a glowing floor panel would it make the game feel better?

>defending spamming 1 button

I'm not him but wrath was polished as fuck.

>the troll raid
>half of the raids in fact
>new dances

Meanwhile in Tanaris
>swap to zerker stance
>pop zerker rage for increased rage generation + gouge immunity from rogues
>hamstring to slow mob and fish for a crit for deep wounds
>pool rage for whirlwind + heroic strike combo
>second mob joins the fight
>demo shout to reduce incoming damage
>getting low, pop intimidating shout
>bandage up to save myself, notice second mob running dangerously close to another camp
>battle stance, rend stationary target to soften it up
>berserker stance and intercept fleeing mob, crit for deep wounds
>get a string of crits and execute mob while the first one is on its way back to me
>hamstring again to reapply slow, mob dodges
>battle stance, overpower
>execute to end the fight

But oh man, mages push one button in raids, which is totally indicative of every single combat encounter in the game.

Meanwhile in Tanaris (good warrior)
>charge into 2 mobs
>sweeping strikes
>auto till WW
>two dead mobs

ah fighting random mobs, now that's content.

Am i the only one who don't give a fuck about the rotation? Its all about the social aspect and getting better gear.

I know right. Thats way too difficult so I've moved back to retail and just did /follow on a priest in the LFR and just sat afk scrolling 9fag only clicking to accept res. Picked up only 3 pieces of gear. Feeling so cheated.

>killing two (2) enemy mobs as a warrior at once is considered high-end
So cucked

Still more players than BfA.

It takes more effort and active decision making than raiding in retail. Let that sink in.

i don't give a shit fucktard they're both awful

>what went wrong

Retail players that tried the game for free went back when they realize what a boring drag classic is.

it really doesnt

What are you doing in a thread dedicated to fighting between retail and classic then?

>Over half of the playerbase has already abandoned the game
You have any source on that or are you just making shit up for (you)s

I've seen this thread every day since launch.

Classic is a flop

the appeal to WoW when it first came out was it was new, the world and content was interesting and the player base

now its a 15 year old game and all your old WoW buddies are adults

Fucking retards on my server selling shadow wrath gear for under 1g lmao thanks for the free prebis bitches. Warlock chads win again. Only class in the game that can get prebis without even having to really do dungeons.

source: i heard it on discord

>heroic strike past 30
Bad, sunder gives a bigger damage boost untill 50% hp

Noone is defending it you inbred mongoloid. You retards found a single "flaw" and now spam it like there is no tomorrow. You tried so hard, shitposted about practically everything, beta, raid difficulty, Blizzard in general, etc., it didn't work, you think pointing out that rotations are easy will work?

>b-but i'm not defending a 1 button rotation and most specs being dogshit
lmao delusional little faggot

>tfw so high level my pet alone can kill alliance cucks.

7 situational dps abilities
13 situational utility abilities

5 ability strict rotation
3 utility abilities

Adults playing this game with me and having fun doing it. Two of them even abandoned their BfA raid guild. Classic is not a flop. People are enjoying it, even if you spout rotation memes.

Point exactly where I defend it. Quotations were put there to show how retarded your spam is and how miniscule rotations are in the grand scheme of things. Are they easy? Yeah, spamming 1 is not hard. Do I care? Sure as fuck I don't because if you play MMO for endgame PvE content you are retarded.







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>5 ability rotation
Maybe if you're a rogue. For other classes you're lucky if you have 3 buttons.

Here actually how about this
>Complaining about endgame raiding rotations in Classic is like complaining about the meta of pet battles in BFA
>Yeah its been solved forever but who the hell is playing this game just for MC/Pokemon-lite?

Will Classic revive the MMO genre to be hardcore somewhat again? Will other developers make classic versions of their games now that Runescape and WoW are a success? maplestory classic anons? Ragnarok Online 1.0 Classic?
>new games that are hardcore MMOs
Please...please something anything.

Nobody expected it to be more than a flash in the pan. Of course it will over in a couple of months.

1.12 patch and no honor system in the launch

>>Over half of the playerbase has already abandoned the game or gone back to playing retail WoW
Source nigger

Idk about you losers but Im going fishin tonight

>Classic won't even be popular, everyone stopped playing the beta already!
>Classic launch won't even be big!
>Okay so Classic launch was huge, but people will quit in a week after level 20!
>Okay so millions are still playing after 2 weeks, just wait 1 month and most will leave!

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>tell everyone that private has been doing "classic" better for over a decade
>"rage more, cope, dilate, poor fag, high ping, etc"
>classic WoW flops
>"this was expected! still better than private realms"

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>buying up 19 and 29 twink gear at 2-4 gold a pop
>Buying up savory deviate delight at a scant 3s each
>Buying every recipe for Savory Deviate Delight at 50 silver
I am going to have so much fucking gold in 6 months

>now its a 15 year old game and all your old WoW buddies are adults

Imagine wanting to play a game with friends, sad!

It's like the trump election all over again.

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ariel rebel is so cute

Its gaining more players not losing them, seething retail tranny

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as an affliction warlock, i just faceroll the keyboard and then blame my pet if it doesn't work

>gone back to playing retail WoW
(citation needed)

Every warlock Ive ever met was a massive doomer IRL. Literally cigarette smoking doomers without fail

I'm waiting for Archeage: Unchained/

It was basically a F2P game if you were already paying sub for retail, so basically everyone gave it a try and noticed that classic sucked ass.

>fm rotation in bfa
>press frostbolt
>frozen orb every minute
>press 2 or 3 depending on whats shining on the screen
fuck off brainlet

>Meanwhile in Tanaris in bfa
everything is dead you won

>Dude wtf I didn't go back in time and become a teen again?!?!
>This doesn't feel like home when nobody that I knew is here and I have to work and shit...
>Why nobody larping that we went back in time???
>Why is everyone playing the game the smart way instead the way I want them to play?
>Remove things from Vanilla that I don't like or knew about since I never played vanilla and hopped on in wotlk, by the way #nochanges!!1!

We may never know.

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No fucking shit. The only thing vanilla had over retail in complexity was resource management and world awareness, everything else is super barebones.

>no gameplay system that doesnt involve combat
>combat is extremely basic with no room for creativity

I hit 60 yesterday and realized that I've never actually made any acquaintances during leveling or dungeons, no friends or anything.
I've spent all my time chatting with friends on discord and b-net, people who I met from BC to MoP.

Braindead retard, they keep opening new servers and they keep getting full, currently classic has more realms than retail.

Did you quest or dungeon grind? Are you on a pvp server?

I believe you

Unironicly lack of QoL

gr8 b8 m8 I'll r8 it 8/8

I still have to wait in queue, so I wouldn’t say that they are hurting for more players or anything.

Blizzard fucked it up. People abused the layering to avoid eachother. Every zone feels dead because you can't fucking see anybody and so people are already 60 because, again, Blizzard are fucking retarded and allowed people to aoe farm dungeons like its WotLK or some bullshit. Private servers were unironically better than this garbage.

Mograine bros, what happened? It's past 5 pm, it's supposed to be prime time

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Meanwhile, most people are playing the game the normal way.

This honestly. I'm glad I didn't get sucked into the hype

yeah but this shit aint happin on comfy servers

Uhh even back in launch of Vanilla there were 60s in the first few weeks. I remember back in 2004, Someone got to 60 in about 5 days after launch. Everyone who played wow in highschool in 2004 was talking about it.

>gone back to playing retail WoW
nigga nobody did that

1 DKP has been deposited into your account

>classic is so easy the first raid tier is cleared by people who arent even max level 5 days after release

this post really makes me think

Those realms will always be High and Full, all it means is that many characters were created on them.

