You bastards told me to play on hard the first time round but it was too fucking hard now I have to restart the game ;_;

You bastards told me to play on hard the first time round but it was too fucking hard now I have to restart the game ;_;

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Git gud?

>now I have to restart the game
I'm not entirely sure if it's even possible to play yourself into the corner, even if you waste all of your ammo on purpose. Because the boss arena have some lying around, and I have a feeling it's JUST enough to beat the boss.
In any case, you can always just reload your last save, or the save before the last. Even on HC you have multiple saves, even if you're shooting for S+ rank.

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ink ribbons are less of a problem than scrounging around for some fucking health, goddamn. still fun, though

You don't need to scrounge around for health if you don't take damage.
You don't take damage if you avoid combat. Or just kill everything in your way.

Do you base everything you do on the advice of anonymous strangers?

I played through this on normal mode 4 times getting 1st and 2nd runs for both Leon and Claire, then I got an S rank.

If you're going to play hard mode op, you should get an S rank on normal first, the samurai edge with infinite ammo will be your best friend and if you discard it for anything else, you will be legally retarded.

Re3make when?
How many threads will complain about Jill’s face?

Practice makes perfect user. Take people's advice and remember that you're not playing RE4. All it takes for Hard to become manageable is being able to act according to said advice.

Suck it OP
Normal mode is how it is meant to be played

It's not that I was running out of ammo it's just I kept dying and it basically wasn't fun

What do you keep dying to?

>shoot zombies in the legs
>don't waste ammo on stuff you can avoid
>win game
It isn't hard op

and i’d like them bitches to stay dead, but they take a bajillion bullets to the head before finally blowing up

it's not the zombies you should be worrying about, it's THOSE FUCKING LICKERS! GODDAMMIT!

Git gud fag

Fucking hell im playing normal it feels too easy now

Just walk nigga.

You should never be worried about the lickers, because you never actually fight them, and they're super easy to avoid.
The regular zombies are by far the most dangerous and annoying enemy with their guaranteed auto-grab that homes in on you from every direction, as long as you walk into its effective radius.

>Wasting a single bullet on lickers

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Just slow walk around them without touching. I killed 2 of them on my first run.

Eh, sometimes it's worth it, to speed things up when you're going for S+ rank.
Claire oneshots lickers with fire grenades on hardcore.

RE newfag here. how come Claire gets the better weapons

This Tried walking silently they still rape me

>slow walk
Doesn't even have to be the slow walk. There's no difference between walking slowly or walking normally as far as lickers are concerned, except normal walk is faster. As long as you're not sprinting they won't attack. But they still hear you even if you walk very slowly and start moving in you direction. So it's better to just walk past them asap.


Just avoid fighting unless absolutely necessary.
Lickers you can just walk past. In case you really need to fight them, use the magnum as Leon, or grenade launcher as Claire, since they stunlock them, unlike the shotgun. Also, I've heard the knife does too, if you approach one from behind, but haven't tried that myself.
Regular zombies you don't have to knock down on the ground or delimb in order to get past them. A shot that flinches them is enough to disable their grab for a couple of seconds, enabling you to run past them.

She's a girl.

was it like that in the original, too?

it called easy mode, girl are always easy mode

No idea, didn't play it.

>hardcore too hard
>but does away with the need to save constantly and ruin immersion

A dilemma

>Claire's weapons
>Better than Leon's

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>save constantly
You don't need to save constantly.

Also how the fuck am I meant to know the initials for the dial locks?

There are notes with the combinations on them, look around the enviroment

The shooting in this game is so good

that’s okay

it certainly felt like it, i don’t know. maybe i was just more comfortable with the map layout after having my ass handed to me on Leon A my first run-through, though i know that can’t be the case because Claire’s launcher does wonders to those plantfuckers

look up a guide

what the hell are you talking about normal has autosave up the wazoo

They absolutely are. Except the rocket launcher vs minigun, but that's hardly a concern at the point of the game when you get access to those.

The grenade launcher is way better than a fucking shotgun and the taser is way better than the meme flamethrower

There are actually nameplates on the tables next to Leon's. They aren't in any notes you can interact with.

