Brb smoke break

>brb smoke break
>last online: 9847 days ago

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This has never happened

>it's a ">brb smoke break >last online: 9847 days ago" thread

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good movie

>brb smoke break
>last online: 2 minutes ago

>9847 days ago
>september 20 1992
damn man, that must be one long cigarette

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My wife, Spinel

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Stop posting this sòy clown shit cartoon you fucking faggot tranny, go back to Yea Forums where your garbage taste belongs.

>see you tomorrow
>guy is offline for a few years and then deletes me from his friendlist

Did Sugar intentionally shitting on Pink Diamond, It can't be just coincidence at this point?

this movie was actually pretty good.

the diamond bitches are still cringe but the movie was ok

Did you watch the show?
A big part of it is Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond being far from as great as everyone seems to think she was.
Sure her intention were noble, but her entire revolution was basically smoke and mirrors.
Steven even says it himself in the movie: "Some gem I don't even know tries to kill me, I have to pay for my mother's crimes that have nothing to do with me, that's the story of my life"
Steven achieved at 14 years of age what his mother couldn't do in hundreds. PD was never the bad guy, but she wasn't all that good either.

Shes been doing it for like2 seasons.

smoking kills

Pink Diamond/ Rose Quartz was never a good person. This shit was being theorized very early on in the series.

My wife, Spinal.

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>Pearl is straight now

Imagine actually eatch this literal garbage show

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>brb i hear sirens
>last online: 9/11/01

It was good, but not good enough to save the garbage season 5 finale.

1 and 2 season were great, but it went to shit right after Claster

they did that shit with princess bubblegum too

They wanted to make her a Diamond that was bad like the other but then became a good person.
But due the writters complete lack of self-awareness she came out as a bitch, just like them. It reached the point even their fanbase couldn't defend her and loathed her, and now they are riding that train too.

Which is probably the best decision they could make. Now watch them make S6 a prequel of the movie because fuck development.

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Are you me?
I have to fight the urge to say spinal every time when talking about that character

Jokes on them.
I'll never watch another episode that doesnt have spinel in it

rock people

yeah truth to be said the show itself is a trainwreck that couldn't be saved.
But damn the movie was good. great songs, goog aniamtion and presentation, Spinel was top tier and while the diamonds becoming the "cool aunts" is almost butchering their personalities, at this point I'll be okay with anything resembling development and they were pretty enjoyable.

Then again this is 2 years later so I can see White going from cold bitch to overemotional now that she doesn't need to pretend.
It's good that they are trying to make the show good, but you wonder if it's worth the effort. I personally think they should focus more on worldbuilding and less on character drama, now that most characters have already grown.

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I don't watch this shit but I love Spinel and I wanna know how her arc gets resolved. Should I endure all the other cringe in the movie for my wife?


She just gets Talk No Jutsu'd

Interesting character, bad execution, protagonist is a fucking spoiled hypocrite who don't understand the consequences of his action, and I hated the way she changed her behavior by the end of the movie.

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I think the movies alot better than the show.
The end was pretty ass though.

Yeah, the movie is pretty good on t's own. Easily peak SU. But it relies a lot on all the seasons and plots up to this point for the first half of the movie. If you enjoy musicals it can be good, if not it might be a drought to you.

Ummm excuse me sweaty, the correct term is “Mineral Americans”


>I don't watch this shit
>I wanna know how her arc gets resolved

One or the other

Did you miss the extended intro years ago where they basically gave it away?

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>protagonist is a fucking spoiled hypocrite who don't understand the consequences of his action
That's literally the point. Steven was a little bitch for the first seasons. Then he became the only tolerable one that realized everyone was shitposting about pink shit.
When Spinel schytes him he loses his half, his "development", going back to that time.
Could've been better, tho. Steven really came out as a big asshole a couple times.

>brb taking a big shit
>9847 days ago

the whole thing is basically a recap anyway
i have no clue why

Happily wondering, night after night

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>27 years
what sort of online service you're using?

I hope it's because they want this to be some sort of soft reboot given they changed some design things like Small Amethyst, and the new seasons from now on will have a different theme.

Sugar said it was so you could watch the movie without watching the show. Probably a demand from the big CN

>9848 days after
>"Ok, I'm here"
He wasn't lying

isn't there only one more season anyway?

I hate when companies do this. Anime is also filled with this, like how Boku no hero always shows the names of the characters, course and power in every episode, or putting a recap in god damn 26 episodes shows.
Or worse, ENTIRE recap movies.

I thought the whole point was that steven became selfish in the 2 years of peace that passed.
Young steven coulda delt with spinel easy in his strange empathetic way and woulda hugged her.
Current steven didnt have that same empathy anymore

For now. If we talking about season they never planned more than 2. If the show is succesful fuck your artistic integrity to wrap up the plot, start dumping more seasons.

Fat women evil

Which is why Gravity Falls was great


>friend offline for months
>last played game was a day ago

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Nigga that faggot didnt want to finish gravity falls at all.
They had to force him to get off his ass and write the last 5 episodes

Doubt it's that given he does care about everyone else all the time.
Old steven would've directly hugged her because he only cared about feeling but was unaware about the situation around him.
Older steven (before the movie) was both aware and emotional but more mature, tunring him into basically a DEus Ex Machina in SU lore powerlevel.