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If you were paying attention you'd realize the pop changes based on logins.

I'm glad this shit is finally starting to level. Skeram yesterday only had a 1500 queue when I got home at 6.

>playing warlock
>still lvl 27
>already hate this class
god it's just so garbage
the void is useless, you've got jack shit for damage because it's all dot dependent and you die in seconds

yeah warlock doesnt really feel fun until 60

Wow ur shit

Void is fine, stop sbolting if you have pet on auto taunt. If you die quickly you're just braindead

what's the fucking point then
I want to drop it but no idea what I'd play and it would take me another week to get back due to being a wageslave

I don't even use sbolt, just agony, corruption, immolate then wand or life drain
void can't hold aggro for shit and loses it in 5 seconds

Int only increases your mana pool and crit. As a warlock to increase your damage you need to stack shadow damage. around 40 something weaver can make shadowweave stuff and that will help you kill stuff. You need to buy new pet moves. As a warlock you should be able to bull 2 mobs at a time no sweat.

Classic is fun so far, but I know I'm done with it once I hit 60. End-game content is shit, PvP "balance" is non-existent, and I've already played the BGs when they were "new" 15 years ago.

The only think Classic has going for it is the superior leveling and talent trees.

>watches cartoons for children
>doesn't know what he's talking about

As expected.

Retailchads won.

you can survive two mobs at once with no problem but killing them both is a pain and will leave you oom/low hp pretty regularly if you do it
warlock is only efficient at killing one mob at a time unless you want to have constant downtime

Give him time to generate aggro or do less damage numb nuts

It actually does

takes forever to kill shit then

i dunno man
maybe just play a mage or something, at least you don't have to wait for a mage to get good

is there a better feel

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this is vanilla wow friend, bfa is where you go to slaughter whole zones in seconds

I meant compared to other classes

>in a game where knowing what to do is the only challenge aside from the grind
>15 fucking years old
>people have spend nearly all of that time on private servers mastering the game down to a T
Every raid is going to be cleared as soon as they are made available too, if that is news to you I don't know what to tell you.

Retail has hundreds of realms. What are you talking about

Considering warlocks are one of the better levelers it sounds like you need to get good

>warlock is only efficient at killing one mob at a time unless you want to have constant downtime
what the absolute fuck am i reading? how bad are you people?

Golemagg - Server first Ragnaros by Return EU. Lord Sly

cant repeat the past. plain and fucking simple. just fix modern wow. remove mounts on azeroth remove transmog. remove dungeon finder. there i fixed it. even remove bg finder. make the players actually h ave to go to the zone to queue for said bg

reminder if you kill people doing whirlwind axe as a warrior youre a giant nigger

>Remove transmog

Who gives a fuck about this?

dude it's like armour doesnt even mean anything. turning a 2h sword into a 2h axe looooool

have you even levelled a warlock before lmfao
you cannot consistently kill 2 mobs at once unless you want to have to drink and eat after every time or wait for your pet to hold aggro, but the time that takes you could have just killed 2 mobs individually quicker and now you're pet needs to be healed
stop parroting memes you read online

Wow it's almost like a barren MMO with tedious amounts of grinding these days doesn't fair too well. People's nostalgia goggles really clouded them with this one. Of course there will be people in denial but I bet you anything Jan. 2020 no one will even be talking about Classic.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The seethe that classics success causes is going to be unmatched on this entire board.

How is everyone running around in the exact same clown suit an improvement?

>remove mounts on azeroth
but they were in classic

Oh you have seen nothing yet. More hilarity will ensue in the near future.
This is the payback that these autistic boomerfags deserve for spamming this shit for MONTHS like it was the second coming of Jesus Christ.

We were telling them this back then, now we will shitpost them to death.

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But I leveled a warlock to 60, I know how to play an affliction warlock. The void walker does start to lose the ability to hold agro right before it can learn its new taunt skill, but this is when the power of warlock comes in, the voidwalker tanks a mob, and you fear and dot the other mob when that mob dies you fear and dot the the mob your void walker is tanking, your voidwalker will regen while you kill the mob it was tanking and by the time your fear and dotted mob dies you will be able to send your void walker back out to tank another mob. when you need HP take a single mob with no dots and set your void walker at it, then just life drain till you are full and keep doing that while you fill your mana, drain life shouldn't pull agro. you may need to drink after awhile of doing this but that is just vanilla. When you get the ability to pull mana from you imp from Darkpact things get pretty silly.

Remember to buy the books to teach your pets new skills.

>let void hold one with agony immolate and corruption ticking
>weakness and face tank another as it does no damage
Wow what challenge. If you have space you can fear juggle 3 mins easily

>fear the other mob
yeah and pull 9 other mobs in the process
dont talk out of your ass
>if you have space
yeah and more often than not you don't have space

>2 people who aren't playing the game criticise the game

retail babies never fail to make me laugh, just like the hunter yesterday who raged classic was too easy just before dying 3 times on the way to the instance and complaining about literally everything being too hard

So then you limit yourself to 2 mobs and still go at a reasonable pace

more often than not you do. Stop making silly excuses and learn to play

You do know about pulling mob away from their groups right? You do this and fear generally fears the direction you are facing so put your back against the pack after you have pulled it a good distance away and fear it will run away in the direction you are facing. I think you might just not be very good.

it is literally quicker and more efficient to just kill one mob at a time than it is to do this tryhard meme bullshit
you have 0 downtime when you do this and its quicker to just dot and wand/drain life a mob than it is to juggle them and constantly be having to reapply your dots
this is literally not true
t. levelled 4 warlocks to 60

I don't know what to tell ya, I never had issue on my warlock fearing.

It might not be desu.

First tier of content is going to be really easy because it was never balanced with 1.12 itemization in mind.

its even harder now with classic because fear makes mobs run further away and run away faster

Why do you keep making posts that are just obvious lies?

>Playing level 38 Warlock
>VW tanks a mob with Corruption and CoA
>Fear another mob with all four DoTs
>Facetank a third mob with all four DoTs
How about you grow a brain instead of whining about how shit you are at videogames

I've also had feared mobs run straight through another without aggroing

I surprised there so many posts about Warlocks. Your arch enemy is rogue and classic rogue is supreme being. There was warlock vs rogue series of funny videos for a reason.

Because you can actually see what your opponent or party member is using when you glance at them and despite you saying "everyone looks the same in their clown suit" it's just not true once people start getting to raids because the drops are few and far between so seeing a Rogue with several tier parts is a spooky moment if he's on the other faction.

>every clothie in the teens is wearing red because of that that robe from RFC
>every clothie in the 20's is wearing black because they're all wearing the robes of Arugal

Enjoy being a free kill for the anyone of the opposite faction seeing you do that, lol.

Enjoy being a free kill when you are fighting any mob lol.

based retard

>server first rag kill
>doing first boss in mc

Cut content =\= finished and polished content

Ban players like this and I guarantee the game will be 10x better.

People thought they wanted it, but they didn't.

Damn... you're right...
Killing things three times as efficiently isn't worth it...


>>Over half of the playerbase has already abandoned the game or gone back to playing retail WoW

>joining a random raid within 30 seconds
wut? unless you're a tank or healer, I don't think this is true

I tried to go back to retail but it was literally insufferable. Tried playing through WoD content for the first time and it felt more like capeshit than an RPG. Khadgar and Thrall immediately sucking your cock and calling you Azeroth's last hope, with quests designed like a mindless action movie. Who even wanted MMOs to be like this?

