Leave Sephiroth to me

Leave Sephiroth to me

Attached: Tifa-ffvii-guide-masamune.png (240x240, 33K)

>leave Red XII, Barrett, Vincent, Don Corneo and the bar customers to me

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Leave Diamond Weapon to me.

Attached: Tifa.webm (639x458, 984K)

Did they fix her yet?

how did Tifa not die getting slashed and falling down all of those stairs?

That superhero guy with the cape saved her.

her big breast suspender bra protected her

>Leave Boco to me

I've never played a final fantasy game

Masamune only kills inferior waifus.


Attached: tifa4.jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

Big frontal protection saved her form the sword. She got lucky with the stairs.


Sephiroth was helping Cloud the entire time. He spared clouds crush and killed the girl that was getting in the way.
He cared about Cloud.

hisashiburi da na, kuroudo

Attached: hisashiburi.jpg (720x480, 30K)

This. Having two girls in your circle of friends into you is one of the worst things that could happen, specially if they are friends with each other. It's very likely you'll end up with none.

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Thats not from the remake is it? Plz.

did you miss all the trailers and shit or what dude

Attached: tail_laser.webm (822x664, 2.83M)

>original Sephiroth: high-cheekbones, aristocratic face
>nu-Sephiroth: k-pop bishounen face

Considering the whole slashing matter, wouldn't that mean Tifa should have a fuckhuge scar on her front? At least over her chest? You don't just casually heal out a slash big enough to send you fucking flying down a set of stairs.

close enough

Attached: Sephiroth-ffvii-fmv-altar.png (500x350, 223K)

Pretty much this.

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22 years and Tifa is still the best

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Maybe Sephiroth just struck her with the blunt side of his sword?

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well canonically we have never seen her without her shirt so she could have one like pic related

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