After Spinel hits him it feels like he loses the maturity but keeps the awareness, making him so desesperate to fix thing but doens't have the right idea.
Also keep in mind that unlike the other gems Spinel realizes at all times her actions are done due anger, not rationality, and was open to discussion after getting her memories back. She's not a child like msot gems unable to understand feelings, but one that needs help putting them together, which Steven couldn't at the time.

What said, Alex had ideas for more episodes and there's some unresolved plot points, but was forced to call it a day. He at least had an ending planned from the start so it worked better.

Is his how it works?
Am I doing it right?

No Gravity Falls had the opposite problem
which is just as bad

Eh, he was under a lot of stress and it's not the first time he's acted like that while under stress

>"good match today bro let's continue our win streak tomorrow"
>last online: 949 days ago

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Sugar insists that all the way through Change Your Mind was in the original show bible

I believe it too considering how far in advance they were forshadowing not only pink being rose, but even shit like White Pearl

shitven shittyverse

I miss my dad too.

Is this shit even good for anything else then YTP?

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Pink was always a bad character. A sociopath gem. Manipulates others to get what she wants and discards them once they're no longer interesting to her. She did it to spinel, the diamonds, even Greg.

>10 seconds ytp is funnier than anything else I've ever seen of this series
This decade can't be over soon enough.

Probably, but that usually means she had an idea of what the beggining, ending and major key points in the story would be like, not what everything else inbetween was, specially seeing how over the place the phasing was and the focus on theme were.
And even then the execution of such plots was a mixed bag as they focused too much on some themes and leaved the main plot on the side.

>>brb smoke break
>>last online: a few seconds ago

I refuse to believe that. The writing feels way too haphazard. There's no way Yellow Diamond in Message Received is the same character in the movie. If it was all planned, why is the series full of filler and rush jobs?

Why did they rip-off my wife Jenny

>another spammed steven universe thread
fuck off back to >>Yea Forumsmblr tranny

>make friends in a game
>play every day together
>decide to make a group
>stop talking to each other afterwards

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Oh yeah I'm not saying everything was originally planned. If I recall correctly I think she even revealed in one of the podcast episodes that Peridot was a shockingly late addition.
There is no way though it was only originally planned for 2 seasons like that user said. I simply can't believe it

>brb soup
>last online: 1688 days ago

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Full of filler because they were confident after the season 1 finale that they would be able to keep going.

Rush jobs because around season 5 they clearly realized that wasn't the case (until CN greenlit season 6 at the last possible second). Rewatch Diamond Days and tell me that it isn't painfully obvious it was supposed to be its own season at one point.

This nigga nasty. He suck his own penis.

To be fair those 10 seconds are PEAK comedy

Steven and the Stevens is actually a gold episode comedy wise. I think that's the funniest the show has ever been

Western animation is so bad

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>BRB getting a drink
>Last online: 3 minutes ago

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>There is no way though it was only originally planned for 2 seasons like that user said. I simply can't believe it
Oh, it's possible, because remember S1 had 50 episodes, ending with the battle of Peridot, Jasper and Lapis, while the other went down to 25 and there was a clear swift in focus.
The main plot (corruption) got pretty much left aside after the cluster thing and then resolved with barely any mention. I'm sure they had more plans going on for it.

And Season 5 is prettyt much jsut "wrap it all up".

Yea Forums is more annoying than /mlp/ at this point.

Rocko's Modern Life won like four awards

Says about the scene done by japanese aniamtors.

Greg and his murder cock.

I would happily remove every character than Greg, mayor Dewey and Pearl from the show

I'm not sure how I've never noticed this. Why is it like this?

I'm more partial to the genocide cock.

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Why does that scooby doo look a family guy cutaway

no I can't spot the difference between any anime because they're all just the same drawings with different colour hair.
there is more variety in the first four images alone than in 99% of anime and that fact doesn't change because of the angle they're standing at.

>they're all just the same drawings
I can say this about all animation

Where batman the animated series?

The original BTAS was mostly animated by Asians

They're really lazy and the Korean animators don't get paid enough, and the creators lack any significant direction to actually do anything interesting. Something like Invader Zim looks better and even with its numerous errors is animated far better than any Western cartoon today.

That's not fair

Most current american cartoons are animated by gooks.
So what's the actual point of that Twitter image?

thats "be cool! Scooby doo"
the artstyle was ass but i heard the actual show wasnt half had

>america outsources all of its american animation, i don't see a problem with this
Is this really your defense

Boondocks was pretty good.


Found the tranny.

Storyboarders are a boring mess of human beings

Steven Universe is cancer

maybe he just got lost at the soup store looking for clothes?

good thread

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>27 years

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Would you care to explain your reasoning or is this an npc 'Orange man bad' situation?

Why is everyone fat in this cartoon?

Relating to their audience.

Body positivity. Slimness is unhealthy

What am I defending against? What is his argument?

>9847 days
>26 years
>yeah steam was really fucking popular in 1993

Killl yourself JustPassingThrough.

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kys tranny

Obesity is "normal weight" in america




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I think his house set on fire m8

and it's beautiful

>Friend hasn't logged on in two years
>Suddenly back and stronger than ever

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but Pearl

How does he do it.

I literally never seen this show because of the artstyle

He posts the images himself

Years later and I still don't understand the point of this image

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