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you retard
it takes longer for you to kill those three mobs at once than it does to kill them individually because of the downtime you will have and also having to reapply your dots on the mobs
do you seriously think your dots do enough damage to kill a mob on their own without having to be reapplied? am i being trolled? have you never even played a warlock after 30 before?
you might think you're being a hella f*cking epic badass when you tank 3 mobs, and thats fine do whatever you want, but don't keep feeding people this bullshit


>my delicious little twink asshole

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I love that autists are fighting over which version of the children's game they are playing is better.

>No glacial spike or comet storm

Imagine being told that Warlock DoTs can't kill a mob in one volley by a Warlock who thinks he's being resource efficient by ripping aggro off his Voidwalker one mob at a time.

Level 28 is around the time you can start getting spellpower/shadow wrath gear mate. I suggest you buy some.

Blizzard was just enticing boomers with nostalgia bait to fund development for the main game. Retailbros always win.

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My guess is they hit the level 30+ slump and realized there are no quests outside of one extremely hostile area.

I am not sure if I am getting trolled. You may have to reapply dots 2 times max, most of the time after you dot up and you start life draining the feared mob it will die you can move on to the next. I personally only do a 2 mob kill rotation, I don't like face tanking a mob, because I need the HP as mana. But also improve soul drain really helps with mana issues. I generally would swap to soul drain when the mob was about to die to get that mana regen buff.

When you get the full shadowweave set you can literally just dot grind in tanaris, if you have a priest friend or any healer you can literally fear swap with them and aoe fear and dot full camps and by the time mobs come back to you to attack they will stop in their track turn around to flee from low hp then die from dot dmg.

Is there any hope left for retail?
8.2 feels lackluster despite the promises that it would fix BfA's problems. Azerite Essences help but the system is flawed from the ground up.

Is there hope for 8.3 or do we wait for the new 9.0 Shadowlands undead/undeath themed expansion?

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lmao, i will be laughing at they ez fags when people kill themselves over how hard naxx is

My character on retail doesn't even feel like my character anymore. This is a real identity crisis.

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Nigger what? I've been waiting in massive queues every fucking day. Like 7+ hours, until they allowed server transfers and now it's still 4+ hours. I'm not even on one of the most popular streamer servers or anything.

On top of that, Blizzard have added many more servers after launch and they're reaching high population as well. Even with tons of layers it's extremely difficult to find an uncontested farm spot. Popular quest mobs are constantly camped by groups of players. If anything the game's getting more popular.

Then how was everyone back then so fucking bad?

So what's an actually good, new MMO with content that isn't a mindless action grinder where you blow through thousands of mobs spamming AoEs?


Because WoW wasn't 15 years old yet.

MMOs suck
WoW sucks
Classic sucks
I would love to get some new singleplayer Warcraft games right about now.

>inb4 reforged

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>30s of logging

I wish.


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>back to playing retail WoW
most of them quit altogether.


I never found one. Gratz bro

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Their week off work came to a grinding halt.

Serious question. How is the playerbase now? Are the queue times still horrible for the good servers?

>tfw I gave Blizzard my money
Why am I such a fucking idiot?

>Over half of the playerbase has already abandoned the game or gone back to playing retail WoW

population surge fading away after a while is a pretty normal thing for all MMOs. wait a few more months to see what the real damage is.

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Do they really charge subscribers to pay extra to play Classic?

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>kill mob
>another one instantly spawns
this is worse than private servers, can't believe I was so hyped

Classic is still pretty fucking easy. Based on a pre-TBC catch-up patch, there’s very little need for cc, it mostly facerolling in dungeons which is disappointing and mages whomAE level and don’t really know how to play otherwise. But I’m having fun

4 strength 4 stam?

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maybe rethink your life if this kind of thing matters to you


A single patch can’t fix Blizzard’s game design and philosophy. It’s not one expansion but over 10 years of “qol” changes and “features” that turned an MMO into a non-social single player experience around other players

explain why the system is flawed

>abandoned the game
>or gone back to playing retail WoW

Anyone else with this shit? I just keep moving between pos 384 and 382 in queue. I don't want to restart and wait another 3 hours

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I have no friends to play with. Anyone want to play together? I'd be willing to reroll on a different server for a fresh start

i restarted and that fixed it

How do you know half the playerbase quit? Just wondering, have they posted numbers?. Everyone who was playing on my friendslist is still going.


Tried, still the same problem. Moving maybe 1 position /20 minutes

>Faggots on Yea Forums have had such a losing streak recently that they're resorting to blunderfagging and TORtanic posting about a 15 year MMO
>Other faggots are responding seriously to completely weak bait that OP pulled out of his ass with no source
You're all fucking retarded

My character feels like a weaker version of herself from Wrath. So many basic abilities lost or locked behind specs. That plus cross-realm zones makes it impossible to come back. The character I raised and the world I raised her in are simply gone now.

seriously thinking about making my own guild just to get a tabard

Lefty corporate bootlickers on suicide watch.

It was 2006. Internet was barely taking its first real steps as a medium, at least with the general public.

>tfw still have a good three months worth of tokens to ride out the Classic dropouts before confirming on the continuation
Feels good being smart.

>resource management and world awareness
And a community. Retail is garbage in that respect.

>Its all about the social aspect and getting better gear.
>social aspect
Good luck with that when Discord exists.
>getting better gear.
They have this in Retail also.

You're getting about the same social aspect in Classic as you would in Retail except someone might have to spam chat for a dungeon group. Then you'll all just sit in silence while you're in your own individual Discords with other people assuming they're not anyone you know.

>Everything is better with friends!
Go outside and kick a can around with your friends. You'll be getting the same experience.

To be honest I was tired of MMOs after playing shadowbringers for a whole month.
I really wanted to play classic but I burned out on these games and every time I boot it now I just end up not doing anything.

>down time

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imagine thinking a game with the ugliest transmog and not even one good mount would keep players hahahaah

This happened in vanilla but it was extremely rare whereas its seriously like every other mob for me now, perhaps its the population density.

holy fuck every mage I grouped up with has been so fucking useless, what the fuck

wotlk was peak wow

>want a cheap copy of wc3?
>silly user heres reforged with a inflated price tag
>what do you mean you want only OG wc3?
>you should be thanking us for the remaster you terrible person

How are you supposed to get groups especially around Scarlet Monastary as a rogue? Every single group is asking for locks/mages and the one that invited me kicked me immediately saying they thought i was a mage. What in the fuck is this zoomer shit, I don't remember this fucking bullshit at all when I played vanilla.

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>Over half of the playerbase has already abandoned the game or gone back to playing retail WoW

As much as I dislike vanilla quests, class design and rotations. The one thing that put me off classic more than anything else was supposed to be the biggest selling point. The fucking community.

Just a bunch of fucking boomers repeating whatever right wing meme they learnt that day while browsing twitter at work. Constantly spamming about how hard this is unlike those new games, while fucking keyboard turning and fucking up their one button rotation.

>Over half of the playerbase has already abandoned the game or gone back to playing retail WoW
>Source: Dude trust me.

Hyperbole using personal experiences. But it's hard to tell if that's due to layering, it's probably time they turned it off.

retail players wanting to AoE dungeon grind with minimal effort/socialising and streamer cancer wanting to imitate their preferred retard by bum rushing to 60,all they want is mages and a token warlock.

>and thats a good thing!

Welcome to the age of meta gaming. Classic != Vanilla

>remove mounts
>remove transmog
>remove dungeon finder
>remove bg
>keep the trash class design, abhorrent level scaling, useless professions, non-existent feeling of improvement
You think you fixed but you don't, it's too late.

Stay in your quarantine game

>right wing
its clearly "epic trool" zoomers but i agree about them bitching about the difficulty,probably the same retards bringing up politics in fucking LFG while your trying to find people

>make Classic
>don’t have all the content
Get back to me in a year when it’s actually the full vanilla experience.