It's a note that gives you the clue to look for nameplates though

I never even used the taser
And i missed the flamethrower entirely on my first ever run which was also on hardcore

>the taser is way better than the meme flamethrower
Actually, I'll have to disagree on that one, even though I think Claire's weapons are better in general.
It felt like the bosses are more vulnerable to fire than shock. Like you can't easily incapacitate G2 with the taser, like you can with the flamethrower. It's better to just use the fire grenades on him, which brings us back to the original point though. Grenade launcher is godlike.

The bosses are scripted to die once you completely run out of ammo. Even if you can't shoot for shit.

Read the notes that tell you the codes?

OP here, I'm finding normal very easy but also a lot more fun. I've done in 20 minutes what it took me hours to achieve on hardcore.

From what I've heard it's a short game so maybe after I marathon normal I might give hardcore another shot

Don't they also have more health based on the amount of ammo you have or something?
I really dislike the way they handled the bosses.

The taser, especially the powered one is very effective on plant monsters in the lab.

Got tired with X and uninstalled the game. Wish RE was just zombies instead of all the monster shit

As in on yourself or in total? I can hardly believe that. Wouldn't you be able to cheese bosses by just going into the fight with just a knife and slashing them once?

>on the ivy zombies
Dude, just burst a bulb and run past them. Don't even need to aim with the SMG.

Gonna need a source or video that corroborates this.

Resident Evil was never just about zombies.

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That’s just boring though

lmao retard

He's talking shit, They have less health if you low on ammo, but if you run out without killing the boss it just spawns 9mm/.45 in the arena for you to use.

I know which is why it's so boring

Even if this is a survival horror the fun is still killing monsters more than run from them.

That's what I thought. Because if what he said was true you could just unload all your ammo into a wall and the boss would drop over dead.

It's about conserving your ammo with well placed pistol shots like a boss

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That's by far the most tasteless post I've red on Yea Forums today. And I read people defending Frontier monster designs daily.

Well, killing ivies is not fun, it's a chore.
Neither is running out of ammo. Although that hardly happens even on HC.

I mean monster fights could be fun but I've never seen any game do it the right way. It's always shoot the big eye and stupid shit like that

That's because you've experienced a much harsher situation and are now stronger for it.

What the hell kind of reasoning is this? That’s like saying Mario would be better if the only enemies were Goombas.

It's infinitely better than the very concept of a zombie enemy in video games. Just a shambling human body, lots of them, all the same, all absolutely not fun to fight. Zombies are the fast food of enemy design.
A virus that spices up generic zombies by turning them inside out and turning them in licker monsters is a good twist on the stale formula. And especially the G-virus that mutates, regenerates and adapts at such amazing rate that a human host soon becomes completely unrecognizable mass of flesh, teeth and claws.

In the original Claire got a crossbow and a grenade launcher. Grenade launcher had 3 different types of ammo. Flame, acid, and normal explosive.
Crossbow would shoot 3 bolts at a time that had a spread to them.
Leon got a magnum and a shotgun that could be upgraded once.

>shoot zombie 7 times in the head
>it still gets up
What is this? Yakuza?

What are you talking about the shotty gets multiple upgrades

no, zombies

>Zombies are the fast food of enemy design
Kind of but no one has ever done a true zombie survival game where resources actually matters
>and turning them in licker monsters is a good twist on the stale formula
Monsters are a dime a dozen in games

So when I first played this I went to hardcore thinking it would be pretty much like the original just prettier.
This is not the case and I went down to normal still struggling with the game trying to play it like I would the original. But the game is asking for different things. It wants you to play smarter and not just have better aim and inventory management skills. Not just memorize enemy placements in each canned room.

The absolute foundational building block to making this game easier on yourself is to shoot zombies in the leg. Do it until they are knocked down. You can then go and knife them to death or just run around them. If you blasted off their leg that is even better.
I would say you can save your bigger guns for things like lickers and it's entirely ok to kill them for your peace of mind.

I would recommend running through assisted mode and getting the first S rank there. This will unlock the infinite knife which is all you really need to make hardcore fun.

State of Decay?

It's final form is that it has slightly more capacity and reduced spread (so better range). Those were two separate upgrades?