Why the fuck are people like this? Why is it so fucking important to shave a few minutes off at the expensive of half the classes?

Seriously why the fuck is there a super super fast race to the top? Did the modern internet start this kind of zoomzoom culture or just streamers or BFA?? Feels like nobody has respect for anything other than themselves and rushing to the top at the expense of others

still almost every server is fulll

i wish they waited for release until they had battlegrounds


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>remove mounts on azeroth
Do you mean flying mounts? Will never happen remember what happened when they tried to remove flying mounts in WoD? They playerbase threw a huge shitfit until Blizzard finally caved and added it as an achievement.

i would blame blizzard first for releasing it half finished and leaving little to do beyond two end game raids and "world pvp"

id blame streamers for spreading their bullshit "world first 60" crap that most zoomers swallowed and imitated,besides that they have close to little clue about the actual game and refuse to step outside the safebox of what their hero is doing.

finally i blame retail players for dragging their lazy feet in the mud when it comes to anything challenging and encouraging the laziest and selfish play-styles,these are the same retards who refuse to read a quest description and either google it without even looking or asking for someone to lead them there by the hand.

bit sleep deprived so idk if it makes sense

>31 warrior and 27 hunter
>Already don't want to log in anymore
It's over

holy shit you people are retarded
MC and ony is cake, and t1 gear for me is trash, only reason id even step in there is for mageblade
now cthun,naxx40, and r14. lets see how quick those get hit

wouldnt the first thing you mentioned be worse if it was all released? right now theres barely any reason to rush to end game because its like only MC

Funny thing is that I never ran into these people despite rushing to 60 (server top 10). Almost everyone in my groups was relaxed, didn't care about what classes there were. Now I have a nice group of skilled people I can whisper and ask to join for instances.

For some reason the people who are behind the pack, at level 35 days after people were hitting, are obsessed with "efficiency" when it comes to dungeon groups, when they are extremely inefficient in every other way.

Oh no, they're fucking boomers alright. On the EU servers, the average age seems A LOT higher than retail. The guild I'm in is MOSTLY 30-50 year old men. And it's like I'm in a countryside conservative club on open mic night. Making the worst jokes about women being outside of kitchens

>They just added free server migrations

Mine did too, and I'm hoping all the fags that right click -> report name because they got owned in pvp will fucking go to some other server. I've been name banned twice so far.

and no, my name isn't like "killjews" or "Hitler" or "dilatetranny" or some shit either

im sorry i don't understand,do you mean the game would be worse if it had battlegrounds and more then two raids?

I'm still having a blast but new PoE season out so going to play that for a bit

thats weird never ran into that on EU or NA unless it was zoomers trying to start shit.

>What went wrong?
10 hour queues

Who the fuck cares? Only retail babbies think raiding is the only thing that matters

Within 3 hours of release, I guarantee it.

They should launch pre need c'thun, to show just how different we are as players now.

More like
DPS Cooldown
Defensive Cooldown
Self Heal
Utility Spell

For every single class. In classic you definitely have worse rotations but the classes themselves overall have more complexity which shines in PvP and Dungeon content. Mage only presses one button in raids but presses a lot more buttons in PvP and Dungeons than a Mage in retail does. Not much changes in play style for any class in any content in retail because all classes are pretty much designed the same way.

Too be fair, by the time of WoD, your character has killed Cthun, stopped Deathwing, and took on a Sha. Not to mention all those elite quests.

This is why, if they have your character having such feats, you should have something like a psuedo-rebirth system.

>main character hands out assignments to grunts
>you control the grunts and start off as a weak ass soldier/adventurer to rise in ranks, so that your MC doesnt have to keep doing the menial kelp-collecting fish kicking quests

Think the mission tables, but you actually play as one of the characters you send out, and you help them rise through the ranks while your character has sex with undead females or whatever he does in his off-time. The 'bodyguard' would then turn in the missions to you, and level up and get gear, etc.

That way you can feel like an adventurer again if you want, and not feel like you're being talked down to every patch, only for people to suddenly start sucking your dick the next patch.

Keep your 'main' character for PvP, Big Dick Raids/Dungeons, and storyline shit.

>sorry, I need to do all these menial tasks for manapearls

>classes themselves overall have more complexity

Imagine believing this.

The reason PvP is better in classic, is because the classes are much more limited. Classes are too strong in retail for decent PvP.

Then tell me this, what's the point of progression, if there's nothing to progress in?

is it supposed to be a bad thing that average mobs can be challenging ?

It's not that classes are too strong, it's that every class is the same "Builder Spender" these days.

And as much as I enjoy Classic, two of its classes are really BAD at what they're supposed to be fantasy wise.

>shaman is supposed to be a wielder of elements and swinging a hammer around, is relegated to spamming a bolt of green healjuice

>paladin is supposed to be a vanquisher of undead with big weapons
>is only viable if he crossdresses and heals you

Man, they REALLY didn't think out hero classes did they?

Spellcleaving instances is so f***ing POGGERS, lads



I am playing but nice try dumbass.

>quests designed like a mindless action movie
as opposed to amazing quest design like collect 5 raptor horns which means killing 30 raptors

>Too be fair, by the time of WoD, your character has killed Cthun, stopped Deathwing, and took on a Sha. Not to mention all those elite quests.
Why the fuck is it that MY character was the only one there? Why am I not the pleb footman who got Finger of Death'd by Archimonde on his way up Nordrasil?
No one pplayer character should EVER have been a focal point in WoW, unless they were that way through COMMUNITY recognition.

Layering actually doomed the economy of every server because there's no way they'll catch and ban every endgame node exploiter if they even go after them at all. The community is full of twitch zoomers who only want to ape their favorite streamer AoE speedclears in dungeons. It's not what I signed up for and there's nothing to be done about a shit community. I had my fun with it, wish I could have had more fun before a dumb meta fell into place but there's no escaping the eternal zoomer.

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.while they're not all builder spenders. Bfa is far from being something I can use to argue this point. As I'm desperate to have the class design of MoP (even legion will do, as leggos added some nice spice to classes) back again.

But with classic being popular, it means there isn't as much stress for the retail team to get the next expansion out before it's finished.

They can take their time, this time...

I think AQ40 will be the hardest of the bunch since the only way to do those encounters was private server shenanigans. Everyone ran MC Ony and Naxx in WoTLK so even scrubs know how to do those encounters (although Naxx will be a rude awakening in terms of gearchecks related to WOTLK Naxx).

Besides, AQ40 event was based as fuck. World bosses were based as fuck on active servers too

This is literally a problem of balance and the only reason it didn't get fixed in classic is that BC released and fixed basically every specs viability in one patch.

not really game is rapidly dying

And here's where you hot the problem with the storytelling of wow. You did all this, and you're the great champion, while at the same time you're no one. You're not important enough to be involved in the actual story beats.

Post fun wow stories?

>Never played vanilla or private server
>started with Cata, so world is all new
>Playing Warrior because why not
>get to tank DM last night
>first run had a literal 6 year old only healing his older brother
>wipe fiesta since he cant figure out which warrior to heal even after his bother tells him to stop

>second run had 2 hunters and was going well
>get to the ship and suddenly a conga line of 6/7 guys start swarming us
>one of the pets took an odd path and pulled all that shit
>just have to watch as well all die from it
>nobody is mad, we all just have a laugh and have a good talk during the walk back

It was the most fun i've had playing WoW in years. Havn't wanted to get home from work everyday to play this bad since MoP and I'm so happy about it.

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I know its too late to go back to 2009, but it really is the worst feeling. The pivot into saturday morning cartoon story in WotLk was so lame
>wait, we all have Ashbringers.png

American culture has spawned a generation of speeded out narcissists. ZOOMZOOM

classic sucks and so does retail. they both have positives that blizzard can learn from though.

Yes because zooms would rush even faster to 60 at that case

>They like being coddled and babied and joining a random raid within 30 seconds of logging in and having it cleared 15 minutes later
same thing in classic but using /join world for global lfg and running the same dungeon for 10 levels because grinding normal quests or killing mobs is mind numbing
classic is just as if not more braindead from the shit I've seen people doing to grind levels out doing the same thing 12 hours a day without even exploring the world or doing quests. They're all sheep using the same methods they saw streamers using.

the classic community is like a week and a fart old, retail's been churning for 15 years upwards, go figure

That's the problem of MMO storytelling in general I think, because there's always a giant ass storyline that replaces the next, and it's always a mere year after the first crisis.

Because MMOs go on and on forever, you're forced to do menial tasks, work your way up the ranks (so to speak), then help the lore characters defeat the final villain.

This works better in games that, you know, END.

But as soon as the next xpac comes out, you're back to where you started for whatever reason.

If they had some sort of "lineage" system, where your character has kids, then you play as that kid, and repeat that for every expansion, it might work better. But I don't think WoW could that this late in the game.

Maybe if Nzoth wins and takes over, then we get like a 200 year timeskip and move onto the Legacy of Warcraft (AKa WoW2) or whatever, but ehh.

This situation luckily hasn't happened to me but I'm on a pretty comfy server.

>get to tank DM last night
but dire maul is not out yet

If it's any consolation the private server I tried wotlk on was mostly Polish, too. Kurwa

Don't you fucking dare. DM was always deadmines, because it was first.

I haven't seen a single player quit the game breh

XIV handles it well, though.

this is the hard truth classic fags can't deal with
you can meet interesting people and have a laugh on retail
classic's main appeal is being for losers who never did shit back in the day and are desperately trying to conquer what they couldn't as a child
you see mid 20s losers claiming to be world firsts when that shits been done 13 years ago
so desperate for validity and community while they shun anyone not playing meta classes
they are the ultimate cancer and classic was a fantastic way to quarantine them into an elitist shithole where they'll eat half assed stale garbage that exists on private servers for years drip fed through a straw over the course of 3 years

Warriors depending on if you're doing PVE or PVE you use almost every single ability you're given. This also depends on if you're a shitter who doesn't know how to play warriors or not. Meanwhile in BFA you can spam three buttons and do just fine.

Ehh, sort of? But it's story leaves much to be desired. It's your typical JRPG plot. If it was more Tales of X than FFXI than I'd be inclined to agree with you.

Hard truth

The fucking amount I've heard people say "Is this in the spirit of classic" to fucking everything.

They can't bare that people might want to play it their own way.

How much asspain do you think this guy will cause when AQ comes out?

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fucking animeniggers

Like all of vanilla bosses, he won't be hard at all.

How did this dweeb score with such a hottie?


>deciding a game is good or bad or whatever depending on how many players or views it has

dont play mage then faggot. who gives a shit.

Good paypiggy

>the same retards who refuse to read a quest description and either google it without even looking or asking for someone to lead them there by the hand.
You don't have to do any of that when you can just get an ingame leveling guide addon that points you in the direction of every single place you need to go for your quests. And questing addons existed back in vanilla so it's really all the same as it was back then.

0, the raid's figured out bro
rag down in 5 days
your game is a joke
underleveled 50s in pugs clear rag now
classic's "difficulty" is finding the will the play through the inflated grind to 60, that shit only existed in the first place cause there was barely any content to the game to validate a monthly subscription
classic should have been free to play for current owners of bfa or some shit, complete waste of time and money to pay monthly for a figured out, grindy game with no content

I still have a queue why are Yea Forumsniggers so desperate for this to be a failure they lie to themselves

>two end game raids and "world pvp"
How much world pvp even is there when Layering exists?

yes and encouraging that attitude got us here

I've killed and gotten killed in Stonetalon quite a lot.

You been anywhere even remotely close to Hillsbrad man? The entire zone is a PvP hellscape

I rolled on a PvP realm bros what am I in for?

the faster people realize nostalgia doesn't make a game hold up the faster we get people that realize they need to make something new



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omfg this retarded braindead cúck
k press glacial spike every 5 frostbolt done
>still can do this with 1 finger
literal mind numbing

cute pussy

Randomly getting killed when walking on roads.

I was out of soul shards to summon or tank at the entrance to BFD and all the mobs were too low level to give shards when two friendly alliance showed up and solved the problem for us.

Anyone complaining about leveling or speed runners gets a fat “kek” from me.

The best part of classic always was, and always will be, lvl 60.

> spending 15 fucking levels in the barrens is fun

It depends on the players. Sometimes you get high level people hunting low level players for fun end of the extreme. Sometimes virtually everyone in the zone just goes about their questing and leaves you alone.

ah sorry i meant not just end game content.More options along the way and at the end would at least offer the possibility of finding their own fun compared to looking to streamers to dictate the community's focus because there is so little to do at certain parts.

holy shit bros i just got to desolace why is this zone so comfy, fuck STV

the only difference between a frost mage in MC and a frost mage in BFA is that the BFA frost mage has to press Ice Lance when it lights up

>The best part of classic always was, and always will be Zul'Farrak

TORtanic broke your fags minds lmao you think if you spam your delusions enough they will come true

What do you do at 60

>all the low IQ zoomers and tourists are finally gone
It’s finally comfy and home

The awful leveling experience and combat. It tales too long to travel anywhere and everythings too expensive. went prot warrior and im constantly getting ganked in ashenvale camped by horde. It's only fun if you are autistic and enjoy wasting a huge amount of your time.

I just quit now at level 40. It's boring. No fun. No social aspect.

>went prot warrior

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Honestly fuck American culture. Muh personality muh individuality everyone here has a massive fucking ego. God I hate my burgerkind

>Prot warrior
KEK! Dude you obviously have no idea what you're doing so don't blame the game.

>No fun. No social aspect.
Did you install BfA by mistake?

user do you want to level with me? I'm looking for somebody to play with because I'm getting bored of no social aspect too

chat is just lfg spam
nobody talks in the game even when you quest together

Soon I can leave classic and play a real mmo.

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a game will only have a social aspect if the players want it to. there is no system in classic that encourages socialization and there is no system for it in bfa either. if players want to socialize they will, end of discussion

they did for me ;^)

Classic definitely has it's moments, but...

I just couldn't do it. I just started finding the game too repetitive. The knowledge of how much time I would have to invest to do the fun things I wanted to do just killed it for me. I played this game to death in its prime and playing Classic made me realize I have no desire to go back.

I'm an old dude now and my tastes have changed.

ESO is best current MMO


works on my machine

you almost had me there but i can safely say that eso is literally the worst mmo on the market

xiv is a shity single player mmorpg with a garbage story fuck off nigger

Im honestly about to quit because of the tiring SPELLCLEAVE ONLY groups. It takes a couple hours as a nonaoe dps to get a group just to get some dungeon quests done. Esp for SM and ZF. This shit better not persist at 60

I've done deadmines a couple of times now, so I think I'm done. That was all I wanted to do, it seems like a good time to walk away.

Worse than ESO

Classic very much encourages socialization. I've been very active in chat talking to people and half the time it works.

>Pro retail players cant even handle AoE grinding
I've seen countless mages try to AOE grind and fail miserably, even against mobs they outleved. Pure comedy gold.

that's how it is now, minmaxing retards are the majority now, the game has been theorycrafted to hell and back and if you aren't playing the meta race/class combos you can say goodbye to half the population as they'll want nothing to do with you

>havent done a single quest since I hit the right level for dungeons
This is unironically the vanilla I remember, my friends helped me level to 60.

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ok. what system encourages that socialization? what makes you type in chat that bfa doesnt?



>tfw havent played in days to work on medical school applications
I wish I was 12 and could play WoW for 12 hours a day again. Fuck being an adult.

not him but lack of LFG tools to start


>Muh personality muh individuality
Fuck you commie scum!

yeah because typing in chat "lfg mc" is going to invoke a nice healthy conversation that would otherwise be absent by listing a group that says "lfg mc"

It's waaaay more than half the population doing dungeons. It's at least 80-90% making spellcleave only groups for every dungeon stockades and above. GL getting a SM, ZF, or BRD group at those levels as a nonmeta nonaoe spam dps. Fuck what the internet has become and fuck zooms


I predict the same trajectory OSRS followed. If not, it will fail.

OSRS was going to die off in the first year after its launch. Despite what all the players screamed and shouted, the numbers didn't lie, people just weren't that interested in playing a time capsule old version of the game. HOWEVER, the devs started adding new content and changing the game so it was no longer a time capsule, but an entirely different game. Like going back in time and righting the wrongs and avoiding the missteps made, continuing from 2007 and acting like RS3 never happened; this caused the game to explode with popularity and now it's bigger than RS3.
Classic will have to do the same thing or end up dying. It can't remain the same forever without people getting bored.

damn, tranny posters use images like THAT? Youre dumb as fuck user, but I would still erp with you.

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you do know people talk about other things as well right? same with in group,it isnt all about the dungeon at hand.

yes and there is literally LITERALLY nothing stopping you from talking about those things in a group in bfa

The new version they are releasing without p2w unironically looks good, a bit too late maybe but i'll try it.

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yet they are not for some reason....

based pagle bros

and yet they're low and medium first thing in the morning when no one is playing, but shoot up afterwards... really makes you think

>people breeze through MC in talents tuned for fucking naxx

zoomers and retail tards cant type on a keyboard, so they freeze up and need 5 min to type out a reply while looking directly at the keyboard

Unironically the osrs community is s10 better than wow. The games themselves promote different kind of socialization.

>dude can't play warlock
>suggest mage
yeah like we need anymore shit mages.
can't tell you how many mages I've been grouped with in dungeons who don't know how to wait for aggro or even cc

Classic Mage "rotation":
lol cast frostbolt and maybe arcane power sometimes

XIV Black Mage Rotation:
Freeze -> Enochian -> Blizzard 4 -> Fire 3 -> Fire 4 3 times -> Fire 1 -> Fire 4 3 more times -> Blizzard 3 -> Blizzard 4 -> Fire 3 -> Repeat Fire phase
Press Xenoglossy when you've had enochian up long enough for it to proc. Use instant cast proc/triplecast when you have to move which is frequent. Use leylines on cooldown.

Classic Rogue "rotation":
lol sinister strike to 5 combo points then eviscerate repeat ad nauseum

XIV Ninja Rotation:
Pre-fight apply Huton
Suiton -> Meisui -> Spinning Edge -> Shadow Fang -> Ten Chi Jin -> Fuma Shuriken (while in TCJ) -> Katon (while in TCJ) -> Doton (while in TCJ) -> Kassatsu -> Hyosho -> Kassatsu -> Suiton -> Spinning Edge -> Trick Attack + Bunshin -> Shadow Fang -> Spinning Edge -> Gust Slash -> Aeolian Edge (repeat this 3 combo until Bunshin runs out)
From then on substitute Aeolian Edge with Armor Crush if Huton duration is less than 40 seconds
Use ninjutsu on CD; Raiton for single target, Katon for aoe, only Doton while in TCJ
Don't let Shadow Fang debuff fall off, if playing optimally refresh every 3 combos
Use Ninki on Bhavacahkra unless Bunshin is up in which case save it for Bunshin + Trick Attack window
Use Trick Attack on CD
If you fuck up your Ninki management, use Mug to quickly gain 40 Ninki

Say whatever you want about XIV; it absolutely is infested with trannies and degenerates, but at least its combat has some actual fucking complexity to it and is, you know, fun to play.

They already got their fix of nostalgia.

and the LFG tool will do all the middleman work for them.

>not deleting your character every night when you log off

I don't think anyone is arguing that a game from 2004 is more complex than XIV

kind of how i feel as a priest when people keep running ahead ignoring the "im out of mana pls wait" then wipe and get upset

Nobody knew shit and guilds kept raid info to themselves so everyone else was left scratching their heads trying to figure it out.

the reason has nothing to do with classic. think about the internet structure as a whole when wow was first released. where would you go to talk about wow that wasnt in game? seriously. name one place
the problem isnt that bfa "removed" social infrastructure, its that there's no reason to talk about the game in game anymore. we have shit like facebook, discord, Yea Forums, reddit, numerous forums, skype, vent etc etc etc etc
the reason people dont socialize in game is because the socialization for most game related topics is done on third party sites or programs now. wow had nothing to do with it

>press 3 buttons instead of 1 button

all MMORPG PvE is braindead that involves not standing in fire and following basic instructions

PvP is where MMORPGs shine, new stimuli and situations every time where you need to know not only your, but all of the classes inside and out to truly be good

>get invited to do a SM cath run
> they already half way done by the time i get there just 4 maning
>I DC on the final boss
>come back on and get cute hat for free


this is true. the game is easier now than it was in actual vanilla because it's using such a late patch

no one is but you cant expect XIV trannies to dilate themselves in silence forever whenever someone breathes the word "warcraft"

Oh sorry I forgot something; Ninja also should use Dream within a Dream and its followup Assassinate on CD.

Say what you want about retail but I do miss my lifegrip macro that also yells "LOOK AT MY MANA BAR" for when tanks do that

I fucking wish but the queues are still unbearable unless you are using teamviewer or such

what's a good server? 90% of servers are full currently in Europe with 2 at High

Most classes have about 30 buttons to press actually.
I ran out of keybinds for most of them.
Except RDM. That class is easy as fuck.

Ok then use teamviewer????

The top 2005 players backwalked and clicked on their spells, 15 years gave the populace enough time to be efficient.

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>i press more buttons so that means it's better!
is that really all it takes to impress you? is that what you conceive to be mechanical depth?

BFA definitely removed social infrastructure but the internet also changed,this isnt a simple clear cut issue,people also used ventrillo or teamspeak when it launched which had chat capabilities yet they still spoke in game

>seriously. name one place
ign forums
other video game forums

As someone who has a sub to both games right now, FFXIV has been on the same treadmill for fucking years now and every new patch cycle less and less of my friends come back to it.

Classic WoW will never be the same experience as Vanilla, but it has a way better sense of adventure and accomplishment than just doing roulettes and weeklies.

>start playing with friend and we level together
>friend of friend starts playing
>they level together
>"sorry user, just catch up and we can level together"
>try to catch up
>they keep leveling together leaving me behind
>invite friend to play
>"sorry user but I want to keep leveling my char"
>stop playing
that went wrong

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That's objectively true. XIV classes have way more depth, if thats what you want to call it, than classic classes do. This is incontestable.
Classic is absolutely garbage as an actual game. The only reason people are playing is:
A. Hype; most of these are abandoning the game as we speak.
B. Pathetic nostalgiafags who want to recapture their youth (won't happen).

you acted like a beta faggot instead of setting your friend straight

>all these retarded 20+ warlocks leveling with voidwalker arguing in this thread
This has never ever made any sense in vanilla. Use the succubus, it does everything the voidwalker does while also doing a ton more damage.
>it still holds aggro against targets with 2-3 dots as long as you turn soothing kiss off
>for single mobs you kill them ~30-40% faster with the same lack of downtime
>for 2-3 enemies you can succ tank one, fear another, and facetank a third mob letting you kill 3 at once with the same effort and downtime as using a voidwalker, but again faster
Bonus round, PvP benefits:
>the succ does great damage in pvp and can seduce a player for 20 fucking seconds
>is invisible when out of combat so will ALWAYS get the drop on whatever player it's attacking or seducing up front
>unlike the voidwalker she's a potent threat on her own, players must kill her while you dps/health funnel them or chase you while she whips the shit out of them or spams seduce to make the target lose a step or two on you between dot ticks
It's the safest and fastest demon to use for leveling, extremely useful against both mobs and players. Doubly useful against humanoid mobs. Stop using your shitty voidwalkers and take the succpill.

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The whole point of XIV is to do the story content, clear the raids a few times, and when you've done what you want to do, fuck off until the next story patch.

you didnt tell your friend to go fuck themselves and move on,this is highscool level shit.

user play with me. I'm looking for so.eone to level with

>i press more buttons so that means it's better!
Yes, that's exactly it. If you're not pressing buttons then you're not PLAYING a video game. You may as well go watch a movie or read a book.

>The point of paying for a game is to not play it

Nigger did you just type that

Terrible internet connections, terrible PCs that got sub-20fps in raid environments, keyboard turning and backpedaling wasn't shamed nearly as hard.

i find walker is better until 30 then REALLY falls off fast. Felhound with corrupting blood is the superior pet though. Unless you like to drain tank

pressing 3 buttons is hardly more deep than pressing 1. your first mistake is pretending mmos can have any sort of depth to begin with, your second is pretending anyone plays these games for the combat gameplay

also adding: you dont get seduce until 27 so the SACK makes the void walker better for a long time in pvp and in pve

XIV is less focused on massive AoE pulls but the dungeons are literal hallways. Only MMO on the horizon is yet another ArcheAge reboot, they're finally going b2p.

I keep out-damaging mages as a warlock in every dungeon I go, why did you retards try to convince me this class had bad damage.

>gone back to playing retail
Who do you think you're fooling?

classes are cookiecutter and combat is flowchart

>XIV is less focused on massive AoE pulls but the dungeons are literal hallways
dude xiv dungeons are literally "how many packs can you pull without wiping"
raids and trials are better because nobody does dungeons or raids for the trash mobs

>3 buttons

but I did, that's why I don't have friends anymore

sorry user but I don't really feel like playing classic now, also my sub runs out in like a week

Who told you that user?
Warlock is great.

Thanks for helping fund 9.0 bros, I'm sure the next expansion will be a hit. Enjoy running Naxx for a year and doing WPVP until your eyes hurt!

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im surprised anyone thinks that,they can also summon/soulstone which is extremely helpful

We could have been friends bruv :

Can't decide between my warrior, priest, and hunter

There are four main reasons for why MC was destroyed by a bunch of green armor wearing 45-60lvl character.

1: Classic balance is 1.12 balance, which is LIGHT YEARS ahead of 1.0 balance, which is when MC came out. Every talent tree had been reworked at that point, and several items had their itemization improved or otherwise fixed. Abilities were also much stronger than at launch, even without taking the itemization and talents in account.

2. People were actually bad. Like, top guilds would keyboard turn, click spells, people would go half afk, etc. MC is also very light on mechanics. A single boss of a modern wow raid has more mechanics than all of MC.

3. The game had very little documentation back then. There were the forums (which were always a shithole), and at best stuff like thotbot and allakazam, which were underused and also under documented. There were no streams of people doing content, no long guides, no sites like wowhead or class discord. Guilds tried to keep everything as hush hush as possible because doing content was less about who was the most skilled and prepared, and more about who had more time to beat their heads against content. Currently classic is super documented due to private servers, and everyone has easy access to it.

4. People been doing MC, BWL, AQ and even Naxx for literally 14 years in private servers. They know exactly what they need to do each of the bosses.

We will! Have fun waiting until next Tuesday to get upgrades :>)

user if they were that shitty they weren't ever truly your friends.Everyone always finds a good few even if it takes time.

i think you missed the point entirely. and even moreso since you're talking about following cookie-cut rotations that someone else came up with. how is that deep or impactful to you?

European servers right now.

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am i crazy or did wands/guns have stats in vanilla?

I'm a retailfag, but why do so many retailfags have some kind of hate boner over people enjoying classic?

You're crazy

It sacrifices everything else in the process, though.

some do

They do, but not until late game drops

some wands do for sure.

Did heartseeker or whatever that crossbow was called have stats? I swear I thought it did

>XIV handles it well

>"You are the chosen one"

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thanks user-mind

It meant that before launch of classic
Cope retail tranny.

>Over half of the playerbase has already abandoned the game.

Source you faggot fuckin imbecile

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Cookie-cut exists for a reason: its the most efficient way to DPS high. You'll get them in any game, period. They actually have a semblance of difficulty; miss a hit or fuck up your shit and your DPS plummets, unlike classic which is so simple a monkey could play it well.

They always had stats in vanilla, which is why you find rogues jacking hunter weapons for the agi.

>classic 1.12 balance
Ret, Prot, Enhancement, Elemental, Balance, Feral, Shadow, Survival, and Assassination would like a word with you.
Classic balance is awful, period. It's absolutely unacceptable to have classes or specs that are just unusable, and that's like 2/3rds of classics specs.

>absolute state of granblue userbase

I wonder why the devs decided to make factions so distinct in the attractiveness of their races. Alliance was the default choice for all kids, causals, women and many other groups because of the simple fact that their races were nicer to look at, especially in terms of sex appeal of females.

It's more "you are one of the chosen ones". Canon wise all the players are blessed by a certain lore figure who I won't spoil.

Well they addressed that with blood elves, which fucked the horde up forever.

I'm not saying the balance is good fucking mouth breathing baboon

Did you even read what I said other than start screeching at your tendies when you read "classic balance"?

I literally said that 1.12 balance is better than 1.0. A 3 in a 1 to 10 scale is still higher than 1.

sunk costs. classic undermines the relevance of the work behind their retail characters.

funny thing is he insisted for me to play and that he would invite me to his group but ditched me the moment they started playing without saying a word, oh well

sorry bro

Oh, so that makes it NOT the most cliche gabage?
>you are the chosen ones
>an ancient evil has awoken

pandering to Korean c*mbrains is literally the reason why blood elves joined the Horde. Korean servers were 80% Alliance because they outright refuse to play RPGs as a character they don't want to fuck

I didn't say it wasn't cliche.
I said it isn't a singular person who is the canon 'chosen one'.
Also the 'ancient evil' isn't a thing. It's more that it's always been awake and fucking with the world.


Retail has robbed you of your strength. Victory has defeated you.

yeah, but couldn't they really see it coming before vanilla? i'm thinking it had to be intentional to make the factions as distinct as they were originally.

Your mistake is using VW over succubus among other things, the problem is you, not the class. Imagine thinking VW is bad, but then not thinking to change what pet you're using and adjust your playstyle accordingly. You should play a hunter instead if you're that fucking braindead.

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In raids you're gimped because of the debuff limit, that's the main reason.

As I sit in queue to log in...

You really didn't want a 15 year-old game.

I haven't played Classic yet, saving money but XIV has the opposite problem
>everyone constantly sucks your dick, so the world seem small as hell
>quests where you fucking deliver mail sometimes make you feel more like an adventurer than the main fucking quest

Really? I've been in the que for an hour now.

>classic: see people everywhere, everyone is helping out, chatting in general and guild

>retail: end game zone is quiet, see other players only in the capital, guild is dead quiet despite 30 people on both in game and discord


lets see how far the good will on vanilla lasts when everyone is 60

But it doesn't

i know that feeling and unfortunately you're gonna have to learn to take what i call drunk promises with a grain of salt

>oh man we hang out *hic* more!
>"im serious bro!"
>next week
>"do what?"
>aw sorry bro im (insert excuse) that night
>find them at the bar

you want people you can depend on and mesh with not social butterflies who flee the moment it requires any effort and that takes time sadly.

Pservers I played on stayed pretty active at 60 as well. Retail exists to buy wow tokens.


how does warrior work in the spellcleave comp, do you absolutely need ravager to ever be invited or is sweeping strikes/whirlwind/cleave enough

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retard here,what is spell cleave? google just gives people bitching but no explanation.


it wasnt 30 palyers it was 40. i dont know about there levels but isnt there a level cap to the game?
itd be too hard to hit him at too low of a level and they would of never downed him in under 2 submerges

hey that's my picture
I took that I was gonna post that
ask for permission next time ok

Mage was already one of the most popular classes but then too many people fell for the spellcleave meme so now you have even more mages than usual. I'll just stick with my hunter for now, the more retards to viper sting the merrier.

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Warlock always has good damage. It gets beat in early raiding largely because damage is hard limited by tank threat rather than what you can actually do. Stuff like frost's 30% aggro reduction or rogues being able to vanish simply sets their speed limit further ahead than lock. Warlock damage remains strong all the way through Naxx, just never the top tier because you're always beaten by something.

taking 4 mages and a healer into a dungeon and AoEing everything to death with frost spells

>no tank
jesus christ.....way to invalidate an entire role

I missed meaningful stance dancing
Not the bullshit damage dealt/damage taken shit that MMOs use now and have been pruning away but the actual stances that affect ability selection

welcome to vanilla.
its as shitty as every Yea Forumsirgin makes it out to be.

it was pretty fun until around 35...then the grind set in and it became incredibly repetitive. the quests aren't fun.

>welcome to vanilla
classic isn't vanilla, dumb nigger. shit like this barely existed back then

i like parts of it but this is just dumb

if you think tanks are struggling in any way to get groups you're retarded
4 warrior groups exist, and I prefer just doing standard groups because meme shit like feral druids tend to be better players than the autistic private server mages everywhere

>argue about semantics
paladin shaman priest and druid are also unplayable unless you want to be a cucked healbot.
thanks tigole you cocksucking mother fucker

where did i say tanks were struggling?

It'll have to last forever, because there literally isn't anything to do once you hit 60. The selfishness of retail comes from the stupid chores that everyone has to do to remain viable. You can't help others, because every second you spend helping others is a second you're not spending towards checking out the next list item.
The grind in older expansions was so long and timegated that it might as well be infinite, so you had no reason to hurry, meanwhile the grind in the current expansion is infinite through RNG, but it also lets you "get left behind" if you don't work on it, so you can't afford to be nice.

It was called baby's first MMO for a reason, my dude.

You forgot the part when you eat and bandage after a 40 second fight because you didn't kite and auto'd to get rage for sweeping instead of having it pooled from the previous encounter.

What makes classic farming fun and addictive is playing your class optimally, gaining a lot of momentum which can also be lost. If you're on a pvp server you also have to balance this with avoiding or toppling getting ganked. With a 3-7 corpserun it can become quite thrilling.

you said a role was invalidated
as a tank I am feeling very valid when people give me random whispers to tank for them

Both equally true.

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You have a point, but you're doing it wrong.

in the case of those specific meme build groups yes but i never brought up WoW as a whole lol wtf

are you autistic?

you are definitely the autistic one
but no you're right, every class should play exactly the same and nothing interesting should ever occur like mages grouping together to spam snares and slows with their high AoE, what a good vision of the game surely it wont cripple the sub count over the next several years haha
kill yourself

>being this retarded

Shit, that's me too.

i justed signed up where's your source and I know plenty of people playing

>n-no u
ouch guess i hit the mark,enjoy the sperg out m8.

sick argument

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I bet you have the void on defensive mode.

sick reading comprehension, got any other beta responses?

>firday night
>main server only high
its fucking dead rest in piss

>can only resort to namecalling
>incapable of addressing the argument
you can stop posting now, fortunately you're anonymous and this embarrassment wont be attached to you in any way

What makes you think half the population has left?

I'm on the boat that Classic will probably be 1/5th of its current playerbase by years end. That being said, I see no evidence that half of it has left.

>can only resort acting passive aggressive and sarcasm
>incapable of understanding the original post
>more gymnastics

i truly pity you as a person i really do,life must be hard for you.

>more non arguments
it's amazing how you can keep posting literally nothing

Reminder that these servers hold 15k players max

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>pot trying to call the kettle black
>not even remotely self aware

lol this is comedy gold

Even GW2 or TrannyFantasy14 are infinitely better than ESO

It's still very much alive and with queues, but I do think a lot of people will quit once the novelty of leveling and doing dungeons runs out

per layer

most of the zoomercleaves will burn out, and that's a good thing
game will be better when people settle down and the rush is over honestly

To be fair, shadow Priests had better luck than other healer off-specs. Still, Vanilla endgame PVE was unfriendly to healer off-specs.

no per server

Per server retard

Apply your question to BFA where literally no sense of progression, risk/reward even exists. What's the point of professions? What's the point of having gold? What the fuck does "epic" or "legendary" mean in bfa? These things all dont matter in BFA at all. Everything comes down to RNG quality of life bullshit and it takes all the fun and meaning out of doing anything in the fucking game.
>Oh boy I got lucky in LFR and have the same power level item as somebody who raids on mythic! Boy I cant wait to take it and go do the same fucking 5 world quests over and over and over for literally no benefit to my character whatsoever! Classic is soooo easy lolol BFA is so much harder xD

no, per layer, that's literally the purpose of layering
this is literally the definition of cope

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can you take old vanilla macros and just copy paste them into classic? or where is something i can convert them with at.

layers have 2000 people in them iirc

>oh no I'm wrong better go into my brainlet wojak folder...

just kys classic cuck

yeah that's probably the best argument you could make


Scrolls all the way down to capture High/full servers

Neglects the dozens of low/medium pop servers

what is it about classic that makes Yea Forums seethe?
I love it

is that even accurate?

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do you think he would just lie on the internet?

got tired of my 35 rogue so I rerolled shaman

I couldn't get into rogue either, I just don't like energy
Rerolled warrior and I'm way happier

people have been starving for a good mmo for a decade, and instead of devs making a good new game they revive a mediocre game from 2004

hopefully blizzard realizes that it's the best starting point to build off of for an MMO


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4horseman 4bis tanks, the frost res for saph and KT, thaddius because people are retarded, patchwerk gearcheck.
i cant wait to see these guilds thinkin they pro for killin ony or rag fall apart in naxx 40, probably aq40, twin emps alone can fuck you around , more so than any mc/ony and only 1 or 2 bosses in BWL have fights where a above 70IQ is required

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I've been saying this for like 10 years, man. Fuck MMO tards

Interesting, user. But how does your succ heal herself to keep up with no downtime? If you say health funnel i will disregard your opinion.

This has to be bait

Yoshida has said it himself

good thing rotations aren't why people are interested in classic
XIV is fucking boring outside of your hour of raid on tuesday

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